SN PAGE FOURTEEN News of the Churches THOUGHT FOR THE DAY— Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. (Matthew 25:40.) Read Matthew 25:34-46. While walking through the gar- den surrounding the Home for Aged Men at Sitka, Alaska, I met a talk- ative “sourdough,” who had gone, years ago, to Alaska to seek for gold. He related his experience. “In those gold-rush days, we lived in the mountains back of Skagway, with no store within miles and paths impassable in the wintertime. We were neighbors. When baking bread, we always set aside a small amount of dough to take over the trail to the nearest neighbor. This was the precious leaven each family needed in order to have bread. And when the womenfolk stirred up the sponge, that is, dough raised with yeast, they, too, remembered. In an emp- ty can a handful was put aside and sent to the next cabin. Failure to pass on some of the leaven classed one as a very poor neighbor. So we early settlers,” he “concluded, “were dubbed ‘sourdoughs’! It meant that we were good neigh- bors.” . Are we Christians with our neighbors ? concerned 1 ST. PAUL’S LUTHERAN Stewardship Sunday will be ob- served att St. Paul's Lutheran Churh, Shavertown, lon: (Sunday. At the ser- vice at 11 o’clock in the morning, the pastor, the Rev. Frederic E. Eidam, wil] commission the visitors for the Every Member Visitation. He will also preach upon the subject “The T's in My Life”. The Visitation will be carried ott in the afternoon and all the members are asked ito cooper- ate by staying home uafil visited. [Sunday School will be held at 9:45 and will provide instmuction for all age groups. Tuesday night at 8 ithe Altar Guild will meet for its regular monthly meeting. The Ladies’ Aux- iliary will hold fa Mission [Program on Wednesday afternoon at ome o'clock in connection with its regu- Jar meeting, On Wednesday night at 7:30 the choir will mehearse. The pastor will meet with the Confirma- tion [Class on [Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. DALLAS FREE METHODIST Sunday school at 10; Preaching 11; (Class meeting 7:30 PM. Sunday evening services at MTrucksville at 17:45, Rev. Joseph Sproule, preach- PRINCE OF PEACE Satunday: 10:30 A.M., The Boys’ (Choir will meet at the Church for rehearsal, After the rehearsal the members of the Boys’ Choir will have lunch with the choir director, Mr. Edward Ratcliffe, and the Rec- tor, and will leave for: the Model Railroad Show fin Scramton at 1:15 PM. Members of the Boy (Scout Troop and the Acolytes should be at the Church by 1:15 to go to the Show with the Choir. Sunday: 9:45 AM., ‘Church [School 11 AM., Morning Prayer land Ser- mon. 7:15 P.M., The Young People’s Fellowship will meet in tthe Parish House to elect officers. All young people of the Prince of Peace be- tween the ages of 14 and 21 are cordially invited to be present. Monday: [7:30 PM. The Boy Scout Troop will meet in? the Par- ish House. Tuesday: 8:00 PM., The Woman's Auxiliary will meet in the Parish House. ; Thursday: 4:00 P.M., The Acolytes will meet ait the Church. Triansporta- ition will be provided from the Dallas Township School and the Dallas Borough Grade Schoql. THE WHITE CHURCH ON THE HILL 9:30 A.M., Sunday School classes for pupils of the Adult, Youth, and Junior departments. 10:30 A.M. Sunday School classes for pupils of the Primary, Beginners, and Nur- sery departments. 10:45 'A.M., Morn- ing Worship land Sermon, Dr. Ralph Decker, President of Wyoming Sem-- inary, will be our Guest Preacher for [Universal Bible Sunday, He will speak on ‘How Wie Got our Bible.” There will be an unusual Bible dis- play in the Church Basement. It will be well worth seeing. The Pastor will also have a rare and unusual surprise for all, 7:30 PM, Christmas Pageant~ by the Senior Girls and the Junior Boys and Junior Girls’ (Choirs. Thursday: 1:30 P.M., Intercessory Prayer Group of the WISCS will meet in the Sanctuary. The [business meeting will be held in, the Social rooms at 1:45 PIM. Friday: 7:30 P.M., The OYF will hold a Christmas Party at the Churich with the Avoca MY[F as Saturday: 2:30 P.M., (Christmas party for ‘all pre-school idhildren at the church, 4:00 P.M., Annual [Christmas party of Dallas Rotary Club will be held in this church. Wednesday, Dec. 24th, Holy (Com- munion with a service at 7:00 P.M., using the Youth Choirs, and a later service with the Senior (Choir sing- ing the responses. “Want Like Me For Xmas?” We're goin’ fast down at STAN MOORE'S So Order Now! A Bird i low EGGS 3doz $1.29 TRUCKSVILLE Trucksville Mill Poultry Shop Phone Dallas 4-3376 “At The Sign Of The Red Rooster” StanLEY MOORE, Owner SIN _THE POST, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1952 POLICE NAB FUGITIVE DESPERADO CAPTURED ALIVE in spite of his threats, manacled Russel Ford, former sparring partner of ex-heavyweight champion Joe Walcott, is carried back to jail by police less than 24 hours after his escape from the Som- erset County jail, Somerville, N. J. Ford slipped through a 100-man police net after stabbing a guard sentence for a hold-up last August. during the break. He was awaiting (International Soundphoto) SHAVERTOWN METHODIST Rev. Robert DeWitt Yost Sunday: 9:45, IChurch school with classes for all ages. 9:45, Men's Bible Class. Teacher: Dr. William Daw. 11:00, Nursery. during church hour ffor pre-school children. 11:00, Morn- ing Worship service with special [Christmas—music. 7:30, The Senior Choir will present J. H, Maunder’s [Cantata, “Bethlehem” in the Sanct- uary. [Soloists will be: Mrs. Ben Jenkins, Contralto; Mrs. Thomas Moore, Soprano; Mr, [Charles Jacob- son, Tenor; Mr. J. Henry Morgan, Baritone, Mrs. Robert Wright is the organist and choir director. The public is invited. 8:45, The Methodist Youth Fellowship will begin their traditional (Carolling throughout the community. Monday: 7:00, Girl Scouts, Troop 9. Tuesday: 4:00, Girl Scouts, Troop 66. 7:30, Boy Scouts; Troop 231. 8:00, Men’s (Club will meet in the Chapel Room, Movies will be shown. ‘Wednesday, 3:30, Brownies. 7:00, Girl Scoults, Troop 75. Thursday: 12:30, (Covered Dish and Christmas Party of [Priscilla, Martha, Naomi land [Sarah Circles of the WSCS in the social rooms. 3:45, Junior Choir rehearsal. 7:30, Senior [Choir rehearsal. Friday: 8:00, Keller Class meeting in social rooms. The following men were elected trustees of the [Church for a three year term: Mr, Walter Cook, Mr. Thomas J. Graham, Mr. Stephen Johnson. The following children were re- cently baptized at the church: Wil- liam James Chapple, son of Mr. and Mrs. John, L. Chapple; Douglas George Schooley, son of Mr. and Mrs. George B. Schooley; Sheila Mae Thomas, daughter of Mr. amd Mrs. Warren L. Thomas; Joy Ann Yeust, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Yeust. . Altiar Vestments were presented and received for dedication by Rev. R. D. Yost last Sunday at the morn- ing service. White Altar Vestments were given in loving memory of ‘George Edward Swan, Jr., by his parents - Mr. and Mrs, George Ed- ward Swan. IGreen Altar Vestmenits were given by Mr. and Mrs. Ross Williams. Violet Altar Viestments were also given to the church for dedication. Pensons desiring to place Point- settias, Christmas wreaths and Christmas trees in the [Church for the Christmas season are asked to have them at the (Church this Sat- urday by 5:30 PM. An outdoor nativity scene, which the ICouple’s Club has sponsored, was built by Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert D. Austin land will be arranged on the (Church Lawn cn Saturday for the (Christmas season. LOYALVILLE METHODIST Rev. B. Everett Lord, Pastor Sunday services start with church at 8/30, Church school at 9:30. MYF is at 7 PM, prayer meeting and choir practice at 8. Ladies Aid will hold fits regular business meeting Tuesday at 8 in the (Church Hall. ; Electicin of officers and trustees will be held at Official Board meet- ing Thursday, 8 PM, in Church Hall. Annual [Christmas party and en- tertainment is scheduled for Friday, December 19, in the Church and (Church Hall, starting at 8, with the public invited. PRAYER Dear Lord, grant us a vision of true neighborliness. ‘May we re- member that the world cannot be- | come a neighborhood unless we are willing to send out the leaven that will bring the bread of life to oth- ers. In the name of Jesus. Amen. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY I will carry the leaven of life to others. Lillian B. Polhemus (California) ALDERSON-NOXEN CHARGE Universal Bible Sunday will be observed with appropriate services in the Methodist Churches of the Church services with ithe pastor preaching, and Sunday School will be held as follows: Ruggles Church service—8:45 AM., Sunday {School— 10:00; Noxen [Church service—10: Sunday School—11: Noxen MYF— 4 PM.; (Alderson Church school— 10:15, Church service—11:15, MYF —6:30 P.M.; Kunkle (Church school —10, Church service—T7:3C P.M. The (Commission, on Education of Noxen (Church will meet Tuesday evening at 8 at the A. J. [Casterline home. [Christmas programs for the Churches of the IChiarge will be held as follows: Sunday, December 21st—7:30 P.M. at the Kunkle Church “The Christ- mas Story in Pictures’; Monday, December 22nd—7:30 P.M., Ruggles Church school Christmas programe Tuesday, December 23rd, Alderson Church school (Christmas program —7:30 P.M.; Thursday, December 25th—6:00 P.M., Noxen Church school (Christmas program; Friday, December 26th—38:00 P.M., Charge MYF Christmas Cantata in, Alderson Church; Sunday, December 28th— 4:00 P.M,, Charge MYF Cantata at Noxen (Church; Sunday, December 28th—7:30 P/M., Kunkle Church Junior (Choir (Christmas program. - The members of the 'Alderson- Ruggles Youth Fellowship will sing carols on Saturday evening, Decem- ber 20. After the carol sing the an- nual Christmas party will be held at the parsonage. ; Christmas LIGHTING Here's a tip from General Elec- tric holiday lighting specialists which youll want to keep in mind when putting up your outdoor lighted decora- tions. » Lighted strings of bulbs will be more effective if \ spaced close to- gether. One sim- ple way to accom- plish this is to lay three strings on the ground and tape: together as shown in the drawing at the right. Notice how by staggering the sockets they can be arranged about six inches apart instead of the usual 18 inches. When strings are taped together they may be hung in the usual manner. * * * When choosing toys for young- sters don’t overlook the magic of the lighted ones which are now available. Tiny bulbs no larger than we : Po C AS Vy , 7,3 > a garden pea are concealed inside movie cameras, baby rattles, atomic Ford ‘| ray guns, movie projectors and dec- orative/ lapel pins. Small pen-type batteries are needed to keep the toys lighted so be sure to include an extra battery or two with your lighted gift toy. Alderson-Noxen (Charge on (Sunday. | Alderson-Noxen | Mrs. Ida Eyet Dies At Daughter's Home Mrs, Ida Eyet, 83, died at the ‘| home of her daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Coolbaugh, Lockville, Sunday might. Funeral services ‘were conducted at Dymond Hollow Methodist (Church Thursday at 2, following a brief home service at 1:30. Rev. Thomas [C. Dawis (coniducted. Burial was made in Fitch Cemetery. Mrs, Eyet was ftaken, ill July 5, not fully recovering, but able ito be about a little. Born in Orange, daughter of the late John anid Laura Dymond Mon- tanye, she spent her life in ‘the region; active in Dymond Hollow Methodist (Church affairs, Her hus- band Egbert predeceased her. Enjoying handiwork, she pieced quilts for her seventeen grandchild- ren land crocheted many rugs. iShe is survived by four children, Mrs. [Lloyd Coolbaugh; (Stanley Archie, and Mrs. Edgar Barth, Dy- mond Hollow; ia brother, Stephen Montianye, Harding. There are twenty-seven great-grandchildren. were by Arrangements Bronson. ‘Alfred \ Idetown Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Honeywell of Wilkes-Barre, Mrs. Larry Honey- well of Plymouth, were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Honeywell on Sunday. Their mother, Mrs. Lucy Honeywell, is ill at the Honeywell home, Miss Dorothy Fritz of Long Island, N.Y., Mr. and Mrs. [Albert Kanon and sons, Joseph, John, Thomas of Nanticoke spent ithe weekend with Myr. and Mrs. Ernest Fritz. The WCTU will meet at the home of Mrs. Della [Parrish on Tuesday elfternioon, at two o'clock December 16. Larry McGuill, Veratile Youth leader will hold special service in the Idetown Church December 18th through to the 21st, Each evening at 7:30 every ‘one is invited to ‘attend. The Church quartet, sang at the Christmas panty at the West Side Flower (Club on, Tuesday might. Mrs. John Garringer’s class and John Race’s class will have their Christmas party in tthe church house on Tuesday evening December 23. Harvey Bottoms who was hunt- ing this week with a group of friends, shot his first deer. Kingston Twp.’ Byron Kitchen has returned to his home on Franklin Street, after being a [patient fin the Nesbitt Hos- pital. Mrs. Marion Elliott, Trucksville, is a patient at the Nesbitt Hospital. Mrs. (Gertrude Marley, Trucksville, is still a patient at the Nesbitt Hos- pital. Mr. and Mrs. [George Price of Mt. Greenwood Road, Trucksville had as guests recently Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hooley, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Owen, Wilkes-Barre. They also had their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Bernard Price and grand- daughter, Nancy Price of Alexandria, Va. ? Miss Doria Berry, Trucksville was a recent patient at the Nesbitt Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Fritz ob- served their thirty-sevemith wedding anniversary cin Tuesday of this week. "Mr. and Mrs, Hayden Williams and daughter, Ruth Anne spent the weekend with relatives and friends in Shillington and Reading. Mrs, W. H. Nevel is recovering from an illness. For A Colorful Holiday! Distinctive — New Design DOOR WREATHS A Christmas Necessity POINSETTIA PLANTS Plo2ft. ° ROBES Ladies 7 ° Brass Planters ° Cyclamen Plants. MANY OTHER UNUSUAL GIFTS , HILL-the-florist UPPER ROAD, SHAVERTOWN Satin, Quilted and Beautiful | MULTI - SLIPS . Ladies Soft Quilted Cotton LOUNGING PAJAMAS . . . $7.98 Fancy Centerpieces Phone Dallas 4-7331 La ® Decorated Christmas Trees ® Beautiful Christmas Candles = Lovely Gitts To Please Milady! Charming, Practical Selection FLANNEL & CREPE Pajamas and - Gowns m2 PING AT YOU CAN DO ALL YOUR SHOP- AVOID ALL PARKING WORRIES THE GLOBE STORE AND P98 = "up . 3 Ladies First Quality NYLON HOSE 98c-51.25 . «314910 52.98 3 NYLON BLOUSES Beautiful, Tricot 2.98 up Dressy and Sport Sizes 24 to 30 Extra Large Sizes - SKIRTS 2.98 up OPEN FRIDAY and SATURDAY EVENINGS 114 MAIN ST. 7 (/ 2 YY GLOBE © e Wy Shop At The Department Store Most Conven- ient To The Back Mountain Area!® FREE PARKING AT ANY TIME STORE LUZERNE ee ee Si OE SCRE — SSS