REE msm———— Lt. Commander Returns From Naval Training Lt. Comdr. J, H. Schaffhauser, Shavertown, commanding officer of the Organized Naval Reserve Bat- talion 18 which drills at tthe Naval Reserve Training Center in King- ston, has (completed a two-week training period at the Fourth Naval District Headquarters ¢in Philadel- phia. Lt. Comdr. Schaffhiauser attended the Damage (Control school aft the Philadelphia Navy Yard. Read The Post Classified All A My, are turned to OLIVER'S waiting to see the sensational, new low-priced HUDSON Dallas-Franklin Alumni To Hold Dinner April 25 Mrs. Stephen Glova Chairman, Appoints Committee Members Dallas-Franklin Township Alumni Association will hold its Fifth An- nual Banquet on Saturday, April 25, at- the High School. Mrs, Stephen Glova, the former Lillian Ward of the class of 1941, is chairman for the affair, ‘She has asked the following alummi mem- bers to contact their classmates for | reservations; 1931, Mildred Devens and Helen Spencer (Swan; 1932, Elizabeth Frantz Billings; 1933, Edward Hopa; 1934, Dorothy Elston Dodson and Ellen Kunkle Dietz; 1935, Elsie (Gar~ inger Rauch and Elsie Higgins Jones; 1936, Alberta Hofmeister Lancio; 1937, Fred Stevens; 1938, Florence Homeywell Besteder and Esther Kunkle Haas; 1939, Beatrice Hildebrant; 1940, James Knecht; 1941, -(Char- les Mitchell and Doris Hess War- dan; 1942, Estella Elston Birnstock anid Shirley Austin Jones; 1943, James Boron and Edith Spencer Shaffer; 1944, Charlotte Getzman and [Car] Ward; 1'945, Dorothy Try- on Verfaillee and Martha Hadsall Reese; 1946, Charles Flack; 1947, Louise Moss Souders; 1948, Joan Sutiton Elston and Charlotte Boston; 1949, Barbara Zimmerman Bronson; 1950, Lois Ann Klein; 1951, Lois Ward; 1952, Lorraine Wasser and Robert Belles; Senior (Class, Sally Lasher; Present and Former [Fac- ‘ulty and [School Directors, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pickett. {Anyone having addresses of oul- of-town alumni members is asked ‘to get in touch with his class rep- resentative. Members are invited to bring guests, and anyone who . attended Dallas Township or Dallas- | Franklin Township School is urged The College Misericordia girl cagers, already boasting two tri- umphs over Marywood College of Scranton, will attempt to add an- other triumph at ithe expense of the Lackawanna [County institution of higher learning Saturday night at Scranton (CYC. {College Misericordia will take pant in a double-header benefit for a foreign student aid fund, King’s coached by Miss Marie Morris, in- cludes, kneeling, left to right: Lor- raine Sickler, West (Wyoming, jun- ior; Connie Viohar, Luzerne, sopho- more; Joan Duffy, Brant Beach, N, J., sophomore; Mary Ellen Wiach~ ‘tel, Flonal Park, N. Y., sophomore; Lucy Pozzi, Williamsburg, senior; Trudy Shenidan ©Old Greenwich, Conn., freshman; Dorothy Mona- han, Rutherford, N. J., freshman; Rita O'Shea Rockaway Park, N, Y., senior; Patricia ‘Coanell, Rummer- field, sophomore; Joan Brewster, Pond Eddy, N. Y., junior, Standing: Cynthia Straub, Hollis, N. Y., freshman; Marilyn, Twomey, Auburn, N. Y., junior; Sue Hola- PHOTO BY GEORGE ICHUKINAS than, Rochester, N. Y., freshman; Barbara Broome Allwood, N, J., freshman; Sue Fletcher, Utica, N. Y. sophomore; [Lillian Maluo, Hilo, Hawaii, sophomore; Marge Jordan, West Englewood, N. J., sophomore; and Jacqueline Lux, Rochester, N. Y., freshman. Collection of «clothing for Korea, carried out from cunb ito truck in metropolitan areas, will be made in the Back Mountain on (Sunday, from one until four, but not from curbs. Residents having clothing are asked to deliver it to one of three central points, Dallas Methodist, Shaventown Methodist, or Trucks- ville Methodist Church, thus elim- inating long collection hauls. to come, whether he or she is a graduate or not, Reservations are to be made with. any one of the following com- mittee: Mrs. Bruce Davies, (Church Street, Dallas; Roannah Shoemaker, Harveys Lake; [Lawrence Brace, RFD 3, Dallas; and Marilyn Rogers, Gl AS (Fro 50008000090, ORT oy. WE KN MINCED HAM BOLOGNA FRANKS A or AA CENTER CUT CHUCK ROAST b4 Qe 3-Ib. can SPRY CRISCO 191: BOILLING BEEF b2 3 Frying—Ready for Pan CHICKENS b4 Qe GROUND BEEF v4 9c GAVY’S Choice Blend COFFEE bf Qe Phone 4-3372 MAIN HIGHWAY Se TRUCKSVILLE In case of rain, collection will be postponed until March 15. Infants clothing is badly needed, stout shoes, rubbers, galoshes as well as men, women. and children’s clothing, underwear and socks. Shoes should be tied together in pairs. iCollection is sponsored by Youth Fellowships of the churches, and endorsed by the ICommunity Chest. The goal is higher than last year’s, when 83,000 pounds were collected from Wyoming Valley area includ- ing Back Mountain. HUNTSVILLE CHRISTIAN Rev. Charles H. Frick Attendance at Worship and Church School have been steadily gaining during the past year. A plan of friendly rivalry between the Culp IClass and the [Christian Friendly (Class is expected to lift attendance lover ithe Easter period to a new high level. The Youth Group, under leader- ship of Mrs. Walter Covert, Jr., will sponsor an evening service Sunday at 7:30. A film, one of the St. Paul series, bearing the title “Grace of Forgiveness” will be fea- tured. The Christian ‘Women's Fellow- ship will hold its monthly meeting at ‘the parsonage Tuesday evening. The program feature will be the use of the film, “Wings to the Word.” A ham and egg supper will be served [Thursday night at 5:30. Prayer meeting and Bible Study will be held in the sanctuary after supper. Thursday might services are usually held in homes and the book of Galatians is being studied. The offering which is taken in the Week of Compassion to meet emergency needs at mission stations and in distressed countries was re- ceived on Thursday night of last week and amounted [to $145.00. The [Christian Friendly [Class holds its monthly meeting at the church on Wednesday night, March 18. [Carl Roberts is president. from Your Friendly Business Neighbors and Civic and Social Welfare Leaders On the occasion ef The Birth of a Baby. EngagementAnnouncements Change of residence @ Arrivals of Newcomers to City NAN DODSON DALLAS FREE METHODIST Rev. Joseph Sproule, Pastor Sunday School, 10 AM, Morning worship service, 11 AM. (Class meet- ing, 6:30 PM. Prayer meeting and Bible Study, Book of Alets, Tuesday, 7:30. TRUCKSVILLE CHURCH Friday, March 6, 6:30 PM, The Model Railroad Club, with Marlin Shannon as Counselor at the par- sonlage. Sunday, 8:30 AM, Early morning worship service. 9:30, Sunday school classes for pupils of ‘the Adult, Youth, and Junior departments. 10:45, Sunday school classes for pupils of the Primary, Beginners, Nursery and Kindergarten depant- ments. 10:45, Late morning wor- ship service and sermon. Babies will be baptized and mew members re- ceived into the (Church at this ser- vice. If you fave a baby to be bap- tized, or if you wish to unite with our [Church at this time, please no- tify the Pastor as soon as possible. 1:00 - 4:00 PM, Used clothing col- lection for Korea, Those who have good used clothing to give should bring it to the (Church, or contact one of the OYF or MYF members. 7:30 PM, Your Pastor will be the guest preacher at ma Lenten service at fthe Dallas Methodist Church, Monday: 4:00 PM, The Children’s Society, meets at the Trucksville Grade School. Practice for a spec- ial play will be held. 7:30, The Official] Boand at the Parsonage. Wednesday: 7:30 PM, Your Pas- tor will be the guest speaker at Methodist (Church. 8:00, The Rey- nolds Bible (Class will meet. Tuesday: 7:30 PM, The Fourth quarterly conference for this church will be held. Those who have re- ports to give should contact the Pastor. SHAVERTOWN METHODIST Rev. Robert DeWitt Yost Sunday: 9:45, (Church [School with classes for all ages. 9:45, Men's Bible class. Teacher: Donald Davis. 11:00, Morning worship service— Third Sunday in Lent—Neighbor’s Sunday. 11:00, Nursery during church hour for pre-school children. 6:30, Meithodist Youth Fellowship. Movie, ‘Lifting India’s Shadow” will be shown, 8:00, ‘Couples Club will meet in Chapel room. The movie ‘Communications for De- fense”’ will be shown. Monday: 4:00, Preparatcony mem- bership instruction class in (Chapel room, 7:00, Girl Scouts, Troop 9. 8:00, King’s Daughters class Hat fashion show. 66. 7:00, Trustee Board meeting in (Chapel room. 7:30, Boy IScouts, Troop 231. 8:00, [Official Board meeting in (Chapel room. Wednesday: 3:30, Brownies, 6:30, Girl Scouts, Troep 75. 7:30, Ienten [Service in Sanctuary. (Speaker: Rev. Robert T. Trucksville Methodist Church. and wili attend in a group. 8:30, WSGS monthly meeting. 8:30, Sen- ior Choir rehearsal. hearsal, ‘A Friendly Visitation of the en- Methodist ‘Church will be conduc- ted om Sunday @fternoon, March Visitation. is sponsored by the Mem- bership and Evangelism and [Visi- tation (Committees of the Church, in the homes of church members Phone Dallas 4-187 or DOT LANDIS Phone Dallas 4-4441 and friends and will conduct a sur- vey of the membership. The theme of tthe Visitation is “Give God a IChance”’— Worship God in His House every week and read His word eveny day. PRINCE OF PEACE Friday, March 6th, 7:30 PM, Lenten service and the showing of ithe fil “The Prodigal Son.” 8:30, [Senior and Boys Choir rehearsal. Sunday: 9:45, Church [School. 11:00, Morning Prayer and (Sermon. The Rev, Ralph A. Weatherly, Rec- tor of Grace Church, Kingston, will be the preacher. Monday: 7:30 PM, Boy Scout meeting. Tuesday: 8:30 PM, Vestry meet- ing in the Pamish House. Thursday: 9:30 (AM, Holy Com- miunion. 10:00 AM, Meditation and Auxiliary sewing for bazaar, DALLAS METHODIST Church School 10:00 AM. Church service 11:00 AM., Sermon theme “Making Profitable Investmenit.” MYF service 6:30 PM. Lenten ser- vice 7:30 PM. The guest speaker will be Rev. Robert Webster of Trucksville Methodist Church, The Church [Choir will present special music. IA large congregation was present at the Methodist (Church last Sun- day morning to witness [the receiv- ing of twenty-four new persons into the membership of ithe church. The pastor conducted the sacred rites of adult baptism and membership VOWS, The fiscal year of the church ends rch 31. The new fiscal year will begin April 5. Sunday, March 15, has been designated as ‘Pledge Sunday.” Members of the church will bring their financial pledges to the church, The [Sunday evening Lenten ser-’ vices are being afttended by good numbers, People who are eng to attend church service in the | morning enjoy ithe privilege of going in the evening. The slogan | is [being passed around, “Make | Every Sunday Night during Lent your Church Night.” FREE! Visitors’ GUIDE To NEW YORK! Contains illustrated map of entire city, showing bus and subway lines, with photos and information on where to go, how to get there. Yours FREE! Simply write Dept. A. And When You Visit New York-| | Why not stay at the King * Edward and enjoy the finest — it costs mo more! 300 ’ rooms with bath, radio, tele vision. One block from Sth Avenue or Broadway, a few steps to Radio City. Quiet, restful. “Grenadier” Dining i Room, Cocktail Lounge. From $3 Dolly, Special Weekly Retes 44th Street, Eost of Broadway, New York 18, NY. * Miton Finke, Generol Monoget PAGE THRER Catholic Daughters Celebrate Book Week {Court Our Lady of Fatima, Catho- lic Daughters of America, in the Back Mountain region, marked Catholic Book Week with a tea and reading Sunday afternoon in the auditorium of St. Therese’s Church, Those in attendance heard a de- lightful reading by Mrs, Elizabeth Hill Conrad of Scranton who took for her presentation Thomas B. {Costain’s “The Silver Chalice.” Mrs. Frank MdGarry, former grand regent of the Court Our Lady of Fatima and a resident of Dallas. and Mrs. Ben Banks, Harveys Laake, poured. Mrs. Donald * Crossin, /Carverton Road, Trucksville, was chairman of tthe affair assisted by Mrs. Robert Walsh, grand regent. In charge of the reception committee; Mrs, John C. Bush, Mrs. Tillie Loveland, Mrs. Clinton Johnson, Mrs, Walter Davis. Rev. John J. O'Leary, pastor, and Rev. Daniel Olsewski of St. Therese’'s ‘Church, attended the event, Die 2210” x1’8” x0’ 6” Base 3 4” x 0’ 8” x 1 0” All Monuments From Our Own Stock GERMICK & FRIAR 37 Tener St. (off Union) Luzerne Dial 8-1436 Addi datudbudibmmtibiaamhig amu mtbutbtdit =] wen a (Ly | ee a amp A a a a a It’s BLUE STREAK or nothing for me! dee] FOOD CEILI] Distributed By OLD TOLL GATE Feed Service TAKING VITAMINS? Take The Kind That Gives You 3 Big Extras Plus Red Vitamin B" You—your loved ones—may be the unsuspecting victim of vita- min-deficiency.. Your health, your good looks, your ability to earn a living—all may be af- fected by failure to supplement your diet with a dependable, protective yet non - fattening multi - vitamin product. That's why every day thousands are switching to Rexall Plenamins— the multi-vitamin capsules that give you 10 vitamins, plus BIZ, plus Liver Concentrates and Iron. What's more, Plenamins give you more than your daily mini- mum requirements of every vita- min for which such require- ments have been established. Plenamins are sold on a strict money-back guarantee . .. at a cost of only pennies per day. Get these better vitamins at EVANS DRUG STORE, Shaver- town. It Will Pay YOU To See Our Selection Of New Gas Ranges Comb. Stoves Space Heaters Water Heaters Harold Ash Phone 4-6166—Shavertown Plumbing - Heating - Bottled Gas