Mountain Library. ~ Village Blacksmith Shop, small horizontal boiler turns the ~ paddlewheels of “steamboat. | Everviling Yon Need From A Puggy Bank To A Steam Engine A spring catalogue of games and home amusements issued by See- chow and Righter, New York, in 1889, is on display at the Back It came out from a box of out-dated magazines stored overhead in a loft. A child of these modern times would wonder about some of ‘the mechanical gadgets. No electricity in ‘those days, so a small steam engine furnishes the power for the and a the miniature But there is the good old “Pin the Tail on the Donkey” game, a hardy perennial. Quoits and ring- toss games are shown, and of course croquet. Boys are encouraged to use a . sling-shot on the grounds that it kills game without injuring the pelt, very useful if you want the taxi- dermist to stuff the squirrel. Needs no powder nor caps. Neatly finished, durable, and crowning touch silent. There is a battledore and shuttle- cock set, and plush-wound hoops i with plush handled sticks. Remember that old pug dog with a pink plush tongue lolling out of the corner of his mouth? Illustra- ted is a puggy bank. If it’s a hammock you need, there are hammocks in all sizes from baby and Junior Miss up to Grand- pa. The text does not recommend any method of keeping the baby in the hammock, just explains that no baby should be without one. There’s a Sun Kite, guaranteed to float on the slightest zephyr, complete with tail. It costs ten cents, and a spool of white cotton number 8, will fly it. Along with it is a reel, but at a slight addi- tional cost. Right this way for an abacus. Invaluable in teaching children to count and master multiplication. Improved game of Fishpond con- tains six poles and lines, with hooks, and forty blocks of fish. Make yourself popular with that maiden aunt by demonstrating the extension mouse. The extension mouse, lifelike and lifesize, is fas- tened to the end of a wooden frame. Squeeze the scissorlike handles, and the mouse leaps at J Eyistros Ire eliin S ee We bring to you the hs warmest of wishes for - Christmas “. .«. a greeting full of food cheer for the entire New Year. HISLOP'S ECONOMY MARKET “Where Quality Prevails” Main Street 3 § | Dallas | How Christmas Cards Started The whimsical curiosity of American children, it seems to me, has never been any keener than it is today. At least, I got that im- pression a few days ago, when my ten-year old son abruptly asked: “Where do Christmas cards come from?” It stumped me, but good. And my wife, I'm afraid, wasn’t much better informed. To the same ques- tion, she had answered: “Oh, from friends and relatives usually. People you don’t see much anymore.” So I, realizing that it’s easier to answer these questions as they come up, did a little Christmas card research and found: 1) Contrary to a fairly general supposition, the history of Christ- mas cards is not centuries-old. The first known Christmas card having been published in 1842 in London by William Maw Egley, Jr., a 16- year old engraver’s apprentice. 2) The first American Christmas card was published in 1875 by a Boston lithographer, Louis Prang. 3) Early Christmas card de- signers met wide-spread public ridicule. Like Fulton and his steam- boat, they were warned that the custom of sending Christmas cards “could never win popular support.” Then the urge to. splurge took hold of me. I began to wonder: What did the first Christmas ‘card look like? How does it com- pare with the 1951 Christmas (Continued on Page Eight) the victim. The electric chestnut bell is an- other sure-fire gag. Hang it on your vest pocket and invite your friends to give it a push. Does it ring? Don't be silly. It gives you a shock. When your own friends all wear out and avoid you when they see you coming, you can lend it to somebody else and the joke will (Continued on Page Eleven) i Merry Christmas DALLAS SHOE REPAIR: § Main St. Dallas 2 A Christmas Visit . . . More than the fine gifts that delight our hearts on the coming of the Yule, we all look forward to the visits of neighbors and relations, and of friends who come from near and far. glad tidings, we would like to add our own wishes that you enjoy a Merry Christmas and a full, rich life in the New Year to come. : . Whitesell Brothers GEN'L CONTRACTORS - FERNBROOK In the exchange of _ THE POST, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1951 _ May the joyous Christmas season fill your home with a spirit of hearty good cheer that promises to endure throughout the year. Anthra-Flo Automatic Heat Coal-0-Matic Company TRUCKSVILLE, PENNA. The Our greetings go out to you for the merriest Christmas ever. May yours be a holiday overflowing with happiness and good cheer. With our Yuletide greetings and best wishes for a happy New Year go our heart-felt thanks . for your kind patronage of the past — for your “+ continued patronage in the future. R . COMMONWEALTH TELEPHONE CO.