meg be - an fe _PAGE TEN Dallas Legion went down to de- feat in a close scoring game with ‘Jenks on Sunday. ‘Graham, Jenks pitcher, with a record of 18 strike-outs, 3 walks, one hit and five wild pitches, al- lowed only five hits. Harry Grose for Dallas, allowed but four “hits in 7 1-3 innings, gave up two walks, one of them an in- tentional pass, until he tired in the 7th and was relieved by Sunny Martin. Sunny slipped in the mud field- ing an easy chance on the first man he faced and what normally would have been a routine out went for an infield hit, allowing the tying run to score. Smith, hitting for Sands, dropped ‘a little looper into right center to score Pilger and go ahead 5 to 4 winning tally. Bigelow fouled out to Taylor, and Shalato closed out the inning, Rob- erts to Taylor. Legionnaire hopes were still high when with one out in the 9th, Rob- erts came through with his second hit of the day. But hope faded just as quickly as Taylor flied out to center and Dick Searfoss grounded out short to first. Pat Salansky’s triple and steal home in the 6th was about all the Dallas boys had to crow about from the offensive side of the ledger. They played superbly and all in all it was a tough one to lose but by the same token it was a nice one for Tommie Gavic’s boys to win, DALLAS LEGION ABR H PO A Roberts, 2b '\. ....... 5-012 13+] Taylor, 1b... 50 1.70 Searfoss, ss. ............ 5.:0,i:0 dr 74 P. Salansky, 3b 3920.0 H. Brobst, If _ es DONQ ST 0) C. Brobst, If . 0 0.50 Willlams, cf™. ....-°4 00:6 0 Reege, yf... 0 3.0 0.00 Kitchen, rf’... 0 33020 0.0 T. Salansky, ¢ ....... 4:10:10 :3" 1 Grose, pi 2.:0:02"5 Martin, poo. 10:0 00 35 4.524 11 JENKS ABR HPO A P. Ballas, cf (...... = 3 10: 01 Jd. Brady, 2b... 4:1:1.2 D.i Patton, 'e:......... 31.218 D;: Pilger, ss... i C. Bigelow, 3b 4.0.0 5 Sands, vf 2::0.".0: 0 Smith, ~rf 0. 00 1.900.150 M. Bigelow, '1f 41910 Shalata, Ib ier 4700 1:1 Graham, pt... 3.2000 1. 31 %5.:.6'27 23 RHE Dallas’. nl, 000 001 030—4 5 1 Jenks i... 000 100 13x—5 6 1 Dallas Legion plays East Dallas next Sunday at East Dallas. Kingston Twp. Mrs. Cecil Poynton, Shaver Ave- nue, Shavertown, has returned from Tacoma Park, Md., where she vis- ited her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Nich- olas Davies, former residents of Shavertown. Skipper Davis, son of Mr. and Shavertown, has returned after be- ing a patient in the General Hos- pital. Mrs. Nellie Berkheiser, Trucks- ville, has returned after being a patient in the Nesbitt Hospital. Ann Woolbert, Trucksville, is ill at home. Albert , Williams, Jr., Lehigh Street, Trucksville, has returned to his home after being a patient" in the Nesbitt Hospital and University of Pennsylvania Hospital: Mrs. Wilbur Edmondson and sons, Ralph and Tommy, have returned to their home in Merrick, L. I, after spending two weeks at the home of Mrs. Edmondson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Handley, Main Street, Shavertown. James Trebilcox, Main Highway, Trucksville, is a patient in the Nesbitt Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lahr, Le- high Street, Trucksville, spent the weekend wisiting ‘the former's sis- ter in North Plainfield, N. J. Mrs. Margaret Handlos, Main Street, radars “is ill. at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Sulger and erville, spent the holiday weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Sulger, Main Street, Shavertown. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jones and daughter, Abbie Anne of New Jer- sey, spent the holiday weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Stock, and Mr. and Mrs. Shel- don Jones, Trucksville. Little League Scores MONDAY: Fernbrook 6, Carvoiton 1 Davis pitied for Fernbrook, no hits, fanned 11, walked 2. Ambrose for Carverton, 11 hits TUESDAY: Trucksville 1, Shavertown 0 Goodwin pitched for Trucks- ville, fanned 13, allowed 3 hits. ‘Stroud for Carverton, 1 hit, fanned 12, no errors. Last Week’s Scores: Jackson 11, Carverton 1 Shavertown 4, Fernbrook 1 Trucksville 6, Fernbrook 4 Postponed games will be held on Saturday: Jackson - Trucksville, 2 PM Jackson - Fernbrook, 4 PM Dallas - Shavertown, 6 PM Umpires not scheduled to work will please take charge of these games. Little League players who have been sending cards to Jimmie Kelly at the hospital are informed that he is now at home, Orchard Farm Road, and would appreciate cards and calls. = - Philip Straub Loses Father On Tuesday Phillip (Straub, Trucksville, lost his father, Philip (Straub, Sr., last Tuesday, when the elder Mr. [Straub was taken with a heart at- tack at 3:30, when leaving the shaft at ‘Woodward Colliery after finish- ing his day’s work. The funeral was held Saturday morning at 9 from the home in Kingston, followed by a requiem mass at St. Ignatius, and burial in St. Mary's Cemetery. NOOO OHONO Main Highway MONDAY—June 1st thru Saturday, June 6th KAYLAN STAINLESS STEEL TURNER FOR ONLY 4 0% - OR MORE = PIECE KAYLAN STAINLESS STEEL KITCHEN SET $1290 vai. For Only $3.00 with a purchase of $10.00 or more each week for seven weeks and coupon from your Coupon Book you may purchase Tool for 39c. FOR ONLY™ 27¢ With INYLAST A Household Aid Star-Kist TUNA <—=3 for salads, sandwiches, casseroles t White Label Chunk Style >= 35¢ = AIR WICK 4 Boe BTL. Dunhills Liquorice All-Sorts 19° 8-oz. Pkg. \ Doeskin TOILET TISSUE 2 ris 20¢ DINNER NAPKINS a 2 pkgs. of 80s 98¢ FACIAL TISSUE Box of 400 3G¢ Aristocrat Cello Wrapped PICNIC PLATES 98° WESSON Zippy Lgiip STARCH wr, 20° Pkgs. of 8 25° 12 oz. SS — Can Arm 12-02. Can our’s For Bake or Fry CREAMWHITE Cor 29F Con TY Colgate TOOTH PASTE Newman’s br 29° La Choy 17 Oz. 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