PAGE FOUR Purely Mr, and Mrs. Harold Meadway, Meadowcrest, Trucksville, have an- nounced the birth of a son alt Nes- bitt Hospital, May 31. Mrs, T. M. B. Hicks, Pioneer Ave- nue, spent the weekend in Hern- don, Va,, visiting her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Mart Harding and family. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Scureman, and Murray Jr., Kingston, formerly of Dallas, have taken a cottage in the Poconos for the summer months. Sandy Risley is spending the summer with them. : Nancy Heffernan, bride-elect, was guest of honor at a supper given by Mrs. Peter (Clark, Barbara and Mrs. John Phillips Thursday. Nancy will marry Heinz Valtin at her home in Lehman today. . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morris, Huntsville, Ala., are spending the week as guests of the former’s sis- ter, Mrs. (Carrie (Caperoon, Fir Franklin Street, Dallas, Mrs. Philip Ritter, Franklin [Street, is spending some time at Rochester, N. Y. visiting Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Carey. Mrs. Morton Connolly has re- turned to her home at Lehman after spending three weeks visiting her sister at Fort Lauderdale, and her brother at Miami, Fla. Wardan Kunkle who has been a patient at Nesbitt Hospital for sev- eral weeks as a result of a heart attack, returned to his home on Machell Avenue Monday. Jack Pisner who is employed in Washington, D. C., spent the week- end visiting his parents on Hunts- ville Road. Mrs. Claude Shaver has been ill at her home on Woodlawn Drive. Mrs. John Hunter and Mr. and Mrs. Park [Sickler of Providence, R I, will spend the weekend visiting Mrs. H. H. Zeiser and Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Risley, Huntsville Road. Mr. and Mrs. John Nash and family, formerly of Parrish Street, Dallas, have moved to 3117 Tees- dale Street, Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. John Bush and daughter Betsy of Church Street, have returned after spending a few days at Chalfonte Haddon Hall, At- lantic City. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. John E. Freeman Jr. Penn Wynne, Wynnewood, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. William Powell and daughter, Kyle, have moved from Syracuse, N. Y. to Franklin Street, Shavertown. Mr. and Mrs. Hobert C. Jeter, formerly of Bear Creek, have pur- chased and moved into a home on Pioneer Avenue. Hobert is son of Mr. and Mrs. John Jeter, long time residents of Dallas. Mrs. Emil Casterline and children have moved into an apartment on Main Street, Dallas. Mr. Casterline is with the U. S. Army in Japan. Mr. and Mrs. William Coughlin, formerly of Pittsburgh, have pur- Whitesell homes at Oak Hill. Dilys Rowlands who has been a patient at Nesbitt Hospital for sev- eral weeks returned to her home in Trucksville Sunday. She expects to leave for Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre, when she isable to be moved. Paul Sedler who works in Balti- more, Md., spent the weekend visit- ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ste- phen Sedler, Mill Street. Mr. and Mrs. Roswell Rupp of Lansdowne, Pa., have moved to Par- rish Street, Dallas, where they pur- chased a home. Mr, Rupp is a re- tired Pennsylvania Railroad em- ployee. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schaller, Ruggles Road, Harveys Lake, have announced the birth of a baby girl at General Hospital June 8. Mrs. Harry F. Goeringer Jr., Shavertown, recently entertained at a shower honoring Lois Goerin- ger, bride-elect. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Steinhauer, Pioneer Avenue, Shavertown, cele- brated their thirty-fourth wedding anniversary with a dinner at Pre- no’s Restaurant, Scranton, last - Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stoss and Russell Jr. and Nancy have re- turned to their home in Buffalo, N. Y. after spending a two week vacation with Mrs. Stoss’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Redmond of East Dallas. Nancy had the measles while she was here. Mr. Stoss is a Greyhound bus driver out of Buf- falo. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stoss, Cen- termoreland, have announced the birth of a baby boy at General Hospital June 2. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Misson, Main Street, Shavertown, had as recent guests the latter's sons and families, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pritchard and Joyce of Whitney, N. Y., Mr. and Mrs. Allen Pritchard of East Orange, N. J. and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pritchard and Beth Ann of Endicott, N. Y. Mrs. Misson who has been ill for the past four weeks, is able to be out again. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Owen, for- merly of Shavertown, are now liv- ing on Maple Street, Trucksville. Mr. Owen is electrician at the Bos- ton Colliery. Mr. and Mrs. Gershwin Hoyt, for- merly of Beaumont, have moved to Goodleigh Farms where Mr. Hoyt is employed as a farmer. Chairman Of Ball Mrs. Robert Moore, Baldwin Street, and Mrs. Donald Davis, Tunkhannock, are co-chairmen of the Coronation Ball to be given by the Dallas Junior - Woman's Club and, the. Tunkhannock Woman's Club at Irem Temple Country Club June 19 from 10 until 1 p.m. Teddy Dome’s orchestra will play. Other committee chairmen: res- ervations, Mrs. Milford Kintner, Mrs. John Richards; reception, Mrs. Charles Mahler. Mrs. Windfield Holland; decora:ions, Mrs. Ralph Garris; publicity, Mrs. Robert Gar- ris, Mrs. Vernor: VanDyke; orches- tra, Mrs. James (Strunk. Reservations can be made with Mrs. John Richards, Mrs. Harry Lefko, or Mrs. Charles Nicol, Jr. Jessie Armitage, Guest At Graduation Party Mr. and Mrs, (Albert Armitage and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rauch entertained at a graduation party honoring Jessie Armitage Tuesday evening at the home of her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs, Harman Gar- inger. Jessie was graduated from Lake-Noxen High School Tuesday night with honors, She received many lovely gifts and wishes to thank all who were so kind to her. Present were: Mr, and Mrs. Fred Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ryder, Elwood Armitage, Kingston; Mr. and Mrs. P, F. Armitage, Wilkes- Barre; Mr. and Mrs, George Brodi, Francis of Larksville; Mr. and Mrs. Z, E. Garinger, Dallas; Mr.-and Mrs. Raymond Garinger, Lina [Gariner, Mr. and Mrs, Stephen Hartman, radley Rauch, [Lloyd Garinger, Harveys Lake; Bill Williams, Noxen. Jessie will enter Nesbitt Hospital as a student nurse September 8. Antique Doll House For Library Auction A fifty year old doll house, gift of Mrs. Fred Howell, is being re- decorated, painted and furnished by Mrs. Dwight Fisher and will be chanced off at the Library Auction, | July 10 and 11. The house, built by Mrs. How- ell’s father, has six rooms. Drapes, bed spreads and furnishings were made by Mrs. Howell, Mrs. Fisher and Mrs. A. D. Hutchison. Any one having miniature fur- niture that they would like to do- nate, should contact one of the above. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilkins and daughter, Nancy, Lehman Avenue, spent the weekend at Drexel Hill visiting their son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilkins Jr., who moved to Jacksonville, Fla., this week. Nancy went with them for a visit. Emory Kleigling has returned from University of Pennsylvania hospital to his home in Trucksville. Mrs. Edward Richards, Trucks- ville, is a patient at General Hos- pital. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Swanson and sons, Miami, Fla., spent the week- end with the latter's aunt, Mrs. Alice Race of Harveys Lake. Ill at their homes in Trucksville are Mrs. Arthur Gensel, James Trebilcox, Albert Williams, Harry Harding Sr. and Elizabeth Warden. Mr. and Mrs. Aldo Letizi, for- merly of Nanticoke, have moved to Trucksville R. D. Tap Dancing Classes Boys and girls, “tap” your way through the sum- mer by tap dancing at the Back Mountain “Y’’. Regis- tration June 20, 9 to 12 noon at Back Mountain “Y” Building, Shavertown. Classes start June 27, con- tinuing for 10 weeks, each Saturday morning for forty- five minutes. Miss Jean Weir, 96 Third Ave., Kings- ton, will instruct. Complete cost — $5.00 ten lessons. Mail reservation fee of $1 to Back Mountain “Y”’, Dal- las, Pa., and be sure of a place. Nis vin a LL ay TRS Martin Snyders Have Lucky Break As Plane. Crashes In Landing Mr. and Mrs. Martin C. Sny- der, former . Noxen residents, now of South Bend, Ind., are spending two weeks with Mr. Snyder’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin W. Snyder, at Noxen. The Snyders are on a forced vacation as a result of a plane crash in which Martin broke a leg and lost some front teeth, and his wife suffered minor knee injuries. Piloting his own plane, Mar- tin was caught in a hail storm above the clouds and, after vainly attempting for two hours to reach an airport, was forced to land in a vacant field. The plane was complete- ly demolished. Asked if he'd ever fly again, he replied with a quick “You bet. But never again without first buckling my safety belt. We wouldn't have been hurt at all if we hadn't been thrown from our seats! The Snyders have been at South Bend for the past four years where Martin is employed by the Bendix Corporation. Kiwanis Women Hear Columnist Cynthia Cabot Speaks On European Fashions Many women of the Back Moun- tain area and surrounding commun- ities gathered Wednesday after- noon at Trem Temple Country Club to hear |Cynthia (Cabot, [Philadel- phia fashion expert and columnist, address the Second ‘Annual lunch- eon of Wyoming Valley Kiwanis Women's (Clubs. Miss Cabot, spoke chiefly on the European fashion centers, [She ad- mired to a great degree thé crea- tions of Italian and French design- ers, stating that the Italians con- tributed much artistry and color, with the French excelling in de- sign. Fashions start at the top and gradually reach the lower brackets. Americans, she remarked, are for- tunate with their ready to wear industry, which enables all classes to dress well within their income range. In contrast, there are only the very rich and very [poor classes in France and the latter must either make poor garments, or hire some seamstress to fashion (clothing for them. It was also astounding to hear that although the American dollar is eagerly sought after to help French economy, no imports from’ our factories are allowed there. Procedures of [fashion showings were interpreted by the speaker. Models usually ascend a large stair- case and whisk rapidly past specta- tors so ‘that mo creations can be copied before the new fashions are announced. ‘American girls are much preferred as models, their slim, tall figures displaying the latest fashions to much greater advantage [than the tiny waists and wide hips of the French girls. Welcome was given by Mrs, Don- ald Harris, president of Dallas Ki- wanis Women’s Club, which acted as host. She introduced Mrs. Mit- chell Jenkins, [program chairman who presented the speaker. Also introduced Were presidents of Wilkes-Barre, Kingston, Forty Fort and Nanticoke Clubs. Tables were most attractive with baskets of spring flowers and gold and white dolls. Attending from the Back Moun- tain area were: Mesdames Robert Griffiths, John Henninger, George Montgomery, Fredric W. Anderson, Alva Eggleston, Kenneth Rice, Rob- ert Dolbear, Ralph Dixon, ‘Charles Herman, Jack Barnes, Robert Ma- turi, Thomas Black, Sam Thomp- son, J. S. Wilson, C. A. Miller, Charles 'W., Lee, Roscoe (Smith, Karl Loucks, Delbert McGuire, Albert T. Glahn, Roger Owen, Franklin Gager, Robert Rearick, Harold Flack, Frank Werner, Mary Wright, William Wright, Paul Kautz, [Clyde (Cooper, W. W. Thomas, William Guyette, Mitchell Jenkins, David Joseph, O. L. Travis, Donald Harris, Sherman Harter, R. EH. Neal, Roy Troxell, Harry Swepston, Jr., (Charles Flack, Misses Alice Boyle and Sally Stray- er. Attend Convention At Bedford Springs Esther Saxe, member of the fac- ulty of Westmoreland High iSchool and State Legislative (Chairman of the Delta Kappa Gamma Scciety, attended the society convention at Bedford (Spring, Pa., last [Saturday. Mildred Garinger of Harveys Lake and Emily Goldsmith of Dallas Township also attended. Speaker of the session was (Clara Cockerill] who chose as her subject “Adverturing With Women!” Pearl Buck was initiated as an (honorary member at the meeting, & Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Hinerdeer engagement of their daughter Doris I. to Joseph A. LeGrand, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis W, LeGrand of Dallas, Miss Hinerideer is a graduate of Millersville State Teachers (College. Her fiance, also a graduate of Mil- Mr. and Mrs. George Owen, Sr., Cliffside Avenue, Trucksville, an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Louise Eleanor, to Ray- mond Carl Haas, son of Henry Haas, Olyphant, R. D. Miss Owen is a graduate of Leh- man High School and is employed Harvey Moss, well known Hunts- ville farmer, celebrated his seventy- seventh birthday anniversary with open house at his home on Over- brook Road, Sunday. Born at Sweet Valley, he has farmed his entire life—first with his father on the homestead farm, then at Lehman, later at the Dor- rance Reynolds’ farm on Demunds Road and for the past forty-five years where he now lives. His wife, who died in 1948, was his right hand man. He has two children, Leland of Trucksville and Mrs. Elva War- mouth who now keeps house for lersville [State Teachers College is and LeGrand, Philadelphia. The wedding will take place in August and the ‘couple will reside in Ridley Township near Philadel- phia, where Miss Hinerdeer has ac- cepted a teaching position in the Ridley Township School District, at the Back Mountain Memorial Library. Mr. Haas is a veteran of World War 2 and the Korean con- flict. He is now employed by the Scranton Estate at Waverly. No date has been set for the wedding. him. There are four grandchildren, Richard Moss, Dale Warmouth, a member of the Senior Class at Wilkes College, Jon, who works at the Spaulding Bakery and Carl, the farmer of the family, who helps his Granddad raise prize cabbages and cauliflower and market them in Wilkes-Barre at 4 o'clock in the morning. " He was very happy Sunday when members of the congregation at Huntsville Christian Church pre- sented him with a Bible as token of their esteem. Dropping in at the open house were: 147 Main St., Luzerne, Pa. It Call 7-2562 or Res. 7-7126 Margaret Kocher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Kocher of Machell Avenue, will Marry David J. Far- rell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Farrell of Black Heath, London, England, Saturday, August 1 at 10 a.m. Father Francis Kane will per- form the double ring ceremony. Mrs. Joseph Hughes, Jr., sister of the bride, Goss Manor, will be her only attendant. ] A reception will be held at Brokenshire’s at 2 p.m. Miss Kocher is a graduate of Dallas Borough High School and is employed by the Commonwealth Telephone Company. Mr. Farrell was educated in England and is serving with the U. S. Air Corps at Red Rock. The couple will reside on Pine- crest Avenue, Dallas. Templins Entertain At Family Supper Mr. and Mrs. R, J. W. Templin, Woodlawn Drive, Dallas, entertained for twenty-five members of the family at a buffet supper [Sunday night, Twelve other members were prevented by distance from partici- pating. Present were the host and hos- tess; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Temp- lin, Shirley. and Peggy, from Gir- ard, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Maxell and Bobby, Kingston; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eck, Jack, Marilyn, Dorothy ‘and Beverly; Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Templin, Bobby and Billy, Shavertown; Mr. and Mrs, Lewis Reese, Peggy, Dallas; anid Ralph and Fred Temp- lin, Baltimore. Mrs, H. L. Kennon, Atlanta, Ga., and Miss (Gertrude Proctor, Wood- bine, Ga., were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Asa Day, Street, Dallas, From Dallas they left Wednesday for New York City to take the Queen Mary for a six weeks tour of Europe. They will re- turn on the liner, United States the latter part of July, Miss Proc- tor is a former college roommate of Mrs. Day. My. and Mrs, Clarence Elston, Mr. and Mrs, Leland Moss, Richard Moss, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wolfe, Mrs. and Mrs. Ralph Miers, Mr, and Mrs, George Bulford, Gary and Ei- leen iers, Herbert Major, Elma Maj- or, Mildred Major, Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Harding and Roger, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. Emory Wolfe, Joan Esser, Larry Wolfe, Mrs. Eugene Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Milton [Cullp, Mrs. and Mrs, Charles Elston, Mr. and Mrs. George Lamoreaux, Barbara (Culp, Hannah (Culp, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Har- vey, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Harvey and son, Mrs, Giles Moore, Mr. and Mrg. Cecil Moore, Rev. and Mrs. Oscar Saxe, Jay, June, Joyce, Mary and Mona, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stroud, Carol, Dick, Donnie, Kathy, Allen, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Culp, Mrs. Walter Covert, Mrs, Gerald Frantz, Mr. and Mrs. Nesbitt Gar- inger, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Roberts, Addie Elston, Mrs. Maude (Shaver, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wolverton, Charles and Lorraine, Rev. and Mrs. C. H. Frick, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Davenport anid Terry, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kreidler, Richard, Mi and Mrs. Milton Perrego, Mrs. Elva Warmouth, Dale, Joan and Carl and the guest of honor, Entertainer Mrs. Ralph Smith, Book Club chairman for June, announges a reading of The White (Cliffs of Dover” by Mrs. Hilda Richards for Wednesday afternoon’s final meet- ing in Back Mountain, Memorial Library. A ‘brief business meeting will be held at two. Following the program, tea will be served by a committee headed by Mrs. (Clarence Laidler and Mrs. 'W, B: Jeter. Hostesses are Mesdames Fred Howell, John Hughes, James Hut- chison, A, D. Hutchison, George Jacobs, Mitchell Jenkins, Fred Jem- nings, Albert * Jones, Lloyd Kear, Raymond Kuhnert, James Lacy, Ornan Lamb, William Lamb, James Langdon, Misses Regina Klein and Miriam Lathrop. Mrs. Smith says this will be a particularly nice program for eniter- tainment of guests, and suggests that members invite a friend. Mrs. Richards is a well-known reader and active in, Little Theatre. It is her husband, J. Philip Rich- ards, who presented an art pro- gram last year at this time. Mrs. Richards has starred in such pro- ductions as “I Remember Mamma,” “Harvey,” and ‘Ladies in Retire- ment,” President of P. S. E. A. Esther Saxe, Westmoreland High School teacher, was elected presi- dent of the Dallas Borough-Kingston Township P. iS. E. A, at a meeting of faculty members held in the Borough Grade [Schiool last Thurs- PHARMACY CIGARS All Kinds Billfolds 9c to $15.00 PIPES Kaywoodie Yello-Bole Purex $1.00 to $10.00 ELECTRIC RAZORS Remington Sunbeam © Shick Main Highway CIGARETTE LIGHTERS $1.00 to $3.30 ® RAZOR SETS SHAVING BRUSHES PENS Sheaffer Waterman ° Esterbrook 24 HR. SERVICE Shavertown 2