RHEUMATISM ARTHRITIS of RELIEVED | Without Dope NATURE'S WAY Mr. Joseph Seely, 36 Vine St., Plymouth writes: “For years 1 spent a large portion of my income on my arthritis and kept getting worse. After taking Crown Hill Mineral Concentrate for six weeks, the pains are gone.” Send Postal Card to CROWN HILL Laboratories . 3, Wyoming, Pa. D Get That New | Permanent Now! . | Specializing in COLD WAVES $7 Sp |SMITH BEAUTY SHOP HOURS Tues. to Sat.—9 am. to 6 pm. Wed. & Thurs. —Evenings by appointment ~~ | Located near new Parochial { School Phone 321-R-0 THE DALLAS METHODIST SUNDAY—On this day we unite with Christians from all lands and in all branches of the Church to ob- serve Palm Sunday. The impulse that moved the Passover Pilgrims on that first Palm Sunday to hail Jesus of Nazareth as King of all life still moves among us. In worship, music, study, and sermon, the ser- vices of this day will be in keeping with this theme. Sunday (School, 10. &‘Following Christ Through ‘the Church”. Scrip- ture—St. John 15:5-9; and Philip- pians 2:14-6. Morning Worship, 11:00. The fol- lowing music will be presented by the choirs and organ under the direction of Mrs. Ruth Turn Rey- nolds, organist and director of choirs: Prelude: Trumpet Voluntary by Purcell; Anthem, All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name, ar. by Goldsworthy; Offertory, All Glory Laud and Honor by Kathryn Rawls -Davis; and Postlude, Festal March in C by J. Baptiste Calkin. The min- ister will continue the series of Lenten sermons on the theme, “Jesus Flings His Purple”. New members will be received. Specigl Baptismal Service, 4:00. The Sacrament of Holy Baptism will be administered to infants and children. This service is solely for the purpose of baptism. . Methodist Youth Fellowship, 6:30. Monday, 7:30, Boy Scouts meet. Wednesday, 7:30, Holy Week Service. Speaker to be announced. Thursday, 7:30, Candle Light Holy Communion Service. This is fone of the great, traditiongl ser- vices of our Church. We invite all who wish to unite in fellowship with us and who acknowledge Christ as Saviour and Lord to share in this service. Friday, 7:30, Good Friday Ser- vice. The choirs will present a sa- cred cantata. See announcement elsewhere. 12-3:00, We unite with our neigh- boring churches in the Good Fri- day Service in the White Chuypch on ithe Hill at Trucksville in this traditional Service. Meditations on tthe [Seven Last Words will be pres- sented by local ministers. All those having flowers or palms ‘to present for Palm Sunday or Easter are urged to contact Mrs. Ethel Oliver, Lake Street, chair- man of the Flower Committee. Phone Dallas 235-R-7. Senior Young People and Adults will unite with the Church on Con- fession of Faith on May 4th. Mem- bership Training Conferences will ADDITIONAL OFFICE HOURS DAILY —Tuesday & Friday 1-5 P.M. EVES.—Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 7 — 8:30 P.M. Dr. A. S. Lisses Optometrist & Orthoptist 5 Main St., Dallas Phone 468-R-2 or Wilkes-Barre 3-3794 for appointment EYES EXAMINED — QUALITY GLASSES — OPTICAL REPAIRS Back Mountain's First Nulton Funeral Home . i; Main Highway i BEAUMONT, PENNSYLVANIA located Funeral Home EstaBrisaEp 1890 Telephone Night or Day—Harveys Lake 3426 Ample Parking Space Modern, Conveniently THE POST, FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1952 be held on Sunday evenings at six o'clock, beginning on April 20th. ALDERSON-NOXEN Palm Sunday services with spec- ial music and sermon will be held in the Methodist Churches of the Alderson-Noxen [Charge as follows. Ruggles Church service, 8:45 A. M., Sunday school, 10; Noxen Church momaing service, 10, Sunday School, (11, M..Y. F., 6:30 P. M.; Alderson Sunday School, 10:15, Al- derson Church service, 11:15, M. Y. F., 6:30; Kunkle Church School, 10:30, Evening Church service, 7:30, M. Y. F, 6:30. Board of Education of the Alder- son Church will meet Mondgy eve- ning, at 7:30. Official Board and Board of Edu- cation of the Ruggles Church will meet Tuesday evening at the Church Hall. Good Friday services will be held in the Kunkle and Noxen Methodist Churches on Friday evening. A wor- ship service and pageant, ‘The Challenge of the Cross” will be pre- sented by the Youth Groups in each Church. The sound motion pic- ture, ‘“‘Journey into Faith” will be shown in each service. The Kunkle service will be held at 7:30 and the Noxen service at 8. Dr. LeRoy Bugbee of Wyoming Seminary, author of the Centennial History of the Wyoming Confer- ence, ‘He Holds the Stars in His Hands” will be the speaker at the Easter Sunrise service at Alderson Church at 6:30 A. M. Easter Sun- day. Members of Alderson, Ruggles, and Noxen Youth Fellowship groups will participate. Alderson - Ruggles MOVING SALE 20% to 60% REDUCTIONS ON ALL MERCHANDISE TERMS CASH C. W. BERTELS 30 South Franklin Street NEW LOCATION 128 North Franklin Street Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. For God And Country ‘When James Kozemchak, Hunts- ville, took this picture at a recent wedding in Kingston, he was so impressed with the results, combin- ing religious significance wth pat- riotism, that he brought it to the Dallas Post with the hope that it could be used for either the Palm Sunday or the Easter issue. The little girl is Ann Louise Ran- som, Poplar Street, Kingston. a as Youth Choir will sing. Members of Kunkle M. Y. F. will serve as ushers. At the regular Church services of the Alderson - Noxen charge on Easter Sunday there will be the Sa- crament of Baptism and Reception of members. TRUCKSVILLE METHODIST Sunday, April 6th, Palm Sunday: 8:30 A. M., Early Service with the special music sung by the Jun- ior Boys and {Junior Girls Choirs, and the Senior Girls’ Choir. - Members of the Pastor’s Confir- mation Class will be received at this Service. It is suggested that the S. S. children might attend this Service, and then go to their Sun- day School Class. 9:45 A. M., Sunday School Classes for all ages (15 minutes later than usual). 11:00 A. M., Late Worship Ser- vice with the Senior Choir singing the Special music. New adult members will be re- ceived into Church msmhene at this service. 6:30 P. M. Junior and Beoir MY. F meet at Church. 7:30 P. M., The [Senior Choir will present its Egster Cantata en- titled “Olivet to Calvary”. April 10th, Maundy Thursday: 7:00 P. M., Holy Communion. The Junior Boys and Junior Girls’ Choirs, and the Senior Girls’ Choir will sing the anthems at this ser- vice. The responses for the Com- munion Ritual will be read by the Pastor and Congregation. 9:15"P. M., Holy Communion. The Senior Choir will sing the special music as well as the Communion responses at this Service. ST. PAUL’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Holy Week Services: Services during Holy Week and Easter will be in charge of Rev. Russel W. Stine, Ph. D., of Muhlen- berg College. Palm Sunday, April 6th, Sunday School 9:45 A. M. Classes for all ages. Church [Service 11:00 A, M,, Sermon topic for the day— ‘Behold, Thy King Cometh Unto Thee!” Wednesday, April 9th, Sermon Topic, “The Trigl of Jesus”, 7:30 P. M. Maundy Thursday, April 10th Sermon Topic, ‘This Do In Remem- brance of Me”, 7:30 P. M. Obser- vance of Holy Communion at this service. Good Friday, April 11th, “Defeat Turned Into Victory”, 7:30 P. M. The Church Council is desirous of having every member of the congregation receive communion during this Holy Week. They will furnish transportation to any per- : ; A vt 2 son who needs or desires it. Pastor Stine will be in our vicinity from Wednesday evening won (through Easter Sunday, and will gladly ad- minister Holy Communion to any member of the congregation who is unable to get to Church. Please contact. any member of the Coun- cil as soon as possible so a schedule can be arranged. The Ladies’ Auxiliary will make Hot Cross Buns on Thursday, April 10th. Orders are to be phoned to Mrs. Walter Heidere (Dallas 453- R-3) or Mrs. Fred Nicely, (Dallas 137-R-4.) St. Paul's has been conducting it's Lutheran World Action Cam- paign during this Lenten Season. Coin Collectors should be returned during one of the Holy Week Ser- vices. If you have not already done so, will you please do so, thereby helping us to achieve our goal. HUNTSVILLE CHRISTIAN The adult class met with the prayer meeting at the home of Mrs. Francis Culp on Thursday night of this week to effect a new organiza- tion and elect officers. The organi- zation of ga young adult class makes this necessary. Saturday afternoon and evening will be devoted to repairs and a general spring cleanup of the church property. The Women’s Council, with Mrs. Ralph Frantz and Mrs. J. E. Roberts in charge, will serve the evening megl to the workers, Palm Sunday is Decision Day. There will be baptisms in the after- noon. PALM SUNDAY. Morning Wor- ship at 9:30. Both choirs will sing. Bible [School at 10:30. There will be baptisms in the afternoon. At five Sunday afternoon the young people will meet for a Friendship Hour. At 7:30 in the evening the film “The First Easter” will be shown to all who care to add their presence to that of the youth group. The Women’s Council will hold | Pastor: Rev. Truman Reeves. its monthly meeting on Tuesday. night of next week. Mrs. Walter Covert, Jr., is president. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Seventh-Day Adventists of Beau- mont will launch their annual In- gathering Appeal tomorrow accord- ing to H. C. Reading, church pastor. The local church plans to reach its $400.00 goal in five weeks through a door-to-door solicitation campaign. The funds are also used to carry on the denomination’s mission pro- gram through 551 major institu- tions, including hospitals, schools, and publishing houses. More than 3,100 Adventist mission schools are in operation. “Americans no longer dare ignore the suffering and ignorance that produce Communism’s breeding places,” the church leader pointed out. He quoted Dr. Charles Malik, Lebanon’s minister to the United States: “The work of American mission- aries abroad is more important than diplomacy in expressing the desire of the American people for peace and plenty in the world. The hos- pitals and schools which the churches have built are the best evidence you have of your concern for the world.” BOWMANS CREEK FREE METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Russell Vanderhoof, Pastor The annual convention of the Young People’s Missionary Society of the New York Conference will be held in the Bowmans [Creek Church April 4-6. Young people and older ones as well are invited to attend all services as follows: Friday, 7:30 P.M.—Rally Saturday, 10:30 AM.—Morning Service. 7:30 P.M.—Missionary Rally. Sunday, 10:00 AM. — (Sunday School. 10:30 AM.—Morning ‘Wor- ship. 7:30—Closing Missionary Ser- vice i The midweek prayer meeting will be held in the church Wednesday evning at 8 o'clock. The (Church by the (Side of the Road BEAUMONT UNION CHURCH Sundgy ‘School, 10 A. M. Preaching service, 7:30. Young People, with Mrs. Truman Reeves conducting, Monday 7:30 P. M. Rebecca Bible Class, Monday, 7:30, at the home of Mrs. Albert Patton. Sunday School Board Meeting, Tuesday, 7:30. Women’s Sunday School Class has charge of the pro- gram, which is open to everybody. An Easter program will be planned. Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:30. SHAVERTOWN METHODIST Sunday, 9:45— Church School for all ages. 11:00— Nursery for pre- schoo] children during Church Hour. 11:00—Morning Worship Service - Palm (Sunday. 4:00—Sacrament of Holy Baptism for Infants and Child- ren in the Sanctuary. 6:30-Methodist Youth Fellowship. Hien oN VA OR STOCK WRI gon NDREWS RABBITRY 4 TERRACE SHAVERTOWN PA required . requirements. anxious to serve you . . See “ 25 years reliable KINGSTON Over Martin’s Electric House 257 Wye. AYe-=Phone 7-3169 MONEY for EASTER $20. to $1000. THE QUIGKEST AND MOST CONVENIENT WAY TO GET THE EXTRA MONEY YOU NEED # GET THESE ADVANTAGES—simplified method . . . no endorsers . . immediate service . . . strictly confidential . . . liberal repayment terms . . . low payments to suit yeur own EVEN IF YOU CANT GET A LOAN ELSEWHERE SEE US—we are . same quick and courteous service whether you wgnt only a few dollars or a lot. The Friendly Company” first finance service i Loans over $300 made by Guardian Consumer Discount Company GUARDIAN CORPORATION FINANCIAL WILKES-BARRE Over Engel’s Store 16 S. Main St.—Phone 3-2105 NANTICOKE Over Woolworth’s 40 E. Main St.—Phone 18 FEED PURINA TURKEY CHOWS A fast, sound start, the Purina Way is the proven method of many thousands of turkey raisers. Etts.. See us SOON! Trucksville FAST START To FINE FINISH Complete research stands be- hind Purina Turkey Startena Checker- OLD TOLL GATE FEED SERVICE EE RR EE RE EEE "nn" Phone 520-R-2 "a - PAL = Senior Choir of Lights. SUNDAY 7:30 AM Holy Communion 9:45 AM Church School 11 AM Holy Communion. and Sermon 6:00 AM Easter Sunrise Service 8:00 AM Holy Communion 11:00 AM Holy Communion, Junior Choir, 4:00 PM Church School Mite Box Offering and office You are Cordially Invited to any or all services SERVICES and Sermon Prince of Peace Episcopal Bhurch Rev. Wm. Williams RECTOR SH