15 | SIRLOIN PORTERHOUSE / ! 5 TW v { OWNED AND OPERATED BY THE AMERICAN STORES co.) 4 1 > . - FLORIDA RED BLISS NEW = LBS. Just the Right Size to Cook Whole and Serve Crisp Golden CARROTS 2-15 ACME QUALITY BONELESS , BONELESS ROLLED LOCAL DRESSED & DRAWN TOP QUALITY FRESH TOP QUALITY SKINLESS p— S : S . [4 I STARKIST SiN 0 Tuna Fish 30 Kraft’s VELVEETA CHEESE , ght FOOD CONTADINA: 1 TOMATO 25 PASTE ™ MAXWELL HOUSE 34 0 COFFEE Corn Beef .. ) he HASH « Robert Laux Is Exclusive Agent Will Handle Ten Northeast Counties Robert Laux, who since January 1 has been contacting Back Moun- tain schools in the interest of stu- dent insurance, was appointed last week as exclusive agent for ten counties in [Northeastern Pennsyl- vania, by World Insurance Com- pany, to place advantages of stu- dent coverage before school prin- cipals and Parent Teachers Associ- ations, Mr. Laux, Midland Drive, in the insurance business for eighteen | years, will handle schools in Luz- | eme, Lackawanna, Carbon, Sulli- | van, Susquehanna, Wyoming, Col- umbia, Wayne, /Schuylkill and Mon- roe counties. Student insurance is something fairly new in this terri- tory, but has been common in South Carolina where it first started six years ago. Kingston Borough has embraced the idea, several Wilkes-Barre schools are considering it In the Back Mountain, Dallas - Franklin Township and Lehman-Jackson are protected; Lake Noxen already had another type of coverage. Dallas Borough-Kingston Township joint schools, at request of the PTA, con- sidered student insurance at its January board meeting. In brief, Mr. Laux said, protec- tion is given during school hours, on the way to and from school, anid during school sponsored activi- ties. Injuries received in any school sport except football are provided for. Parents pay a premium of $1.25 per child for a twelve monith per- iod. [Parent Teachers Associations are interested in the project, and ar- ranging to ling up enough parents to take advantage of this unique group insurance. The company specifies no definite proportion, but hopes for fifty per cent of enroll- meni to spread the risk. Raymond Kuhnert, supervising principal of Dallas-Franklin, says that the thing which pointed up necessity for such a plan in his school, and made parents realize the benefit, was an accident early in the school year when a student broke his arm and parents were liable for comsiderable expense, Evangelist To Visit Kingston REV. HAL WEBB ‘A two weeks Evangelistic cam- paign beginning Monday night, and running through Sunday, March 1 will be conducted in First Bap- tist Church, Kingston. Rev, Louis Falk, pastor, will be in charge of the services. : The , Evangelist will be the Rev. Hal Webb well known American Evangelist and Youth leader. Mr. Webb is member of the Youth for Christ International Evanelistic Staff. He is a graduate of Bob Jones University. He served in the Army during World War II with Patton's tank forces in Germany. After the war he served in Manila where he became director of the G. I. Gospel Hour and Youth for Christ Program in the Philippines, Mr. Webb hlas conducted Evan- gelistic campaigns ‘through the South and in many Northern States. Some of his meetings were held in the Fort Hill Stadium in Cumberland, Maryland, He also conducted a meeting in ‘the Out- door Bowl in Miami, Florida, where he preached to ‘thousands. He is considered a fearless, |dynamic young preacher. Services will be held every might at 7:30, with two services on Sun- days at 10 AM and 7:30 PM. Two great Youth Rallies will be held on Saturday mights when Mr. Webb will introduce some of his Gospel Magic. [Special musical talent will provide the singing each night. [Chorus choir will be organized. Various pastors of ‘the valley will assist with the music, Prayer meet- ings will be held each morning at 10:00. Rev. and Mrs. Webb #ravel in a 26-foot trailer in which they will live during ‘the meetings. “And were it left to me to decide whether we should have a govern- ment without newspapers or news- papers without government, T should not hesitate a moment to prefer RED