a TEs: 7» ~ the breeding places of the mosqui- toes? In other words, let's dry up the swamps so we have no breeding places for these carriers of poison. Let's get our mation out of the liquer business, What right hlas our nation to endorse ‘the sale of poison that may lead one out of 16 to the fate of an alcoholic, Let me quote some of the record of ‘this criminal in society. 'I am ~ Speaking of the criminal Beverage Alcohol. * 1. recognized as a poison by all leading scientists. 2. increases the death rate by eighty per cent over normal, and shortens life expectation of average man by eight years. 3. responsible for twenty-two per cent of admissions to hospitals for the insane. 4. involved in forty per cent of cases of social diseases. 5. involved in sixty per cent of all highway accidents. 6. responsible for thirty-seven per cent of «pauperism, 45.8 per cent child destitution, leading to juvenile delinquency. 7. responsible for ninety per cent of cases of cruelty to children. 8. diverts 3,018,000,000 pounds of grain from food supply. 9. hoards sufficient sugar for five years’ distilling. 10, employs 750,000 potential sol- diers and defense ‘workers. * Christian Advocate No, Mr. Heffernan and Governor Fine, I am not willing to classify Alcoholism as a disease. I feel thiat a man or woman becomes an alco- holic because he drinks alcohol, I fee] that he began drinking alcohol by choice, I feel that disease is hot usually thought of as something re- sulting from a deliberate choice of THE POST, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1951 eee eee the will. Again No, Mr. Heffernan and Governor Fine, I am not willing for the IState of Pennsylvania to en- ter further into the liquor business by appropriating $150,000 to initiate ya program in Pennsylvania to re- habilitate alcoholics, unless we de- stroy the breeding places of this dis- ease, Let's get out of the liquor business and then take care of “binding up the wounds of those who have fallen because of alcohol.” ALBERT J. (CRISPELL Noxen, Pennsylvania Culp In Germany Richard Culp, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Culp, Huntsville, is reported as having landed in Germ- any, but his ultimate destination is not stated. His address is 899 Anti-Aircraft Artillery Aut, Weapons Btn (SP), Medical Detachment, 28th Inf, Div. APO 111, New York, N. Y. ; | eT RE QO 3 RR F orty Fort Ice Cream Co. FERNBROOK CHRISTMAS Woman's Club Chorale” Plans Busy Schedule The Dallas Woman’s Club Chor- ale is presenting its fourth season of Christmas music with a record achievement of five .concerts and one broadcast. The Chorale, which is under the direction of Mrs. Nor- man F. Patton, is composed of members of the Junior and Senior Woman's Clubs with Mrs. William Baker, Sr., as accompanist. Reor- ganized in 1948, the Chorale is a cultural project of both clubs and gives two series of concerts each year at Christmas and in the spring. The Chorale started their season with a program of carols at the Christmas party of the Junior Wo- man’s Club on December 4th, and continued with the Senior Woman's Club annual Christmas: party on December 12th. For the second year, the group returned to the Old Ladies. Home in Wilkes-Barre to sing carols for a most appreciative audience on Sunday afternoon, De- cember 16th, and on Monday, De- cember 17th they chartered . C. L. Myers’ bus for their annual expe- dition to the Veteran's Hospital. ~ So that everyone may have the opportunity to hear this Chorale, they ‘will present a half-hour pro- gram over station WBAX on Sun- day afternoon, December 23rd, at 3:30 p. m, On Thursday evening, December 27th, the Chorale will re- turn for the second consecutive year to sing for the Dallas Rotary Club and on Sunday, December 30th, they will conclude their acti- vities with a carol service at 7:30 p. m, in the Shavertown M. E. Church. Members of the Chorale are Ruth Ambrose, Margaret .Antanai- tis, Mary Bennallack, Evelyn Eck, Billie Elston, Catherine Garris, Ar- villa Keiper, Adeltha Mahler, Bar- bara Major, Helen; McCord, Caro- line Morris, Dorothy Nichols, Mar- garet Purcell, Mary Reese, Emma Sarley, Marion Templin, Dorothy Wileman and Fanny K Williams. LOCATED IN DALLAS for the Convenience of the BACK MOUNTAIN AREA EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED OPTICAL REPAIRS Dr. A. S. Lisses Optometrist & Orthoptist 5 Main St., Dallas PHONE 468-R-2 or Wilkes-Barre 3-3794 for appointment HOURS Tuesday—1:00 to 5:30 p.m. Eves.: Tues.,, Wed., Fri.,, 7-9 pm na Christmas year to follow. tentmeni—enjoy holiday spirit! We wish you everything good at Christmas time and through the minute ring with fun and con- Back Mi. Lumber & Coal Co. SHAVERTOWN Greetings Make every day in every -_- Ski Lift Will Operate Day After Christmas Beaumont Ski lift, operated ‘by William A. Austin at Travers Park under the aegis of the Wyoming Valley Playground Association, will open the day after Christmas. Weather : conditions, says = Mr. Austin, are excellent for #skiing, with. no, indications of warmer weather for the holidays. The ski tow has been in opera- tion’ since 1945, when Mr. Austin, then president of Wyoming. Valley Ski Club, first - founded the “local club on the Emory Straley farm, later selecting the. present location because of more convenient park- ing and easier access, Rope for the lift is furnished by the ..Playground Association. An airplane landing light illuminates the area. at night, Solicitor Authorized To Purchase Ground Dallas Township Supervisors will shortly erect 35-mile per hour speed limit signs on Pioneer avenue, Fern- brook Road, DeMunds Road and Church street to the Country Club intersection with Route 309. Per- mission was recently obtained from the county and State to post these roads. Supplies for the work have now arrived. Dallas. Township Supervisors have authorized their solicitor to pur- chase land from Wilkes-Barre Tran- sit Company for the creation of a by-pass from Route 309 opposite Druid Hills to the old Fernbrook- Shavertown road. They have also authorized the solicitor: to obtain an option on lands in that vicinity owned by F. Gordon Mathers, Jr. The by-pass’ which ‘has been un- der discussion * for many months, will route traffic ‘away from the bad curves on the old Fernbrook- Shavertown: road. It is expected that work will be started on ‘the projéct next spring and’ that -the tounty will cooperate. loseph Mazer, Jr., Made Corporal In Arizona Pvt. Joseph Mazer Jr., son of Mr. wand ‘Mrs, Joseph Mazer of Lehman has been promoted to corporal, When he entered the service last February, he was sent to Fort Jackson, S. C. After a ten day fur- ough, he was moved to Arizona vhere he was recently chosen sol- >ngineer instructor. His brother, Pvt. Bernard, also 2 graduate of Lehman High School 's receiving sixteen weeks of basic raining at Indiantown Gap. a = Fin, Fur, and Feather (Continued from Page Two) = a turn. Worries have arisen because this time she not only has a collar, but three feet of chain ‘that could get fast to a wire fence and cause her death by starvation. If she were ‘to meet a sudden death the mental picture would take a slightly different ‘aspect. We had many enjoyable hours with her during the two years and nine months she partook of our hospital- ity. Her back paws or feet were modeled with white. If she has been trapped or found dead I would like to know. Peace of mind could be had if I were sure she had returned to the arms of the Creator and Keeper of the Eternal Forests. Trixie will long be remembered for her devotion to our family, as a pet, and her endless antics, per- formed for our benefit. Better Calves If you want your: cow to: gain weight during: the dry period so she'll be .calving * time there’s no. better «vay to do it than with Glidden’s in good flesh come Fitting Ration. Believe me, ‘this . Fitting Ration: really does. the job. needed proteins, It supplies those much vitamins and With this Glidden Fitting Ration your cow should gain about 100 lbs to offset the minerals. weight a well fed cow would lose during‘ the normal milking ' period. I'll tell you all about this if. you'll stop in: at “the mill” any day. TRUCKSVILLE MILL . Stanley Moore, Prop. Jier of the month. He is now an | Trucksville, Pa. 2 : : 3 : 22 & A Nestle’s Cookie Mix 14 oz. Pkg. Nutrine Assorted Sor Filled Candy Assorted Chocolates Creamy Ice Cream Perfect at Christmas PENSUPREME ICE CREAM Pint Packages 2 53 For economy, ¥; gallon $1.05 2 Southern 4 oz. Pkg. 37¢ 1 Speriins 39¢ is. 39 3 Box Nutrine ] Delicious TY ¢ : ¢ : £ Durkee Style Cocoanut 9%¢ Niblets 9¢ = Santa Claus Taffy ua 29¢ VIRGINIA LEE i we S19 : = Diamond Brig Nuts For Alme > 4 49¢c Your Holiday Rob Ford Nuts BRAND = Walnuts Mixed i 49¢ | *% 49¢c Holly Sofi Sh Shelled 2 nds 9c Blue Pirate Filberts Funsten Pecan Halves Vacuum Pack 3 14 OZ. Ae ee 0c Ale Tropical Glazed Cherries Tropical Orange & Lemon Peel Tropical Citron Peel Tropical 8 oz. Pkg. 41° Green, Red or Yellow Red or Green BAKING NEEDS Glazed Sliced Pineapple 8 or. 8 oz. Pkg. -8 or. Pkg. 2%