mn aE oe AA Jeanette, CAPTAIN WALTER L. DYER, skipper of the cruiser Helena, extends a welcoming ‘hand to Joseph Ww. Dodge, adviser to President-elect Dwight Eisenhower on budget matters, as he arrives on the ship. At left is Gov. Douglas McKay of Oregon, Secretary of Interior-designate, and (right) Defense Secretary-designate Charles E. Wilson. In center is James Hagerty, press secretary. Dallas-F ranklin School Plans "“Jeanette-Isabella” Dallas-Franklin Township schools will present @ [Christmas program December 19, 8 PM, in the auditor- ium, featuring a pageant based upon an, lolld French Carol, “Here gq Torch, Isabella,” presented by pupils of elementary grades. Fifth, sixth, and third grade choruses will take part in tthe pageant, first and second graders will sing selections. IGrade school band, accompanied by fourth grade rhythm band, will play a ‘Christmas overture. Mixed chorus, girls’ chonus, and girls ensemble will give selections, with Mary Jane Tryon as soprano soloist, Ann 'Woicekowski accom-~ . panist. i is Reese Pelton. Elemen- tary teachers training pupils for pageant and chorus are: first grade, Mrs, Thelma Lamoreux, and Evelyn Everard; second, Mrs. Helen Guyler and Veronica Mills; third, Frances Bubb and Mrs. Alice Yaple; fourth, Mrs. Mary Mohr and Vernette Butts; fifth, Mrs. Sarah Mitten and Hilda Bredbenner; sixth, Mrs, Freda Hughey and Mrs. Bette Thomas: PTA meeting, scheduled for Momn- day night, is cancelled in flavor of ‘ Friday night's program. A political plank should be wide ough for side-stepping. @ | PHONE 4-3126 WE DELIVER PV VV VV VV VV VY VV VY VY VY YY VYY ddd tsntie esti tnetbuetlieiscstincsiaiafnfie siti sbuaili On the Night Before [Christmas Let us think of some ways To mark its real meaning—- This Holy of Days. Let our children remind. us Of the Babe, manger-born; Of the singing of angels Thalt first (Christmas morn. May the Star on the fir tree ‘Seem the God-inspired light THE POST, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1952 ——— (International Radiophoto) ded do bh i did ddd do dd dod ddd i di ‘Which guided tthe Wise Men, On their journey that might, Let the Day be for children, Let there be [Santa Claus; But let us, as their elders, Take a moment and pause To recall it’s His Birthday Who was born but to give Up His Life, that we mortals In His Kingdom, might Live. —Carl] C. Helm = I] Worth Repeating... |BAnd I Quote . . . NN BN The Federal govenment has a “A good wife will always help direct investment of more than $20,000,000,000 iin over 100 enter- prises which lend money, guaran- tee loans and deposits, write life insurance, run electric power proj- ects, and buy and sell farm prod- ucts, etc, says Pathfinder Maga- zine. More than 92 per cent of all humian beings have seen a large part and sometimes most of their savings annihilated by devaluation of currency since 1939, says the magazine U. S. A. her husband do the dishes.”—Ham Park. “The old dollar-to-a-doughnut bet is now the same as even money.”— Jackie Kannon, “Competition to excel has en- larged every American’s life.”— Earl Bunting, managing director of “We will recover our national solvency only by the extravagant use of our national sanity.”’— President ROBERT ACHUFF Robert Achuff, president of Pow- der and Wig Club, Dallas-Franklin Township High School, and one of the leads in “He ICouldn’t Marry Five”, was pleased with response to Ithe senior play last Friday. Plagued by a torrential downpour, there was still a huge crowd for the howling comedy, which went down to history as one of the most successful plays ever put on at the school. Salvation Army Unit Still Short of Quota The Salvation Army is closer to your doorstep than you realize, ac- cording to a statement made today by Mrs. (Clarence Schioonover, Chair- man for the Salvation Army Ser- vice Unit in Northmoreland Town- ship. Under this Service Unit setup the committee controls its own actions. It does not have to clear with [Scran- ton Headquarters under which Ser- vice Units in this area operate. The committee of local citizens is auth- orized to render immediate assist- ance to the needy without any red tape. “While returns are still coming in, we have mot yet reached our quota - of $250.00,” stated Mrs. Schoonover. 'A reminder letter will be sent out to our many friends whio have not yet responded and whom we know are very much in- terested in the work of The Sal- vation Army, A percentage of every dollar con- tributed in Northmoreland Town- cases. Send your contributions direct to the Treasurer, Mrs, Frank Williams, Centermoreland, Dallas Grade Pupils To Entertain PTA Dallas Elementary School will present the following program at the monthly PTA meeting on Fri- day, December 19. Grade I, Rhythm Band numbers and Christmas (Carols; Grade II, Dallas Winter Birds; Grade III, Christmas in Song; (Grade TV, We Begin the School Day; Grade V, The Nativity and Grade VI, Christmas Choristers, This will be an activity program showing various types of daily work. Music, Art, Language, Reading and Dramatics will be portrayed as the childenn give their stories in rhythm and rhyme on a Christmas theme, PAGE THREF Mrs. Ray Henney Is Hostess To Commission Mrs. Ray Henney was hostess to members of the Commission on Edu- cation of Kunkle Methodist Church at her home in Kunkle last Tues- day. Present were Rev. Ruth Under- wood, Mr. and Mrs, E. R., Kierlin, Mrs. Thomas Landon, Mrs, Dan Meeker, Mrs, Enma Miller, Mrs. Paul Smith, Mrs. William Eckert, Wini- fred Stompler and the hostess. nN Thomas J. Mooney “Tom” e SERVICE Claude A. Putnam, president, Mark- em Machine 'Co., Keene, N.H. ship will remain with the Service Unit committee to be used for meedy | DALLAS HARDWARE & SUPPLY Your Gift Store J PR PNR RAR ST SAT TR NTR PTR RAR ST AT RR AR FR PAR SAT RAT RR RA ZR RR SAR SR SR AN PA BR SR PA A SR TR SR PA PR A A ER SC TR A VA A RE SS "Here | Am Again Folks” Passing out my free gifts to good little boys and girls. Do you know that last weekend | gave out hundreds of gifts to my little friends, and | have hundreds more for this weekend. So be sure to come in to my headquarters at THE DALLAS HARDWARE today from 6 to 9 and tomorrow from 2:30 till 6 for YOUR gift. store for everyone on your list. Here are just a few sug- gestions: BOOKS and GAMES, SPORTING GOODS, TOOLS FOR DAD, GIFTS FOR THE HOME, HOUSEHOLD GIFTS FOR i MOTHER, WHEEL TOYS, TOYS FOR BOYS, TREE LIGHTS ~ AND SUPPLIES, DOLLS FOR GIRLS, ALL KINDS OF CHRIST- IAS TREE DECORATIONS, ICICLES, SNOW, TINSEL, ORNA- MENTS OF ALL KINDS. Hotel Sterling d. Clinton Shaver “Clint” THE Wyoming Valley Motor Club Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Announces The Appointment of a FIELD STAFF To Serve Motorists THE WYOMING VALLEY Fn = D. L. Turnbull “Major” Truly this is your gift The Perfect CHRISTMAS GIFT For All The Family e PROTECTION For “Less Than 4c Per Day” eo FCONOMY EA EA EA EA PA PAK PAR PAK FAK PAC PAK PAK PAN A SAY PAN PAK PAX PAY PAK YAK PAK PAL PAR IA PAY PAK PAK PAX PACLAY PAK PAK PAK PAK PAK PAK PAK PAK PAK PAY YA PAC PAC SAC AT pa pay A TI