Se prior ———————————————————— W Here are some of your friends who worked last year for the Lib- rary Auction and who are again Da-Camp Registration To Be Held On Monday Back Mountain Branch Town and Country YMCA will hold registra- tions for its 1953 Da-Camp on Mon- day from 9 to 4:30. The Da-Camp will be held on Mondays, Wednes- days and Fridays for a period of six weeks, Miss Elizabeth Badman of Plymouth will be the girls’ in- structor, Miss Badman is a gradu- ate of Plymouth High School and Wilkes College where she gradu- ated with a BS degree in education. She has been a worker with young people. Miss Badman who is a third grade teacher will also lead both boys and girls in story telling classes as well as the singing. Regis~ trations may be made either at the YMCA Headquarters building on Monday; by mailing registrations to Back Mountain Branch Town and Country YMCA, Dallas or phoning Wilkes-Barre 3-2191. Local Women Attend Binghamton Event Local women who attended an invitation golf tournament in Bing- hamton on Tuesday are Mrs. C. Russell Havey, captain of Irem Women Golfers; Mrs, (Charles Whea- ton Lee, Mrs, Paul Gross, Mrs. David Davis, Mrs. Frank H. Wagner, Mrs. George Montgomery, Mrs, William Woolbert and Sally Strayer. ‘Sixteen, women golfers from the region at- tended, and ten prizes were gained, winners including Mrs, Lee, Mrs. Davis and Sally Strayer. Mrs. Havey, Mrs. Montgomery, Mrs. Woolbert and Mrs, Wagner went to Allentown on Thursday, attending an invitation tournament at the Lehigh Country Club. Cemetery Association Lehman (Center Cemetery Associ- ation will meet Tuesday evening at 8 in Lehman Methodist Church. All lot-holders are urged 'to be present. of all previous auctions, The com- To Hold Garden Party On Frank Martz Lawn [Sixth annual garden party of the Ella Moore Memorial Bible (Class of the East Dalias Methodist Church will be held Thursday, July 16 at 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Frank Martz. Mrs. Thomas Heslop is general chairman. [Committees are: Refresh- ments, Meslames Jeannette Dick- inson, Ben Brace, [Fred Hughey, Ralph Misson, Fred Lamoreaux, Margaret ‘Weiss, Robert Fowler, Ted Wilson, Louise Jones, George Sny- der, ‘Alex Cook, Myra Carlin; Tic- kets, Frank Wagner; Patrons, Mes- dames Wilson Ryman, chairman, Harry Martin, Thomas Moore, Al- fred Moore, Stanley Moore; Chairs, Mesdames Wilmer Evans, chairman, ICar] Gries, Russell [Siley; Tea, Mrs. Bert Brace and Mrs. Harry Howell. For Six Weeks doors for six weeks, following to- day’s operation. Business will be as usual today, 2-4 and 7-9 PM, under chairmanship of Mrs, W. B. Allen. All garments have been reduced 25% to clear, and there are many seasonable things on hand to help the summer shopper. Boys’ sport clothes are especially featured, and there are two lovely formals, size twelve, one ice-blue nylon met and one white crepe, just right for sum- mer dances. The shop will open again for the fall season in mid-August, well in advance of school needs. Alderson Cancels Alderson Methodist Church an- nounces cancellation of the straw- berry social advertised for Satur- day night, The group now plans a raspberry and ice-cream social early in July, the date to be an- nounced. GREGORY BLDG. 5 Main St., Dallas. ’ ‘PuONE 4-4506 EVES: Tues., Wed, Fri. 7-8:30 Eyes Examined © Quality SIMON LONG B : 54 S. Main St., W.-B. Puone 3-3794 DAILY 9:30 - 5 P.M. EVES. BY APPT. Glasses ® Optical Repairs Red Ash, Cinders, Stove BERTI Franklin St., Dallas Wood, Fireplace Logs or & SON Phone 4-7396 merchandise for the Antiques Table. Hall's Add Two Girls For Summer Natalie Romani, who graduates next year from Philadelphia Col- lege of Pharmacy is spending her third summer at Hall's Pharmacy. To qualify for her [State Board ex- aminations it is necessary for her to put in a required number of weeks of practical experience. Nat- alie was May Queen at her college this year. Also added to the staff for the summer months is Caroline Mal- kemes, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Ray Malkemes of Shavertown. Caroline will be a senior next sem- ester at Westmoreland, Rabbit Breeder To Demonstrate Tommy Andrew, Shavertown, will demonstrate ‘dressing out of rabbits at [Pennsylvania State College at the annual short course in rabbit raising, showing the fastest method of cutting and packaging for retail trade and for freezing. He will dress out forty rabbits, the meat designed for the Saturday farewell luncheon which concludes the course for 200 breeders of rabbits. Thursday afternoon Tommy will talk on problems of selling, how to make rabbit-raising pay, and in- telligent use of by-products from fur to fertilizer, Mr. Andrew has been in business for mine years, keeping a popula- tion of 200-250 rabbits alt the T- Bar-A Rabbitry, and buying from local Back Mountain breeders for frozen rabbit meat. There are thirty-five women on the committee each of whom is pledged to bring in or give six antiques. Woman's Service Club Meets At Lake School Harveys Lake Woman's Service Club met at the Lake-Noxen High School last Thursday for the last meeting until [September 3. Mrs. Elwood Whitesell presided at a short [business meeting. Reports were given by officers present. Mrs, Edgar Hughes Sr. had charge of the program and presented the “Barbarettes,” Mrs. Daisy Hughes, Mrs. Mildred Houghney, Mrs. Ruth Kelleder and Mrs. Edith Millard of Plymouth, who entertained with a delightful song program. Present were: Mesdames Elwood Davis, Richard Williams, Burton King, Otis (Allen, George IC. Bray, Hattie Wesley, Harvey Kitchen, H. E. Payne, Earl Payne, Arthur Eng- ler, Fred Swanson, George Kanarr, Harry B. Allen, Daniel Smith, Carl Schreiner Jn, John Stenger 3rd., Merrel Burnett, Joseph Rauch, Don- ald D, [Smith, Walbridge Leinthall, Wilfred Ide, Edgar Y. Engelman, ‘William [Deets, John Schappert, Frank Bialogowicz, Malcolm Nelson, Stephen Hartman, Calvin McHose, Jchn Zorzi Jr., George Searfoss, Fuller Ashton, Albert Armitage; Jessie Armitage and Donna Smith. Teen Club Disbands Teen Club of Back Mountain Town and Country YMCA has dis- continued its Thursday night meet- ings and dances for tthe summer. Dance Thursday might, The [Club will resume its regular feetings in early September. n J ———— American and TELEVISION < wv ood ad pom oe = Se od ae ®