id Oe mn TA A 5 ml OE NH ttl tr ~ PAGE TEN News of the Churches SHAVERTOWN METHODST Sunday, 9:45, (Church School for all ages; 11:00, Nursery for pre- school children during Church Hour; 11:00, Church Worship Hour— Mother's Day, with special obser- viance through music anid sermon honoring our Mother's. There is no better way to honor Motherhood than by attending church. 6:30, Methodist Youth Fellowship. Elec- tion of Officers. 8:00, (Couples (Club. Speaker: Mr. Roy Morgan of Radio Station WILK. - Monday, 3:30, Browmies; 8:00, King’s Daughters (Class Monthly Meeting in Chapel Room. Tuesday, 7:00, Trustee ‘hoard meeting in chapel! room.;7:30, Boy Scouts, Troop 231; 8:00 Official board meeting in- chapel room. * Wednesday, 3:30, Girl Scouts, Troop 66; 7:00, Girl Scouts, Troop 75; 7:45, Leadership Training school at Dallas Methodist ‘Church; 8:00 W.S. C:S. Monthly meeting in social rooms. Installation of new Officers by the Pastor. Thursday, 6:30, Junior (Choir re- hearsal; 7:30, Senior (Choir rehear- sal. . One Sunday fin each year, the second in May, is dedicated to our mothers, Religious emotion and mother love are closely bound, for the latter is about the mearest ap- proach, in this life, we have to the wonderful, compassionate love of God. There is mo better way to honor Motherhood than by attend- ing church on the day dedicated to our mothers. For this particular Sunday, will you not invite some one who, be- cause of age or infirmity, might otherwise be deprived of ithe service, to share your car and pew with you ? DALLAS METHODIST Today '(Fridaly)—The annual Mother-Daughter banquet will be held this evening at six-thirty c’clock. Sunday, 10:00—Sunday school. Adults using the international lesson will discuss the theme. “What {Shall We Do on Sunday?” (Scripture— Exodus 20:8-11; Mark 2: 27-28; Luke 4: 16 ab; 18:10-17).. Other classes use lessons graded to in- terest and experience of the student. 11:00—Moming ‘Worship. (Sermon by the pastor. Special music by the choirs. This is Mother's Day. Your presence in Church fis one fitting way to honor your mother and her God. The meaning of Mother's Day will be the dominant theme of Ser- vice. Pre-school children are cared for in tthe Church Nursery. Other boys and girls recess to the Junior Church (before fthe sermon. . Monday, 7:30—Boy Scouts meet in Scout Room. Thursday, 4:15—Junfior (Choir; Choir. 6:30—Youth Choir; 8:00—Semior Young people interested in at- tending the Wyoming [Conference Youth Weekend in Scranton, May 24th. and 25th. are urged to con- tact the pastor at omce for reser- vations. 3 “All notices for ‘the bulletin and papers are due on Monday of each week, DALLAS FREE METHODIST Rev. Joseph Sproule, Pastor Sunday School, 10 A. M. - Preaching, 11. : Class Meeting, 7:30 P. M. Prayer meeting, Tugsday, 7:30. SHAVERTOWN MYF » Shavertown Methodist MYF an- nounces election of officers Sunday evening at 6:30, and its Sunday evening schedule for the remain- der of May and all of June. May 18, a barbecue; May 25, conference weekend; June 1, picnic at Ricketts Glen; June 8, hilltop - service followed by entertainment; June 15, meeting with speaker, name to be announced; June 22, watermelon-slice; June 27, season closes with a picnic at Sky Lake. LOYALVILLE METHODIST Rev. B. Everett Lord Preaching Service, 8:30. Church School, 9:30. A community covered dish sup- per is scheduled for Wednesday at 6:30 in the Church House. Each family is asked to bring a covered dish. Meat and dessert will be fur- nished. Families are asked to get in touch with Mrs. Minnie Wesley by Wednesday morning. There is no charge. ST. PAUL’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday, 9:45—Sunday [School; 11:00—Worship service in charge of Rev. Russell Stine, who will talk on “Gifts from God.” The flowers on the Altar are placed there by Miss Mary Boldt and her brother, Mr. [Charles Boldt, in loving memory of their mother, Mrs. (Charles Boldt, Sr., and in honor and memorty of all Mothers. Tuesday, 8:00 P.M.—Regular mon- thly meeting of the Dorcas (Society. Plans will be made for the Poverty Social, which is to be held in the very tear future, Hostesses are Mrs. Ida (Clause and Mrs. Mae Ash. Wednesday, 7:30 P.M.—Weekly rehearsal of the «choir. All members of the Luther League [Choir are urged ito be present. Luther Leaguers are asked to keep Sunday Evening, May 18th, open for their regular monthly meeting. The Ladies’ Auxiliary are spon- soning @ Mother and Daughter Tea tonight at 8. Mrs. F. Gordon Mathers will give a ‘“Felt-O-gram” talk. Co- chairman are Mrs. J. G. Maza and Mrs. R. H. Voelker, All friends and members are invited to attend. ALDERSON - NOXEN CHARGE Rev. Ruth Underwood - Mother’s Day will be observed with appropriate services in the Methodist Churches of the Alder- son-Noxen Charge on Sunday, May 11th. The pastor will preach and there will be special music. Ser- vices will be held at Ruggles (Church, preaching at 8:45 AM.; (Sunday School, 10:00 o’clock. Noxen Church worship service, 10:00 A. M., Sun- day School, 11 o'clock. Preparatory Membership Class, 500 P. M., M. ¥. F., 6:30. P.M; Alderson Sunday School, 10:15 A. M., Alderson Church service, 11:15 A. M.; Kunkle, Sunday School, 10:30 A. M., Church service, 7:30 P. M. Board of Trustees of the Kunkle Church will meet at 8:30 following the Church service on Sunday eve- ning for the purpose of organizing. The Vacation School Committee of the Kunkle Church will meet Monday evening at 7 at the home of Mrs. William Eckert. The Official Board of the Kunkle Church will meet Monday evening, at eight at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Kerlin. The Official Board and the Board of Education of the Ruggles Church will meet Tuesday evening at eight in the Church Hall. SHAVERTOWN BIBLE CHURCH A fellowshiip banquet, commemor- ating the seventh anniversary of the Shiavertown Bible (Church, was held in the iShavertown Fire Hall on. !Sat- urdaly evening. Rev. Pat Loftus was guest speaker. Present: Mr. and Mrs. Albert Agnew, Mrs. Floyd Hoover and Patsy Hoover, Mrs. Willard (Cropp, Peggy, Ruthann and Gary, Mrs. Ernest Bell, Mrs. John Allen and Bobby, Sgt. and Mrs. Lorraine Palmer, and Lor- raine May, Mr. and Mrs, Richard Seymour, Ridhard, Sally and Ronnie, Mrs. Elmer Hoover, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Monroe and Richard, Mr. and Mrs. Robert (Steltz, Mrs. Mary Belles and Joyce Ann, Mr. and Mrs. William Hanna, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Culp, Mrs. Ernest Culp, Jimmie and Emie (Culp, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Culp, Mrs. Samuel Keast and Fred- die, Mr. Harvey Sink, Rev. and Mrs. Russell Edmondson, Warren and David, Rev. Pat Loftus, Roxie Hoo- ver, Betty Walters, Patricia Pickett, and [Anita Emmanuel. At a recent Sunday ‘School Tea- chers' and Officers’ meeting held at the home of Rev. and Mrs, Russell Edmondson, Maple Street, plans were made for the completing of the church basement for [Sunday School rooms. Present were: Mr. and Mrs.: Wil- liam Hanna, Mrs. Herman Monroe, Mrs. Samuel Keast, Mr. Richard Seymour, Mrs. Betty (Cropp and Rev. and Mrs. Edmondson, East Dallas WSCS To Sponsor Concert Male chorus of Veterans of For- eign Wars, Post 283, Kingston, will present a concert May 21 at 7:30 in East Dallas Methodist Church under sponsorship of the WSCS. Professor D. H. Lewis’ will con- duct. Refreshments will be served and a silver offering taken. Richard H. Disque Funeral Service DALLAS, PA. Dignified — Efficient — Considerate Friendly Recommendation from families served. Phone Dallas 474-13 hm eS 2 TR vx = THE POST, FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1952 Altar And Rosary Plans Annual Spring Social Altar and Rosary committee members for the annual Spring Social to be held Wednesday, May 14, in St. Therese’s auditorium, Shavertown, met recently with Rev. Francis A. Kane, Moderator, at the Gate of Heaven School, Dallas. Be- nefits from the social will be al- located to the three individual Al- tar and Rosary Societies: Gate of Heaven, Dallas; Our Lady of Vic- tory, Harvey's Lake; and St. Ther- ese’s, Shavertown. All members and families of the Back Mountain parrishes are cordially invited to attend. Mrs. Albert Pesavento, president, extends a welcome to all new mem- bers to attend the regular meeting on the first Wednesday of each month and to receive Communion ‘| with the Society on the first Sun- day of each month. The aims of the Society are to care for the Al- tars, Vestments, Linens, flowers, etc., and to promote the recitation of the Rosary. Dwight Dick Heads M. Y. F. At Trucksville Dwight Dick was elected presi- dent and John Cashmiark, vice-pre- sident, at the meeting of Trucks- ville Methodist ‘Church M.Y.F. last Sunday. Other officers were Peggy Webster, secretary; treasurer, Sam Dilcer; pianist, Dawn Dick first com- mission (worship) Nancy Williams; second commission, (mission) Bobby Johnson; third commission (com- munity service) Russ DeRemer; fourth commission (recreation) Dick Parry and Jerry ‘Warner. Plan Household Shower For B. Roberts Family A shower will be held at the Huntsville Christian, Church Satur- day might at 8 P.M. for the Burton Roberts family who suffered loss by fire at their home in Shavertown last Wednesday night. The affair will not be a celebration, but a prac- tical replacement shower. Household articles andg4cash do- mations from their friends and neighbors will be acceptable. Any one not able to attend, may send articles with a friend or mail cash to Rev. C. H. Fhick, Dallas RD. 2 or Gerald Frantz, Parrish Street, Dallas. Rev. Frick will show a film, “The Good Neighbor”, at the shower. Cake and coffee will be served by members of the Christian Friendly Class. ; Bazaar Heads To Meet | Tuesday To Lay Plans Chairmen and co-chairmen of Prince of Peace Bazaar will meet with the executive board Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Charles W. Lee to discuss plans and inventory merchandise. BUILD A HOME? I am now available to build a home at a stipu- lated hourly wage. I super- intend all construction, take care of all accompanying book work. Dallas or Har- veys Lake preferred. Write AUBREY WILLIAMS Sweet Valley R. D. 1 or call at my home in Lake Township near Loyalville. Williams Nominated For Lions Presidency Robert J. Williams, Shavertown, was nominated for president of Old Toll Gate Lions Club at the regular meeting Tuesday night at Colonial Inn. Mr. Williams has been 1st Vice-President for the past year and active in promoting the pro- gram of Lionism in the Back Moun- tain area. In addition to Mr. Williams, the following were nominated for of- fice: Raymond T. Stroud, 1st Vice- President; J. Lear Wagner, 2nd Vice-President; J. Chester Hart- man, 3rd Vice-President; A. Geo- Prater, secretary; Owen Williams, treasurer; Joseph Sims, Lion Tam- ar; Peter Blazes, Tail Twister; and Immediate past president, Samuel Patner. Nominations for director were: Joseph Blazes, Vernon Ash, Ber- nard Williamson, and H. S. Van Campen. Officers will be elected at the next regular meeting on May 13th. Judge Frank L. Pinola gave a stirring address on the dangers that beset America, stating that we are not being pushed into socialism but we are being slid into it. He stated that England voted for so- cialism, but we are getting it by stealth. Judge Pinola explained the dangers of a centralized govern- ment and he urged everyone to take a greater interest in the af- fairs of government. Winning Poster Displayed At Earl's Drug Store Prominently displayed in the win- dow at Earl’s Drug [Store are the six poster entries from Westmore- land which were exhibited in the “Our Town” contest staged at the Jewish. Community Center on South River Street early in April. Ray Demko’'s entry which was awarded first prize among posters | submitted from schools all over | Luzerne County, takes the spotlight. Ray's poster, developed in vivid colored pencil, shows a housewife hanging clothes in the back yard, guarded by a determined husband with a shotgun, appearing in the doorway to threaten the foxes that are cavorting about the yard. Five other entries which were ex- hibited in the show are signed by John Roushey, Raymond Drake, Janet Stahl, Joyce Edwards, and Dorothly Teresinski, director of art for Dallas Borough-Kingston Town- ship joint schools. Tea And Reading May 21 At Prince Of Peace Hall Prince of Peace Episcopal women will sponsor a tea and reading in the Parish Hall May 21 at 8 PM, when Mrs. Elizabeth Conrad will read “A Man Called Peter”. Mrs. Woodworth B. Allen is chairman, assisted by Mrs. Ralph Smith, Mrs. Allison Sims, Mrs. Don- ald Clark, Mrs. Warren Unger and Mrs. Roswell Patterson. Dallas Seniors To Fete Mothers and Daughters Dallas Senior Womans Club will hold a Mother-Daughter Tea Wed- nesday evening at 8 in Back Moun- tain Memorial Library Annex, with Mrs. Dan Robinhold presiding over the preliminary business meeting. There will be a program, and corsages will be given to the oldest and youngest mother present. Res- ervations should be made with Mrs. Algert Antanaitis in advance. You can have your 72 Main St. For *3.95 INOLUBED Or Less personal or household gifts for MOTHER. FINKELSTEIN'S CREDIT JEWELRY STORE Over 40 Years On Main St. choice of beautiful - Luzerne pending on breed). Above program fits pullets for For Production replacement pullets FEED TI-O-GA Grower (Mash or, Pellets) plus TI-O-GA Poultry Fitting Ration and TI-O-GA Scratch Grains (De- 1. Regular egg production 2. High Laying capacity 3. Maximum yearly egg production TI-O-GA FEED SERVICE DEVENS MILLING COMPANY A. C. DEVENS, Owner PHONE 200—DALLAS, PA. Antique Committee Makes Auction Plans Members of the Amtique Com- mittee for the Library Auction met at the Library Annex Wednesday afternoon to outline plans for the auction to be held July 10, 11 and 32. Mrs. H. W. Smith, chairman, con- ducted the meeting assisted by her co-chairman, Mrs. Fred Howell, Present were: Mesdames A. G. Rutherford, R. IM. Scott, George Schallenberger, William Lamb, John Doane, Norwood Brader, H. R. Wea- ver, Ray Shiber, James Langdon, Paul Gross, John Ferguson, Thomas Heffernan, J. A. Brooks Dwight Fisher Boyd Dodson, A. 'D. Hutchi- son,Geonge Flack, Thomas Robinson, George Jacobs, H, B. [Schooley, John H. Blackman, Paul Warriner, Har- den Coon, Charles (Gates, John De- Witt, Paul Phillips, Roswell Patter- son, Jack Bames, Ornan Lamb, H. W. Risley, George (Gregson, T. M. B. Hicks, Misses Miriam Lathrop, Mary Gates, Frances .Dorrance and Mild- red Devens. Mrs. Thomas E. Heffernan Heads Goucher Alumnae Mrs, Thomas E. Hefferman, Leh- man, was named president of the Wyoming Valley Chiaipter of Goucher College Alumnae at their spring luncheon meeting held at Jay Wil- son’s recently. She and Mrs. John IC. Phillips who will move shortly into the [Space home, Huntsville Road, were in change of arranging the luncheon. JUMBO BLOOM “Royal Red Velvet” AFRICAN VIOLETS (2 for $2.00) Many Folks Say “The Blooms Are Big As Silver Dollars” Here's my newest variety of African Violet. Lovelier than all the others with its gorgeous “Royal Red” blooms and big, big cool green leaves. Sent in bud or about to bud. Ever-blooming for yellrs of beauty. Offered for a lim- ited time at this amazing low price of only $1.19 ea. or 2 for $2.00. Cash or- ders postpaid. C.0.D.’s welcome. If not delighted return for your money back. Dept. 93946, BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS MARIE KRUSE NURSERIES Name Address Mothers’ Day SPECIAL Full Course TURKEY DINNER Martha Washington Imn Sandy Beach, Harveys Lake Reservations Appreciated Phone H.L. 3626 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McCaffrey Judith Nash says, “I lost 27 pounds in four weeks, never felt better in my life.” SEE OUR AD PAGE 11 r Howard Woolbert 90 Ferguson Ave. 95 Years Serving The Back Mountain Region Nw WOOLBERT’S FUNERAL HOME RESIDENCE PHONE Dallas 400 Funeral Director Shavertown Then, when your chicks have eaten 2 pounds of , Startena, put ’em on Purina Growena for fast feathering, full de- velopment to get them ready for heavy laying, steady laying early. year START . .. GROW... LAY ... PAY ... feed Pu- rina All The Way! Trucksville HE EE EN en Start with good chicks and feed ‘em the Purina Way...with Purina Chick Startena improved with Formula 1028. The new growth vitamins and factors help give chicks what they need for a big, fast start. Phone 520-R-2 1 EEE EE 31.95 RED & IVORY or GREEN MAIN ST. PLAIN—Rose or Ivory 2 Pc. Replacement CHAIR CUSHION SETS All Metal Chair 4 IN Green, Red, Yellow B95 USE YOUR CREDIT FLANNIGAN FUR 6 - PIECE REPLACEMENT - 19.75 and "23.50 FLORAL—Red or Green & IVORY BUY BACK MOUNTAIN i a A A AAS GLIDER CUSHION SETS 4 2 Pc. Replacement CHAISE LOUNGE SETS $21.50 INNERSPRING UNIT ITURE Phone 590-R-2 EE aa a