3 9 THE POST, FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1952 PAGE THREE DEFINITIONS PURCELL OIL SERVICE FUEL OIL Dallas 9001-R-16 Socialism: You have two cows and give one to your neighbor. Communism: You have two cows; the Government takes both 3 and gives you the milk. Fascism: You have two cows; Fresh 2 lbs the Government takes both and : sells you the milk. ROASTE 0 for Nazism: You have two cows: the Government takes both and PEAN U TS C shoots you. New Dealism: You have two cows; the Government takes both, IN-TH-SHELL CRAVE'S STORE shoots one, milk the other and throws the milk away. IDETOWN Phone H-L 4561 Capitalism: You have two cows; you sell one and buy a bull. Phone Dallas 2771-R-2 for immediate delivery of GLEN ALDEN COAL (Nut, Stove, Buck, Rice) Ask for “Norti” or “Billy”! CALL US FOR . . . Blue Stone, Fill, Red Ash, Cinders, Stove Wood, Fireplace Logs or GENERAL HAULING ASHES and GARBAGE COLLECTED WEEKLY BERTI & SON Franklin St., Dallas Phone 277-R-2 LIFE orogens oun fond] Thousands of your fellow citizens have found the way to family security through Farm Bureau Family Income protec- tion. Don’t put off what you know you should attend to, because of mistaken ideas of cost. Farm Bureau plans are built so you car. afford them! Get the figures... no obligation. GAY For Insurance 30 Lake St. DALLAS HILT TL HOME" OFFICE: COLUMBUS, OHIO | SOMETHING TO LOOK FORWARD TO firemen Discuss Membership Drive Shavertown' Fire Company held its monthly meeting at Fire Head- quarters Monday evening. The main topic of discussion was the annual membership drive to be conducted in. May. Special Agent William Wright, American Equitable Assurance Co., was guest speaker. Interesting mov- ies were shown of the great Texas City disaster caused by explosion. There was a record attendance. Those present were: Ted Boad, Bert Biggs, Thomas Morgan, dJr., Ste- phen Johnson, Ed Carey, Joseph Monko,; George Bednar, Allen Aus- tin, Martin ‘Porter, John Eck, Rob- ert Voelker, Howard Woolbert, Fred Malkemes, Charles Gosart, Bob Williams, Merten Coolbaugh, William Wright, Jack Jones, James Brett, Ralph Burkert, George Ste- venson, Isaac Elston, Clyde Brace, Ralph Gerhart, Louis Cottle, Al- bert Stitzer, Theodore Jones, How- ard Yeager. Noxen Mrs. Wilson another stroke unable to talk. up at intervals. Ladies Auxiliary purchased a new gas stove for the Fire Hall from Claude Crispell last week. The Firemen purchased the Hall from Mr. and Mrs. Earl Crispell last week. Floyd Dendler purchased the Da- vid apartment building. It was the old postoffice used by A. J. Davis. Margaret Learch was put on as floor lady,6 at the Blouse Factory. Mrs. William’ Cuddy is somewhat improved since her return from the General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. David Dendler an- nounce the birth of a son born at General Hospital last week. Mrs. Earl Crispell, division chair- man, has appointed Mrs. Edgar Harding suffered last week and is She is able to be the Pershing Sauare Foundation. Los Angeles. WE WON'T BE AROUND to see it, but actress Virginia Mayo’s prediction is a pleasant one anyway. She models a costume which she says the ladies will wear 1000 years from now. This photo, along with many others, will be put in a steel capsule and preserved for 10 centuries in (International) Teen Council Dance Tonight Co-Ed Swim Party Is Being Planned Teen Canteen of the Back Moun- tain YMCA announces that Friday, will be a really big night at Shaver- town Headquarters Building. It is the night set aside by the Teen Council for its big Spring Sway Dance. Music will be provided bv a well-known orchestra, from 7 to 10:30 p. m, Music is made possible by cooper- ation of Local 120 American Fed- eration of Musicians. It is the desire of the Teen Coun- cil to provide ‘“‘specials” for the en- tertainment of its members. There will be no charge for this dance. ‘Another scheduled event is to be the Co-ed Swim Party at Central YMCA on Friday, March 21, from 8 to 10 p. m. Other future events ' will be a Dance Instruction Nite | and a Farmer Dance Nite. Officers of the Council are: presi- dent, Robert Edwards; vice-presi- dent and treasurer, Earl Hummel; and secretary, Carol Bogart. Coun- selor is John E. Donovan, acting Back Mountain YMCA Secretary. Teen Council members are: Bar- bara Balut, Elizabeth Derolf, Ro- mona Balut, Barbara Malkemes, Gail Schaffhauser, Beverly Corey, Ted Jones, Robert Hontz, Janice Houser, Gail Woolbert, Carol Mal- kemes, Mary Crane, Gordon Beck, Kenneth Inman, Jane Bartell, Carol Kester, and Barbara Billings. Engleman of Noxen Township and Paul Nulton of Monroe Township as chairmen for the annual Red Cross Campaign now underway. Please have your contributions ready; PERMANENT SALES OPPORTUNITY IN THIS AND SURROUNDING TERRITORY. Mrs. D. D. Landis Joins Welcome Wagon Staff Mrs. D. D. Landis, Trucksville Gardens, wife of the District Mana- ger of Commonwealth Telephone Company, has been appointed by | Welcome Wagon, Inc. to assist Nan Dodson and Donna Weichel, hostes- ses, in covering the rapidly expand- ing local territory. Mrs. Landis started operations on Wednesday in Trucksville. Her terri- tory will include Mrs. Dodson’s, Shavertown and Dallas area, and Mrs. Weichel’s, Trucksville, King- ston, Luzerne Courtdale and Wy- oming. A resident of Trucksville for only a year and a half Mrs. Landis had contemplated doing Welcome Wagon work in her former city of Carlisle, virgin territoy three years ago, but because of having two pre-school children had abandoned ‘the idea. Mrs. Casterline Leaves | Eighty-one Descendents i Friends who knew Mrs. Lydia iCasterline during her long residence in Tdetown were sorry to learn of death at 94 last Thursday. She passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Daisy Joseph of ’ 8, “It Won't Be Long BEAT THE SPRING RUSH Have your mower put in condition. Now! Garinger MACHINE SERVICE MAIN HIGHWAY, FERNBROOK Phone 416-R-10 Chester, with whom she had made her home for the past year. Funeral services were held at a Wilkes-Barre funeral home on Satur- day, with burial in Evergreen Ceme- tery. Albert J. and Bearers were Harry, Joseph, (Stewart, Albent Clyde (Casterline. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Daisy Joseph, Chester, and Mrs. Lillian Thomas, Wilkes-Barre; four sons, John, Laurel Run; Edward, Easton; Ernest, Wilkes-Barre; and Raymond Dallas; ‘thirty grand- children and forty-five great-grand- children. Hi-Y And Tri-Hi-Y Hear Talk On Brotherhood Tri-Hi-Y and Hi-Y groups of Lake-Noxen Schools had as guest speaker at their joint meeting on Wednesday, Jimmy Pearson, exe- cutive secretary of branch YMCA, Wilkes-Barre. He spoke on brother- hood, discussing race relations. Mrs. Drake Ready To Retreat To Retreat Mrs. Raymond Drake, Center Hill Road, has been posting a bulletin on her front door to report pro- gress, ever since she went into quarantine with young Eric, more familarly known as Ricky. Ricky hasn't been sick with his scarlet fever, only socially unac- ceptable. Tuesday’s bulletin, fissued after Ricky had. celebrated tis fourth birthday in bed with a water pis- tol, read: “Patient not so patient. Mamma ready for Retreat’. A scribbled postscipt read, ‘Ma- mma gone to Retreat.” Kuehn’s drugstore making a de- livery Wednesday morning, ab- sorbed the report and regarded Mrs. Drake in ‘the flesh. “Thought you were at Retreat’. “Came back for more clothes.” Trucksville GET BABY CHICKS and PURINA CHICK STARTENA OLD TOLL GATE FEED SERVICE Phone 520-R-2 3eautiful, LIVING ROOM Beautiful three piece suite, consisting of settee, chair, and platform rocker, in mellow MAPLE, material. Use it in covered in lovely, gay. hl Gott warm. MAPLE. Nothing is smarter nor lasting, ideal for any room in the house, per- fect for the children’s room, guest room, or the summer cottage. Come in and see these new pieces just received for spring. There is no obligation to buy at any time at Flannigan’s. EEE EERE RE EE EE EE a your Living Room, Den or Cottage. USE YOUR CREDIT! BE = ow BED ROOM Three pieces consist- ing of dresser and mirror, chest and full size bed. Beautifully finished in smooth, warm, mellow, NATHAN HALE SOLID MAPLE. You must see this suite. Come in. Twin beds and night table can also be furnished at ‘Active man or woman to list, show and sell Farms, Homes and Coun- try Business Properties to people our National Advertising brings .to you. Selections from your Listings are advertised in newspapers, magazines and in STROUT'S Famous Catalogs, which circulate hundreds of thou- sands of copies yearly from Coast to Coast. Interviewing Offices are maintained in the larger cities. A profitable permanent connection with the World's Largest Adver- tisers of Country Real Estate; in business 52 years. A nearby associate sold 44 properties in 1951, earning $13,688.95 as his share of the commissions. ; Those who. submit acceptable applications will be interviewed locally. Preference given to applicants located or who can locate in small town or on main highway. ALTER KOMENT, District Manager STROUT REALTY AGENCY 1427 Land Title Bldg. Philadelphia 10, Pa. Now OPEN Again! Colony Restaurant & Bar GUS CONDARAS, Proprietor | Picnic Grounds — Harveys Lake small cost. cooD FooD || ‘139. COMPLETE BAR and SODA FOUNTAIN ® SERVICE Try Our Sunday Full-Course Dinners PHONE Harveys Lake - 253 ~ Your Massey-Harris Dealer vice personnel are anx- ious to serve you. Have your tractor and ma- chinery ready for that first day in the field. Call us soon! Be the first to have your tractor “be- tween-season”’ checked. Spring work will soon be ere again. That tractor of yours will have to be in peak performance to get thet extra job done — with new crop goals ahead. ©ur company trained ser- USE YOUR CREDIT @ | FLANNIGAN FURNITURE MAIN ST. THIS 1S YOUR STORE Phone 590-R-2 Charles H. Long SWEET VALLEY Phone Dallas 8421 or 8431