ee : PAGE FOUR Purely Personal Miss Frances Dorrance will leave Friday to spend the holidays with Miss Moyca Newell of Bedford Hills, N. Y, Mrs. W. B. Risley has been con- fined to her home with arthritis for the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Himmler who have been at their winter home in Hollywood, Fla., will arrive tomorrow to spend two weeks at their home on Lake Street. They will be accompanied by their grand- children, James and Joyce Oliver, children of Mr. and Mrs. James Oliver, Lake Street, who have been their guests for several weeks. Mrs. Mary E. Smith is recover- ing nicely from a fall incurred at her home at Jackson recently. Mrs. J. B. Schooley and son, Da- vid, of Harris Hill Road will have as Christmas guests, Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Jones Jr. and son, Shel- don, of Ebensburg, Pa., Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Jones and daughter, Adria of Trucksville, and Mr, and Mrs. Fred Woolbert and Jane and Sara of Forty Fort. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wilson of New Milford are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Wilson of East Dallas, Jim Huston, Senior at Brown University, arrived Wednesday to spend the holidays with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Huston of Harveys Lake. Floyd Harris has been ill at his home on Lehman Avenue this week. aA ‘Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Cowen of Goss Manor “will leave Sunday to spend Christmas with Mr, and Mrs. Jerome Cowen and family in River ' Edge, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Oliver of Binghamton, N. Y. will spend Christmas with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rood of Leh- man Avenue. Mr. and Mrs, James Langdon, Elmecrest Drive, will have as Christ- mas guests their son and daughter- in-law, Mr. and Mrs, George Lang- don of Reading, George was re- cently transferred from Boston to Reading. Mrs, Eva Barnes, mother of Jack Barnes of Elmcrest, is a patient at Nassawadox Hospital, Nassawadox, Va., where she is suffering from pneumonia. Mrs. Barnes has been making her home with her daugh- ter and son-in-law since the death of her husband but was on a visit to Virginia when taken ill. 0 Miss Priscila Abbott, member of the Senior Class at Bloomsburg State Teacher's College, will arrive today to spend the holidays with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. Frank Abbott of Lehman. Edith Sutton, and Mrs. Harvey Sutton of Lehman, is still a patient at General Hospi- tal. She has been there several weeks. Mrs. Fred Harlos is ill at her home at Lehman. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Titman, Lake Street, will entertain a faw friends at their home on New Year's Eve. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ambrose and Annabelle and Sandy of West Dallas will have Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Sekera of Kingston. Mrs. Ida Oxley, mother of Mrs. Norman Smith, is ill at her home in Providence, R. I. Mrs, Oxley was guest of her Back Mountain friends for several weeks this summer. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Davenport and son, Bobby, Kunkletown, ex- pect to spend the weekend with Mrs. Davenport's mother, Mrs. G. L. Howell of Trucksville, weather per- mitting. ‘Mrs, Howell will return with them for Christmas. Cards have been received from Ed Tutek of New York City saying he was recalled to service with Uncle Sam in the spring. Ed is a former Dallas resident. Miss Lois Kiefer, student at Wellesley College, arrived Wednes- day to spend the Christmas vaca- tion with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Kiefer. Fred who is employed in New York City will arrive today to spend the week at home. Mrs. Richard Culp and her three month old baby, Cathy, are spend- ing several weeks with the for- mer’s mother and father-in-law, Mr. daughter of Mr. Alice Rundell To Wed Herbert Gardner Monday Mrs. Harry Rundell of Tunk- hannock, former Noxen resident, has announced the approaching marriage of her daughter, Alice, and Herbert Gardner of Harrisburg. Pastor Robert W. Lancaster will perform the ceremony in the Nox- en Gospel Tabernacle Monday, De- cember 24 at 3 p. m. No invitations have been issued, but all are welcome to attend. Millicent Jo Kocher Mr. and Mrs. Dean Kocher, Loyalville, announce the birth of a seven pound, fourteen ounce baby girl, Millicent Jo at Nesbitt Hospi- tal December 12. This is their first child. Mrs. Kocher is the former Avis Wesley, daughter of Mrs. Hat- tie Wesley of Loyalville. Mr. Kocher is son of M, J. Kocher of Harveys Lake, Have New Baby Boy Mr. and Mrs. Tex Wilson of East Dallas announce the birth of a five pound, one ounce baby boy at Nes- bitt Hospital Monday. This is their first child. Mrs. Wil- son is the former Jean Monk, daughter of the late Earl®and Mrs, Monk of Pinecrest Avenue. Tex is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Wil- son of East. Dallas. Have New Baby Girl Mr. and Mrs, Horace Farrell of East Dallas announce the birth of a baby girl at Nesbitt Hospital. They have another little girl. Mrs. Farrell is the former Ada Ross. Baby Boy For Souders Mr. and Mrs, Harold Souder, Cheyenne, Wyoming, announce the birth of their first child, a son, weight, seven and three quarters pounds. Mrs. Souder is the former Virginia Wilson, of Dallas and Charleston, West Virginia. Celebrate Birthdays At Meadow Lake Farm A triple birthday dinner was held at the Ziba L. Smith home, Mea- dow. Lake Farm Sunday evening when Laura Rae Smith, her grand- mother, Mrs. Emma Smith and her Uncle Dale Oney celebrated their December birthdays. Laura Rae was fifteen December 9, Uncle Dale was thirty-one De- cember 8 and Grandma Emma Smith admitted her birthday was December 27 but just didn’t tell her age. Birthday cakes topped with can- dles and all the favorite dishes of the guests of honor were enjoyed by all. Tiny three year old Carol Oney led the happy birthday sing- ing and Great Grandmother Mary Smith asked the blessing. Present were: Mrs. Mary E. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Shoul- dice, Miss Florence Yockavitch, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Oney and Carol and Nancy, Mrs. Emma Smith, Mrs. Zi- ba L. Smith Jr., Laura Rae and Mr. and Mrs, Ziba L. Smith. Huntsville, Jack Lee, Fort Lauderdale, Fla, will arrive this weekend to spend Christmas with his mother, Mrs. Roscoe Lee of Terrace street. Mrs. Lee will return with him next Thursday to spend the winter. George E. Shepherd is flying in from Detroit today to spend the holidays with his family at Goss Manor. Marjorie of Washington, D.; C., will arrive tomorrow and Mrs. William Young of Tunkhan- nock will come down for Christmas day. Miss Ann Peterson, student at Pembroke College, arrived Wednes- day to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peter- son of Norton avenue. Miss Nancy Robinson, New York City, is spending the Christmas weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Robinson of Idetown. Sy and Mrs. Stanley Culp of SHAVER THEATRE SHAVERTOWN FRIDAY and SATURDAY “Angels in the Out- field” ouglas, Janet Leigh rtoon—Comedy Closed MONDAY—XMAS EVE TUESDAY— XMAS DAY ONLY— “Dodge City” Errol Flynn, Olivia DeHaviland . WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY “Cross Winds” : (technicolor): John Wayne, Rhonda Fleming Cartoon—Comedy Pa Miss AMERICA 96’ , 17 Sewsls R. L. EVET Main Highway - Shavertown Fine Watch Repairing Open every night ’til Christmas. CP Ea SER EA RE EL TRE ER Ras Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson of Ruggles will celebrate their fiftieth wedding anniversary the day before Christmas with open house for their friends and neighbors from 2 until 5 o'clock and from 7 until 9, Mrs. Wilson is the former Elida Case, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Case of Ruggles. Mr. Wil- Hiram Wilson, also of Ruggles. The couple was married in the parsonage of the Derr Memorial Church December 24, 1901 by the Rev. William J. Hill and went to housekeeping at Noxen where Mr. Wilson was a lumberman. Some time later they moved to Harveys Lake and: took up farming. About seven years. ago Mr. Wilson real- ized that the farm was too much for him and the couple moved to their present home at Ruggles. Smee MR. AND MRS. GEORGE WILSON son is son of the late Mr. and Mrs. | Married Fifty Years There Mr. Wilson contents him- self caring for chickens and a few outdoor chores. Mrs. Wilson keeps a mighty tidy house, bakes a delicious apple pie and pieces quilts for the grandchildren on the side, Both are members of the Ruggles Methodist Church and Mrs, Wilson is active in the W.S.C.S. , There is ‘only, one Son, Everett of Center Hill Road but four grand- children of whom they are very proud: Irene, now training in the Jefferson Hospital School of Nurs- ing, Gladys and Jerry, students at Dallas Township: School, and Karen, aged four. No invitations have been issued for the party but they hope all their friends will drop in for a cup of tea and a pleasant afternoon and evening. HENS 10-13 LBS. TOMS 18-22 LBS. HAROLD T. BERTRAM Chase, Pa. Dallas 485-R-11 New Year. a pr ET I A AAA AIA Aad Honestly Represented Dx; We wish we could send a special Holiday Greeting to each friend we've made this year. Instead, we take this means to wish you dll a Happy Holiday and Fruitful FINKELSTEIN'S [22 Over 40 Years on Main Street With Fine Merchandise—Watches—Diamonds Jewelry Ete. and Honestly Priced— No Charge For Credit tross, Harry Jones, Giles Comstock, i | man, : Mae Underwood, Kate Shultz, Fred | THE POST, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1951 Neighborhood Notes And News Of 'Otis Allens Are Hosts At Christmas Party Mr. and Mrs. Otis Allen entertained members of the Alder- son W.S.C.S. at a party Thursday evening. Games were played and gifts exchanged. Present were: Mr, and Mrs, War- ren Dennis, Mr. and Mrs. Fuller Ashton,” Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kit- chen, Mr. and Mrs, Walbridge Lein- thall, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wyant, Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Smith and Donna; Mesdames Clarence Mon- Herman Garinger, Stephen Hart- Barbara Bronson, William Deets, Albert Armitage, James Ga- rey, Lee Zimmerman, Howard Hig- gins, Arthur Wagner, H, B. Allen, Raymond Grey, Raymond Garinger, Swanson, Mattie Allen; Rev. Ruth Underwood; Misses Bethia Allen, Eleanor Humphrey, Lina Garinger, Carol Deets; Lloyd Garinger. HIMMLER THEATRE - Dallas, Pa. FRIDAY and SATURDAY “The Bullfighter and the Lady” with Robert Stak and Joy Paige Also Cartoon and News MONDAY and TUESDAY “The Strip” with Mickey Rooney and Sally Forrest Also Sport Short and Cartoon WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY “Heart of Rockies” in Trucolor with «- Roy Rogers and Penny Edwards Also Cartoon and Guest (a great religious half hour Short Sub.) The Local Church Christmas Party Plans For Fernbrook Mill Members of Textile Workers Local, AFL 204, Fernbrook Park Mill, will hold their annual Christ- mas party Saturday afternoon at Mickey's Garden in Luzerne from 1-6, with 250 guests expected. Supervisors Club will stage a dinner dance at Beaumont Inn at Doings 6:30, with Felix Weber as toast- master. Stephen Chisarick is pres- ident. Thirty-six members will at- tend. * College Carols Carols in nine different languages were sung by College Misericordia students at their holiday program this week. They are French, Spane ish, German, Italian, Lithuanian, ‘Polish, Slovak, Greek and Chinese. Look Sharp over the holidays! * CLEANING PROMPT brought in SERVICE FRIDAY | % will be ready Men’s Suits, Ladies’ Suits, Top Coats Cleaned $1.00 Skirts, Sweaters, Blouses Trousers, Ladies’ Slacks Cleaned ae ‘Hats Cleaned and Blocked, 75¢ Same Day Service Call 7-0091 . . . We Deliver UTER CLEANERS 173 Main Street, Luzerne Ladies’ and Gents’ Tailoring BABY TALK . Merry Christmas . . . ® ° ° ° ° ° * to all from me . . . . by PURVIN and PURVIN DAIRY CO. For Regular Delivery in the Back Mountain Area—Call Wilkes-Barre 2-8151—Collect from 59c from $1.29 from $1.00 from $2.99 Shop at ARTLEY for a wonderful array of last-minute lovelies love to receive, love to wear! . . . the wearables she’ll Sweaters Phone T7-6318 * ef