v hunting and fishing. THE POST, FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1952 Dallas Kiwanis Club and the Dal- ‘las Township faculty staged a bas- ketball game before a capacity crowd Tuesday night at Dallas Township gymnasium. " The game was run to obtain funds for the Young Kiwanis group. The junior high schools of Dal- las Township and Laketon played the preliminary game which saw Harris of Dallas Township sizzle the nets for 28 points, The Township faculty defeated Kiwanis 32-29. Bob Dolbear and Bob Thomas led the teachers with a breathtaking display of basket- ball wizardry. Delicious CHERRIES ~ 59¢ PEANUT BRITTLE 59¢ HONEYCOMB “EVANS ong DRUG STORE STORE TALK Our newest item is MOORE'S WALL SATIN, a Rubber Base, one coater. That's right, one coat covers completely, and it’s the smoothest, softest finish you ever saw. The colors are right—the price is right. Believe us, here’s a can you should look into. SPECIAL BUY ON “SPRED” ~ _SPRED is that well known wall paint with rubber base. * A fine product. REGULAR PRICE $5.19 gal CLOSE OUT PRICE $3.75 OUR REASON— “MOQRE’S” is now supplying us an equal product. Due to special purchases, overstocks or other reasons, we mention the following bargains for January. STEEL. WHEEL BARROWS with rubber tire 4 cu. ft. $19.50 1,-INCH LOG CHAINS 1G feet long... 6.95 NEW POST DRILLS— used drills up to % in. 12.50 NO. 2 VICTOR DOUBLE spring game traps ..._. ea. 50 NEW 18” CRESCENT WRENCHES —worth $7.50... ea. 2.95 ‘NEW BENDIX AUTOMATIC Laundry Reg. $299.75... 199.75 40 PAIRS USED SHOE SKATES— Sizes 1 to 8 $2.50—6.50 McECULLOCH is the big name in chain saws—Weighs only 25 lb.—One man does the work of five. Most important to our 120 users is the. fact that we give complete service in our shop. “SPORTS SHOW” planned here during February. Our show will give you a prevue of all that’s new in “52"— Baseball, tennis, archery, We'll keep you posted. This Saturday night our en- tire force will gather at HOTEL PRINCE to rejoice in last year’s success and plan “HOW BEST TO SERVE YOU IN 52.” We wish you could all be with us, but even though you are not, we shall not forget that without your kindness and patronage, there could be no firm like ours. (Gay-Murray TUNKHANNOCK, PA. PHONE 5050 Have Second Son Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bertram, Chase, announce the birth of their second son on Wednesday at Nes- bitt Hospital. Harvey’s Lake Mrs, Wilson Reynolds of West [Chester is visiting her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor. Mrs. Morrison Witter is a pa- tient in Wilkes-Barre ‘General Hos- pital. Mr, and Mrs. P. F. Armitage and son Robert of Wilkes-Barre, visited Mr. and Mrs. Albert Armitage on Sunday. Mrs. Harriet Rauch hlad the mis- fortune to fall in her home and dis- locate her shoulder, Her condition is good. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley"Kapson and son David of Daughin spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Mar- ion Avery. Mr. and Mrs. George Armitage left on Wednesday for St. Peters- burg, Florida. : Mrs. Howard Higgins is ill at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Davis, were Sunday dinner guests of the lat- ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Dougherty of Plymouth. Miss * Bethia Allen 6th Grade teacher at Lake-Noxen School has returned to her home after being a patient at General Hospital. Joseph Borton, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Borton left on Monday for Bainbridge, Mary- land, where he will train in the U. S. Navy. Mr. and Mrs. Borton entertained at a family dinner on Sunday for their son. Sgt. John Balko of Camp Stone- ham, California, is spending three weeks with his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Getzman. Herman and Lloyd Garinger have been confined to their home for several days with wirus in- fection. Noxen The Noxen Volunteer Fire Com- pany and Ladies’ Auxiliary paid the final installment on their new fire truck last Tuesday and all wish to express their gratitude to every one who helped make this possible. Mrs. Ora Bean was elected Pres- ident of the Auxiliary at last Monday's meeting and Mrs, Wil- lard Bender, vice-president; Other officers were Mrs. Peter Felletz, secretary and Mrs. Oscar Fish, treasurer. Kenneth Cuddy is the new pres- ident of the Fire Company: Others chosen are Frederick Case, vice- president, Willard Bender, secre- tary, Jacob Miner, treasurer. Fire chiefs are Harry Thompson Jr., Mike Traver, John Jackson and Substomtial Savings on AUTO INSURANCE e Standard ‘‘across the board’ protection; nonassessable. e Six month automatic renewal. © Prompt friendly nation-wide claim service. e Qver a million drivers insured. e Low, “selected risk’ rates. WHY PAY MORE? Phone, write or drop in today Call Gay For Insurance 30 Lake St., Dallas PHONE 468-R-7 © Howard Woolbert 90 Ferguson Ave. 2 Years Serving The Back Mountain Region Nw WOOLBERT’S FUNERAL HOME RESIDENCE PHONE Dallas 400 Funeral Director Shavertown Marvin Shirus. Trustees are Earl Crispell and Edgar Engleman. Fires taken care of during 1951 are: Lewis Blizzard, chinmey fire, no damage; Guy Fritz, chimney, no damage, David MacMillin, chimney, $160 damage; Clark Patton, chim- ney, $800 damage, Howard Tomil- son, sedan, $150; Wheaton Ayers, brush fire, no damage; Jacob Miner, refrigerator, $100 damage. Some local people are working on a plan to bring a new industry to Noxen so that our young folks won't have to leave town to get work. It has even been suggested that a fund be started to build a community owned factory. Any suggestions should be handed to William McCanna or Clark Olinci. At this writing,, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Patton’s son is somewhat improved. Sweet Valley Pat Loftus, Pittston, was a week end guest of Rev. and Mrs, Ira Button, accompanying them and Rev. Carl Brandon to ordination services at the Tabernacle Mission in Stroudsburg on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rood and Mrs. Harry Hirlinger, Dallas, called on their cousin Keziah Edwards on “ EE —————————————— ; = ‘ ‘Township Faculty Tops Kiwanis Five Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jones and son Clifford, and Mrs. Lillie Case, Edwardsville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Alva Case on Sunday. This is Mrs. Case's first trip since re- covering from pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Quoss are spending a few weeks in Philadel- phia with Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Seidel. Mr. and Mrs. George Bronson entertained on Sunday for Mrs. Bronson’s mother and sisters, Mrs. Sherman Wardan, Elizabeth and Kay, Shavertown. Mrs. Sterling Hoyt, Cambra, spent a few days with her daugh- ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Donald McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. John Lukavitch, Marie, and grandmother Joan Disegoi, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Stroud of Kresgeville. Richard Davenport Sr. was oper- ated on at Mercy Hospital last week. Richard Davenport Jr. returned to Norfolk after the holidays, and has been assigned to European duty. ir Office Hours: Daily 10 a. m. To 5 p. m. And Evenings By Appointment i DR. J. BB. TILEM DENTAL SURGEON ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF HIS OFFICE FOR THE GENERAL PRACTICE OF DENTISTRY Pore 202 HArvEYS LAKE | Telephone Harveys Lake 4647 2 PAGE SEVEN Mr.and Mrs, Dayton Long and Cynthia called on Bess Klinetob Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. William Cryder, Berwick, Mrs. Dave Culver, Rich- ard Culver and family, Carverton, called on Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hol- comb on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Long and family and Miss Pearl Edwards ac- companied Harry Edwards on Sun- day to the home of his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Smith, Mechanicsburg, where Mr. Edwards will make his home. Miss Pearl Edwards returned to New York City, after spending a week in Sweet Valley because of illness of her sister, Mrs. McKinley Long. Friends and neighbors of Mrs. McKinley Long will be glad to know that she is showing steady improvement. Supplement. Ce REE. V5. PAY. OFF Be among the winners this year—Start your chicks on TIOGA’S CHICATINE. This starting ration furnishes 25% Protein and is completely fortified with Vitamin B12 and Antibiotic Feed SEE THE DIFFERENCE A GOOD FEED CAN MAKE! DEVENS MILLING COMPANY A. C. DEVENS, Owner PHONE 200—DALLAS, PA. Service! FROM US TO YOU IN '52 Implements MASSEY-HARRIS Tractors - Combines i NEW IDEA Spreaders Hay Tools FRICK Sawmills i MALL Chain Saws available today. a Garden ~ Tractors SIMPLICITY as possible. Potato Diggers OK - CHAMPION volume of business. Ask about our on all major overhaul jobs PAY-AS-YOU-GO PLAN customers. Service PARTS&SHOPSERVICE (Except Sundays and Holidays) * No valuable time lost. Your cars, trucks, farm and sawmill equip- ment repaired while you sleep. * Shop is equipped with the most modern, up-to-date equipment * Shop is manned by factory-trained, experienced mechanics . . . cheerful and always at your service. * If your tractor or other farm equipment needs an overhaul, and “you don’t have a truck, just call us.up. We will pick it up—repair it and then return it to you. * If your farm equipment is not working as it should, because of a need for an adjustment or a minor repair, just call us and we will have a factory-trained, experienced service man in the field as soon * No time is 10st waiting for parts for machines that we sell because of our tremendous stock of genuine parts. * PRICES ARE LOWER because of our low .overhead and large We guarantee our customers that even though our prices are lower, WE WILL NOT SACRIFICE EFFICIENCY. to suggest any way we can better our service. ciate a card or phone call from you as we feel that the best is not good enough for our highly respected and appreciated - Service! OLIVER Wheel & Crawler Tractors 5 and Implements ”- = NEW HOLLAND Balers Forage Harvesters IRON AGE Planters Transplanters and Sprayers Water Heaters - Hammer Mills FAIRBANKS MORSE Pumps, Water Shellers 1 LOUDEN Barn Equipment After checking these major points of service we invite you We would appre- i FARMRITE MILLER Fertilizer - Spray Material SATISFACTION GUARANTEED We offer unexcelled parts, field and shop service. Every customer must be satisfied. For the largest selection of world famous equipment of top plus unexcelled parts, field and shop service see . . . quality CHARLES H. LONG SWEET VALLEY, PENNA. PHONE DALLAS 8421 - 8431