PAGE FOUR Purely ~ Personal Earl Henwood Jr., of Trucks- ville, has been a patient at Robert Packer Hospital. “Mr, and Mrs. Fred Allison, Trucksville, have announced the birth of a son, Fred, at Nesbitt Hospital, January 6. ~~ Mrs. Daniel Waters, Huntsville, spent the weekend in Fredericks- burg, Md., where she was the guest of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James Waters and family. Marion Marth, Trucksville, is a patient at Nesbitt Hospital where she expects to undergo an opera- tion. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Woolbert have announced the birth of a daughter, Nancy Elizabeth in Phil- adelphia on January 22. Mrs. Jack Wilson has returned to her home at Sherbrook Farm after being a patient at General Hospital. She is feeling much better. Miss Miriam Lathrop has been ill at her home on Main Street this week with a virus infection. Mrs. Margaret Hildebrant, Nor- ton Avenue, is spending several weeks with her son and daughter- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William Tho- mas and family of Philadelphia. Miss Ida M. Eyer and George Houck, Spring Street, Shavertown, left this week to spend the rest of the season in Daytona Beach, Sar- ~asota and St. Petersburg, Fla. Mrs. Helen Hart, Machell Ave- nue, is a patient at Nesbitt Hospi- tal where she is under observation, Bernard J. Gerrity, music in- structor at Lehman High School, has moved from Welles Street, Forty Fort, to Butler Street, King- ston. \ Miss Charlotte London is visiting relatives and friends in Chester and will continue to Homestead, ~ Fla.,, to be the guest of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Evans London, i Sheldon Jones, Trucksville, is a patient at Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre. Mrs. David Williams, Trucks- ville, is a patient at General Hos- pital. Pearl Coolbaugh,” Trucksville, is a patient at Nesbitt Hospital. Mr, and Mrs. Evan Evans, Trucksville, have announced the birth of a son, Gregg, at Nesbitt "Hospital, December 18. : ~~ Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Hoover, Trucksville, have announced the birth of a son, Sheldon Willard Jr., at Nesbitt Hospital, January 1. ‘Howard Risley and Bob Bach- man, Dallas Post, will spend the ~ weekend in Harrisburg attending an advertising convention. - Mrs. Harry Hughey and daugh- ter Patricia of Fernbrook are spending two weeks in Hyattville, Md., with her sister-and-brother- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ban Earl for- merly of Carverton, Hale Garey, Shavertown, is at home after seven weeks spent at Nesbitt Hospital with a heart con- dition. The D. T. Scott family, Huntsville road, has been confined to home with influenza, Mr. and Mrs, Ike Swire of Pike's Creek had as Sunday guests the lat- ter’s sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Neverkwitz of Stroudsburg. Bandra Lee Swire re- turned with them to be their guest for several days. Patsy and Joyce Swire are ill at their home at Pike's Creek. ; Mrs. Lewis Kyttle and son, Clin- ton, are ill at their home at Pike's Creek. Louise Kyttle returned to ~ school this week after being ill. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Decker of Dallas were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Swire and Mr. and Mrs. Ike Swire. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Drabick and family are occupying the Lance- ford Sutton home on Dallas R. D. 1. Mrs, William Drabick has re- turned to her home at Meeker after being a patient at Nesbitt Hospital. Capt. and Mrs. Everett Kidder, who have been living in the Bennett house, Huntsville, expect to move this weekend to Long Island where Capt. Kidder has been transferred. Mr. and Mrs. Hanford Eckman, Brightwater, L. I., spent the week- end visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hanford Eckman of Huntsville. ; Jack Pauling, who is employed in Rochester, N. Y. is visiting his mother on Norton avenue. He came here to attend the funeral of his father yesterday. \ Donald Besecker, who recently submitted to an operation at Gen- eral Hospital for appendicitis, has returned to his home on Norton avenue, ' Mrs. Cragg Herdman, Mrs. Arthur Parks and Butchie, Cragg and Al- bert enjoyed a birthday dinner with Mrs. George Landon of Kunkle on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. “Pete” Robin- son of Gastonia, N. C., spent the weekend here after attending the National Canners Convention in At- lantic City. Pete-is in the food brokerage business in Charlotte, N.C. Kathleen Ferenbach, member of the freshman class at Wellesley Col- lege, is spending the mid-year re- cess with her parents at Trucks- wille. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Rood, Pike's Creek, spent Tuesday with friends in Dallas. 2 Mr and Mrs. Lawrence Updyke and family, Church street, expect to move into the Paul Warriner home which they recently pur- chased next week, Mrs. James Huston, Harveys Lake, entertained members of her bridge club Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morgan of Germantown spent the weekend with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Warriner of Demunds road. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Llewellyn, Cen- ter Hill road, are spending two weeks in Fort Lauderdale. The Robinhold family has been ill at their home on Machell avenue e past week. +8 i Davies, Church street, is a patient at Nesbitt Hospital where she will submit to an opera- tion. Mrs. Leslie Warhola has returned to her home on Church street after attending the wedding of Donald Rosenberg, son of Dr. and Mrs. H. S. Rosenberg on Long Island. Mrs. Edgar Brace has been ill at her home on Lake street this week. Mrs. Byron Creasy, Pioneer ave- nue, left this week to spend some- time visiting her son and daughter- in-law in North Carolina. Wi Humphrey Owen has been criti- cally ill at his home on Lehman avenue this week. Fred Seymour, who suffered a stroke some time ago is able to be up and around now. Nesbitt Moore who returned from service in Germany during Decem- ber is helping his father, A. A. Moore, in his store at East Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hedden, Ma- chell avenue, left yesterday for New York City to spend the weekend. Nancy Brader, Machell avenue, Judy Powell, Shavertown, and Joan and Ann Bonner of Center Hill road have returned to Cedar Crest Col- lege after spending the mid-year vacation with their parents. Sally Ide has been ill at the home ‘of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Clin- ton Ide of Huntsville, Bruce Frederick Keen has re- turned to Hatboro after spending three weeks with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred: Polk of Trucks- ville. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. DeWitt, West Dallas, were pleasantly surprised when a number of old friends dropped in for a housewarming on Saturday night. Mrs. Robert Bachman has been ill at her home at Kunkle this week. Mr, and Mrs. Ray Shiber have both been ill at their home on Cen- ter Hill road this week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Morris, with sons Steve and Ronald, Montrose, had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hilbert, Beaumont, ¥riday evening. Mrs. Gerald Dymond Is Honored At Shower Mrs. Frank Heitsman, Mrs. Evan London and Mrs. George London entertained at a luncheon and baby shower at Homestead, Fla., for Mrs. Gerald Dymond recently. Present were Mrs. Minnie VanTyle, Mt. Zion; Mrs. Fred Dymond, Orange; Mrs. Rena Pucillo, Newark, N. J.; Mr. James White, Clarks Summit; Mrs. Ted Dymond, Mrs. Ray Rozelle, Mrs. Chester Harris, Mrs. Basil Frantz, Mrs. Ted Merritt, Connie, Sue and Dale Rozelle, Ellen Jean Harris, Gladys Frantz, Cheryl, Kay, Cathy Joe and Timmy Dymond, Linda Dymond, Cindy Sue London and infant, David Allan Dymond, the guest of honor and the host- esses, Entertains On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hilbert, Beaumont, entertained on Sunday for Mrs, Nellie Ellsworth, Kunkle: Mrs, Helen Bosh, Wilkes-Barre; Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Casterline, Shav- ertown; Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Keller, and Mr. and Mrs. John Warner, Ashley. Makes Weekend Trip Mrs. L. E, Beisel, Meeker, made a quick trip over the weekend, tak- ing in Newark, New York and Phil- adelphia. In Newark she visited her daughter, Mrs. Edna Exar; in New York she visited friends; and in Philadelphia she visited her son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs, William Bei- sel, arriving home Sunday night. SHAVER THEATRE SHAVERTOWN FRIDAY and SATURDAY “Across the Wide Missouri” (Technicolor) Clark Gable and Maria Marquesa Cartoon — Comedy — News MONDAY and TUESDAY “Little Big Horn” John Ireland and Marie Windsor Cartoon — Comedy WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY Virginia Ruth Flack Breaks Family Jinx Mrs. F. M. Gordon swelled with pride last week when she answered the phone and heard her daughter, Mrs. Lou Taylor of Atlanta, Ga., happily exclaim, “At last, a girl!” The new arrival, Virginia Ruth, an eight pound, one ounce baby, is Mrs. Gordon’s ninth great-great-grandchild and the first girl in all the families. The parents, Mr. and Mrs. Seacy Flack of Atlanta, also have two boys, Billy and Gor- don. : Mrs. Flack is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lou Taylor, former Dallas residents. Mrs. I. P. DeWitt Is Hostess To Card Club Mrs. J. P. DeWitt entertained members of her bridge club at her home at West Dallas Monday. Pres- ent were Mrs. Charles Gates, Mrs. Charles W. Lee, Mrs, Fred Kroll, Mrs. Byron Creasy, Mrs. Ralph Chandler, Mrs. James T. Williams, Mrs. H. Randall, and the hostess. Mrs. Donald Smith Is Hostess For Husband Mrs. Donald Smith entertained recently for her husband, who cel- ebrated his birthday. Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kitchen, Mrs. Forrest Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Smith, and Donna Smith. | Receives Promotion John Murphy, Saginaw street, Goss Manor, has been made Prod- uct Sales Manager of the Cherry Burrell Company working out of Little Falls, N. Y. Mrs. Murphy and the children will follow him later. Has Quilting Party Mrs. Herbert Goodwin, Beau- mont, had a quilting party at her home in Beaumont on Wednesday. Present were Mrs. Cragg Herdman, Mrs. Charles Goodwin, Mrs. Charles Hilbert, Mrs. Clarence Hilbert, Sandy Goodwin and the hostess, Mrs. Emeline Hazletine To Teach Kindergarten Mrs. Emeline Schooley Hazeltine, Trucksville, took over as teacher of Kindergarten classes formerly taught by Mrs. Marie Lewis on Monday. Mrs... Hazeltine one time con- ducted a private kindergarten in Trucksville, and she taught the first grade in Trucksville Elemen- tary School. Mrs. Marie Lewis and her hus- band, Lester, Supervisor of instru- mental music in the schools of the jointure, have moved into their permanent home on Ridge Street, Shavertown. Wilson College Club Receives $300 As Gift Wilson College Club of Wyoming Valley was overjoyed Monday night when the president, Mrs. Richard Jones, announced at its dinner meeting in Hotel Sterling that an anonymous gift of $300 had been given to its scholarship fund. Honored guest at the dinner was Mrs. Paul Leitch, secretary of ad- missions at the College who spoke on current trends at the College and showed colored slides of the campus. The dinner was arranged by Mrs. Ralph Hughes, Miss Nancy Hughes and Mrs, Robert Aussenheimer. Others present were: Mrs. Rob- ert Klitz, Miss Mary Jackson, Miss Natalie Nyhart, Miss Anna Thomas, Miss Regina Robaczewski, Miss Hen- rietta Flack, Miss Ruth Merrill, Mrs. Raymond Hedden, Mrs. J. Harold Evans, Mrs. Mary Fraley, Mrs. James Jones, Mrs. Harold Flack, Mrs. T. S. Robaczewski, Mrs. Clin- ton Morrison, Mrs. Norman Whites- man, Mrs. Barney Rothstein, Mrs. Robert Currie and Mrs. Herbert HIMMLER THEATRE Dallas, Pa. FRIDAY and SATURDAY Starlift” (in Technicolor) with Doris Day and Gordon MacRae also Cartoon and News MONDAY and TUESDAY “Adventures of Captain Fabian” with Errol Flynn ALSO “This Is America” WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY — = Eng MISS VERA At a party at the home of her sister, Mrs. Joseph Ellsworth, Leh- man, on Sunday, the engagement of Miss Vera Whitesell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Whitesell of Lehman, to Gilbert Tough, son of Alexander and the late Bella Jane Tough of Hayfield Farm was an- nounced. The party table was attractively decorated with red and white hearts, red roses and cupids, Place cards were engagement rings fash- ioned of pipe cleaners with tiny rose bud settings mounted on red and silver heart. Favors were indi- vidual heart shaped puzzles which when pieced together revealed in rhyme the news of the engagement. Attending the party were: Mrs. Myron Baker, Mrs. Bryce Major, Mrs. Glenn Johnson, Mrs. THE POST, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1952 er —————— menses Neighborhood Notes and News of Local aged WHITESELL Grace Gabel, Mrs. George Rogers, Mrs. Homer Middleton, Mrs, Edgar Nulton, Miss Janet Lamoreaux, Miss Peggy Sponseller, Miss Louise Ells- worth, the guest of honor and hostess. Miss Whitesell is a graduate of Lehman High School and is em- ployed by Mrs. John N. Conyng- ham of Hayfield House, Lehman. Mr. Tough is a graduate of Leh- man High School, Wyoming Semi- nary Dean School of Business, and Penn State Extension Mining School. He is enrolled at Wilkes- College Evening School, where he is majoring in business administration. Mr. Tough is employed by Glen Al- den Coal Company. No date has been set for the wed- ding, Hills, Father And Son Visit New Jersey Growers Bert Hill and Herbert Jr., spent Monday in Atlantic City visiting some of the large wholesale florists and growers. One of the outstand- ing was Fisher, whose big hot houses held some of the finest Af- rican violets the Hills have ever seen. They were so impressed that they brought many outstanding varieties back with them. Bake Sale Tomorrow Daddow Isaacs Post Auxiliary will hold a Bake Sale tomorrow at Boyd White's Store, opening at 9:30. ¢ nm rite otutert? TTT sissies PIE] = — — — I< TF fi i ‘Youngblood Makes List Miss Lorrain Miss Lorrain Casterline, daughter of Elmer Casterline of Carverton, became the bride of Cpl. Robert A. Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Moore of East Dallas, Saturday, January 26. Rev. Robert Wood per- formed the double ring ceremony in Carverton Methodist parsonage. Attendants were Myrtle Pascoe of Carverton and Nesbitt Moore, East Dallas, brother of the bride- groom. The bride wore a navy suit with pink accessories. Her shoulder bou- quet was of pink roses. Miss Pascoe also chose navy suit and red froses. Sunday the Moores entertained Church Doings Casterline Bride Of Robert A. Moore about a hundred guests at open house in honor of the newlyweds. Mrs. Moore is a graduate of She has been keeping house for her father, from Dallas Township High School and before his enlistment in the U. S. Army helped his father in his general store at East Dallas. From Camp Pickett, Va. where he has been stationed doing com- munications, he expects to leave February 15 for service in the state of Washington. ; Mrs. Moore will remain with her father. Ola Mae Montross Weds George Schoonover Mr. and Mrs. Ernest E, Montross, Centermoreland, have announced the marriage of their daughter, Ola Mae to George Schoonover, son of Mrs. Edith Schoonover and the late George B. Schoonover of Center- moreland. Rev. Thomas C. Davis performed the double ring ceremony Sunday afternoon at the home of the bride. The bride wore white moire satin street length dress and corsage of pink camellias. Mrs. Keith Kresge, matron of honor and sister of the bridegroom, chose aqua dress with white camellias. Keith Kresge was best man. Following the ceremony a buffet luncheon was served. Mrs. Schoonover is a graduate of Tunkhannock High School and at- tended Wilkes College. She is em- ployed as secretary to District At- torney Roy A. Gardner at Tunk- hannock, Mr. Schoonover was also graduated from Tunkhannock High School and is employed at Enke’s Market, Centermoreland, The couple will reside in Center- moreland. John C. Youngblood, son of Mr. and Mrs, Francis Youngblood, Sha- vertown, is on the Dean’s List for the first Semester at East Srouds- PURCELL OIL SERVICE FUEL OIL Dallas 9001-R-16 t Every Kind of VALENTINE Comics Sentimental 2 for 1 © and Willie's Willard Reese, Prop. FERNBROOK CORNERS ANNOUNCING "Dancing at its best” Dancing To Our TRIO SATURDAY & SUNDAY NIGHTS American Legion MY PRECIOUS, MOTHER IS HAVING THE DOCTOR'S } PRESCRIPTION FILLED AT “EARLS WE'LL HAVE YOU WELL IN NO TIME! “Mr. Imperium” “Millionaire for Christy” Lana Turner or risty Ezio Pinza with Fred MacMurray and Marjorie Main Eleanor Parker Cartoon — Comedy Cartoon POST 672 — DALLAS Your Requests Played By The Master burg State Teachers College. AD ~~ ~~ Wr a, Thomas Ide Inducted Into Service Feb. 5 When Thomas Ide, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Ide, Mill Street, Dallas, reported to Kingston Postoffice and later to Grant Street School for in- duction on Tuesday morning, he brought the total for family military | service up to six, The four older boys, Elwood, Lawrence, Willis, and Marcus, Jr. were overseas during World War II, Elwood in the Pacific, the other three in the European theatre. Ken- neth, 21, enlisted in the Air Corps last January, and is now stationed in Alaska. Thomas, 22, a graduate of Dallas Borough High School, was employed by Harold Ash before his number came up in the selective service. Read the Classified Column DUPONT NYLONS for your VALENTINE 51 Gauge 9 8° i5 Denier Ist Quality syns DRUG STORE Greeting Cards 1c 10 $1.00 Don’t Wait . . . buy your Valentine cards now while the selection is still . complete and varied. DALLAS 5c - 10c to $1. Store Eugene W. Owner Sick Main St. DALLAS # 45 N. Main St. ‘MID-WINTER DRY CLEANING COATS - - SUITS DRESSES - - CALLED FOR AND CASH °N CARRY Coats — Suits — Dresses 2 for #14 89¢c each BRANCH STORES 340 Carey Ave. SPECIAL DALLAS Phone SHAVERTOWN Nar TRUCKSVILLE as PEUPLE'S La «18 $1.10 each DELIVERED Kingston Township High School. * Cpl. Moore was graduated A Sr ~~