__ PAGE FOUR THE POST, FRIDAY, JULY 25, 1952 -_ lei ighborhood News es pion OF Personal Interest Purely Personal Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stoss and Russ Jr. and Nancy have moved from Dallas R. D. 3 to 279 W. Ferry Street, Buffalo 13, New York. Mr, and Mrs. James ‘Welter have moved from Dallas to |Akron, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs, Lynde Ryman, Wil- mington, Del., and Mrs. Edith Stone, Ithaca, N, Y., visited Dallas friends and went through the Back Moun- tain, Library over the weekend. The Library building is the former Ry- man homestead and Lynde and his family enjoyed reminiscing and talking about the changes made, in their former home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weaver, Frenklin Street, and children, Gwen. and Robbie, will leave Monday to . spend several weeks at Lale Carey. Jonathan Valentine, son of Atty. and Mrs. Jonathan Valentine, Hunts- ville, entertained a few friends yesterday. Mrs. Mary Parkhurst, Tdetown, and children, Jimmy and Penny are spending a few days at Asbury Park as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jeter. Mrs. H. H, Zeiser, mother of Mrs. Howard Risley, Dallas, has been: ill at the home of her daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Donald T. Williams, Idetown, entertained recently at a farewell dinner in honor of Mrs. R. E. Van Gordon and son, Richard, who left on Monday for their home in San Antonio, Texas. Major Van Gordon is stationed in Korea. Mrs. Van Gordon’s father, Charles A. Carle, Kingston, accompanied his daughter to Texas. Mrs. Edmund Dana, Harveys Lake, and sons, Ned, Lewis, and Stephen, left Tuesday to spend a few days at Ocean Grove, N. J. They will be joined today by Mu. Dama. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Dana, Har- veys Lake, entertained last Friday cently at the home of Mr. Forty Fort, visited Mr. Mrs. in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mueller, Harveys Lake. A Weiner Roast was theld re- and Mrs. Alfred Smith in honor of Cpl. Richard Dymond who is home on a furlough. Those who attended were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hoyt and children Charlotte, Bobby, Mary Lou, Garry and Ruby, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Husted and children Joyce and Dickie, and Mrs. Richard Engle- man and sons, Richard and Gary. Nancy Hand and Joan Heydon, and Mrs. Herbert Hill, Jr., Shavertown, for a few days. Billie Adams is spending the sum- mer with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Edward Adams and Mr. and William Thomas at Mount Greenwood Road, Trucksville. Billie was ia good volunteer worker at the Auction. Blaine Johnson, Virginia, is spending a few weeks with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Brown, Trucksville. Mrs. Robert Rebor and son, Bobby, of Philadelphia, are spending "a month with Mr, and Mrs. G. H. Keller, Davis Street, Trucksville. ‘Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hill and son, Tommy, and Richard [Schooley, Trucksville, have recently returned from a week's visit to Oshawa, pro- vince of Ontario, Canada. They visited Mr. Hill's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. William Saunders. 7. Platt Bennett, Huntsville, has returned home from the Wilkes- '_ Barre [General Hospital where he has been a patient. Mr, and Mrs. Niles M. White, and “son, Harry Bruce, Dallas, have re- THE STORK CLUB Mr. and Mrs. Thomas (Cawley, 48 Carverton Road, Trucksville, an- nounce the birth of a dughter on July 21 in Nesbitt Memorial Hos- pital. Mr. and Mrs, Francis Tappin, 186 Meadowcrest Avenue, Trucksville, announce the birth of a son on July 22 in General Hospital, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Reese, Frank- lin Street, Dallas, have announced the birth of a 7 pound 8 ounce daughter, Diane, born July 15 in the Nesbitt Memorial Hospital, Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Reese have two other Sele Peggy Ann, 4, and Cathy, 2 Mr, and Mrs. Gomer Elston, R.D. 1, Dallas, announce the birth of a 7 pound 2 ounce son, Dale Lynn, on July 17 in Nesbitt Hospital. The Elstons have another son, Ralph, 6, and a daughter, [Sally, 16 months, Mr. and Mrs. George E. London, Centermoreland, announce the birth of a 7 pound 7 ounce daughter, Georgia Leigh, on July 16 in Nes- bitt Memorial Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. London have another daugh- ter, Lucinda Sue, age 2. Son Robert Born To The Harry Tinsleys Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tinsley, Philadelphia, announce the birth of a son, Robert Howard, weight 7 pounds twelve ounces, July 8. Mrs. Tinsley is the former Catherine Davis, Davenport Street. Mrs. Walter Davis is spending a few weeks in Philadelphia with her daughter, accompanied by Judith Ann who has Ibeen visiting her grandmother in Dallas. Butchie Bigelow Feted The guests were ‘Mr. and Mrs. William Myers, [Shavertown, Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Davis, Edwardsville, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Traver and Jeanne Traver, Rose Mary Kozak, Beaumont, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shupp, East Dallas, and children Sandy, Rickey, and Norma Jean, Mrs. Harry Bigelow and daughter, Louise, Mrs, Lloyd Myers and children Dale, Nettie, Lloyd, Jr., Betty, Nancy and Wesley, and Shirley Kunkle, all of Tunkhannock, and Billy Malkemes Jr. of Fort Eustise, Virginia. Mrs, Stanley Kurash of Tunkhan- nock, a collector of copper lustre, was unable to be present when it went over the block but had left a bid of $20 for it. It went to $19 where the bidder got it. Mrs. Helen Hart has returned to her home on Machell Avenue after spending a week in New York City visiting relatives, Mrs. Anna Messinger, Bangor, Pa., spent last week with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Don [Clark of Lehman 'Avenue. Mrs, Harry Ohlman, Machell Ave- nue, spent last week in Potts- town and Philadelphia, Lee Ohlman is at Boy Scout (Camp. Mr, and Mrs. William McLean, Huntsville, has returned from New Haven where they were visiting their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, John Markle. The mother of Mrs. Henry Jones, Huntsville, Mrs. S. H. (Church, Pitts- burgh, is spending some time with her daughter and son-in-law. Bow McLean, son of Mr. and Mrs. William McLean, Huntsville, left Friday to spend several weeks at Booth Bay Harbor, Maine. Kathleen Ferenbach, Huntsville, will leave today to spend the week- end at Point O"Woods, N. Y. as the guest ‘of Mr. and Mrs. Gregor; turned from a three week's visit to |p... Te 2 Wautoma, Wisconsin, where they Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Belles, attended the wedding of Margery Trucksville, have returned from Williams ‘to Jack Dean Voneda. They were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. William Corell. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Girvan and Nicky, Ginny and Terry of Portland, Oregon, are spending several weeks with Mr. Girvan's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Girvan of Lake Street. Over the weekend they visited the Joe Girvans in Nor- ristown. Mr. and Mrs. Nic /Cortliglio en- tertained Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kiefer and Mr. and Mrs.'Stephen Heller- sperk at dinner Saturday might at their summer ‘home, Beaumont, It was the Kiefers’ twenty-third wed- ding anniversary. Fred spent the © week with his family. Mrs. W. J. Smith has been ill at . her home on Mill Street. 3 Dilys Rowlands, Trucksville, has been ill at her home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Steelman, James Street, have rented the Fred Kiefer home at Shrine View and "will move in the first of September. The Kiefers will move to a New ~ York suburb. . Street, Mr. and Mrs. John Brittle have returned to their home in Kenosha, Wisconsin, after visiting their brother-in-law and sister, Mr. .and Mrs. John Vernon, {Center ‘Hill Road. Mr. and Mrs. Merl Bigelow, Main Shavertown, entertained Friday evening at a picnic birthday party for their son, Merl Lloyd, who was 5 years old. He received many lovely gifts and a large birthday cake inscribed “Happy Birthday, Butchie”. “ Plainfield, N. J. where they spent two weeks with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Hoover. Jackie Griffin returned with his grandparents to Trucksville for a Visit, Mrs. Roscoe Lee, Terrace Street, had as guest last week Miss Mary Louise [Stearns of New York (City. Miss Stearns is a former Wilkes- Barre and Lake Carey resident. To- night Mrs. Lee and son, Jack, will entertain at a dinner party honoring the former’s miece and nephew, Mr. | Margaret Ann Morgan Is Bride Of Albert Coates Announcement has been made of the marriage of Margaret Ann, Mor- gan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William H., Morgan of South Main Street, [Shavertown, to Albert Coates, [South Coventry, Conn., son of Mr, and Mrs. (Christopher (Coates of Mountain Road, Plymouth, at a candlelight ceremony in Shaver- town Methodist Church on June 7. Rev, Robert DeWitt Yost offic- iated, assisted by Rev. Henry Geist. Preceding the ceremony, [Carl Coates, brother of the bridegroom gave an organ recital. Gwen (Clifford was soloist. The bride was attended by her sisters, Ruth Mary Morgan, maid of honor, and Mrs. Verna [Morgan Davis, matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Harriet Prater, Fernbrook, and Kathleen Anne Guyette, Trucksville. Marjorie and Susan Davis, Shaver- town, were flower girls. Walter Sterling Coates, Plymouth, was best man for his brother, Ushers were William E, Davis, [Shavertown, Albert Hill, Plymouth, and William Nelson, Dallas. A reception for about 100 guests was held at the bride's home, after which the couple went to South, Coventry where they will reside. The bride is a graduate of King- ston Township High (School and Col- lege Misericordia. Mr, Coates, a graduate of Larksville High (School, is employed by Pratt-Whitney Div- ision of United Aircraft at East Hartford, Conn. J. Rita Birkbeck Becomes Bride Of Robert Pilger J. Rita Birkbeck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John R. Birkbeck, Luzerne, was married to Robert Pilger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pilger, Beaumont, Saturday at 8 p.m. at a small wedding in Sacred Heart Roman ‘Catholic Church, Luzerne. Father George T. Forve performed the double ring ceremony. The church was decorated with white and red gladioli, Mrs. Helen Pointek was the organist, and the [Children’s Choir sang at the nuptial Mass. The bride chose a fitted white shantung street-length dress and a jacket with Dolman sleeves. She wore a Varross gold cross and chain, the gift of the groom, and carried a Rock Crystal rosary and a white satin prayer book with a white orchid and white satin streamers. Her headdress was a fitted lace [bon- net with a short weil. Bernadette Birkbeck, sister of the bride, was the maid of honor. She wore a chartreuse shantung dress and carried a colonial bouquet of yellow roses. [Charles Pilger, brother of groom, was the best man. The bride’s mother selected a white crepe dress with a royal blue figure design. The mother of the groom, Mrs. Pilger, wore a dark blue sheer crepe idress with a rose colored design, They wore shoulder corsages of orchids, The grandmother of the bride, Mrs. Henry Nothoff, flew from Boston to attend the wedding. She wore a powder blue crepe dress and an orchid. The couple has left for a trip to Rochester to visit the groom's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pilger, Jr. After a trip to Canada, Mr. and Mrs, Pilger will live at Harveys Lake. the Kingston Girl Engaged To Hubert A. Boline Announcement has been made of the engagement of Joann H. Stein- hauer, 565 Rutter Avenue, King- ston, to Hubert A. Boline, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Boline, Vonder- heid Street, Trucksville. Miss Steinhauer graduated from Nesbitt Memorial Hospital School of Nursing. She is employed by Dr. C. A. Miller, Wilkes-Barre. Mr. Boline was graduated from Kingston High School and is em- ployed by the Duplan ‘Corporation in Kingston. . No date has been set for the wedding. and Mrs, Peynton Lee. The Peynton Lees are celebrating their wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. James Cuthbert and son, Scott, of ‘Arlington, Va., are the guests of Mrs. Cuthbert’s par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Russell Miers of Kunkle. Mrs. Arthur Morgan and daugh- ter, (Alice of Denver, Colorado, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wilcox of Jackson Township. Mrs. Morgan is a former resident of Wilkes-Barre and Philadelphia. To- morrow they will leave with the Wilcoxes for a motor trip to Niagara Falls and down the St. Lawrence River to Quebec thence home by Lake Champlain and Fort Ticonder- oga. Mrs. Henry L. Jones, Trucksville, has returned to the Wilkes-Barre General Hospital where she was a patient earlier this summer. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ruggles, Idetown, will have as a weekend guest Mrs. Ruggles’ mother, Mrs. Webster Nock of New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Henry TL. Jones, Trucksville, had as weekend guests Major and Mrs. J. Mahaffey, whom they met on their trip tc Turkey last winter. Major Hahaffey has been stationed in Anchora as an aide to General Arnold and is mow on his way to Fort Sill, Oklahoma. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ruggles, Ide- town, will have as weekend guests Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Taylor of Hart- ford, Connecticut, who are coming to display their 1926 Buick station wagon in the Antique Automobile Show to be held this weekend. Elmer 7. | 10 MACHELL AVE. NEW MODERN MODERATE in price FUNERAL HOME Phone Dallas 4-4101 Wllama DALLAS, PA. Wisconsin Girl Wed To Former Dallas Boy Mr, and Mrs. Robert O. Williams, Wild Rose, Wisconsin, announce the marriage of their daughter, Margery, to Jack Dean Voneda, son of Mr. and Mrs. William (Corell, Wild Rose, formerly of Baldwin St., Dallas. The wedding took place cn July 5 in the Wild Rose Presbyterian (Church. Beulah Dixon and Esther Williams, sisters of the bride, were brides- maids, Ushers were the brothers of the groom, Oliver and Kenneth. The bride was given in marriage by her brother, Griffeth. "A large reception followed the wedding, and then the couple went to Michigan for a few weeks. They will live at Lake Morris, Wisconsin. Mr, and Mrs, John ‘Coon, Over- brook Avenue, will have as weekend guests Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kilburn of Orange, N. J. Mr. Kilburn was Mr. Coon’s roommate at Princeton. Mrs. IC. M. Booth, Wilkes-Barre, spent a few days as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Kear, Lake Street. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carsons of Houston, Texas, visited Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kent, Lehman, on Monday. The Carsons were enroute to New York. Miss Annette Evans is occupying Mrs. Frank Darte’s house at Chase Corners for the last two weeks of | July. SAKRETE PRE-MIXED CONCRETE & MORTAR \ IW A BAG! it's ready... Just ‘ADD WATER! % (So) Ne 31 MORTAR MIX ARE Back Mt. Lumber & Coal Co. SHAVERTOWN—PHONE 4-1441 Guest Editor KATHLEEN FERENBACH The young lady above is editor of the Post’s social page this week. A sophomore at Wellesley College she has been spending her summer va- cation as cub reporter, bindery hand and handling details of the Library Auction at The Post. Kathleen is the daughter of Mrs. William Bertels of Huntsville. A graduate of Wyoming {Seminary where she was Cum Laude, she was a member of the Opinator staff, the Annual Board, Hockey Team and Shakespeare (Club. At Wellesley she is on the staff of the Wellesley News, student newspaper, the Press Board and Young Republican Club. Her hobbies are thorses and writ- ing. Mrs. Louis Kleinrock Honored At Shower Mrs. Louis Kleinrock, the former Judy Powell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Powell, Lehigh Street, Shavertown, was the guest of honor at a shower given by [Sylvia Doane, Wilkes-Barre, at her home on South Franklin Street. The guests, besides the guest of honor and the hostess, were Joan Kear and Ruth Haycox, Dallas, Janet Shaver, Shavertown, Kathryn Net- zel, Plymouth, Alice Kleinrock and Mrs, Jerry Iscovitz, Pittston, Ginny Todd, Kingston, Doris Kirkendall and Kathleen [Ferenbach, Trucks- ville, Mrs. Earl Dodge, Forty [Fort, and [Caro] Popky, Wilkes-Barre. Mr, and Mrs, Warren Reed and family, Huntsville Road, left Tues- day for a trip to Corning, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Asa Day, Terrace Drive, will entertain at cocktails on Saturday, Tim Mulligan and Suzy Ferenbach, Huntsville, entertained at a surprise birthday party last Friday in honor of Sally Ide. : ~ Mr. and Mrs. Warren Goff, Har- veys Lake, have returned from #& weekend visit with Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Marvel of Lehman Avenue who are spending the summer at Beach Haven, N. J. Mrs, Paul Mulcey, Overbrook Avenue, and children, Betsy and Jackie, have returned from a trip to Niagara Falls, (Carol Lynn King, Detroit, has been the guest of Betsy Mulcey, Overbrook Avenue. Mr. and Mrs, John L. Sullivan and Allan and Jayne, Mr. and Mrs. Doris Spencer Is Wed To Kenneth Meadway Saturday In a lovely summer wedding, Doris Spencer, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Russell Spencer, Idetown, be- came the [bride of Sgt. Harold Mead- way, son, of Mr. and Mrs. T. Kenneth Meadway of Norristown, Pa, Satur- day at 2 p.m. Rev. Frank Abbott performed the double ring ceremony in Idetown Methodist Church before an altar banked with palms and white gladioli. Elsie Jean Ide was the soloist, The bride wore a ballerina length gown of lace and net over satin and a finger length veil cut with a high, round meckline and long lace sleeves, She carried a bouquet of white roses. The maid of honor, Dorothy Spen- cer, Idetown, a cousin of the bride, wore a gown of pink lace and net, and carried a colonial bouquet of pink roses. Bridesmaids Mildred and Lois Ide and Lila ‘Shaver, all of Idetown and cousins of the bride, wore ballerina gowns in pastel shades and carried colonial bouquets. Best man was Carl Arbogast. Glen Fox and John Alexander were ushers. Mrs, Spencer, the bride’s mother, wore a white rayon suit with white and black accessories, and a cor- sage of red roses. The mother of the groom, Mrs. Meadway, was at- tired in a navy blue eyelet dress and had a corsage of red roses. After a wedding ‘trip to Niagara Falls, the couple will live on Laket [Street, Dallas. Fred Velletri and Regina, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Schultz of Providence, R. I. are visiting the David Estus family on Huntsville Road, iS. H. Keller, Dallas R. D. 3, in company with a niece from Mis- coutah whom he had not seen for forty-eight years, visited a niece at Rome, N. Y. From there they motored to Watertown where Mr. Keller's parents are buried. They also visited Sacketts Harbor and Henderson Harbor. Miss Helen Williamson, Philadel- phia, is visiting friends and relatives in the Back Mountain Area. Mrs. Mary Hudson, Davis Street, Trucksville, mother of Elwood Hud- son, will leave Monday for a motor trip to Arizona in company with her sister, Mrs. Martha Tabor, and her niece, Mrs. Dorothy Yeager of Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Mrs. Sara Moss, Fernbrook, is spending sometime with Wallace Leitch and Mrs. Herbert Hulbert in Buffalo. Mrs. Moss left. Monday with her son Roy who drove and who will spend a week there before returning, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Farr and children, Patty, Larry, Jay and Ricky and Betsy Rowlands, Trucksville, have returned from a two week vacation at North Lake. and Susan, Nancy, ® Friends are quick to note—and comment—on your appearance. When they begin to talk—it is time for you to act. Don’t accept “half-way” health. See your Doctor. Let him diagnose your condition Bring his prescriptions to us' for compounding. [Eee 3. 1:15 ord a PCST i PHONE 4-6666 SANDY BEACH DRIVE-IN THEATRE FRIDAY WALT DISNEY’S “TREASURE ISLAND” Technicolor Bobby Driscoll, Robert Newton “Mighty action picture alive with excitement” SATURDAY Two Big Features “Savage Drums” with Sabu “An action picture to the tune of jungle drums” PLUS “G. I. Jane” Jean Porter, Tom Neal Iris Adrian SUN.—MON.—TUES. “African Queen” Technicolor Humphrey Bogart Katherine Hepburn “Actually filmed in the splendor and dangers of the Belgian Congo. The mightiest adventure of them all” WEDNESDAY—THURSDAY “Hard, Fast, Beautiful” Claire Trevor, Sally Forrest “The things she had to do . the lies she had to tell . ‘the love affair she Beds to hide” 4 Stan Lite DRIVE - IN ROUTE 309 TUNKHANNOCK, PA. FRIDAR & SATURDAY DOUBLE FEATURE “In Old Amarillo” Roy Rogers and “Bowery Battalion” Leo Gorcey and the Bowery Boys SUNDAY & MONDAY “Apache Drums” color Stephen McNally, Coleen Gray TUESDAY Family night—double feature “The Mummy” and “The Mummy’s Curse” Lon Chaney, Virginia Christine WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY “Little Egypt” color Mark Stevens, Rhonda Fleming Mrs. Cliff Schultz Honored At Shower Mrs. (Cliff Schultz of Providence, R. I. was guest of honor at a variety shower Wednesday evening, July 16, at the David Estus home on Huntsville Road. Mrs. Schultz, the former Helen Sullivan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Sullivan, for- mer residents of Dallas, was mar- ried July 10 in St. Anthony's Church, Providence. Guests were Mrs, Joseph (Gunton, Wyoming, Mrs. Daisy Hoyt, Kunkle, Mrs, Edwin Ide, Hatboro, [Pa., Mrs. Kenneth Brobst, Mrs. Ralph Hoyt, Mrs. Dean Ide, Mrs. Joseph Lavelle, Mrs, Willard Hoyt, and Mrs. Don Bulford, all of Dallas, Mrs. Joseph Stolarick, Mrs. George ‘Stolarick and Mary Stolarick, Lehman, Mrs. (Clyde Hoyt, Kunkle, Mrs. Fred Velletri and Mrs. John L. Sullivan, Providence, Mrs. John Funke, Trucksville, Mrs. Joseph Solanick, Tunkhannock and Mrs, James McGroarty, Kingston. HIMMLER THEATRE Dallas, Pa. FRIDAY—SATURDAY “About Face” in Technicolor with Gordon MacRae Also Cartoon and News MONDAY—TUESDAY “Rose Of Cimarron” in Color Also Cartoon and Sports WEDNESDAY—THURSDAY “In Old Amarillo” with Roy Rogers and Jungle Headhunters in Technicolor DALLAS OUTDOOR THEATRE Children under 12 — Free 2 Shows Nightly—9:00 & 11:00 FRIDAY “The Prince Who Was A Thief” technicolor Tony ‘Curtis, Piper Laurie “The year’s sensational young discoveries” Cartoon & News SATURDAY “My Friend Irma” Marie Wilson, John Lund Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis “You can’t beat her” Cartoon & News SUNDAY & MONDAY “Flame Of Araby” technicolor Maureen O'Hara, Jeff Chandler “Tale of fiery love and high adventure” Cartoon & News TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY “The Redhead And The Cowboy” ‘Glenn Ford, Rhonda Fleming Edmond O’Brien “When a red-headed beauty meets a hot-headed cowboy the sparks really fly” Cartoon & News THURSDAY “Fixed Bayonets” Richard Basehart, Gene Evans “The big-as-victory story of the U. S. Infantry’ Cartoon & News SAT ns Bo a £1 a —— ve