SRS 'hannock. Mrs. and a delegation of girls were in ‘attendance at this rally. Dr. SA Y News : The YMCA’s Northeast District Hi-Y and Tri Hi-Y Conference was held at the Tunkhannock High School Monday, April 28. The Back Mountain YMCA was represented by nine members of our ‘Y’ clubs. They were: Judy Evan, June Ladu- mus, Eunice Traver, Esther Gailey, Marilyn Traver, Janet Bean, and Patsy Jones from the Lake-Noxen Jr. Tri Hi-Y Club and Charles James from the Westmoreland Hi- Y club. Also in attendance were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Garinger and John E. Donovan. Westmoreland Hi-Y Club at its last meeting viewed ‘The Chal- lenge”; a film on civil liberties. The discussions of this club during May will be on narcotics. Teen Council of [Shavertown held a ‘farmer dance last week at its Thursday evening session at the ‘Y’ headquarters building. An en- thusiastic crowd enjoyed the eve- ning. “Rod” McKenzie, Secretary of North Branch YMCA, called the dances. At a recent meeting of ‘the Lake- ‘Noxen Jr. HitY Club, James Stelt- er, Lew Coumsen, and John Par- ry presented a wrestling demon- ‘stration. These men are the coach and members of the wrestling team from Forty Fort High School. Lake-Noxen Jr. Hi-Y Club re- ceived honorable mention as one of the outstanding clubs in North- ‘eastern Pennsylvania at the Dis- trict YMCA Rally held at Tunk- Mildred Garinger John R. Hart, Rector of Washington Me- morial Chapel, Valley Forge, was the main speaker on this occasion. John E. Donovan, acting Back Mountain ‘Y’ Secretary, was in charge of the delegation. Lake Board Meeting Official Board of ‘Alderson Metho- dist Church met at the parsonage Monday evening. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Warren Dennis, Mr. and Mrs. Fuller Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Carpenter, Mrs. Morrison Witter, Mrs. Albert Adams, Mrs. ‘Albert Armitage, Alan Kistler, El- ‘mer Wyant, Mrs. William Deets, Mrs. Fred Swanson, Mrs. Harry Al- len and Rev. Ruth Underwood. SAFETY VALVE IT’S AN EYE-SORE Dear Editor: Considering the condition of the Dallas Borough Building, it is no wonder that we get out a light vote in the community. Is there any reason why elections should mot be carried out in a pub- lic school building in Dallas, as in many communities in Wyoming Val- ley ? My guess is fthat many more women would turn out to exercise the franchise if they were not afraid to put weight on those ramshackle steps. This is an expanding community. Our Borough Building and our Post- office do mothing to sell newcomers on the [beauties of Dallas. Wie have beautiful hills and wval- leys. Our highways are increasingly good. We should have civic pride enough to soberly assay our assets and our liabilities and do something about our eye-sores. Mrs. Pillar to Post Trucksville PTA To Elect Officers Trucksville PTA will hold its last meeting of the year Monday night at 8 at Trucksville Grade School. There will be nomination and election of officers, and the pro- gram will include a sound record- ing “Chronicle of the War and Years of Crisis” with authentic voices and narrated by Edward R. Marrow. Teachers will be in their home rooms for conferences with parents from 7:30 to 8. Sweet Valley Firemen Plan Pumping Contest An antique water pumper, dat- ing around 1850, has been pur- chased by the Sweet Valley Fire Company and will be featured in a contest between Back Mountain Fire Companies at the Memorial Day parade. Already floats have been entered by most Back Mountain business concerns and the Lehman and Huntington Mills bands have signed up. : Folks are reminded that all en- tries must be in the hands of the firemen by May 15. . « of course, it's electric! ADD IT UP... Westinghouse Automatic Upright Cleaner (Reg. Price) $72.95 Westinghouse Motor-Driven Hand Vac (Reg. Price) SALE! SALE! SALE! LIMITED QUANTITY Westinghouse DE LUXE AUTOMATIC CLEANER WITH TOSS-AWAY* BAG Plus this HANDY HAND VAC . $25.95 Yotal $98.90 Here is a limited time, Special Price Combination: The Westinghouse Custom Automatic Upright the newest Lake May Queen THE POST, FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1952 PAGE ELEVEN "FARM TOPICS Hedge Is Useful-——A hedge is useful around farms and houses. You can separate properties, or make a division between home grounds and the farm fields. A. O. Rasmussen, Penn State extension ornamental horticulturist, urges selection of hedge plants that are nardy. The type of hedge wanted will determine the kind of plants chosen. Plan Before Planting—In home gardening, planning is just as im- i | portant as planting. In planning Alice Eppley Lady In Waiting Roberta Lord LakeNoxen May Queen, Alice Eppley, will be crowned May 14 at "11 AM. on the high school grounds, as the main feature in a day de- voted to recreation and extra-cur- ricular activity. Roberta Lee Lord, so close a runner-up that several, votes of the high school student body had to be taken, will be Lady in Waiting. The two seniors are co-presidents of the Senior Class. Grades 1-12 will join in ithe pro- gram, with each grade assigned a particular dance or game. Girls of the senior class will act as the Queen’s attendants, Movies will be shown to the lower grades during the afternoon, and there will be a baseball game with Lehman. Alice is daughter of Mrs. Maude Eppley, Harveys Lake. ‘Senior year activities include: Associate editor: ship of Yearbook; manager of girls’ basketball team; ico-manger of mag-, azine campaign; secretary of Dra- matic Club; band membership chorus: membership; played on soft- ball team; voting delegate to FFA convention. She was class president of grades 8 and 9, class secretary grade 7. Roberta is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lord, Noxen, and has just completed the one ‘year she has spent In ‘the joint school at Lake. Senior activities include: sec- retary of Student Council member- ship in Dramatic Club, girls chorus, band; co-manager of magazine campaign; associate editor Lake- what to plant, consider the likes and dislikes of the family as well as the nutrition vatues of the wvege- tables to be planted. [Control Tulip Blight—Ferbam | sprays have given excellent control of botryis blight on tulips. Penn State exetension plant pathologists suggest the first application when new growth is 3 to 5 inc hes thigh, followed by two sprays at 7 to 10- day intervals. Follow carefully direc- tions for use of the spray. Improve Roadside Stand—Your roadside market is your showcase. Herbert MdFeely, Penn [State exten- sion. marketing specialist, urges cleaning up trash, painting the stand, providing a hardsurfaced parking space, and planting flower beds or borders. Apply Hardwood Ashes—Hard- wood ashes from (he fireplace can be sifted and placed around delphin- iums, roses, lilacs, and similar plants. Do not apply more than la half-inch thick. [Cultivate lightly after appli- cation and water thoroughly. Need Organic Matter—Garden soils need plenty of organic matter for the production of high-quality vegetables. Plow down sod, manure, straw, corn fodder, and other vege- table matter. Billy Meeker Has Rheumatic Fever Billy Meeker, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Meeker, Beaumont, is home from General Hospital, where he was entered as a patient on Easter Monday, coming home later in the week after cardiographs and tests. Billy, eight and a half, will be in bed at home for somes time, but rheumatic fever these days results in no permanent injury if the patient is kept quiet, so Billy is one of the lucky ones. Mrs, Edward MadDougal, third grade teacher at Beaumont, drops in to visit and ito advise on moderate amounts of homework. Classmates make colored cards for Billy, and cub scouts come to call. Township Alumni Plan Banquet For May 10 Dallas-Franklin Township Alumni Banquet will be held at ‘the school on May 10, with Edward Lummley as chairman. Gerald Snyder, former head of the Agriculture Department, mow located in York County, will be the main speaker. Mr. Snyder left Dallas Township schools in 1942. Noxen year book; assistant leader of Brownie Troop 163, Noxen; all outdoor sports. She was class president for grades 9,10, and 11 at Noxen. Roast Turkey, dressing Roast Chicken, dressing .. Roast Duck, dressing ENJOY SUNDAY DINNER AT THE “Castle” Owned and Operated by Mr. and Mrs. Gus Bitsakos ~ who were proprietors of THE BLUE SHUTTERS, ELMHURST, PA. for 15 years DINNERS Choice of one: Fresh Fruit Cup or Tomato Juice ls Fresh Jumbo Shrimp Cocktail ............ .90 extra Clams On The Half Shell ........_... .50 extra Home Made Soup Of The Day Hearts of. Celery, Spring Green Onions, Radishes Cottage Cheese, Saltines, Home Made Preserves ENTREES Audrey Lutz Drowns In Own Back Yard Audrey Lutz, two years old, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lutz, Orange, was drowned in a water-filled excavation for a new outbuilding Saturday afternoon. Children of the four families liv- ing in the two neighboring houses were playing together Saturday afternoon, after the rain had par- tially stopped falling there had been a game of jumping over the water, with children getting a run- ning start from the clay embank- ment and landing on the lower side of the deep hole. Audrey, denied a turn while the big children were engaged, climbed the bank when they left ‘and tried to jump. Footmarks showed where she had slipped, after the sight of a small hand clutching the bank led to discovery. The tragedy was not discovered until it was too late, John Fowler phoned for the local fire depart- ment and to West Wyoming for a crew with resuscitator. Dr. Harry G. Gallagher was summoned from Dallas. John Chappell, Shavertown, fishing in the neighborhood, started artificial respiration, alternating with the child’s father, until the resuscitator crew arrived. Hope was abandoned after two hours. Audrey was buried Tuesday afternoon in Memorial Shrine Ce- metery, following services con- ducted from the home by Rev. Rob- ert Wood. Survivors are the parents, two sisters, Linda Jean and Rose Mary; paternal grandmother, Mrs. Bertie Lutz, Easton; and maternal grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wil- liams, Orange. Six Local Students Win State Ratings Four student musicians from Back Mountain schools, two from Wiest- moreland wand two from Dallas- Franklin Township, and two ompeti- tors in English, won ratings at Har- risbrg in the. Pennsylvania [State Forensic and Music League finals. Ray Harleman, Westmoreland, in a field of seven, got a rating of Superior with his baritone horn. Three matings of Excellent were given: Robert Stair, Dallas-Franklin, with his Concerto in A Major, on the trombone; Louise Kann, West- moreland, on the piano; and Rose- mary Bukeavich, also of Westmore- land, with a humorous oration. Marilyn Mosier, Dallas-Franklin, was rated Good on the clarinet; David Viann Fair in Original Oration, in a field of ten where no Superiors or Excellents were awarded. Lake-Noxen Seniors Tour Washington, D. C. Thirty-five seniors of Lake-Noxen Township schools left Monday morn- ing at 6 in a special Martz bus for the annual trip to Washington, re- turning late last might after four days of sight-seeing. They were accompanied by Robert Belles, high school principal, and Betsy Sullivan, commercial head. The itinerary included a visit to Mt. Vernon. Two things you can do if the car balks: 1. Get it overhauled and put in tip-top shape . . make a personal loan to pay for it so you can spread the cost over a year. 2. Buy a new car and save on financing. Inquire about our Auto- mobile Loans. i the (Club members and their friends on the importance of education on our society. In his address titled “Always in Wonderland”, Dr. (Clark pointed out the great need for women in the field of education as in all other realms of living. Miss Mary Parker, President of the [Scranton Wilson College Club, presided, and Mrs, Richard Jones, President of the Wilkes-Barre Wil- son College IClub, spoke in behalf of the Wilkes-Barre (Club. CANCER'S DANGER SIGNALS - Wilson Club Hears Dr. Herbert Clark Dr. Herbert A. Clark, head of the Education Department of Wilson College, was guest of honor at a dinner given by the Wilkes-Barre ton Wilson [College Club, at the Wilson College Club and the ‘Scran- Century Club in Scranton on.Friday evening. At this time, Dr. [Clark spoke to CA ANY SORE THAT DOES NOT HEAL A LUMP OR THICKENING IN THE BREAST OR ELSEWHERE UNUSUAL BLEEDING OR DISCHARGE ANY CHANGE IN WART OR MOLE S@ PERSISTENT INDIGESTION OR DIFFICULTY IN SWALLOWING PERSISTENT HOARSENESS OR COUGH ANY CHANGE IN NORMAL BOWEL HABITS TODAY TO THE CANCER CRUSADE OF THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY GIVE MINUET DOLL Mother's Day ‘9 Sunday Two i i) delicious chocolates : ! and a lovely dol Vg & mn + rou sox 3.95 7 PEC AMERICAN CUSTOM CHOCOLATES Qur finest chocolates; always 2. 0 0 % 21h py the perfect gift 1 LB. BOX NF IRST LADY s Assorted rough-dipped milk chocofates for the “first lady” in your life. 1 POUND BOX 2.00 FLORAL DELIGHT Luscious assorted chocolates in a 2 2 5 1 POUND ® Mother's Day gift box. MY OWN SPECIAL SELECTION A choice assortment of chocolates Dy a master candy maker, Nymer Neal. rnd. 50 700 Kitchen Fresh COTTAGE CHOCOLATES Everyone's favorite; fresh from 2 1b, box Nymer Neal's kitchens. 1 LB. BOX 10 - Vacuum Cleaner is the latest model . . . and finest for your cleaning ease. Automatic Nozzle adjusts to the right height, regardless of rug thickness. The Self-Adjusting Handle automatically adjusts to storage, normal or low cleaning levels. With the Toss-Away Bag feature your hands never touch dirt; there are no messy bags to empty. As a PLUS .to all this, you also get the Hand Vac with its power- ful, motor-driven brush. It’s ideal for cleaning up- Roast Prime Ribs of Beef ............. Roast Leg of Lamb, Mint Jelly Roast Fresh Ham with Apple Sauce ............ Grilled Virginia Ham Steak, Pineapple Ring . Two - Broiled Lamb Chops, Mint Jelly ............_. Two - Broiled Pork Chops, Apple Sauce ...... Calves Liver with Bacon Broiled T-Bone Steak ........... Broiled Delmonico Steak Broiled Lobster Tail, Drawn Butter _. Broiled HalibutSteak Open Friday Afternoons Until 5 P. M. For Your Convenience Celeste Candy “STUFT FRUITS” A treasure hox of hard fruit FRUITS and NUTS An assortment of choice GOLDEN TOKEN A token of remembrance worthy furni tair carpets, tt andor Sil] Bree A aon f your deep affection. fecti Neal. a res ST BE ae on Ee Save over $23.00 NOW. Whipped Creamy Potatoes or French Fries 1%2 Pound Box . . . 3.50 . . Fresh Vegetables Of The Day Banana Fritters with Fresh Fruit Sauce Green Salad Coffee Milk *Trade Mark 5 Dessert Tea You cAN BE SURE...iF ws Westinghouse - “%e KINGSTON NATIONAL BANK AT KINGSTON CORNERS Ask for our Special Children’s Menu USE YOUR CREDIT Flannigan Furniture Main St. Evans Drug Store The Rexall Store Where Thousands Of Prescriptions Are Filled SHAVERTOWNPHONE 222 Dinners and A LA Carte every day — Special Sea Foods “THE CASTLE” Dallas-Harveys Lake Highway Phone HL 3647 ; Member Federal Deposit Insuranci Corporations Dallas Buy Back Mountain