The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, March 07, 1952, Image 4

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    SA Sti rs Sm een rt ti rt
Neighborhood Notes News of Local C hurch Doin Ss
* Purely
{ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Elicker and
Eddie and Carol, Narbeth, were
weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph MacVeigh of Center Hill road.
James Fink, student at Mansfield
State Teachers’ College, spent the
weekend visiting his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Clifford Fink of Lehigh
street, 'Shavertown.
. Mr. and Mrs. Don Clark and Dick
and Sandra of Lehman avenue spent
the weekend in Bangor, Pa, visiting
Mrs. Clark's mother, Mrs. \Ann Mes-
Mr. and Mrs. A, Hanford Eckman,
and son, Kenneth, spent the week-
end in Allentown.
' Miss Marie Thevenon of Center
Hill road, has returaed home from
Nesbitt Hospital where she hiad been
a patient for the past three weeks.
' Mrs. Frances Quaill, (Church street,
is visiting her family in Pittsburgh.
" Leslie Warhola, Church. street, at-
tended a directors’ meeting in Phil-
adelphia over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barnes re-
turned to their home at Elmcrest
after spending three weeks in
Florida and Nassau.
Joe Peterson was back at school
this week after missing several days
because of lan infected arm .
Mrs. Anna Kinsman of Luzerne
has been ill at the home of her
mother, Mrs. James Franklin, Frank-
lin street this week.
. Imperial Potentate Robert G. ‘Wil-
son Jr. and his wife Of Boston. ‘were
weekend guests of Potentate and
Mrs. Harry Ohlman of Machell ave-
William Compton, emiployee of
Dallas Shavertown Water Company
has been ill at his home at East:
Dallas this week.
i Robert Bachman was ill at his
home at Kunkle the early part of
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Culver at-
tended the Kingston Rotary Charter
Night Dinner at Hotel Sterling re-
- Mrs. Paul Goddard, Hilldonia
Avenue, Goss Manor, is visiting for
two weeks with her sister in Coral
Gables, Florida. She left Wednes-
day by plane.
Mrs. John Crosby, Goss Manor,
has been ill at her home.
Miss Jeane Ann Evans, Danville,
visited last week with relatives,
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon T. Evans,
Shavertown, and Mr. and Mrs. Don
Evans, Dallas.
~ Lester Evans, Midland Drive, has
been ill at his home,
Mrs. Donald J. Evans, Church
Street, at the request of Mrs, Fred
Kiefer, chairman for Dallas Town-
ship, will solicit for the Red Cross
annual Campaign, on Church
Mrs. Charles (Snyder, Jr. and son
Bobby hove been spending a week
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert J. Culp, Huntsville.
| Vacationing callers at the Florida
home of Mr. and Mrs. (Wesley Himm-
ler, Hollywood-by-the-Sea, include
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd White; Mr. and
Mrs. George Orcutt; Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Werner; and Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Isaacs.
Fred Dodson and Marvin Elston
of Kunkle are spending some time
in New Orleans attending the Mardi.
Mrs. Robert Scott has been ill at
her home on Mt, Greenwood Road
for the past four weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry ©Ohlman,
‘Machell avenue, entertained a num-
‘ber of friends {Saturday evening to
‘meet their houseguests, Imperial
Potentate and Mrs. Robert G. Wil-
son of Boston, Mass.
Mrs. W. E. Schoonover has re-
‘turned to her home at Center More-
land after spending the winter with
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. William Love of Greenwood,
New York,
Richard Case who thas been living
“in Sunbury has moved to 405 Queen
street, Northumberland.
‘Sgt. E. Henninger is in Germany.
‘His address: 25th Comm. Squad
‘Cond. APO 633, New York, N. Y.
Ralph Major who suffered a heart
attack sometime ago is still ill at
his home at Lehman. Mrs. Major
is ill with the flu and young George
with an infected ear.
Arthur Carichner who is stationed
at Norfolk, Va. spent the weekend
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Carichner of Lehman.
Flying Leathernecks
? (Technicolor)
John Wayne, Janis Carter
Cartoon — News
Anne of the Indies
Jean Peters, Louis Jourdan
Cartoon — Sport
The Tanks Are Coming
Steve Cochran, Mari Aldon
Mrs. Laskowski's Mother
Has Ninetieth Birthday
Mrs. Charlotte Grygo, mother. of
Mrs. C. B. Laskowski of Jackson
Township, celebrated her ninetieth
birthday anniversary with a family
dinner at her home in Nanticoke
Mrs. Grygo, who makes her home
with her daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boguszewski, is
up and around and while she can’t
do much reading, enjoys the radio
and visits with members of her
family and with her neighbors.
Present ‘at’ the dinner were: Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Grygo of Buffalo,
N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs, Edward Grygo
of Bethlehem; Mr. and Mrs. C. B.
Laskowski, Shirley, Marianne and
Johanna Laskowski of Jackson
Township; Mr. and Mrs. Emil Suda,
Craig Suda, Sandra Olczak, the
Boguszewskis and. the guest of
honor of Nanticoke.
Confirmation Class
The following young people are
attending ‘the Confirmation (Class
of Trucksville Methodist Church
held Mondays at the home of the
pastor, Rev. Robert Webster: Bar-
bara Powell, Jane Polk, Alberta
Daniels, Florence Billings, Phyllis
Culver, Maude Grey, Emma Engler,
Lee Evams, Gail Hoover, Georgiena
DeWitt, Jane Ann Lohman, (Carol
Bennett and Charlotte Perkins,
James Alfred Davies
Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Davies of
Pittsburgh announce the birth of a
seven pound thirteen ounce baby
boy, James ‘Alfred on March 3.
They also have a daughter, Barbara
Jane, aged three and a half.
Mrs. Davies is the former Nancy
Nicol, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
| Charles Nicol of Overbrook Road.
Mrs. L. L. Richardson
Guest On Birthday
Mrs. L. L. Richardson, Terrace
street, was guest of honor at a
birthday party given at her home
last night. Present were members
of her birthday club: Mrs. Dan
Richards, Mrs. Dan Robinhold, Mrs.
Robert Van Horn, Mrs. Robert Body-
comb, Mrs, Della Thompson, Mrs.
Arthur (Culver, Miss Mildred Devens,
Mrs. John Yaple, Mrs. Ross Lewin,
Mrs. Milford Shaver, Mrs, David
Jenkins and the guest of honor.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jones have
moved into their new home mext
to their daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. ‘Charles Nuss at Leh-
man. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Erwine
of Forty Fort will move in the house
next to the Church formerly oc-
cupied by the Joneses.
Mr, and Mrs. Albert Wiomer of
Noxen have announced the birth
of a baby girl March 3.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Bush, Harris
Hill Road, are spending sometime
‘in Florida.
Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Hauck, Tunk-
hannock, spent [Sunday with the
former's sister and brother-in-law,
Dr and Mrs. A. A. Mascali of Machell
Mrs, (Clarence Hilbert and daugh-
ter, Mrs. Herbert Goodwin and
Sandy left Tuesday by motor for
Dayton, Pa. where they will be
guests of Mrs, Hilbert’s brother and
sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs Ernest Gay and Mrs.
Robert Dymond of Sutton Creek
attended ‘the funeral of Mrs. Gay's
and Mrs. Dymond’s mother in Welsh,
West Virginia on Tuesday.
14. James Shepherd of Trucks-
ville has-gone to Korea.
{Sheldon Jones, Trucksville, is a
patient at Robert Packer Hospital,
Eugene Piatt and Maude [Sutliff of
Trucksville, are patients in the (Gen-
eral Hospital.
Herbert Williams who has been a
patient in ‘General Hospital has
been removed to his home in Trucks-
William Glace has been ill at his
home in Trucksville.
~~ Dallas, Pa.
Fixed Bayonets
Richard Basehart
and Michael O'Shea
News & Cartoon
Westward The Women
Denice Darcel and Robert Taylor
Close To My Heart
Gene Tierney
and Ray Milland
Cartoon & Short
Cartoon — Sport
At a very pretty wedding, Claire
Marie Baur, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John Baur of Shaver avenue,
phavertown, became the bride of
Adrian E. DeMarco, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Marion DeMarco of Rochester,
N. Y. Saturday, February 23. Father
J. J. O'Leary performed the cere-
mony in St. Therese’s Roman Cath-
olic Church.
" The bride, given in marriage by
her father, wore ice blue satin gown
fashioned with lace peplin and cape.
Her finger tip veil fell from lace
trimmed cap and she wore matching
mitts. Her flowers were a cascade !
bouquet of white roses.
Madeline Baur was her sister's
maid of honor.
colored net over taffeta styled like
the gown of the bride. She carried
Dutch iris.
Mrs, Baur, mother of the bride,
Happiy surrounded by members
of the family and a few friends,
Mrs. Aaron {Sutton celebrated her
eightieth birthday anniversary at
her home in Lehman and at a birth-
day dhicken dinner at the home of
her daughter and son-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. James Jones of Mooretown
on February 27.
The former Hannah Slife of Beau-
mont, Mrs. [Sutton and her husband,
now eighty-five, have spent the last
fifty years in the farm house they
now ocoupy. She does all her own
baking, raises over a hundred
chickens every summer, and helps
with a large vegetable and flower
garden. Last summer she canned
rows and rows of vegetables she had
raised and peaches, pears and
Charlotte Culp Holds
Variety Shower
Charlotte Culp, Huntsville, enter-
tained iat a variety shower honoring
Joan Coolbaugh, bride elect, Monday
The party table was attractive
with center piece of bridal cake
decorated with icing roses and um-
brellas. Favors were blue baskets
filled with candies.
Present were: Mrs. David Eddy,
Mrs. ‘Charles (Snyder, Mrs, Laing
Coolbaugh, Mrs. Robert Culp, Midge
Culp, Joyce Adams, Louise Owen,
Mary Joan Williams, the guest of
honor and the hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Davis,
Parrish street, and Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Davis, Davenport street, will
attend the wedding of Patty Karns,
former Dallas resident iat Cressona,
Pa. tomorrow.
Bonnie Gayle Lewis, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lewis of
Cemetery street is recovering from
the measles.
Robert Koons On Leave;
Will Go To El Paso
Pfc. Robert J. Koons is home on
leave with Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Shaver, Pioneer Avenue, Shaver-
town. He reports for duty in El
Paso, Texas, March 21, leaving here
by car on iSt. Patrick’s Day.
Bob has completed ii course in
jet at Chanute, Ill. In his new post
he will be assigned to a tow-target
Mount Vale Council
To Meet March 14
Mount Vale Council 224, Daugh-
ters of America, will meet in T00F
Hall March 14, at 7:30. Those tak-
ing part in Rally are urged to attend.
Members are asked to bring baked
goods or candy for sale after the
meeting. Proceeds go to the District
Claire Marie Baur Becomes
Bride Of Adrian E. DeMarco
wore navy blue street length dress
with gray accessories and pink roses.
Mrs. DeMarco was unable to be
present because of the illness of
her mother. Mrs, Robert Hinchler,
sister of the (bridegroom, of Ro-
chester, wore mavy dress with
matching accessories. Both wore
shoulder bouquet of pink roses.
Miss Baur is a graduate of King-
ston Township High (School and. has
been employed at the [Forty Fort
« Dairy Store. Mr, DeMarco, is em-
ployed at Goodleigh Farm where the
| couple resides.
Out of town guests at the wedding
were Mr. DeMarco, Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Hinchler and Richard Jr.,
She chose melon and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Weaver
and Claire of Brentwood, Md.
Prenuptial parties for the bride
were given by Anna Mae Durbin,
Harriet Williams and Mary Weir.
Mrs. Aaron Sutton Happily
Celebrates 80th Birthday
berries that the boys sent up. Mr.
Sutton still does a little farming,
keeps ahead of chores around the
house and barn and sees that Leslie
gets the cow milked on time.
There are four children: Ruth
Jones, Mooretown, Edith Perry, Car-
verton, and Leslie and Lanceford,
close by at Lehman,
Guests at the dinner were:Mr. and
Mrs. Aaron Sutton, Mr. and Mrs.
Lanceford Sutton and sons, Kenneth
and Dick, Mr. and Mrs, David Perry,
Jr., host and hostess and daughter
Jamice. Callers during the afternoon
and evening were: Mrs Mildred
Weidner, Mr. and Mrs. William
Higgins, Dallas, and Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Wesley, Loyalville.
Toby Rebekahs Mark
Fifth Anniversary
Lady Toby Rebekah Lodge 514,
Trucksville, celebrated its fifth anni-
versary February 27 with: dinner at
the Spa, followed by a theatre party.
Noble - grand Betty Farr and Vice-
grand Harriet Rogers were given
carnation corsages.
[Present ‘were Mesdames Irma and
Bety Shoemaker, Ella Long, Isabel
Cleasby, Betty Reese, Peg Robbins,
Milly Moore, Frances Cockayne,
Jennie and Mary (Shaver, Nan
Daniels, Eleanor Dilschleiter, Pearl
Walton, Tillie Cnoome.
Edith McElwee, Dorothy Culver,
Doris Button, ‘Anna Folk, Estelle
Pascoe, Ethel and Mildred Johnson,
Viola Scoble, Nita Bidwell, and
Misses Arline Siglin, Esther Blase,
and Bertha Butler.
Next meeting is announced for
March 12 at Trucksville Fire Hall.
Dallas Juniors Plan
Reading For Monday
Dallas Junior Women will present
Mrs. Elizabeth Conrad in a reading
of the current Broadway success,
“The Moon Is Blue’, Monday eve-
ning at 8, Dallas Methodist
Church. Tea will be served.
General chairman and co-chair-
man are Mrs. Ralph Garris and
Mrs. Robert Moore; chairman of
the tea, Mrs. Harry Peiffer; tickets,
Mrs. Russell Parsons; and publici-
ty, Mrs. William Hanna.
Charles Snyder Has
Birthday Dinner
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snyder,
Lehman, entertained in honor of
their son, Charles Jr.'s 22nd birth-
day at dinner on Sunday.
Present were Mr. and Mrs:
Charles Snyder, Jr. with son Bobby,
from Syracuse; Mr, and Mrs. George
Shaver, Jr. and sons Skippy and
Tommy, Fernbrook; the host and
hostess, with Irene and Jimmie.
. . . wisely by buying
where you always get
your money's worth.
The Globe Store is con-
venient for Back Mt.
shoppers . . . a depart-
ment store that can fill
your needs.
™ GLOBE...
Chairman of Decorations
Mrs. Betty Walsh is general chair-
man and Mrs. Irene Brown chairman
of decorations for the reading being
sponsored by: ‘Catholic Daughters,
Court Our Lady of Fatima in St.
Therese’s auditorium March 16 at
3 p.m.
Joan Coolbaugh, Guest
At Variety Shower
Joan Coolbaugh, bride elect, of
Trucksville R. D., was guest of honor
at a variety shower given by her
aunts, Mrs. Clarence Barnd, Mrs.
Charles Weidner, Mrs. Thelma ‘Allen,
Mts. Thomas James, Mrs. Evan
Hughes, and Mrs. Walter Scott at
the Allen home in Kingston last
Wednesday. !
Present were: Mrs. Ray Schlen-
ker, Mrs. Elizabeth Stanley, Mrs.
‘Walter Scott, Mrs. Jack Scott, Mrs.
Florence Scott, Mrs. William Scott,
Mrs. Lillian Plummer, Mrs. Betty
James, Mrs. Jack. Stanley, Mrs.
Laing Coolbaugh, Mrs. ‘Ada (Scott,
Mrs. Arline Kunkle, Mrs. Merton
Coolbaugh, Mrs. William Blecker,
Mrs. Betty Conklin, Mrs. Johnson
Coolbaugh, Mrs. Edgar iSorber, Mrs.
Alberta Allen, Miss Sheryl (Stanley,
the guest of honor and the hostess.
Frances Layaou Weds
C. A. Blizzard Of Noxen
Mrs. Frances Layaou and Charles
A. Blizzard, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Lewis Blizard of Noxen were married
in the Baptist Memorial Church at
Washington recently Rev. R. A.
Sturgill performed the ceremony.
Mrs. Blizzard teaches in Wright
Township ‘Consolidated School, Mr.
Blizzard is employed by the Auto-
matic Sprinkler Corporation of
The couple resides at Blytheburn.
Pomona And Mountain
Granges Meet Saturday
Pomona Grange will meet to-
morrow with MOuntain Grange at
Carverton. Forenoon session starts
at 11, with Master William Treth-
away presiding. Afternoon session,
at 2, is open to the public. Mrs.
Clara Dodson and James Hutchison
will speak.
PTA Sponsors Dance
A dance will be held tonight at
Lake Township School, sponsored
by Lake-Noxen Parent - Teacher
Association. Proceeds will be used
to furnish a health room in Noxen
School. Miss Moran is chairman.
Heart Campaign
The annual Heart Campaign will
be continued until March 15th ac-
cording to word received by Donald
J. Evans, chairman for Dallas
Township. It is urgently requested
that all plastic hearts distributed
to business places in the township
remain prominently displayed until
Joan Coolbaugh, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Laing Coolbaugh of Trucks-
ville R. D. will marry Donald Britt,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Brit¥ of
Sweet Valley on Saturday iat 2 p. m.
Rev. Robert Webster will perform
the double ring ceremony in Trucks-
ville Methodist Church.
Mrs. Richard Palmer of Phila-
delphia will be her sister's matron of
Honor, and Shirley Britt, [Sweet Val-
ley, sister Of the bridegroom, and
Eileen Guyette of Kingston, brides-
. Jack Stanley, couson of the bride,
will act as best man and Richard
Mrs. William Purcell
Heads Junior Women
Junior Wiomans (Club installed new
officers at Tuesday evening's meet-
ing dn" Back Mountain Library
| Annex. SH
Mrs. William Purcell is president;
Mrs. Edwin Roth, vice president;
Mrs. ‘Charles Mahler, 2nd vice presi-
dent; Mrs. Robert Williams, secre-
tary; Mrs. Harry Peiffer, assistant
secretary; Mrs, Ralph Garris, trea-
surer; Mrs. [Patrick Reithoffer, as-
sistant treasurer; and Mrs. Thomas
Templin, corresponding secretary.
Gifts were announced by Mrs.
Alva Eggleston, retiring president:
$50 to the Library for purchase of
children’s books; $10 to Red Cross;
and $5 to Crippled (Children’s
Easter Stamp Drive.
Mrs. Ralph Garris and Mrs. Rabert
Moore are co-chairman of the tea
d reading at Dallas Methodist
Church Monday might, when Mrs.
Elizabeth Conrad will read “ The
Moon [Is Blue.”
Mrs, Gerald Cook, ran of
cancer dressings, says that club
members will meet frequently to
make dressings for supply of the
cancer clinic.
Club members will correspond
with Junior Club members in the
Reports from all board members
were read. Retiring members will
entertain new members March 18 at
a dinner in the Library Annex.
Mrs, Paul Phillips was introduced
as a mew member.
Bride-Elect Is Guest
At Variety Shower
Co-workers at Luzerne County
variety shower and dinner at Da-
lon’s Restaurant, Kingston, Wed-
nesday night honoring Joan Cool-
baugh, bride-elect. :
Mrs. Robert Guyette baked the
heart-shaped cake and Mary Moran
and Eileen Guyette had charge of
Present were Martha Symons,
Beverly McHugh, Viola Harris, Edna
Evans, Grace Masters, Eleanor
Thomas, Irene Raeder, Bessie Davis,
Shirley Adams, Barbara Gregory,
Frances White, Mary Moran, Eileen
Guyette, Mrs. Robert Guyette, Mrs.
Laing Coolbaugh and the guest of
Mr. and Mrs, Rob Warburton hawve
returned to their home at Center-
moreland after spending several
months in New Jersey.
Mrs. J. C. Fleming has been dll at
her home on Main street.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frantz and
family have moved from (Shaver-
town to Dallas R. D. 1.
Viola Loomis of Tunkhannock is
visiting Mns. Floyd Besteder and
family at Vernon.
Stanley DeWitt, Tunkhannock
postmaster, was rushed to the Tyler
Hospital Monday night and sub-
mitted to an emergency appendi-
citis operation. Stan has a good
many friends in the Back Mountain
Gas and Electric entertained at a|
Joan Coolbaugh Chooses
Members Of Wedding Party
Britt, brother of the bridegroom and
Burl Updyke, both of Sweet Valley,
Miss Coolbaugh is a graduate of
Lehman High School and is em-
ployed by Luzerne County (Gas and
Electric in Kingston, Mr. Britt was
also graduated from Lehman High
School and is ‘employed by Neon
Following the ceremony, a re-
ception will be held in the Church
parlors, :
The couple will build a home in
Beverly Jones Becomes
Bride Of Ralph Swan
Beverly M. Jones, daughfer of
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Jones of
Beech Street, Shavertown, married
Ralph F. Swan, son of Mr, and Mrs.
George E. Swan of Ridge Street,
Shavertown Saturday afternoon at
2 o'clock.
Rov." Robert Yost performed the
ceremony in Shavertown Methodist
Church. Mrs. George Schooley was
soloist accompanied by Mrs. Robert
Wright, organist.
The bride, given in marriage by
her father, wore white suit with
matching accessories. Her shoulder
bouquet was an orchid.
Miss Ruby Shrey was maid of
honor. She chose rose.sult with
black accessories and gardenias.
Best man was Phillip Mosier of
Shavertown, ‘and ushers, George
Swan, Bernard Jones, Ralph Wil-
liams and Edward Williams.
Following the ceremony, a recep-
tion was held in the Church par-
lors and the couple left for Ken-
WCTU Meets Tuesday
In Sweet Valley
WCTU met Tuesday night at the
home of Elizabeth Smith, Sweet
Valley. Those present were:
Rev. and Mrs. Ira Butiton; Mes-
dames Albert Morris, Dayton Long,
William Ferry, Fred Whitesell, Al-
bert Rasten, Freece Morris, J. S.
Ferry, Charles Long, Boyd Cragle,
[Sara Cole, Anna Wintermute, Hattie
Edwards, [Stella Rousing; and Misses
Gwennie Slater, Evelyn Rasten and
Elizabeth Smith.
Senior Club Installs
Officers Wednesday
Dallas Senior Womans Club will
instal officers at a dinner meeting
at Irem Country Club Wednesday
evening, 6:30.
Dr. L. E. Jordon will speak on his
trip to St. Louis as delegate to
National Better (Citizens Convention,
and Margaret Evans Carroza will
give readings.
Reservations may be made until
Monday, 6 PM, with Mrs, D. M.
Hutchison, $592-R-13, or with Mrs.
David Jenkins, 303.
Sponsor Dance
Friendly Class of
Christian Church is sponsoring a
farmer and modern dance at Kunkle
Community Hall March 11. Abe
Belles will call. The public is in-
IDETOWN Phone H-I. 4561
2 lbs.
Watch! Wait! See
~ Our Great Sale of
(full details in next week’s Post)
Anything Electrical — Prompt Service
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