a as a —— So TS. 1.714 ar. A Lustrous and Durable Finish for Floors and Woodwork! ROTECTION i 8120 Inside 0 (74d 7 By Phe Patuten's Paiut FOR RENT" Floor Sander & Edger SHAVERTOWN PAINT & WALLPAPER CENTER Center St. Chas. Gosert, Sr. | Kingston Twp. Charles Steinhauer, Main Road, Trucksville, is a patient at the Nes- bitt Hospital. Edward Segar, Trucksville, is a Nesbitt Hospital. Fred Boote, Carverton, tient at the Nesbitt Hospital. Mr. Boote is Mrs. Haughwout's father. Society To Meet Regular monthly meeting of the Missionary Society of the Shaver- town Bible Church will be held on Wednesday evening, 7:45 at the home. of Mrs. Elmer Hoover, Ide- town. Miss Roxie Hoover will bring the missionary talk. Davis Street, patient at the is a pa- Memorial Fred Allen Covert, Ferguson Avenue, Shavertown, is a patient at the General Hospital. . Auxiliary Meets Ladies Auxiliary of Trucksville Fire Company met recently in Trucksville Fire Hall with Mrs. Bud Silverman presiding and voted $150 to the firement for upkeep of the fire company and equip- ment. Mrs. Franklin Hawke was appointed chairman of the refresh- ment stand at the Firemen’s Fair to be held July 16, 17, 18, and 19. Mrs. Robert Williams was a guest. Others present were Mrs. S. D. Finney, Mrs. Wallace Perrin, Mrs. Elmer Coolbaugh, Mrs. Earl Hess, Nulton Funeral Home Main Highway BEAUMONT, PENNSYLVANIA Back Mountain's First Modern, Conveniently located Funeral Home EstaBrisHED 1890 Telephone Night or Day—Harveys Lake 9-3426 Ample Parking Space Want A Good Old - fashioned Chicken Dinner? 15¢ and $1.25 PLAN NOW TO ATTEND THE JULY 4TH CELEBRATION Orange Community Hall DINNERS © GAMES © AMUSEMENT SPONSORED BY Franklin Twp. Vol. Fire Co. Auto INJURIES They can involve You! . . And sometimes they cannot be prevented. But hardships over the issue of FINANCIAL RESPONSI- BILITY can be prevented, through adequate insurance. Let us give you the details, now! C. WAYNE GORDON Local Agent—Farm Bureau Mutual Auto Insurance Co. ~ Main Highway, Shavertown Phone 557 25 Years Serving ‘The Back Mountain Region a WOOLBERT’S FUNERAL HOME Howard Woolbert 90 Ferguson Ave. RESIDENCE PHONE Dallas 400 J Funeral Director Shavertown THE POST, FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1952 Mrs. Herbert Jenkins, Mrs. Sam Dilcer, Mrs. Dorey Rogers, Mrs. Ray Finney, Mrs. William Greg- ory, Mrs. Earl Gregory, Mrs. Franklin Hawke, Mrs. Raymond Greenwood, Mrs. Dale Zimmerman, Mrs. Bud Silverman, Mrs. M. M. Lloyd and Mrs. Wilson Cease- Leroy Piatt, Carverton Road, who suffered a heart attack on Memorial Day, is still a patient at the Nesbitt Memorial Hospital where his condition continues to improve. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Cropp, and children, Peggy, Gary, and Ruth- ann, formerly of Shaver Avenue, Shavertown have mover to Moon- achie, N. J., where Mr. Croop: has accepted a position with Curtiss- Wright Aeronautical Corporation. Shavertown WSCS WSCS of Shavertown Methodist Church met recently with Mrs. James Godfring presiding. Mrs. Ziza Howell led devotions, Mrs. Elizabeth Bray demonstrated mak- ing artificial flowers from wood fibre. Present were: Mrs. Walter Cook, Mrs. Walter Andrews, Mrs. Wil- liam Brown, Jr., Mrs. John Fergu- son, Mrs. T. H. Morgan, Mrs. Ralph Frantz, Mrs. A. C. Dampf, Mrs. Z. R. Howell, Mrs. Mildred Ludt, Miss Ethel Vivian, Miss Alice Vivian, Mrs. John Henninger, Mrs. I. R. Elston, Mrs. Carl Hontz, Mrs. Lena McNeal, Mrs. Cyril Darrow, Na- omi Hons, Mrs. Gordon Austin, Mrs. Charles Kishbaugh, Mrs. John Cortright, Mrs. Oscar Dymond, Mrs. Howard Appleton, Mrs. Hor- ton Averett, Miss Pearl M. Aver- ett, Mrs. Thomas Reese, Mrs. Charles Smith, Mrs. Earl Hons, Mrs. Chester Nesbitt, Mrs. Arthur Leek, Miss Helen McCord. Mrs. Lewis Underwood, Mrs. Blanche Keller, Mrs. Walter Sha- ver, Mrs. Sherman Wardan, Mrs. Helen Heale, Mrs. Marian Katacin- ski, Mrs. G. E. Swan, Mrs. Ralph Whipp, Mrs. Gordon Edwards, Mrs. Olive Prutzman, Mrs. Ethel Honey- well, Mrs. Jack Jones, Mrs. J. H. Godtfring, Mrs. Percy Hart, Miss Lucy Courtright, Miss Marian Courtright, Mrs. Elizabeth Bray, Mrs. D. E. Hutchison, Mrs. Theo- dore Poad- Celebrate Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Robert Currie of Druid Hills, Shavertown, held open house Saturday evening in obser- vance of their 25th wedding an- niversary. Guests numbered 60. They have one son, Robert Bailor Currie, a senior at Wyoming Sem- inary and president of the Sha- TAKE A FRIENDLY SUGGESTION Before You Store Your Fur Coat . + « Now is the best time to RESTYLE or REPAIR your fur coat. eo Skillful Work ® Master Craftsmanship ® Free Estimates ® Free Storage ® Very Low Price e No Job Is Too Big . . Nor Too Small BETTER TAILOR and FURRIER 147 Main St., Luzerne, Pa. Call 7-2562 or Res. 7-7126 vertown Methodist Youth Fellow- ship. Idetown Mr. and Mrs. Homer Middleton of [Sunny Slope, Dallas, entertained with a buffet supper on Friday evening, honoring Vera Whitesell of Lehman who will be the bride of Gilbert D. Tough on July 19. After the supper, served around the centerpiece of yellow Briar roses and Blue Crystal, tiny Rinda Diamond as a ‘‘cupidess”, entered pulling a little wagon filled with Cambridge Crystal, and presented it to the bride. Guests present were Miss White- sell, Mr. Tough, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ehret, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nuss of Lehman; Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Hendricks of Millerburg; Homer Middleton Jr., Mr. Darwin Kline- tob of Wiknett, Ill; the host and hostess. Mrs. Earl Lamoreaux of 42nd Street, and Mrs. James Wheeler of Trucksville attended the Grand Chapter session of the Order of the Eastern Star held at Pitts burgh. Mrs. Wheeler was installed as District Deputy Grand Matron of District 21 A. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lamoreaux and Lee are expecting to move to their cottage at North Lake this week. Mrs. George Smith of Wilkes- Barre spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs, Water Smith. Mary Low, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rogers was a patient at the Nesbitt Housital. Mrs. Wesley Hilbert returned to her home on Sunday after spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Campbell of Chenango Bridge, “N. J. Mrs. Emory Haidsel spent Tuesday with Mrs. Fronie Wilcox of Dallas. On Thursday evening Pvt. and Mrs. Donald Bunney and Mrs. James Brown of [Shavertown were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Montross on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Montross and Mrs. Donald Bunney accompanied Pvt. Bunney to Harrisburg from where he will go to Alaska. Mrs. Bunney is Mrs.Montross sister. Mrs. Oscar Swan returned to her home after spending the last week with her nephew and wife, Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Dickson of 'Wilmingtoia, Delaware. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Spor and granddaughter, Phyllis of Nichol- son, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kreidler Jr. of Wilkes-Barre, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kreidler and daughter, Jac- queline of IShavertown spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kreidler Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Montross and children, Teddy and (Carol were din- ner guests on ‘Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Montross. Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Williams and children (Gary and Russell of Kirk- wood, New York spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rogers. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Achuff of New York City spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stacey. Mrs. Loren Keller returned to her home on Friday might after spending sometime with Mr. and Mrs. (Allen, Keil of Erie, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Al Hoover of Brook- lym, New York are visiting Mrs. W. H. Nevel. Mr. and Mrs. Freas Garringer of Hoover Reunion The forty-first annual reunion of the Hoover family will be held at Norris Glen, formerly Farmers’ Inn, Huntsville, Saturday, June 21. Harold Brobst Electrical Contracting & Wiring For PROMPT, DEPENDABLE SERVICE phone Dallas 38-R-2 your eyes. ‘you need. 7’ Feel “Old,” Tired, Worn Out After 40? New Formula, Medically Proven Helps You To Feel Younger Now you can fight the distress of advancing age! Thousands are peppy at 70. Try “pepping up” with New HI-VITA Tonic. tonic for weak, tired, wornout feeling which many people call “old.” You may feel nervous, dull, lazy, no appetite, without spark in You may look pale, haggard, older than your years. You may suffer misery from gassy bloating which crowds You belch sour acids; your food ferments, causing indigestion. A shortage of B-1, B-2, B-6, Niacin and Iron in your system may be the cause of all your needless suffering. New HI-VITA Tonic is then what Watch the results a day or two after using HI-VITA. The house- cleaning it will do in your body—the secreted poisons it will ‘bring out. You will begin to feel new pep as your insides tone up. New red blood will charge into your veins. Color will return to your face. Your food will taste better. You may feel like a new and different person. So don’t go on suffering! Get New HI-VITA at CARL MERRITT’S DRUG STORE, DALLAS Contains your heart. ——p— Green, New York spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Garringer. Firemen Plan Biggest Fair President Names Committee Members “The biggest and best Firemen’s Summer Fair on record’ is the pro- mise of S. D. Finney, president of Trucksville Volunteer Fire Company, who met recently with members of the company and Ladies Auxiliary to.make plans for the big event which will take place on July 16, 17, 18 and 19 on the Fire Company's grounds on Carverton Road. “All the proceeds from the Fair” Mr. Finney said, will be used to purchase equipment and keep it in top notch shape for any emergency in the Back Mountain Region.” Recently the company bought a new engine with four-stage pump, one of the first of its type in Luz- erne County, and a valuable addi- tion to the available equipment in this area. In outlining the company’s plans for the Fair, Mr. Finney said “there will be special events everyday and fun for every one. On the first day at 6:30 there will be a Pet Parade under the chairmanship of Mrs. George Flack; the second day at 7 p.m. a band concert under the chair- manship of Charles Perkins; the third day a baking contest and bake sale with Mrs. Jack Keenan as chair- man and Mrs. Wilson ‘Cease as co- chairman; on the final day the Back Mountain 4-H Show will be held at 2 pm. with official judging of en- trants; at 5 the same day there will be a children’s painting contest un- der the chairmanship of William Moss. Members of committees appointed by President Finney are: Refresh- ‘menst: William Hewitt, Samuel and Ruth Miller, co-chairmen; Fancy work booth committee, Ladies Aux- iliary, Mesdames Ray Greenwood, Morris Lloyd, William Gregory and Elmer (Coolbaugh, co-chairmen; Fish Pond, Mrs. Marian Perrin, chairman; Games, Robert H. Williams, chair- man, V. Harry Long, Herman Reese, Thomas Cleasby,. Harry Owens, (Wil- liam W. Clewell, Jacob H. Harrison; Party games, William Lipfert, William Liem, co-chairmen; Enter- tainment, William Hewitt, Mrs. Mil- dred Finney, co-chairmen; Grounds, Harold Yorks, chairman; Finance, Morris Lloyd, «chairman, William Gregory, David I[Schooley, Sam Sil- verman, Charles Perkins; Prizes on grounds, George Shaver [Sr., ISter- ling Rineman, co-¢hairmen; Publi- city, William Clewell, chairman, Thomas Shelbourne, William A. Moss; Booths, Ear] Hess, chairman, Wil- liam Moss, Lother Brown; Pony ride, ing, Bud Silverman; Novelty booth, William Heeman, chairman; Door Prize, William Strange, chairman. Jacob Harrison, chairman; Purchas- 7a ay SE i PAGE SEVEN Conyngham Appointment Makes Eight Wilkes Trustees Here William L, /Conyngham, Chase Corners. son of Mrs. William H. Conyngham and the late William H, Conyngham, has been elected a trustee of Wilkes, College, it was announced by Attorney Gilbert iS. McClintock, chairman of the Board of Trustees of Wilkes College. Mr. Conyngham is the secretary- treasurer of the Eastern Pennsyl- vania Supply Company and Hillside Farms, Inc., and is a director of the First National Bank of Wilkes- Barre and of the Wilkes-Barre Gen- era] Hospital. He is also a vestry- man of (St: [Stephens Episcopal Church. Active in the Back Mountain, Mr. Conyngham thas worked for ‘the Dal- las Library Auction for several years and is a Volunteer Fireman for Jackson Township. He is president of the Pennsylvania Milking Shor- Ta thorn Breeders Association and is the secretary-treasurer of the Cow Testing Association. Other trustees of Wilkes College from ‘the Back Mountain area are Jasper B. Carr, Trucksville, Mrs. Frank B. Darte, Chase, Harry F. Goeringer, East Dallas, Mrs, Edward Kent, Lehman, J. Henry Pool, Hunts- ville, Andrew J. Sondomi, Harveys Lake, and Julius Long Stern, Ide- town. On Dean's List William Klansek, graduate of Leh- man High School, amd now a stu- dent at East Stroudsburg ‘State Tea- chers College is on the Dean's list for the second semester. To be on the Dean’s list a stu- dent must attain a quality average of 2.0 or a B grade. OVEN - DRESSED TURKEYS BELTSVILLE WHITES SPECIAL THIS WEEK 3 doz. wy 81° only 13: EGGS FRYERS ROASTERS STEWERS Combination ® Breasts & Legs ..... 79¢c 1b. Oven - dressed 65; 1b N. Y. Dressed 51c lb. 9 Breasts ................ 89¢c Ib. PHONE B58 Trucksville Mill Poultry Shop STANLEY MOORE, owner A Bs 7 4 J And look what you get! wm ALT Oa TH ou —in trade on a new '52 DODGE “a COME IN...FIND OUT HOW EASY IT IS TO OWN A DODGE NOW ! « Dazzling Array of New Spring Colors! * Famous Oriflow Ride that smoothes bumpiest roads! « Watchtower” Visibility for greater safety! « More head room, leg room, hip room! * Money-Saving Dodge Dependability! ORE THINK = Comeinfora ... ore Saving Surprise] > > now your er ear is probably FREE PROOF Dodge Gives More for Your Money Come in for your free "Show Down" booklet that lets you compare Dodge, feature by feature, with cars costing hundreds of dollars more. Specifications and equipment subject to change without notice. MAKE YOURS A TROUBLE-FREE VACATION IN A DEPENDABLE DODGE L. L. RICHARDSON 50 Lake Street, Dallas, Pa. ioe D4 ws i i