Sp RET EE For A Modern Dependable Service - Switch To - Electric i, AN ELECTRIC RANGE Clean Economical Cool Fast AN ELECTRIC WATER HEATER Convenient - Automatic Trouble Free . .. Economical Too! See Your Dealer About These Two Great Appliances LUZERNE COUNTY GAS & ELECTRIC CORP. FROM 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon On SATURDAY, JULY 19, we will announce an entirely new line of general-purpose tractors— suc- cessors to the famous John Deere Models “A” and “B.” By far the greatest values ever offered by John Deere, these new tractors feature major engineering advancements and a host of improvements that step up tractor performance in many different ways. One of these new models will be on display at our store this Saturday so be sure to stop in and see for yourself how much more value these great new John Deere Tractors offer you. RURAL SUPPLY CO. SHICKSHINNY R. D. | Phone Muhlenburg 2331 57 Tune in our Farm Market Reports at 12:30 over WHWL—T730 on your dial THE POST, FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1952 Sunday School Makes Awards Pins Given For Perfect Attendance Junior Department of Lehman Methodist Church will award pins to every child who has perfect at- tendance at Sunday school for one year. Pins will be awarded for per- fect attendance for three months, for six months, for nine months, and a gold pin will be awarded for attending Sunday School for a year without missing. Children who have received pins are Charles Vanderhoff, George Ma- jor, Eileen Miers, Shirley Disque, Ruth Adamshick, Margaret Barrall, Harold Major, Karen Rogers, Shir- ley Johnson, Glen ICoolbaugh, Rich- ard Disque, Lee Johnson, Carol Ann Lamoreaux, Freddie Brown, Karl Squier, Tommy Rogers, Susan Nuss, Audrey Ide, Cynthia Disque, Janet Vanderhoff, Jacque Spencer, Lea- nora Swan, Lois Vanderhoff, Louise Ellsworth, Althea Disque, Harold Coolbaugh, and Dana Ide. Teachers who received pins were Mrs. M. Spencer, Mrs. F. Abbott, Mrs. Lamoreaux, Mary Lou Elston, and Mrs. Leonard Adamshick. Wilson Family Has Reunion Giles Wilson Is Elected President The 37th reunion of the Wilson family was held Sunday afternoon at Ted Wilson's home, Demunds Road. About fifty members, repre- senting three generations, were present. Ted Wilson, president, was in charge. New officers elected were: Giles Wilson, president; Peter Wilson, vice-president; Naomi Prynn, sec- retary, and Nelson Wilson, treas- urer. The committee in charge of sports for young and old members of the family which provided the afternoon’s entertainment was Mar- ilyn Morris, Rosedell Vosler, Vera Welitcahko, Melvin Morris, and Stephen Welitcahko. Earl Sickler Family Holds Annual Reunion The descendant of Ear] and Eliza- beth Sickler held their yearly re- union at the home of Mrs. Della Parrish on Saturday. After a covered dish luncheon, Mrs, Parrish presided at the Business meeting. It was de- cided to hold the reunion at the same place on the third Saturday of Wuly, All officers retain ‘their Office as follows: Mrs. Della Par- rish, president; Mrs. John Miller, secretary; Bess (Cooke as treasurer. Prizes were given to the oldest Mrs. Harry Randall, youngest married, Mr, and Mrs, Howard (Coolbaugh, to the largest family, Mrs. Virgie Sick- ler. Other prizes to Mrs. Edith Tredinnick and (William South- worth. Those present were Mrs. [Sadie Cadugan, Mrs. Virgie Sickler, Rich- ard and Edith Sickler, Mrs. Ethel Honeywell, Mrs. Millie Kline, Mr. and Mrs, Howard Coolbaugh, Mrs. J. Gordon Hadsel, Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Roberts, Mrs. Lester Creasy, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tredinnick, Mr. and Mrs, William Southworth, Mrs. Della M. Parrish, Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Barnes, Mrs. Edith Tredinnick, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Randall, Bess Cooke, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Updyke and sons, Robert, John, (Gordon, Palmer, Judy, Kim, Linda and Randy. LOOK For The Name REALTOR when buying or selling real estate. The principal interest of a realtor is to see that the transaction, large or small, is com- pleted in an intelligent, ethical manner. Your local realtor D. T. SCOTT JR. Dallas 224-R-18 D. T. SCOTT and Sons REALTORS 10 East Jackson Street Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Mrs. Kenneth (Calkins and (children | Graduates CHARLES R. NUSS Ensign Charles R. Nuss, son of Mr. and Mrs, ‘Charles S. Nuss, Leh- man, graduated from US Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point, L. I. July 1, with a BS in engineering. In addition to rank of Ensign in the Merchant Marine, he is Ensign in the Naval Reserve. He expects to sign up with an [American shipping company, after spending a short va- cation at home, Nuss passed a competitive exam- ination qualifying him for entrance to the Academy in 1948, one of 300 men selected from 3,000 contestants. During his year at sea, a third class study course combined with practical experience, he sailed on the Moore-McCormick, Grace, and American Export lines. He visited Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, (Colum- bia, Venezuela, Peru, Chile, Panama, Tangiers, Sicily, Greece and Turkey. During his First Class Year he was captain of the track team, pre- sident of (Christian ‘Council, and company ‘commander. He graduated from Lehman High School in 1948, and is now 21 years old. Covered Dish Luncheon W. S. C. S. held a covered dish luncheon, at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Frank K. Abbott of Lehman on ‘Wednesday. Mrs. Bruce Williams presided at ‘the business, Those pre- sent were Mrs, Bruce Williams, Mrs. Sadie Cadugan, Mrs. Della Parrish, Mrs. Emory Hadsel, Mrs. 'Walter Smith, Mrs, Corey Meade, Mrs. Clif- ford Davis, Glenda and Gloria Lyons, Mrs, Howard Reilly, Mrs. David Ide, Mrs. John Garringer, Rev. and Mrs. Frank K. Abbott. PAGE NINE For Simplicity and Economy . . . SHEPPARD DIESEL Tractors and Implements and GRAHM - HOEME PLOWS Joseph Skopic Dallas 368-R-10 ALFRED D. BRONSON FUNERAL DIRECTOR Phone Dallas 8241 “We Are As Near To You As Your Telephone” 24 HOUR AMBULANCE SERVICE "HOW TO SUCCEED SEND FOR THIS POWERFUL, INFORMATION-PACKED BOOKLET THAT CAN CHANGE THE COURSE OF YOUR LIFE! 36-page “Gold Mine,” Easy to Read, Easy to Understand, Gives Valuable Informa- tion — Shows You Yourself. Here Are Magic Topics: Why men and women fail . . . How to pick your goal ... How to develop your talents . . . How to reach perfection . . . How to deal with the boss . . . How to plan your career. And many other little-known hints on the applause of others. But you MUST Success in quick-reading form, reveai- know how to plan... what todo... what to study ... what to know. This FREE booklet tells it all — fast! The booklet is offered to you as a service by I. 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Today . . more than a million Ameri- cans have put their surplus savings to work, through a modern investment plan. Such a plan doesn’t de- tages big money investors insist upon. So . . mand big money . . . but gives you the same advan- J put your dollars to work. Invest in the earnings of America’s biggest industries. It costs nothing to in- vestigate this plan . . . clear detailed facts are yours for the asking. Just fill out and mail the coupon below. 1 i i 1 I I to work. I I I I I |p J. H. BROOKS & CO. Brooks Bldg.—Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Send FREE FOLDER on how I can put my money MAIL COUPON FOR FREE BOOKLET J. H. BROOKS & CO. 15 South Franklin Street, Wilkes-Barre Ground Floor, Brooks Building—FPhone 3-3131 i |