PAGE FOUR ~~ Purely ~ Personal + Robert Hislop, Paul Sedler and Pete Roushey opened the deer season at Bob’s cabin at Lovelton. Mrs. Jane Thomas of Wilkes- Barre expects to stay with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. David Joseph until the holidays and take care of her mother. Mrs. Joseph who sub- mitted to an operation some time ago is getting along nicely. Henry Goodman, who submitted to an operation at Nesbitt Hospitla some weeks ago has returned to his home at West Dallas and is getting along nicely. Col, and Mrs. Dorrance Reynolds have moved from their Goodleigh Farms home to their winter home on South River Street, Wilkes- Barre. Myrtle Martin and Hazel Derby of Beaumont were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nulton Sr. on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James C. Wheeler, Mt. Greenwood Heights, Trucks- ville, attended the Army and Navy game on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Updyke, Main Street, have purchased the Warriner home on Demunds Road. The Warriners are building on the other side of the read nearer the duck barns. “Doc” Rutherford, Machell Ave- nue, attended the Army-Navy foot- ball game in Philadelphia Saturday. It. and Mrs. Al Morse and daughter are making their home at Waverly, Iowa, where Lt. Morse is stationed, Mrs, Morse is the former Jane Post. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gross, Hunts- vile, attended the Army-Navy foot- ball game on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Cowan, for- merly of Sterling Farms, have moved to Mount Ephraim Farms, Snow Hill, Md. Col. and Mrs, Norman Smith, Spring Lake Ranch, Cuttingsville, Vt., former Huntsville residents, at- tended the Army-Navy football game Saturday. Mrs. Gertrude Herman of Wash- ington, D. C., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred R. Root, Franklin Street. Mrs. Root celebra- ted her birthday anniversary on Tuesday. Richard Major has returned to his home in Indianapolis after attending the funeral of his grand- mother, Mrs. Allie Morris of Frank- lin Street. Dick has recently been made purchasing agent for the Air- craft Division of the Allison Manu- facturing Company. Ira Morris has returned to his home in Washington, D. C., and Mr. and Mrs, Charles Morris to theirs in Huntsville, Ala., after at- tending the funeral of their mother, Mrs. Allie Morris. Nancy Brader, Machell Avenue, Joan and Ann Bonner of Center Hill Road and Judy Powell of Trucksville, students at Cedar Crest College, will arrive next Fri- day to spend the holidays with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. John DeWitt of Wyoming, summer residents of Country Club Road, have purchased a home on Elmcrest and will move in before the holidays. Mrs. Raymon Hedden entertained members of her bridge club at her home on Machell Avenue last Thursday evening. Mrs, John Engler, Davenport street, is a patient at Nesbitt Hos- pital. Mr. and Mrs, Ord Trumbower “and son, Dougie, have returned from a sixteen day trip to Cali- ~ fornia. Mr. and Mrs. Russell B. Wilcox and family entertained at their home in Bound Brook, N. J. Sun- day the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Burton Wilcox, Charlotte Marie, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bar- rick and son, Dale of Carlisle; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wilcox and Ruth Ann, Mr. and Mrs. Dom Frezza and Deborah and Mrs. Trudie Gavi- gan and George and Christine of New Jersey. The Yalick brothers and their families have returned to their home at West Dallas after spending several weeks at Homestead, Fla. George “London who is spending the winter at Homestead, Fla., has recuperated after an attack of pleurisy. ; Mrs. Maude Weidner has re- turned to her home in Trucks- ville after being a hospital patient. Joan Sgroi of Sweet Valley was guest of honor at a party given John Lukavitch on her seventh birth- by her grandmother, Mrs. day anniversary. Mrs, Joseph Monko, Hospital. Mrs. George Howe, Shaver ave- nue, has returned from the Grad- uate Hospital, Philadelphia, where she has been a patient for several weeks. Hazle Myra Berti is able to be out again after being confined to her home on Main street with in- fected ears. Miss Frances Dorrance, Machell avenue, is spending the weekend visiting friends in Philadelphia. Lehigh Street, is a patient at the Nesbitt increases eating pleasure. 1 quart peeled, chopped apples 2 teaspoons lemon juice 2 cups sugar turkey). To the traditional good-eating, old-fashioned bread stuffing added flavor and texture contrast is contributed by cranberries and apples. The stuffing catches and holds the succulent juices of the bird and CRANBERRY-APPLE BREAD STUFFING “ty If more than enough stuffng to fill the bird lightly has been made, bake it in a separate casserole for ‘“day-after” meals. FRESH CRANBERRY-APPLE BREAD STUFFING 1 quart fresh cranberries, chopped 1 cup finely chopped celery 2 teaspoons salt 1 gallon %” bread cubes 1 cup water or broth Combine chopped cranberries, apples, lemon juice, sugar, celery, salt and bread cubes. Add water and mix well. Yield: 1 gallon Fresh Cranberry-Bread Stuffing (sufficient for 16 1b. Miss Frances Lord Is - Entertained At Shower Mrs. Lewis Hackling and Mrs. George Brody, Noxen, entertained at a variety shower honoring Miss Frances Lord, bride-elect at the Hackling home November 23. Present were: Mrs. Ann Crake, Mrs. William McMullen, Mrs. Albert Womer, Mrs. Joseph Nalbone, Mrs. Donald King, Mrs. Leo Lord, Mrs. Lewis Lord, Mrs. Leland Case, Mrs. Fred Case, Mrs. Loren Case, Mrs. Nathan Straley, Mrs. Howard Shook, Mrs. Clifford Mansfield, Mrs. Elvin Bean, Mrs. James Wy- ant, Mrs. Granville Scouten, Mrs. Robert Hackling, Mrs, James Cooke, Mrs. George Macialek, Mrs. Lewis ‘May, Mrs. Francis Lord; Misses Ruth McMullen, Stella Shook, Louise Wyant; the guest of honor and the hostesses. John Cowans, Guests At Farewell Party “Mr. and Mrs. John Cowan and family, former Sterling Farms resi- dents, were guests of honor at a farewell party given by W.S.C.S. of Alderson Methodist Church last Wednesday. The Cowans left for their new home in Maryland on Friday. Present were: Mrs. George Tay- lor, Mrs. Gilbert Carpenter, Mrs. Kate Schultz, Mrs. Morrison Witter, Mrs. William Deets, Mrs. Stephen Hartman, Mrs. Howard Higgins, Mrs, Charles Micklo, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Garinger, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wagner, Verna Lee Wagner, Carol Deets, John and Joseph Mick- lo, Rev. Ruth Underwood, Mr. and Mrs. Cowan and James Cowan. Marguerite Chalker To Wed Donald Parsons Announcement has been made of the approaching marriage of Mar- guerite Chalker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Chaulker of Lu- zerne to Donald Parsons, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Parsons of Truck- sville R. D. Rev. Robert Webster will perform the double ring cere- mony in Trucksville Methodist Church tomorrow morning at 10 A. M. Attendants will be Mary Ann Chalker, sister of the bride, and Howard Parsons, brother of the bridegroom. Following the ceremony, a dinner will be held at the home of the bride for members of the immediate families. Miss Chalker attended Kingston Township High School. Mr. Par- sons also attended Kingston Town- ship High School and is employed at Kidder Colliery, Glen Alden Coal Company. Robert Gail Reiber Capt. and Mrs. Robert R. Reiber have announced the birth of a baby boy, Robert Gail in General Hos- pital, November 29. Mrs. Reiber is the former Helen Bosch of Phila- delphia. Capt. Reiber is the son of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Keller of Davis street, Shavertown. “Calling All Girls" Tonight At Eight Senior Class, Dallas Township High School, will present a comedy, “Calling All Girls”, tonight at 8 in the auditorium. Production is under direction of Daniel Williams, assisted by Ro- | mayne Carey. Cast includes: Marcia Trimble, Patricia Van Campen, Anita Em- anuel, Mary Louise Lipp,. Beverly Hill, Barbara Lewin, Lorraine Was- ser, Theresa Chukinas, Richard Wileman, James Broomfield, Robert Achuff, and Donald Weidner. Mrs. Patty Cornell Wins Honor For Third Year For the third successive year, Patty Cornell won the Curtis Circu- lation Company campaign for bring- ing in subscriptions at Lake-Noxén High School. The first two years, both a boy and a girl were selected, this year Patty topped the entire school. In recognition of the honor she received the following letter from the Company: “What a grand job you did in the Curtis campaign! Every year more than 3,000,000 students participate in the Curtis plan. And of these, only one out of a hundred makes the sales record you did. I hope you're as proud as we here at Curtis are of your fine showing. Congratulations again—and I hope this means you will have con- tinued success in everything you do.” Chester Harrises Are quests At Shower A surprise baby shower was held Sunday, December 2 for Mr. and Mrs, Chester Harris of Princeton, Fla., by their friends of the Back Mountain region who are wintering at Homestead, Fla. The Harrises are former Trucksville residents. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Dymond, Linda and Gerry, Mr. and Mrs, Ted Dymond, Teddy, Cindy, Timmy, Cheryl and Cathy, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rozelle, Connie and Dale, Mr. and Mrs. Basil Frantz, Tommy and Dickie, Mr. and Mrs. Evan London, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Heitsman, Mr. and Mrs. George London and Cindy Sue, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Harris, Chester, Don- ald and Ellen Jean. Mrs. Higgins Collects For Soldiers And Sailors Mrs. William Higgins, collecting Christmas materials for Soldiers and Sailors Hospital at Perry Point, Maryland, asks that all do- aations be delivered to her by Wed- nesday to insure mailing in advance of Christmas. Items needed are wash cloths, handkerchiefs, writing paper, bright yarns, hard candy, and bedroom scuffs. Mrs. Higgins’ address is Box 117, Dallas. Entertains At Bridge Mrs. Anthony Novy, Spring street, Shavertown, entertained members of her bridge club last Thursday night. Present were Mrs. William James, Mrs. Mary Sickler, Frederick Malkemes, Mrs. George Prater, Mrs. Harry Schaff- hauser, Mrs. Robert Steele, Mrs. Alice Hayhurst, Mrs. Martin Porter and the hostess. Odd Fellows Party A Christmas party for the bene- fit of the Odd Fellows Orphanage will be held by Osage Lodge Wed- nesday at 8 p. m. in the Lodge Hall at Lehman. Friends and the general public are invited. Re- freshments and entertainment will be provided. Come and bring the children. Kiwanis Women Plan Bake Sale Tomorrow Mrs. Fred Morris is general chair- man of the Kiwanis’® Women’s Club Bake Sale, scheduled for 10:30 Saturday morning at Boyd White’s in Dallas. She is assisted by Mrs. Kenneth Rice, Mrs. John Murphy and Mrs. Harold Flack. Proceeds will go to the underpri- vileged children fund. 2 ®lm tr eee ee THE POST, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1951 Miss Frances Lord To Marry Sgt. Frederick J. Shook Sunday Miss Francis Lord, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Lord of No- xen will become the bride of Sgt. Frederick J. Shook, son of G. A. [Shook of Noxen Sunday afternoon, December 9 at 3 p. mu Rev. Henry Kraft ‘will perform the double fring ceremony in St. Luke’s Lutheran Church. John Hackling will preside at the organ and Mrs, Paul Horlacher, cousin of the bride, will be soloist. Maid of honor will be Roberta Lord, cousin of the bride. ‘Anna Mae Space, Verna (Case and Evelyn Merrick of Philadelphia will be bridesmaids. Elvin (Crispell ‘will act as best man and Howard Shook, brother of the bridegroom, and Walter Galtka as ushers. Janice Mansfield, niece of the bridegroom, will be flower girl. Following ‘the ceremony, a re- ception will be held at the Noxen Fire Hall Miss Lord is a graduate of class of 1951 Noxen High School. She is employeed at the Miranda Blouse Company. Sgt. Shook was also graduated from Noxen High School and is completing hiis fourth year with the U. IS. Marines. He is Stationed at Quantico, Va., and expects his discharge in [Sepember. His bride will remain with her family until that time, Miss Sylvia Jones Becomes Bride Of DCFM George Schooley Miss Sylvia Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore R. Jones of Pioneer Avenue, Shavertown, mar- ried DOFM George B. [Schooley, son of Dr. and Mrs. F. B. [Schooley,Fri- day evening, November 30 at 8 p. m. Rev, Robert Yost performed the double ring ceremony in (Shaver- town Methodist Church Altendants were Virginia Jones, sister of the bride, and F. M. Fran- cis Sheppard, a friend serving in the U. IS. Navy with George. The bride wore gray brocaded street length dress fashioned with pointed collar, elbow length sleeves and mavy blue velvet rim. Her hlat was navy velvet and she wore a shoulder bouquet of white roses, Miss Jones selected powder blue street length dress, with stand up collar, navy hat and red roses, Following the ceremony a re- ception for members of the imme- diate families was held af the home of the bride and ‘the couple left for New York (City. Mrs, ISchooley is ta graduate of Kingston Township High School and Dean [School of Business, Wyo- ming Seminary. She is employed by Luzerne County Production and Marketing |Adminisraltion. DCFM (Schooley was graduated from Dallas Borough High [School and is stationed with the U. S. Navy alt Norfolk, Va, He returned to his base Tuesday. Mrs. Harry Lee Smith Honored On Birthday Mrs. Harry Lee Smith, Mill Street, was guest of honor at a birthday dinner given by her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James Morris, Scott Street, Wilkes- Barre, on Sunday. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Har- ry Lee Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kemp, Mrs. Frances Sutliff, Mrs. W. J. Smith, Miss Dorothy Morris, Miss Mitzie Boland, Edgar and James Morris, the host and hostess. George Braders, Guests On 59th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Norwood Brader, Machell avenue, entertained at din- ner last Saturday, December 1, the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Brader of Nanticoke who celebrated their fifty ninth wedding anniversary. 0 Mrs. Brader is the former Eliza- beth Atherton of Kingston, mem- ber of one the oldest families in Wyoming Valley. Mr. Brader re- tired five years ago from the Brader Insurance Agency, now car- ried on by Norwood. There is one daughter, Mrs. C. E. Siegel of Forty Fort. Another son, Atherton, was killed in England with the Air Force during World War I Mrs. Paul Wasserott Is Honored At Shower Mrs. Paul Wasserott, the former Ruth Drake, was guest of honor at a variety shower given by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Franklin, Yeager ave- nue, Forty Fort, November 10. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Drake, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Drake, Mrs. Pearl Franklin, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Shaver, Mrs. Merle Shaver, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wasserott and the host and hostess. 5” IN JUSTICE TO YOUR HEALTH , MARE SURE YOUR DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTION 1S COMPOUNDED EXACTLY -YOU CAN RELY ON Kunkle W.S.C.S. To Meet At A. C. Devens Home Mrs, A. C. Devens, Lake Road, will entertain members of Kunkle W.S.C.S. for the annual Christmas party Wednesday. Dinner will be served at noon. Each member is to bring her own table service and a gift. Mrs. Russell Miers will assist Mrs. Devens. N SHAVER THEATRE SHAVERTOWN FRIDAY and SATURDAY “On Moonlight Bay” (technicolor) Doris Day, Gordon MacRae 4 Cartoon—News MONDAY and TUESDAY “Mark of the Renegade” Technicolor Ricardo Montelban Cyd Charisse Cartoon - Comedy WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY “Strangers on a Train” Farley Granger, Ruth Roman Cartoon 7 " Neighborhood Notes And News Of Local Church Doings This “Medel” Is Really Young Canadian National Railways Photo UST five hours after this tiny fawn was born on the grounds of Jasper Park Lodge, celebrated resort in the heart of the Canadian Rockies, a Canadian National Railways photographer made this picture. The little deer had yet to take its first steps. Shortly after the picture was made the mother returned tc the thicket where the fawn was hidden; nosed it and the little deer struggled to his feet, and on shaky, pipe-stem legs followed the mother into the deep forest where a twin fawn, born a few minutes earlier, had been led by the mother. To mark the event, Manager Harold J. Gunning of Jasper Park Lodge christened the first-born fawn as “Jasper” and the little boy deer shown above as “Lodge.” Dallas Juniors Have Christmas Party Dallas Junior Woman's Club met at Prince of Peace Parish Hall Tues- day night for a combined business meeting and Xmas party. Decora- tions were carried out in wreaths and red candles by Mrs. Ned Guy- ette, chairman of the. tea. Mrs. Harry Ohlman poured. The IChorale sang. Mrs. Richard (Cornell reported a profit of $40 from the recent dance. Mrs. [Stephen Hellersperk spoke on Girl {Scout activities, and an- nounced a card party by Committee members and Senior Girl Scouts for January. Mrs. William Remiska and Mrs. HIMMLER THEATRE Dallas, Pa. FRIDAY and SATURDAY “Texas Carnival” in technicolor with Esther Williams, Red Skelton Also Sport Reel, Cartoon and News MONDAY and TUESDAY “Pd Climb the Highest Mountain” in technicolor with Susan Hayward and William Lundigan Also Comedy WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY ‘Lorna Doone” in technicolor with Barbara Hale and Richard Greene Also Cartoon and Sport Reel Robert Maturi were welcomed as new members. Five dollars was given to the Tu- berclosis Society. ! An auction sale was announced for the January meeting, a dinner for February. [Sixty-five members were present. Have New Baby Boy Announcement has been made of the birth of a baby boy to Mr. and Mrs. James Shepherd of Shaver- town in Nesbitt Hospital November 27. Mrs. Shepherd is the former Peggy Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Davis of Trucksville. Mr. Shepherd is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Shepherd, Mt. Green- wood road, Trucksville. MOONLITE Open-Air Theatre (on Shoemaker Ave., between West Wyoming and Swoyerville WEST WYOMING, PA. Admission 50¢ tax in. FRIDAY-SATURDAY SUNDAY “FACTS OF LOVE” An English picture acclaimed by thousands. We've just re- ceived it from Philadelphia, a new release. Youll like it! There's no punches pulled so don’t miss it. SALE SUITS, COATS or DRESSES cleaned for the price of DALLAS STORE 38 Main St., Lundy Bldg. - Basil Lord, Rep - Pick-up and Deliver PHONE 274-R-13 CIRCLE cteame & DYEING CO. BABY TALK . This routine is sure funny! 1 a eo ° ° ° ° ° ° I run Mommy ragged all day . . . . by PURVIN guess she'll have to drink f up with me! more PURVIN’S MILK to keep For Regular Delivery in the Back Mountain Area—Call Wilkes-Barre 2-8151—Collect