| | PAGE EIGHT See The Perfect Cooking Ranges for the Rural Areas CALORIC RANGES Enterprise Ranges New Models Are In Harold Ash Plumbing - Heating - Bottled Gas Phone 409-R-—Shavertown Ceca Your windows, Santa”. . STORE TALK Big stories about the first day of hunting season end with “It was = great day for ducks.” WOOLRICH Clothes were pop- ular counter all day. items at our sports A smart hunter won't freeze. Tip for gun “fiends”. Get your copy of STOEGERS 1952 SHOOTERS’ BIBLE at our gun counter—also the GUN DIGEST. We stock and at- tach LYMAN SIGHTS— ‘WEAVER SCOPES—also re- pair and swap. Heating Customers—Our men : are doing their best, working Yoig hours and night shifts. We may not get to you as soon as you like, but don’t forget . . . we must install them right. BIG SAVINGS ON WASH- ERS Nearly new Maytag with 3 Aluminum Tub—you save $100.00. New Bendix Diala- matic—you save $50.00. Used Bendix Gyromatic—you save $155.00. Used Easy Spindrier (Excellent) you save $90.00. ‘New Bendix Gyromatic—you save $100.00. These washers are all excellent and guar- anteed satisfactory. roofs and porches. “®ld Man Winter” has sounded his warning and it’s time to see us for glass, paint, roofing . and weather strip. . though he comes but once a year, he really makes merry at Gay-Murray’s where it’s easy to shop for all Watch for our catalog and Santa’s schedule. the family. Gay-Murray Co., Inc. TUNKHANNOCK, PA. PHONE 5050 THE POST, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1951 THE DALLAS METHODIST Sunday, 10:00 Church School for all ages from three years up. Con- inuing the unit—‘“The Discipline of God's Way”, the International les- son topic wil discuss the timely question, “Why Do We Need Rules?” The Scriptural back- ground is taken from Exodus 19: 7-8, and from Exodus 23: 1-13. 11:00, Morning Worship. Sermon by the pastor and special music by the choirs. Pre-school children are cared for in the Church Nursery during the entire Service. Boys and girls recess to the Junior Church during the second hymn. Visitors are cordially invited. 6:00, Methodist . Youth Fellow- ship Supper. The supper is provided by the boys of the Fellowship. De- votional Service will follow. Miss Ruth Fiske is counselor. THE ANNUAL PROTESTANT FESTIVAL OF FAITH will be held in the First Presbyterian Church, Franklin Street, Wilkes-Barre on Sunday evening at eight o’clock. Dr. Roswell P. Barnes, Executive Secretary, The Division of Chris- tian Life and Work, The National Council of Churches of Christ in the U. S. A, will be the guest speaker. This Service "is sponsored by the Worship Committee of the Wyoming Valley Council of Chur- ches of which the Pastor is Chair- man. Ministers from some forty or more churches of the Valley will walk in the Procession. The Country Couples’ Club will meet on Sunday evening at eight fifteen o'clock. Following the devo- tional period motion pictures will be shown by Fay Hopkins. Re- freshments and social hour will fol- low. Willard Seymour is president. Monday, 7:00, Meeting of the Boy Scouts in the Scout rooms. Wednesday, 7:30, Thanksgiving Service in the Sanctuary. Sermon by the Pastor. Music by the choirs. Thursday, 10:00, Thanksgiving Service. This Service is identical with the Wednesday Evening Ser- vice. Two Services are held to en- able all of our people to attend at least one Thanksgiving Service. In view of the priceless privileges and manifold blessings that are ours through our American and Chris- tian heritage, it behooves all of us to join with our neighbors in a Ser- vice of Thanksgiving. Let us make a special effort to be present in one of these Services. Due to the Thanksgiving Services the Junior Choir Rehearsal will not be held this week. The Senior Choir will hold its rehearsal after the Service on Wednesday evening. DALLAS FREE METHODIST Evangelistic services led by Rev. David King will continue tonight, tomorrow night, and 'Sunday at Dallas Free Methodist Church. Friday and Saturday nights ser- vices 7:45; Sunday, preaching with Rev. King, 11 AM; Sunday School 10; Evangelistic services at Trucks- ville, 2:30 and 7:45. ALDERSON-NOXEN CHARGE Thanksgiving services with re- ception of members will be held in Methodist Churches of Alderson- Noxen Charge on Sunday as follows: Ruggles Church morning worship, 8:45 A.M.. Church School, 10; Nox- en Church service with sermon by the pastor, 10, Church School, 11; Alderson Church School, 10:15, Morning Church Service with ser- mon by the pastor and music under ‘the direction of Mrs. Fred Swanson, 11:15; Kunkle Church School, 10:30, Fo News Of The Churches Kunkle Church Service, 7:30 P.M. Youth Fellowship Christmas Can- tata Rehearsal will be held Sunday evening at 6:30, in Noxen Church. The Youth Fellowship Groups of Alderson-Noxen Charge will have breakfast at 7:00 A. M. Thursday at Alderson Church. At 8:30 AM. a Thanksgiving service to which the public is invited will be held in the Chrch sanctuary. Members of the Noxen M.Y.F. will lead the worship service. There will be a guest speaker. The Board of Education of Alder- son Church will meet at the church Monday evening at 8. Noxen Church Board of Education will meet Tuesday evening. Official Board of the Kunkle Church will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Brace Friday evening at 8. Trustees and the Building Com- mittee of Noxen Church will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Ruff Saturday evening at 8. WHITE CHURCH ON-THE-HILL Every Member Canvass Supper tonight at 6:30, at the Church, ser- ved by the Friendship Class. All those who will act as canvassers next Sunday, as well as the mem- bers of the finance committee, are expected to attend this meeting for instruction. Rev. Edgar Singer of Forty Fort Methodist Church will be guest speaker. Sunday, will be observed as Loy- alty Sunday. Sunday School at 9:30 AM with classes for all ages. Morning Worship Service at 10:45 A. M.,, at which time new mem- bers will be received into the Church. There will be special Thanksgiving music, and a Thanks- giving sermon. At 2:00 P.M. canvassers will leave — Pole ANNOUNCING The Opening Of The Lake Variety Store 142 ED and PEG JONES—Owners MONDAY, NOV. 19TH SEE OUR Large Selection of Toys—Radios—Television Men's, Women’s and Children’s Dry Goods Electrical Appliances and Supplies Harveys Lake Hey Kids!!! Watch For SANTA—He’s Coming Here Soon! 5 to 6 lbs.—OVEN DRESSED EXTRA SPECIAL PRICE Order Now for ot! [HANKSBIVING uss; TURKEYS OVEN DRESSED Nice, Plump FRESH-KILLED . Beltsville 69; These are the most tender and CAPONS(Q:. biggest chickens you ever tasted. If your family is not too large here’s the answer for your Thanks- giving Dinner. FRYERS OUR REGULAR PRICES ROASTERS New York Dressed 45¢ Ib.». Ready For Oven 60c Ib..=. BREASTS Combination BREASTS & LEGS .... 85c Ib. ® LEGS Combination 80c lb. ®@ BACKS & NECKS __. 2 lbs 25¢ PHONE 58 - STANLEY MOORE, Owner STEWERS TRUCKSVILLE MILL POULTRY SHOP the church to call on members for their pledges. You are asked to remain at home, if possible, until the canvasser calls, in order to eliminate the necessity of making a return call later in the week. At 6:00 P.M., a religious sound movie, “Second Chance” will be shown at the Church. This is being done at the early hour in order that those who wish may also attend the Protestant Festival of [Faith Ser- vice at First Presbyterian Church, Wilkes-Barre, at 8 P.M. Children’s Society will meet at the Grade School Monday at 4 PM. Mrs. Dykman and Miss Weidner are in charge. Marjorie Stookey, Peggy Phillips, and Alberta Daniels will lead in this month’s program. Thursday, Thanksgiving Day Ser- vices. At 8:00 A. M. Holy Com- munion and Prayer Service, using the shorter form of service, with responses read by the congregation. At 9 to 9:30 A. M., Annual Thanks- giving service, closing in time to attend the football game. ST. PAUL’S LUTHERAN St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, an- nounces its activities for the week: Sunday 9:45 A. M.—Sunday School. This hour is set aside for Biblical in- struction for all age groups and is not intended to take the place of the worship service. Actually as a school it will aid an individual in the worship service of the church. 11:00 A. M.—The Service. The American Lutheran Publicity Bureau said: “The Lutheran Church preaches the Gospel in all its pur- ity, and recognizes the Word as the inspired rule in all matters things first.” : Friday 1:00 P. M.—Ladies’ Auxiliary. Mrs. Harry Stoeckel and Mrs. R. J. W. Templin are the hostesses. The ladies are reminded to return their “Thank Offering” boxes at this of faith and conduct, irrespective month is the next to the last day. of the conclusions of human rea- son.” In keeping with this thought the pastor of St. Paul’s, Rev. Frederick W. Moock, Jr., will use as his ser- mon theme, “The Lutheran Minis- try.” ‘ 7:00 P. M.—Luther League. Wednesday i 7:00 P. M.—Luther League Choir. : 8:00 P. M.—The Senior Choir. Thanksgiving Day 8:30 A. M.—Thanksgiving Service. “The Christian says: Thank You” is the sermon meditation. The Order of Matins will be used and the worship service will be con- cluded in less than an hour. There will be sufficient time for our mem- bers and friends to attend the foot- ball games and prepare for the traditional dinner. Let us put “first 1950 Chevrolet Town Sedan 1949 Chevrolet Town Sedan 1948 Chevrolet Town Sedan $1575 $1195 EASY TO CHILL... Chill a half-case or more in space- saving KOOLER-KITS. Remove perfectly chilled bottles one at @ time—as needed. Use the KOOLER- KIT as a serving tray. It’s your private beer rack! Alderson Pole 126 $ i 0715 1938 Plymouth BONNER'S “OK” Zi Guaranteed Values Give You A BIGGER DOLLAR Here! Every Car Fully Winterized 1947 Plmouth 4 Door R & H. 1939 Plymouth i Door Sedan $975 $145 $125 4 Door Sedan Many Others—Open Eves. and. Sunday—Easy G.M.A.C. Terms BONNER CHEVROLET CO. USED CAR LOT 662 Wyoming Avenue, Kingston—Phone 8-0319 For Prompt Delivery Call Distributed in this Area by | meeting. The penultimate day of the Massachusetts means ‘pace or the great hills.” CITY “CHEVROLET BIG ALL CARS AND TRUCKS FULLY WINTERIZED $125 $295 $1095 ... $1285 Used Car SELECTIONS 1938 PLYMOUTH Coupe 1941 OLDSMOBILE 2 Door Sedan 1948 CHEVROLET 4 Door Sedan 1949 CHEVROLET Club_Coupe 1949 CHEVROLET 2 Door Sedan........ ¥ $ { 345 1949 CHEVROLET @ 3 i 375 4 Door Sedan........ 1950 CHEVROLET $1485 4-Door Sedan TRUCKS he DE avhrass $395 es DE a $545 1947 CHEVROLET Y> Ton Pickup 1951 CHEVROLET $795 $1285 Y2 Ton Pickup City Chevrolet Co. Market St., Gates to Thomas Streets Kingston Phone 7-1171 690 Hazle St., Phone 3-6736 THE PLACE TO BUY OK USED CARS Newtown B wo vt Fitri Packed i in the NEW 3-Way KODLER-KIT ® Now—buy, chill and serve the finest beer we've brewed in 94 years in the new 6-bottle KOOLER-KIT! Light and convenient to carry, your KOOLER-KIT becomes a serv- ing tray to help you please a half-dozen friends at a time. And you can chill your beer the professional way! Store several KOOL- ER-KITS in refrigerator space you used to waste. Bottles can’t roll. . . no foods to move. Just slide out perfectly chilled bottles of Stegmaier’s Gold Medal Beer—one at a time, as you need them! You'll prefer Stegmaier’s. It’s the beer with the “just-right” taste .. . not too bitter—not too sweet. Taste it — and learn why “It’s the finest beer we've brewed in 94 years!” : ORDER SEVERAL KOOLER-KITS TODAY FROM YOUR NEARBY RETAIL OUTLET COPYRIGHT 1951. STEGMAIER BREWING CO. HARVEYS LAKE BOTTLING WORKS Phone HL-3092 + 2 seem. oa)