x Caves "Market POTATO SALE 100-Ib bag 54.99 BURMA TEA BAGS 100 FOR 69¢ Smoked Picnics Ih. 39¢ Beltsville Turkeys Ih. 59c¢ SMALL | RIB END EGGS ... $1.10 PORK ROAST 3c Just a few of our everyday low prices FREE DELIVERY Full Line—Fish © Lobster Tail ® Frozen Foods Phone 4-7161 MAIN HIGHWAY, TRUCKSVILLE THE POST, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1952 Beaumont Dr. Edward Evans of Tunkhan- nock has been conducting dental examinations at school this week. November 1 is the closing date for the Salvation Army Drive, You haven’t forgotten to give have you? Mrs, Maude Scovell of Wilkes- Barre has been with the Charles Hilberts for the past week. Don’t miss the Hallowe'en Party at the high school Friday, October 31. ry “0 corms Mrs. IC. W. [Smith has been ill at her home due to a virus infection. The Asa Ryman Family of El- dredsville called on Mrs. 'Addie Austin last Sunday. The Warren Johnsons hiave moved to the Thomas Nulton home. Lend -A -Hand Club members should call president Doris Balew- ski to send their reservations for the turkey dinner at Idetown Methodist Hall Thursday, November 13; The executive committee of the wre PTA will meet Monday, November 3, at the high school, Local family budgets will be less strained after Saturday when, rabbit and pheasant will fill the family platters—if Pop's shooting eye is in good form, Purely Personal Jacqueline Louise Churry, Nor- ton Avenue, was guest of honor at a birthday party ‘Saturday after- noon. ‘She was six. RE-ELECT YOUR NEIGHBOR ‘Send FLACK Back To The LEGISLATURE | VOTE STRAIGHT REPUB ON TUESDAY SPECIALS SAT. & SUN. NOVEMBER 1 - Forty Fort Ice Stan: Stores| 2 at all DELICIOUS I 5 — ICE CREAM GiL.9Q FORTY FORT—974 Wyoming Ave. MAKE US PAY! If you buy us out of half aon; on these two days, as you have in the past when this special was offered, we will give you a card that will enable you to buy a V2 gallon of ice cream any other day FOR ONLY 50c. Sat. & Sun. Fountain Special — Super Banana Split — 23c FORTY FORT ICE CREAM CO., Inc. DALLAS-HARVEYS LAKE HIGHWAY KINGSTON—308 Wyoming Ave. EDWARDSVILLE—513 Main St. Finest Quality at Hi-Way Super Mkt. ® Best Prices PRODUCE Cabbage . Apples Potatoes . . DELICIOUS BY THE BUSHEL 2.95 it, Ib. 3¢ . 100 Ibs. $2.25 ; MEATS GRADE B PLATE, BOILING lbs. 45¢ # FRESHLY GROUND |. 37¢ % MINCED 2 lbs. 4c ¢ Ib. 3%¢ GROCERIES Oleo GOLDEN MAID Peaches pEivonte sucess 90¢ Crisco . . . . 3lb.canT3c 5 1bs. 89c Frozen Foods ® Baked Goods HI-WAY SUPER MKT. # LUZERNE-DALLAS HIGHWAY LUZERNE PAGE FIVE Attention HUNTERS READY TO GO? ROCKFORD HUNTING SOCKS Wool - Cotton - Rayon 98c KAMP - KING All - Purpose HUNTING KNIFE RAZOR - STEEL BLADES | 98¢c GUARANTED 40-HOUR ALARM CLOCK $2.98 PRACTICAL PLASTIC LICENSE | HOLDER 25¢ Guaranteed NEW HAVEN POCKET WATCH $2.69 DOG MEDICINES Complete Line of @ Sergeants ® Glovers @® Hunters ® Nema ® Lynn @® Pulvex Resident & Non-Resident HUNTING LICENSES $3.15 $20. EVANS DRUG STORE Phone 4-4531 Shavertown The Rexall Store a