The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, January 16, 1953, Image 6

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    phon THE POST, FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1953
Louie Ayre To P t . . : : gi i
ra Recital fa THESE WOMEN! By Alessio Lehman-Jackson For Prompt, Dependable | pe
a nea o0o
fie. te Carin Sn = ; UMBING & HEATING
sat oar [im meen mM JTW TFET restles YMCA PLUMBIN AT
f pi pupils i “Parent and | » A ! :
Biv |aaeemae am lL ete Souad 07 Tom Wines > Phone Dallas 4-6591 |
Morris AR | ed FTTH =n It In Novice Group ASK FOR |
Taking part ill be Jane Banks, fH Ag = =e Nt 4 en 's en p
gnc Bams, Lois Grown, Joes ||| I! iH EN 65 A: 0 fo HARRY A. PEIFFER
: Comito, (Carol Dungey, Cin ross, > XP 4 A < ing il ¢ )
4-DOOR SEDANS Judy Gross, a Hines Alan I 0 $ = a s Mir Ds STERLING AVE. DALLAS
wrestlers from High [Schools where
this activity has been a feature for
wears instead of one month. Gerald
[Spencer, making Saturday’s finale,
won the second place trophy in his
class, 133 pounds.
NOW op Bseeny Hersh, [Philip Hersh, Patsy Ide, \ i
David Larmouth, Sara Malkemes, | | |
Momey Miller, Della Schulz, Marian \
Stevens, Gwen Weaver, Peter Wea- ! . 3
Ku nN Kl e ver, and Betsy Welker. “It : = ; 8
| A parents teacher meeting will fA A : ; ME
follow the recital.
4 7 ys Larry Kropp, Ray Evarits, Gerald
Gara e | IE AN Nr Ge br 70 3 ) Spencer, and Jim Barrall were in
| | HHA Hi 4 Thursday might’s semi-finals. Teddy
: | J WR 7 i Salt! and Tony Toluba, Tom (Coburn, An-
Daniel MEEKER, owner / wu! thony Garbush, Philip Cummings,
Phone 4-2019 Kunkle NEE ? and Jack Kern, met their matches
on Wednesday.
Wrestling, under instruction of
Larry Drabick and supervision and
advice from Lester Squier, super-
vising principal, himself a wrestler
from Mansfield College days, has
been under way for a month.
Six of 'the squad demonstrated
“By the way, Harold, my brother Eric is visiting us tomorrow, Boome Sopiseintys mney of the
’ 1 at Monday night's meefting.
and he'll siay a week or two! Teddy Toluba and Kenneth Covert,
It Will Pay
ig operation and careful selection
of risks keep Farm Bureau auto insurance
‘ . 3 rat a Kk
: . To See Our . . 1 mosquito-weights; ‘Anthony (Garbush jores low You ‘get maximum protection for ¢
; Selection Of Site Of Baron Stiegel S : and Philip (Cummings; and Gerald ith oney. Before you buy or renew, check f
Eo New Spencer and Ray Evarts, showed with the Farm Bureau insurance representa. tiki
holds and falls, Parents, especially tive in your community. More than nf
? a a milli ¥
Grave Unmarked, Unknown mothers who had been dubious city and rural drivers insured. Call — ion J : it
about wrestling as a sport, were ; :
Mystery still surrounds the loca-) way of Harrisburg, getting only as reassured, and enjoyed the exhibi- G A Y 30 Lake St. Phone 4-752
| Gas Ranges
| Comb. Stoves
Space Heaters
Water Heaters
tion of the grave of Baron Harry |far as Harrisburg and remaining tion.
was accompanied by his practical
eran and famed glassmaker. When Stiegel left the party he C V ] :
One account is that the Penn- ze 1 Say = u a entine
iva, Talia] a oy nurse. That is as far as history = ;
n 3 p
was buried in the front yard of the | records his ast devs. No record | Figgistant D, A. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY
ae C has been uncovered to disclose
the Ege estate at Boiling Springs, | their destination, the exact date of HOME OFFICE: COLUMBUS, OHIO
( : : fio)
Cumberland County. However, a| death nor the final resting place To Assume Office
As Near As careful examination failed to un-| for this Baltic nobleman, who had
Your Telephone cover the grave. been educated in Holland, served F ebruary 1 1953
HH 1 d Another account is that he was |in the armies of Lithuania, Sar- Attormky | Jonathan | Valentine ! mu
aro For Prompt, Efficient buried at Charming Forge, Berks |dinia and the Netherlands as well > ! a gi F I Y A 0 Ww
p > county, but again no trace of the |as Washington's Army in the Revo- Suton Bd Trockivils Tes bes I our
Service call grave there was ever found and | lution. appointed assistant District Attor- |
tine, his father, serving as District
o Read The Classified Column
for immediate delivery of
h Plumbing - Heating - Bottled Gas Dial 9-6256 buried in what is now the Dauphin
gel died on the last day in Febru-|g,y gfter submitting to an appen-|™ A tomer assistant county solici-
% ; of his life and died about 1790, | ig. SOE a
] : : | ha h y t d 4 GUIDE To December 31, 1784, at Brickerville.
ut : it is considered doubtful he would He was a cultured gentleman and | B&Y by Louis G. Feldman, succeeding | BEFORE
S$ be buried at the site of his former | his art will be remembered so long Atty. Joseph Saporito, He will take &
i 1 1 C K forge, having been dispossessed of | as Pennsylvania culture lasts. office February 1.
Fa Cy | it long before his death. Vialentine fis the third member of HIGH
Eo Phone 4-6166—Shavertown his family to serve in ‘the prose-
3 ch a me comeiny (Bear Pax Fred Merril, Jr, son of Mr. and | Attomey 1911-1912, and his brother, FOR Ear
Mrs, Fred Merril, Sr., veturned William A. assistant under [Leon
ary, 1785, but some people contend dectom:
2) : ; y. J for
F R E y he ‘lived in Dauphin County near | pu. ‘n Shatfler has been confined tor, he served for three and one-half
Be that as it may, the last re- Morrison. Witter has retumed
corded appearance of Stiegel was from General Hospital were he sub-
: Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Garinger
Th hi : 3
: piezo Jo 2. huge sone and 10% land amod were Sunday dinner The segulr sony menting of GLEN ALDEN COAL
Broinstoss Banlly. fede. ther wise (Sous of Mr, and Mrs. James Worth. | the PTA was held at the high
The third account is that he was Harvey's Lake cUior's office, Judes W. A, Valen
It is generally believed that Stie- | home from Mercy Hospital on Mon- | ichwartz. h RICES
Harrisburg for the last five years to his home for several days with a i pe hy 5 gs 2 pins P hone Dallas 4-1396
To # a New Years Eve celebration | ...d to several tests. Beaumont
Mrs, Howard Higgins entertained school Monday, January 12 with
end of Brickerville, Lancaster coun-
Containy Hyawrated wap of 317, whine Prosant tenants proudly | te mentiers of her Sunday School 5 Diagy doris, 8 veidlg CALL US FOR . . . Rich Top Soil, Blue Stone, Fill,
subway lines, with photos claim is the site of Stigel's last | class at an all-day meeting on Tues- $64.20 S rem i owe Red Ash, Cinders, Stove Wood, Fireplace Logs or
and information on where to New Year's Eve celebration. day. These ladies are Sewing and : as Dro 1 realized from the GENERAL HAULING
go, how to get there. Yours Stiegel, .who was wealthy before | Preparing for a bazaar in the spring. Penents and Teachers vs.the High
FREE! Simply write Dept. A. he enlisted in the Revolutionary |Mrs. Harry Allen is teacher. ; Schoo! hiashethall game :
And When You Visit New York War, is reputed to have lost all ‘of The (Commission on Education. of Supertindent of Schools, Mr, Ed- ,
his possessions to his tent-mate and the Alderson Methodist Sunday | win Kehrli was guest speaker and
Why not stay at the King brother-in-law, Robert Coleman, in | School will meet for a covered dish |answered questions concerning
Favard an sitjoy the finest their numerous card games during |supper at the home of Mrs. Harry “/Consolidation.” Mr. Kehrli pointed ;
Toor shah bath. zai oo toler the war, Allen, on Monday evening January to the fact that higher subsidies Franklin St., Dallas Phone 4-7396
vision. One block from 5th Coleman was very wealthy and |19th. All teachers and officers are | were paid to districts forming join- ) |
Avenue or Broadway, a few after the war he provided employ- | urged to afttend. tures, pupils were afforded greater |= . i
steps to Radio City. Quiet, ment for Stiegel and is reputed to| Mrs. Ross Garinger of Tampa, opportunities to select courses ito 3 i
restful. “Grenadier” Dining have given him an annuity in the [Florida fis visiting her sister, Mrs. | fit their aptitudes, and more than ||| {
Room, Cocktail Lounge. declining years of his life and to |Russell Hoover and brother, Forrest | half the schools in [Pennsylvania fe 5
Wh kiddi from $3 Dally, Special Weekly Rates have provided a home for him. | Sorber and family. have formed jointures. Groups of Cf
0 are you xldding In 1784 Stiegel was engaged in four raised questions and the fol- |
ss i itor 2 lowing fal wer evealed: Th ji
iii > Shavertown Company cost : a et Te : [ .
the small schoolhouse opposite old | The monthly meeting of ‘the Sha- | approximately 20% of the total Wi lk 4 Fi ? : -
Kin St. James Lutheran Church in Thingy ai Er was held | €OSt of any building to house our \ikes-Dalre's Inest XR x
y q Pina 3 ; Monday evening in the Shavertown — my thas ae it ; . : I
| obert Patterson, a member of | gu. Ha) with Bob Voelker, vice-| $ is one of four districts in this F S . i"
| Edward Stiegel’s company in fos Revolt a presiding. , county not belonging to a jointure, u FD | u re O [e « ®
h ofel tionary War, hs i t eo hog | Mhose present were: Joseph that to belong to a jointure would F B t \V | |
secount, of that New Years Ve|Monko, Howard Woolbert, Rev. oust he py more jaongy or or eS alues :
§ ; Rb celebration: 5 oll 2 e added services given, an at
k 44th Street, East of Broadway, New York 18, N.Y. There was an ancient custom on Russell Edmondson, Ted Poad, Ed Avis borderi St Ala
; ? { ! ward Carey, Al Austin George Bed- | only one bordering district had
: 2 Milton Finke,-General Manager New Yous Eve. You? ladies oe nar, ii Malkemes, FIN enough units ‘to meet the present. Fm EE !
| red tho mom lov minutes 1 en parin Bova, hte standard sequin fos ||| mL | i
) bowl of spiced-ale which was drunk Jack Jones, Johnny Chapple, Tommy eas Es SI, WE WI LL J
©? in toasts until the church gbells Morgan, Merton (Coolbaugh, Ralph a jouyynant we oriative : oni 7
cay Gerheart and Dan Shaver. plans were laid for an “Amateur
a = chimed the hour of midnight. : Night” as 'a means to further enrich ; : :
XL i Some people contend that Stie- re the treasury. The committee chair- U N D F RS () LD
Of course 1 know ~ 4 gel left the tion Bs a Thirty-three states had prohibi- | man elected wias Mrs. Wm, “Arch” \ :
on New Year’s Day and starte € | tion before the 18th Amendment |Austin who chose Mrs. Franklin :
journey to his home at Boiling
comes from!
Springs, dying two months later.
Patterson, however, wrote that John Adams, who died at 90,
Stiegel did not go to Boiling Springs | lived longer than any other U. S.
but set out for Berks County by President.
was adopted. + | Clark and Miss Louise Ohlman to
be assistants.
Parents of Mrs, Louise Nieman's
home room served a tasty lunch.
The high school teams certainly
got off to a good start in the Sus-
Our Policy— |
0 a
¢ If you can buy the same
quehanna-Wyoming League with the a ’
Bedumont girls and boys’ ‘team furniture anywhere in Lu-
: taking the games from Meshoppen
R . . Did Y and the boys’ team getting a 42-28 erne County, regardless of
Giits & Greetings 1 ou TR fon Sind Th mu Extra sales or factory offers we
for You — through Ge t ours? op ns i Tenerife onlay here Savings will refund, the difference a
A \ 3 end their league honors.
WELCOME WAGON The Downs family have had a Guaranteed plus 6%.
Thirty-six Other People very busy week, First Captain and
from Your Friendly . Mrs. Robert Shaw (Rachel Downs) ;
Padi Neighbors Dn Bundy HEE TI el FREE PARKING IN REAR
us with the UlS. Army in Germany. | E
: and Civic and Then Friday, Mrs. Donald. Jones
Out of the cow’s four ‘Social Welfare Leaders Soft, wriggly, mischievous little pups that brighten ||was guest of honor at a surprise : :
faucets! Os i ; / \ every corner of a lonely home. birthday party at the Downs home- fe : “
n the occasion of? y s stead, Add to that the stork’s visit, ; EA :
’ Th Birth If you’re a shut-in, have lost a loved one, are a a girl, Susan Ellen, for the Herbert
1) E © Dir of Baby stranger in town, have a boy in the service, a daughter |!Downs family on Sunday, January
do NV = ngagementAnnouncements just married—get a PUP! 11, at the General Hospital.
Er ; AICS TL Change of residence ¢ ; Any-one desiring to see the Pre-
? 2 Extra Fine MILK ig of Newcomers to i ACK MOUNT AN H M N [ET sidential Inauguration may join
0 : : AN DODSON with the schools Tuesday, January Sr Ba : : ple
§ “¥ FOR N N 20. For the past few months TV gh rs 2
: REGULAR DELIVERY || Phone 14-1897 : 5
he IN THE BACK MT. AREA | Dallas ) - Lance Farm, Chase Road =~ Phone Dallas 4-4241 Soin at the school has been FURNITURE £0. JERS
oe ¥ a or i excellen > > 3
x al : | SHELTER OPEN \ : Kenneth Denmon, who is stationed 102-4-6- 8- 10 2a
) PHONE ENTERPRISE 1-0813 DOT LANDIS Monday through Friday—10 a.m. to 4 p.m. : ' with the U.S. Navy at Long Beach, SOUTH MAIN ST.,. w. B.
ho : ONG i Saturday and Sunday— 4:30 p.m. ‘[Calif., will return to his base via
eee Phone Dalles 4 4441 aturday and Sunday—? to 4:30 pa airplane Wednesday, January 14. f OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT