PAGE TEN Beaumont The Beaumont Little League split last week’s games with Auburn Center by losing away and winning at home. This week's schedule found Mehoopany here Tuesday and Beaumont at Mehoopany tonight. Then, too, Beaumont will be at Noxen Monday, July 20. Mrs. Mary Kibbler is attending the Seventh Day Adventist Camp Meeting at Allentown. Mrs. Louisa Nieman, accom- panied by her mother, Mrs. Mary Douris, was a recent visitor at Red Rock Bible Conference. Mrs. Daisy Fillmore of Scranton is with Mrs. Addie Austin for a few weeks. Susan Hadsall, Shirley Denmon, Beverly Denmon, Gail Jones and Jacklyn Clark joined Ruth Rifen- bery, Irma Sickler and Joyce Jones at camp at Bracknay, Pa. Now that Mrs. Charles Hilbert is well again she claims her re: covery was speeded by the many kindnesses of her friends and neighbors to whom she is very grateful. Miss Mary Ann Johnson, daugh- ter of the Warren Johnsons, cele- brated her sixth birthday with a party at Uncle Bill's (William Lew- is’s) cottage at Harveys Lake and her brother Robert celebrated his fifth birthday with a lawn party at Grandpa Earl's and Gramma Dot's (Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnson.) Mrs. Heber Belles is visiting her daughters and their families at Fairfax, Va. Joyce Smith, daughter of the Franklin Smiths, is with her aunt, Mrs. John Smith at Hatboro, Pa. The L. B. Hilberts Jr. and the Conrad Hilberts of Washington, N. J., were here last weekend to see Kenneth Denmon before he leaves for his base at Long Beach, Calif., where he has been promoted to radio man first class on the U. S. S. Menard. The L. B. Hilberts Sr. had a fam- ily “dinner in Kenneth’s honor while the above were here. Mrs. Emory Straley has returned from a ten-day visit to Chanute Field, Ill, where her son Carl is with the Air Force. Sunday School Speaker William Davis, ‘Shaver Avenue, Shavertown, will be guest speaker at the meeting lof Intermediate and Adult departments of Shavertown Methodist (Church ‘Sunday morning at 9:45. Ambulance Corps Kingston Township Ambulance Corps will meet Monday night at 8 at the Fire Hall, All forty mem- bers are urged to be present as im- portant business is to be discussed. Baby Is Victim Of Drowning Hunlock Creek Child Is Buried Tuesday Little Mary Hassaj, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hassaj, Moon Lake, was buried in the parish cemetery, Dallas, Tuesday morning, after an Angel Mass at Sacred Heart Slovak Church. Mary, eighteen months old, drowned Saturday night in a tub of water in her own yard, where she had stopped to paddle while the rest of the family, just back from a dip in the lake, went up- stairs to change from bathing suits to dry clothing. ‘Artificial respiration adminis- tered by Dr. Rudolph Martin, sum- mer resident from Nanticoke at Lake Silkworth, and Russell Thom- as and Richard Morgan, Lehman Township police, proved futile. The child was pronounced dead of shock and drowning by Alfred Bronson, deputy coroner. The baby was one of six children. The parents operate a farm on Hun- lock Creek R. D. 2, not far from Lake Silkworth. Birthday Dinner At Lake Catalpa Mr. and Mrs. William Eckert, Lake Catalpa, entertained Sunday afternoon at a cooperative picnic dinner for Mr, Eckert’s sister, Mar- guerite Eckert, Guests were: Mrs. L. E. Hutchins, Fort Johnson, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley (Culp, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Culp, Mrs. Charlotte Ashton and Sandra, Huntsville; Mrs, Naomi Earl and son, Paul, Mr, and Mrs. Daniel Schramm and daughter, Nancy Jane, Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Walter, (Charles and Jerry, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Earl and Kathy, all of Kings- ton; Mr, and Mrs. Paul Eckert and son, Lee; Mr. and Mrs, Paul Smith and son, Billy, Mr. and Mrs. Henry VianHorn, Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Reese and Jimmie, Shavertown; ian Parsons, Kunkle, To Hold Bake Sales Altar and Rosary Society of Gate of Heaven Church, will hold bake sales on Sunday following the 7:30, the 9:00 and the 11:00 a.m. mass- es. Mrs. Lewis Vitale, Mrs. Edward Raub and Mrs. Joseph Chisko are in charge of Band 5, Mrs. Frank McGarry and Mrs. Henry Mastal- ski, Band 6 and Mrs. William Was- ser and Mrs. John Polachek Ur. Band 4. Sweet Valley Mr, and Mrs, Charles Masters at- tended the wedding of Beverly Johnson and Charles Walters in Shickishinny aft the Methodist Church last [Saturday morning. Mr, and Mrs. Ellwood Matthews and son, Barry; Mrs. George Mat- thews and Carl, and Mrs. Ella Mor- gan, all of Wilkes-Barre; (Connie Paul, Pikes (Creek; Mr, and [Mrs. Wesley Freeman, were callers at the home of Bess Klinetob Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Monema Eveland, Berwick, returned to her home after spend- ing a week with her nephew, Rus- sell Kitchen and family. Many visitors from Sweet Val- ley attended the Dallas Library Auction last weekend. Mr. and Mus, (Charles Long and family, with Mrs, Long's mother, Mrs. Nettie Post, held a picnic supper at Lake Jean Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs, Lewis Mulligan, Washington, D. C. spent a few [days last week with Mr, and Mrs. Charles Masters. The cosmetic demonstration at the home of Mrs. Dayton Long at- tracted a number of residents, among (them Mesdames Joseph Thomas, William [Smith, Edgar Cragle, !Charles Steinrock, Richard Whitesell, Charles Long, Joseph Battisson, Loren Cragle, Wesley Freeman, and Misses Retta Birth, Gertrude |Cragle, Lenora Whitesell, and Bess Klinetob. Friends and neighbors extend sympathy to Albert Holcomb for the death of his wife, and to the family. YMCA Da-Camp Holds Costume Parade Shavertown was witness to an unscheduled parade on Friday morn- ing when the YMCA Da-Camp held a ‘costume parade through (the main streets, Many people thought a cir- cus had arrived over night, when they looked out of {their homes and saw this splendid costume parade. [Some of the costumes were as follows: a walking grocery store, devil's suit, a little old lady, a scare crow, an angel, and a mon key. Winning first prize for the most original was [David (Austin, dressed as a store counter. Second prize went to Sue Anderson in an ange] dress. The Da-{Camp will hold another parade during the second week period which started son Monday, July 13. [Campers may still register for the last two week period start- ing on July 27. T 80 x 123 landscaped and planted. Patio and outside fireplace. Lot 2 X and AMERICAN STORES Oy A new 1953 Mercury each week absolutely free for 7 CORRECT SCORES. |Nothing to write, Here are the’. 1. rules of the Big ; Acme $111,000.00 * , Basehall a Sweepstakes! BOSCUL COFFEE Regular or Drip - 89¢ That Good cup of Coffee 1953 —-A wonderful car and a sensational prize — you may win. SCORES E ate for tional Le Before being eligible for prizes, you fill out the stub attached to the 8 Cord and deposit it at the Amef Acme Market where it was first o] enticity, hem to eposited d give tuiday Each card may be used only for fied thereon. Duplicate prizes in case of ties, ex sulting from typographical errors. Relatives and employees of American® pany and Acme Markets and their advertising agency are no! eligible for prizes. Contesi sub. | ject to all Federal, State and Local regulations SCORE CARDS LIMITED TO ADULTS ONLY. | ly filled rse side Tuesday iy (Date