_ PAGE SIX THIS IS NATIONAL ABBIT WEEK “Many Ways To Make Money Raising Rabbits ——— is mot too great and the extent of the activity can be adapted to a hobby for a teen-age boy or girl as well as to a full scale commercial RAT 3 BIT Raw Material 1To o Finished Product 17 -FEB.-23 of the century, wil be principal speaker, Buddy Jayne will also be-a lec- turer. Mr, Jayne conducts a lucra- tive fur business in Connecticut and meat handling, packaging, freezing, breeding, housing, all other phases of the rabbit busi- ness. A tour of grounds and build- \ ings is included in the school’s itin. exhibition and Operation of a rabbitry can be a highly profitable venture since there are eight distinct phases. of the business. The initial investment operation. Markets for rabbits and ‘their products include the ‘sale of rabbit neat, breeding stock, animals for |g | erary. A Rabbit Barbecue will take place on the last day of the school. Registration is open to the public. has mch to offer the industry on the handling of furs. Courses will also be given in 31 LAKE ST. BOWMANS Early American RESTAURANT EAT and ENJOY DOMESTIC RABBIT All during National Rabbit Week, we, are going to fea- ture rabbit menus ... come in and enjoy rabbit at its best +... you'll be pleasantly surprised what a tasty dish domestic rabbit makes! DALLAS rabbitry . . your own rabbits? materials! 10 E. CENTER ST. Need Building Supplies? —We Got em! Building a new rabbit hutch . making repairs around the . planning to raise Then come in to see us—we have just about everything in the material line—roofing . . i 'screen . . . lumber .'. . nails " . .. Before you build or re- build—check with wus for S inverrom LUMBER (CO. PHONE DALLAS 42 laboratory use, pets, fur, wool and iertilizer. The individual can determine how successful and ‘profitable raising rabbits can be through his own ini- tiative, ability and aggressiveness. During the meat rationing period in World War II, the demand for domestic rabbit meat automatically increased far beyond any previous record and many new outlets were established for rabbit meat as well as for breeding stock, Most of these markets were retained and others can be opened by a continuous pro- gram of promotion and meeting the demand of the market for a regular or steady supply of rabbits, The number of breeder rabbits and their young one person can handle depends upon the climatic conditions of the area in which the rabbitry ds located, the kind of equipment used and its arrang- ment, whether the rabbits are mar- keted as live anmals, dressed car- casses or carcasses cut into pieces and packaged. Before making a decision upon the breed of rabbits to raise, the be- ginner will find it advantageous to make a thorough investigation of the markets for rabbit meat, skins, wool and animals for laboratory use and breeding purposes. ANY WISE BUNNY Prefers RABBIT PELLETS from the TRUCKSVILLE MILL Phone 58 STAN MOORE, Owner “4 ~ Nx “Na” rabbit,” RABBIT VIDE RARE FRYERS NEW YORK DRESSED 45 SPECIAL ON EGGS 3 doz. medium *1.37 A “We're mighty pleased with ourselves!” Ready for the pan THIS WEEK’S POULTRY PRICES: ROASTERS c READY FOR 60 £ lb THE OVEN You know friends, us rabbits lead such good lives that it makes us feel mighty fine when we come to a good end. And what better place to end up than at the Trucksville Mill Poultry Shop where we know this fellow Moore will see that we get taken care of right so that you folks will say, "My that was a real good when you have eaten our deliciously tender white meat for your Sunday dinner. There's Such A Difference In Domestic Rabbit—Try It! You'll Enjoy It! CUT-UP 19c¢. RABBIT DINNER TODAY STEWERS BREASTS 89c 1b. Backs & Necks—2 lbs. 25¢ / PHONE 58 TRUCKSVILLE MILL POULTRY SHOP STANLEY MOORE, Owner Here Tommy Andrew is shown with some of his prize rabbits and to the right we see some of the fin- ished products of the rabbit indus- The rabbit industry is becoming of increasing importance in the Back Mountain area and in morth- eastern Pennsylvania, and none has done ‘more’ to promote it than Tommy Andrew of Shavertown who is now the largest packer of rabbit meat in northeastern Pennsylvania. But Tommy isn’t the only fan- cier to make more than a hobby out of breeding and growing rab- bits, there are now ninety-nine members of ‘the Northeastern Penn- sylvania Rabbit and [Cavy Growers Association in ‘these parts. All of them, in addition to grow- ing rabbits, buy lumber, hard- ware, medicines, feed, advertising, gas and oil and other items to help them . grow rabbits. Thus the busi- ness started by the humble little rabbit is not so humble after all, and spreads its‘ prosperity to other businesses in the area. The Northeastern Pennsylvania Rabbit and Cavy Breeders iAssocia- tion is chartered by and is only one part of the American Rabbit. and Cavy Breeders Association which comprises more ‘than 30,000 mem- bers, a sizeable number in any in- dustry. In some states the domestic rab- bit meat industry, ranks close to beef and pork in importance. In California for example, domestic rabbit is the third largest meat in- dustry, while in Virginia it ranks fourth. According to the U. IS. Depart- ment of Agriculture, domestic rab- bit meat has ‘the highest nutritive value of any meat on the market, and many physicians recommend the whole white meat for patients with digestive disorders or who re- quire an easily digestible food. Among ‘the outstanding rabbit men in the Back Mountain area is Ernest Caryl of [Shavertown. Mr. Caryl has been ia breeder for many years and is now serving his second term as a director of the American specialty club which promotes this breed throughout the United ‘States. Mr, Andrew is secretary and treas- urer of the same @rganization. He is also president of the Eastern Rab- bit and Cavy Fanciers Association which extends from Maine to Flor- ida. Among some of the other Back Mountain breeders are: William Long, ‘Stanley Moore, Joseph Stager, and Henry Blank of Trucksville; George Roberts, William Burnaford, Smith, Paul Maheler, Woody Allen and many others. Congratulations to the T-BAR-A Rabbitry for a fine job of making all of N.E. Penna. a thriving center for the rabbit industry. EVANS DRUG STORE Main Highway - Shavertown Look for our live bunnies at Easter Standard Chinchilla |Association, a. Ernest Daily, Earl Lamoreaux, Gar || try. Raising cuits is not only a hobby, it is an industry providing meat ‘and pelts. Lovely products in many colors are made from pelts. Rabbit Industry Is Assuming Increased Importance Here The work of these men is now beginning to bear fruit, for rabbit meat is now a familiar commodity in most Back Mountain stores in- cluding Hislop’s Market, Dixon's Market, Kozy Corner, Hontz Store, Trucksville Poultry Market and Lares Store in Luzerne. State College To Hold June Rabbit School Pennsylvania State College will hold a three-day Rabbit School June 26-27-28th in connection with its Short (Course Program. The school will be sponsored by XKey- stone ‘State Rabbit and (Cavy Breed- er’s Association, Irwin L. Good, Se- cretary, R, D. 2, Bethlehme, Committees have been formed to promote the school with James Blyth, Secretary of the American Rabbit and Cavy Breeder's Asso- ciation, as Program Director, and Tommy Andrew, of Shavertown, as Publicity Director. Judge John Fehr of Indiana, top- most authority on rabbits and ca- vies in this country since the ‘turn bag. For MEAT RABBITS Purina takes a lot of the guesswork out of rabbit raising with Resarch- proved Purina Rabbit Chow. Chow is a complete ration that’s made to be fed just as it comes from the lots flavored meat, feed Purina Rabbit Chow to your rabbits. If you'd like up-to-date rabbit rais- ing information, see us soon. YOUR CHECKERBOARD RABBIT-RAISING HEADQUARTERS OLD TOLL GATE FEED SERVICE | Rabbit of plump, tender, (fine- Trucksville NOTE: The bearer upon purchasing 100 lbs. of Purina Rabbit Chow dur- ing National Rabbit Week, February 17-23, is entitled to one pint of Purina Disinfectant Free of additional cost. Void where restricted or prohibited. Cash value 1/10th of 1 cent. PURINA DEALER, Please honor this coupon. The Ralston Purina Company, St. Louis 2, Missouri will pay you the retail price of this merchandise. Phone 520-R-2 LEER E SEE HOw EASY (TIS TO COOK! Q NATIONAL : TE LICENSED RABBITRY Dallas 158-R-10 WEEK Announcing q Special Treat \ Ca br? = ma MD = 2 ed -— he 2 - MEAT Extra tender, juicy, and delicious because it’s scientifically raised by your local rabbit club member. You can’t afford to miss this dinner table delicacy. . v Wholesome and nutritious + Economical to serve v So little bone and waste y Fine-grained, all white meat UICK — FROZEN - Packaged 2 to 6 Ibs. LARGEST RABBITRY IN N. E. PENNA. T-BAR-A RABBITRY SHAVERTOWN 1751 ETT Domestic Rabbit meat comes to you cut-up ready for the frying pan and attractively packaged in modern san- itary boxes. Just put it in the frying pan and fry to a golden brown. We Deliver TER 1118 YOU CAN. BUY (T HERE) a a Ee Et east at mest mat" [ (FN a St Lag 2 ole