ore CEE Sandel Hunt Owns Eight Bushes But Buys Gardenia At Auction Sande] Hunt, owner of eight gar- demia bushes in La Habra, Califor- nia, made it across country in five days in order to buy a gardenia cor- sage for a dollar at the Library Auc- tion. Mr. and Mrs, Hunt will be in the neighborhood for two or three weeks. They are staying with Mr. and Mrs, Donald Peglow, Parrish Street. The Hunts made it to Lordsburg, New Mexico the first night; Okla- homa (City the second; St. Louis, Mo. the third; (Columbus, Ohio, the fourth; and Dallas [Saturday after- noon, in time for an evening at the auction. Some of the stretches were over 700 miles. The Hunts moved from Tucson, Arizona, to La Habra in April, find- ing @a [California style house situ- ated on a lot that has an avocado tree, five lemon trees, and an orange tree, all the vitamins weady for the plucking, (With a daughter and scn-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Creager, living right around the corner from them with their two children, and a son, Elmer, home for vacations from University of Arizona, the Hunts have plenty of contact with their family. There is still a daughter living in Tucson, wife of Rev. Henry Meredith. Mr. Hunt thinks [California is a grand place to live. (Says he eats an avocado every day, and points to his expanding waistline as proof. Lemon juice on the avocado? No, just salt. No true Californian would dream of mucking up an avocado with lemon or salad dressing. Anybody who has lived in [Cali- fornia for over three months classi- fies as a son of the soil and an early settler, A Purely Persona Mr. and Mrs, Abram Nesbitt, Lake Catalpa, will entertain Saturday might at a small dinner party in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kil- burn who are weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs, John Coon, Overbrook Avenue. Mrs. Allen 'Scattergood, former Lois Mosier of Dallas, is in Wilkes- Barre ‘General Hospital recuperating from an operation. She is coming along very nicely. : Lt. Col. and Mrs. Frank Townend and children, Cynthia, David, and Stephen, have returned from Ger- many to their home in Shavertown. Barney Laskowski, fancier of rat terriers, placed in the Dallas Post a classified ad for twelve rat ter- riers, six of them 'young puppies. He sold all of them. It pays to ad- vertise! : LEE 24-hour Announcing the appointment of Elston & Gould as WHOLESALE and RETAIL Distributors of TIRES for the BACK MOUNTAIN AREA RECAPPING HEADQUARTERS with latest Fullcapping Methods Come in and see how it is done Service MAIN HIGHWAY Elston & Gould Phone 4-5459 AT FERNBROOK Calso IS MADE FOR TODAY’S CARS Gives you more POWER — more EFFICIENCY — more ECONOMY! STOP AT THE Pen-Fern 0il Co. Complete Automotive Service Fernbrook Corners PHONE DALLAS 13-41% Body and Fender Regains Otflglal Auto I AAA Member—Towing Serviee Open 7:30 a. m. to 21:00 p. m. MAIN HCWY, SHAVERTOWN PHONE 14-0151 CALSO SIGN of Nearest Dealer Parker's Service Station Miller’s Auto Electric RED & WHITE Snyder's Garage Specialized Lubrication ORANGE DIAL 7-258 Specialists In Ignition Carburetion and Motor Tune-up Official Auto Inspec’ion AAA Member EAST DALLAS PHONE 13-1082 THE POST, FRIDAY, JULY 25, 1952 |Back Mountain Area Is Lashed By Freak Triple-Threat Storm The John Engel home in Trucks- ville was damaged early Tuesday morning, when a torrent swept through the town, flooding base- ments and undermining foundations. Repairs had just been made follow- ing a fire four months age. Mrs, Engel, who was away with her family came home to find her side porch in {Snake Run, ‘the side wall above it sagging. Six years ago, she says, a similar cloudburst washed out retaining walls along the creek bed. The retaining wall is gone again. On the other side of the now rapidly shrinking stream the J. D. Richards garage was undermined, with one of the two cars tipping almost into the stream bed through a yawning chasm in the concrete flooring. Mrs. Richards says twenty-five men put their shoulders to the task and lifted the car to safety. Many houses were struck by lightning in the area, without much damage, but most telephone and electric service was not interrupted, even at the height of the freak thun- derstoom which struck the Back Mountain, in three installments, from late afternoon to early morn- ing. Spectacular cloud effects and weird lightning effects combined with almost constant thunder to keep residents wakeful. Trucksville area was hardest hit, with the focus of the third storm at Meadowcrest housing development. A cloudburst ran down over the de- nuded hills like water off a slate roof, with nothing to stop it. In a matter of minutes Snake Rua car- ried a flash flood, close on the heels of a tremendous run-off earlier in the night, It was this flash flood that swept away’ the plank bridge above the Ben Johnson home, and hurled it against the tottering kitchen porch, cut across the arc of the circle, and turned the place into an island, with the little family marooned and plunging to their death when they attempted escape. Mrs, Earl Monk’s home on Parrish Heights was struck by lightning, during the first storm Monday affter- noon at 4. The bolt came in through the television connection, jumped to the radio and descended to the base- ment where it blackened two insul- ators, The Gerald Frantz home on Par- rish Street was also struck, Edward Staub’s dam in Trucks- haby talk If I felt any better— I'd charge admission Say—a bottle of that ex- tra good PURVIN’S MILK! ’ Pus tre Fine MILE FOR REGULAR DELIVERY IN THE BACK MT. AREA CALL 2-8151COLLECT ville was not washed out, as at first reported. Damage to the soft fill alongside, where water spread out over the lowland, apparently did not occur until the worst of the floodwater from the highlands had gone on downstream. Experts agree that the dam had nothing to do with the water level in the lower stream, that it served rather to lessen than to increase it. The Meeker Methodist Church was struck in the belfry, with slight damage. Happy Birthday To You THEODORE J. BOSTON Boston is celebrating his 20th birthday today aboard USS Jarvis, off the coast of Korea. Based in Norfolk, he will mot be back in the country until December. Ted, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Boston, Dallas RD 2, graduated from Lake High iSchool in 1951. He has recently been married to the former Marie B. Backo, daughter of the late John and Mary Backo, Sr.. Swoyerville, Michael Quare Sails For Rome Wednesday Michael Quare, Center Hill Road, sailed for Rome Wednesday on a steamer of the {Italian line to visit relatives. Born in Pittston, this is Mr. Quare’s first visit to the home of his fathers, Francis Quare, his son, seriously injured in the tragic train wreck of the 109th, September 11, 1950, is improving. He has recovered suf- ficiently from the broken back so that the is able to walk, but not for any distance. | PAGE SEVEN _ BIG UMMER | CLEARANCE SALE Now Going On OPEN FRIDAY and SATURDAY EVENINGS LOBE 114 MAIN ST. FREE PARKING STORE ‘LUZERNE FORMERLY THE PRODUCE CENTER LEMONS PEARS ORANGES The Complete Self-Service Mkt. - Now Under New Managers PRODUCE iis. wu. Qlor2e CHUCK ROAST . . . Ib. 55 Sal iie vin Bior2e iw» » Bdoz. 95 THE i-Way Super Market RIB & LOIN END PORK CHOPS . . . . SIRLOIN & PORTERHOUSE STEAKS . . .. . . : Ib. 39c Ib. 79¢ KOOL-AID MINUTE-MAID LEMONADE GROCERIES HERSHEY SYRUP . . 0 pkgs. for 23¢ SALAD DRESSING eta 3 for dle . . 2fordlc . . qt.45¢ i-Way Super Market LUZERNE-DALLAS HIGHWAY AMPLE FREE PARKING LUZERNE