ALDERSON-NOXEN Ruggles Church morning service, 8:45; Sunday (School, 10; Noxen Church service with sermon by the pastor, 10; Sunday School, 11; M.Y.F. 6:30; Alderson Church morning worship service with ser- mon by the pastor and music by the choir under the direction of Mrs. Fred Swanson, 11:15; Sunday School, 10:15; M.Y.F., 6:30; Kunkle Sunday School, 10:30, M.Y.F. 6:30, Kunkle evening service, 7:30 P.M. Kunkle Church will hold a special session of Quarterly Confer- ence Tuesday evening at eight at the Church to take the action nec- essary for constructive addition to the present building. Rev. Roswell Lyon, District Superintendent, will preside. Official Board of Noxen Metho- dist Church will meet Thursday evening at 8. Youth Fellowship Groups of Al- derson-Noxen Charge, in coopera- tion with the United Christian Youth Action, “Used Clothing for Korea” project, request that mem- bers of the Churches of the Charge to bring their bundles of used clothing to the Churches either be- fore Sunday March 23rd or to the Church service Sunday morning. The clothing will be taken to the Trailer Truck at the South St. Bridge on [Sunday afternoon for i ae THE POST, FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1952 News Of The Churches bl a Tp Is Born, £ Amarin — The captain of a slave ship reads a book An old windjammer tied up at Southampton. The captain staggered down the gangplank, paused and looked back at his ship. cient cobblestone street. Capt. John Newton was only 23 years old but he had been to sea ever since his pious mother had died He had sailed with his sea-captain fa- ther, had done a trick in the British Navy, deserted, been caught, put in irons and whipped in public. . a slave ship. He hardly knew how to read, but he knew the sea and it wasn’t long until he was walking the bridge as master of his own slaver, with a whip in one hand and gun in - when he was 7. signed on the lowest of all craft . ‘he other. John Newton want drunk that day in 1748 when te staggered down the plank. He was sick . Most of all he was On a long voyage from shysically, spiritually and morally. ick of the filthy slave business. Amazing grace bow sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now am found. Then he disappeared up the an- Defiant, he skipper had in mind. But he never gave up . sick Brazil he had read a book called “Imitation of Christ,” Then came a storm . . for days to send him to the bottom. When the storm calmed he fell to thinking . . Thomas Kempis had written about in his book. Not an Englishman in His Majesty’s Empire would have dreamed that Capt. John Newton would have quit the sea for the ministry. except Capt. John Newton. last look at his ship, that’s exactly what the hard-boiled . & vicious storm that threatened . thinking about Christ who That is, not an Englishman But when he paused for a After 16 years of self education, John Newton was ordained and given a little church at the town of Olney. his sea garb. In the sunset of life, as pastor of cne of London’s greatest churches, he ap- peared in the pulpit dressed like a sailor—with a cane in one hand and a Bible in the other. serving his little church at Olney that he wrote. . . But it was while Thro’ many dangers, toils and smares, I bave already come; Tis grace hath bro’t me safe thus far, Kings Daughters Class Selects Tea Chairmen Kings Daughters Class, Shaver- town Methodist Church, announces committee chairmen for the Birthday Tea, scheduled for March 28, 8 P. M., at the church. Co-chairmen are Mrs. Melvin Mosier and Mrs. LeRoy Dourand. Mrs. Howard Hontz and Mrs. Jack Jones handle tickets; Mrs, Granville Sowden program; Mrs. Thomas Jenkins, publicity. In charge of refreshments are Mesdames LeRoy Dourand, Melvin Mosier, William Lawry, and Charles Kishpaugh. In charge of tables are Mesdzmes Howard Yeager, James Eckerd, Gor- don Edwards, William Brown, Jr., John Ferguson, George Jacobs, Robert Dolbear, Charles Beech, Robert Shotwell, Charles Mannear, William Thomas, Luther Powell, Cecil Poynton, Clyde Brace, Ivan Covert, William Davis, Louis Purvin, Wiarren Daubert, Gilbert Austin, Robert Clark, George Eickes, Mildred Mosier, Dorothy Heslop, and Floyd Sisco. LOYALVILLE METHODIST Tonight a conibined prayer and song service will be held at the home of Mrs. Nancy Cragle at 8. Lillian Hirlinger, Dallas; and Bess Mr. and Mrs. William Smith, Mrs. Albert ‘Smith, Bobby and Darwin, spent the weekend in Lewistown with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ritter. Mr, and Mrs. Dana Lord celebrated their thirty-second wedding amniver- sary on Sunday, one day in advance. Their children banded together to present their parents with a set of dishes. Mr. and Mrs. Steven Lord PAGE SEVEN and family; Mr. and Mrs. Freas Lord and family; Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lord and family; and Betty Lord, were guests, Bess Klinetob spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tworek. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cornell, Meeker, announce the birth of their first child, a daughter, in Nanticoke Hospital on Sunday. Mrs. Cornell is the former Kathleen Hunter. Stucco, concrete and all porous folder. Brmo SHAVERTOWN Let it rain! ARMOR COAT keeps water out. completely protected against water. Choice of 8 attractive shades, and white, adds beauty and protection. Easily applied like paint, inside and outside walls and basements. Durable and economical with quality proved through 20 years world-wide use. Ask your dealer for ARMOR COAT, or write today, for descriptive a4 ra wu LRMOR LABORATORIES. INC. "GLENDALE. CALIFORNIA BACK MT. LUMBER & COAL C0. masonry on both PHONE 910 transportation to the Church World Service Center at New Windsor, Maryland. If you have used clothing to give Was blind, but now I see. And grace will lead me bome. Church services on Sunday are preaching service at 8:30 and Church School at 9:30 AM. Rev. B. Everett When we've been there ten thousand years "Twas grace that taught my beart to fear, —— aaa RT but are unable to take it to the Church you are asked to notify one of the young people of your church or one of the Youth Leaders: Eleanor Humphrey, Alderson; Wal- ter Bronson, Ruggles; Mrs. Warren Montross, Noxen; Mrs. Daniel Meeker, Kunkle. SHAVERTOWN METHODIST Sunday: 9:45, Church School for all ages. Professor Leroy Bugbee, teaching the Men’s Bible Class. 11:00, Nursery for pre-school child- ren during Worship Hour. 11:00, Morning Worship. Fourth Sunday in Lent, Christian Culture Sunday. Our Church will entertain men from the Red Rock Air Force Base today in church and during the day. 6:30, Methodist Youth Fellowship. Monday: 3:30, Brownies, Tuesday: 4:00, Preparatory Mem- bership Class instruction with the Pastor in the Chapel Room. 7:30, Boy Scouts, Troop 231. Wednesday: 3:30, Girl Scouts, p 66. 7:00, Girl Scouts, Troop sation: 6:30, Junior Choir Re- hearsal. 7:30, Lenten Service in the Sanctuary. (Speaker, Rev. Edgar F. Singer, Pastor of the Forty Fort Fethodist Church. 8:30, Senior Choir Rehearsal. Friday: 7:30, Board of Education Conference on Leadership Training, in the Chapel Room. Rev. Clyde A. Schaff, Wyoming Conference Execu- tive Secretary of the Board of Edu- cation will be our Resource Leader and Speaker. 8:00, Birthday Tea in the Recreation Rooms. Sponsored by the Kings Daughters Class. Saturday: ,7:00, Dinner of - the Couples Club at the Wyoming Inn. The Sacrament of Holy Baptism will be observed on Palm Sunday at 4:00, Parents of infants and child- ren to be baptized at that time should contact the Pastor. New Members will be received into the fellowship of our church on Sunday, March 23rd and on Palm Sunday. Persons desirous of membership should contact the MON. thru FRI. » ~ LISTEN for our WEEK-END SPECIAL on the “Little Bill Phillips Show” WBAX And grace my fears relieved; How precious did that grace appear The hour I first believed. Bright shining as the sum, We've no less days to sing God’s praise Than when we first begun. Pastor this week. THE DALLAS METHODIST This is Every Member Canvass Sunday. All members of the Church are asked to remain at home in the afternoon until their pledge has been received. It is expected that some fifty men will participate and that the entire canvass will be com- pleted by Sunday evening. Church School, 10:00, Interna- tional Lesson, “What Is Christian Hospitality”. Scripture, Acts 16:6- 15.40. Morning Worship, 11:00. Sermon, “And Jesus Said, Go”. Youth Fellowship, 6:30. Monday, 7:30, Boy Scouts. Tuesday, 8:00, Board of Education will meet in the Committee Room. Wednesday, 6:15, Family Night Covered Dish Supper. Bring covered dish, table service, ‘and rolls. Coffee and dessert will be furnished by the committee. The Country Couple’s Club is acting as com- mittee. 7:30, Mid-Week Lenten Ser- vice. The Reverend Ruth Under- wood, minister of the Alderson Methodist Charge, will be the guest speaker. The Woman's Society of Christian Service will be in charge. Thursday, 4:15, Junior Choir; 6:30, Youth Choir; 8:00, Senior Choir. Friday, 4:15, Membership Train- ing Class for boys and girls. ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN Rev. Russell Stine - Sunday School, 9:45. Preaching service, 11. Monday, 8 PM, Men's Brother- see 2:30 to 4:00 p. m. FRYERS "ROASTERS STEWERS Combination @ Breasts and Legs—82c lb. Oven - dressed 65; 1b N. Y. Dressed 51c 1b. Combination ® Backs and Necks, 2 Ibs. 25¢ PHONE 58 Trucksville Mill Poultry Shop STANLEY MOORE, owner hood will meet in tht church basement to hear [Stefan Heller- sperk speak on life in a concentra- tion camp. Men of Holy Trinity, Kingston, will be guests. Men of the community are invited. Speaks Every Night Rev. Joseph Arnett, evangelist at Shavertown Bible Church an- nounces his sermon topics for the coming week. Friday, When Jesus Yielded up the Ghost; Sunday morning, Touch Me Not; evening, Then Came Jesus, the Doors Being shut; Monday, Be- fore Bethlehem; Tuesday, God With Us; Wednesday, Son of Man; Thursday, Once for All. These meetings are continuing for a third week and all services start at 7:45 in the evening and Sunday morning at 11, The public is cordially invited to attend. CENTERMORELAND BAPTIST Sunday School at 10. Preaching service at 11. Prayer - meeting Thursday, 7:30. BEAUMONT UNION CHURCH Rev. Truman Reeves, Pastor Elmer Herring, Sunday School Superintendent. Sunday School, 10 AM; preaching service 7:30. Monday, Young people meet with Mrs. Reeves at the church, 7:30. Wednesday, 7:30, prayer meeting. Thursday, 7:45, Womens Mission- ary Society at the home of Mrs. Hazel Condon. Bandages will be made from old sheets or other clean white materials. Young people of the church took part last week in services held at Shavertown Bible Church. The group sang, and Romayme Smith, Gladys Jones, and Carol Millard sang a trio. Seek and Find Class Meets At Jackson The Seek and Find Class of Jack- son Methodist (Church met in the social rooms of the Church recently with Paul Shouldice presiding. Members of the class are selling jello, dish cloths and every day greeting cards. Plans were made for a ham and egg supper to be held at the Church April 5. Present at the meeting: Mr. and Mrs. ‘Charles Hock, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Swelgin, Mrs and Mrs Robert Gregory, Mrs Joseph Neizgoda, Mr. and Mrs. Durwood Splitt, Sandra Splitt, Mrs. Henry Swelgin, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Finley, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Brace, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shouldice. Alderson Church To Canvass Members Alderson Methodist ‘Church will conduct an “Every Member” canvass the first week in April. Sixty-two families, members of the church, will be solicited to pledge financial sup- port to take care of this year’s bud- get of $2,435, The budget takes care of the bare necessities of the church expenses. Plans have been made to paint the church this year, so addi- tional funds, beyond the budget total, must be raised. Solicitors requesting pledges will be Mrs. Albert Armitage, Mrs. Hig- gins, Mrs. Carpenter, Mrs. Raymond Garinger, Mrs. Donald Smith, Mrs. Harvey Kitchen, Mr. Ashton, and : - Alan Kistler. _ | Huntsville Work Day Huntsville Christian Church will , | have a work day on Saturday mak- i | ing repairs on building and clear- ing grounds in anticipation for landscaping. The evening meal will be served workers, Lord is the minister. Thursday evening at 7:30 the entire Maple Grove charge will hold its monthly family social night at the Meeker church, Sweet Valley Mr, and Mrs. Robert Smith, Nineveh, N. Y. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Doberstein over the weekend. Mrs. John Lukavitch, daughter Marie, and granddaughter Joan 'Sgroi spent last Saturday in Wilkes- Barre. Mr. and Mrs. John Perry and family, Clark Summit, spent the weekend here at their former home. Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Britt made a trip to Scranton on ‘Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Lukavitch en- tertained over the weekend for Mrs. Lukavitch’s sister, Mrs, Julia Mor- gan, of Syracuse. Dean Lord celebrated his ninth birthday on Sunday with a family dinner. Guests were Grandmother Post, Uncle Doron and Uncle Howard Post. In the afternoon ‘the family and guests motored to Clark Summit to call on Mr. and Mrs. Milton Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Button, King- ston, had Thursday evening dinner with Rev. and Mrs. Ira Button. Mrs. Rachel Williams, Wilkes- Barre, has been spending some time with her mother, Mrs. Sara Roberts, who has been ill. Callers at the home of Keziah Edwards on ‘Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Keller, Shavetown; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Recod, and Mrs. g Af 4 Pe A +) Wy 1 2 | 3 8 Df Ry 2 i Zoo - your prescriptions promptly. PHONE 278 Yorw Howls t Take Yer atlets lo a Pleember IF YOUR WATCH stops running or runs too fast or too slow, you take it to the finest repair shop you can find. Why shouldn’t you give your body the same consideration you give your watch? Too often, when illness comes, we listen to well-meaning friends or answer the call of the patent medicine vendor. The correct thing to do is to consult your physician. He alone can diagnose your trouble, pre- scribe proper treatment. We are ready at all times to fill HALL'S PHARMACY Delivery Service SHAVERTOWN ONLY 7 LEFT! Goin BARGAIN PRICES 1951 MODEL ALL GUARANTEED INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER Refrigerators AT LEAST They're Femineered GEORGE BULFORD TRUCKSVILLE Phone Dallas 311 % OFF EVERY MODEL ——