Don Evans Answers The Question Why Is There A Hemelright Award? The Frank H. Hemelright Mem- oria] Award, given each year to the man lor woman in the Back Moun- ‘ tain who has given outstanding com- munity service, will be formally pre- sented to this year’s winner at Irem Temple Country Club on Wednesday evening, October 8th. Kenneth Rice, president of Dallas Kiwanis has announced that mem- bers of Kiwanis will be host at a combined dinner meeting of Dallas GO Kiwanis and Rotary Clubs, Miss Mary Weir, general chairman of the Frank H. Hemelright Memorial Award Committee, will make formal presentation of the award. Frank H. Hemelright, late of Mon- roe Township, had an epic career, which may be favorably compared to that of a Horatio Alger hero. Born in humble surroundings, Mr. Hemelright was principally self ed- ucated and was known for his ap- titude for hard work and persever- ance. At the time of his death he had attained every goal he desired— an enviable character, respect of hundreds of friends, wealth, and the lasting gratitude of many young men and women whom he had bene- fitted financially. Mr. Hemelright was born in Beau- mont, September, 1870, and passed away jn January, 1930, at Scranton, where he had resided for many years, At the time of death, he was president of [Peckville National Bank, and a director of the First National Bank, Scranton. He was a » member of Keystone Utilities 'Com- : pany, and Sprague & Henwood, Inc., Scranton. His fraternal affiliations were Masonic ‘organizations, Scran- ton Club, Engineers’ (Society of Pennsylvania, and the American Society of Engineers. From humble mine labor at Luz- erne, when a small boy, Mr. Hemel- right rose through the ranks to be- come president of the Temple Coal Company. It is notable that Mr. Hemelright put the Golden Rule into daily ap- plication in all his associations, and was foremost in accepting leader- ship in any worthwhile community improvement. He was intensely in- terested in youth, and was ever ready to be of assistance to any young man or woman who came to him for kindly counsel or finan- cial help. The Frank H. Hemelright Award has been established by a donor, who, remaining anonymous, was one of the numerous young people who ‘henefitted’ from the Christian ideals so fully exempli- fied by Mr. Hemelright. Too Late To Classify FOR SALE af EASY Spin-Drier washer, two years old, excellent condition. Call Dal- las 4-5188. WOMAN WANTED to assist mother with children. Gen- eral house work afternoons only. Call Dallas 4-2672. A THE POST, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1952 xen 090 ra LY BOXING Cavalcade of Sports 5 10 P.M. Read the Classified Column the winner - XXX — love and kisses for the new look when you walk. ..the hooded heel, the ‘contrast of color...the low and lively air. Try a pair, and be happy. $0.95 BLACK SUEDE WITH TAN LEATHER BLACK SUEDE WITH RED LEATHER SHOE SALON — Main Floor Rear THE BOSTON STORE PAGE FIVE Hi-Way Super Mkt. BEST BUYS OF THE WEEK GROCERIES CRISCO Nu-Pac Campbell’s TOMATO SOUP Beechnut BABY FOOD Chase & Sanborn COFFEE... . ... vw war wiih candle MEE iw a wai 1 cans Qe 1 1b. tin 85¢ MEATS PLATE BOILING BEEF ih, 27¢ SIRLOIN, PORTERHOUSE STEAK Ih. Te SKINLESS FRANKS |b. 49c¢ FOR LUNCHES, SPICED 3 Ib. can LUNCHEON MEAT $1.39 PRODUCE — JUMBO, PEARLY WHITE CAULIFLOWER ib. 29¢ FANCY PRUNES 3 lbs. 25¢ 100 LR, BAG POTATOES $2.29 CALIFORNIA, BARTLETT PEARS =... 6 for 23¢ ¥ HI-WAY SUPER MKT. LUZERNE-DALLAS HIGHWAY ASSN NNN NNN Aa LOOK AT THIS NEW OFFER COMPLETELY INSTALLED IN YOUR HOME $ 9.5 Your Choice Of: Emerson ® General-Electric ® RCA e FADA THIS OFFER IS LIMITED TO THIS ONE SHIPMENT ONLY! HURRY! GUYETTE'S TRUCKSVILLE RADIO-TV SERVICE Phone 4-1181 Main Highway, Trucksville How Can He Do It? | the other dealers ask Figure It Out Yourself It's just simple arithmetic! Guyette sells a big volume of TV sefs . . . so when he buys in big quantities he gets a better price. HE PASSES THESE SAVINGS ON TO YOU, HIS CUSTOMER!