a ——_ ee_rlee; er LE ude Read the Classified Golumn Post Classified Ads Get Results BACK MT. COMMUNITY BAND will have the drawing for the Applique Flower Pot Quilt on November 30th at LAKETON HIGH SCHOOL ® Beautiful Location Long-time Guarantee Central Water System School Bus At Door VERY REASONABLE PRICES OPEN FOR INSPECTION EVERY DAY KEYSTONE HOMES co. Harveys Lake Highway—Bear Right At Castle Inn—Phone H. L. 4761 or Dallas 409-R-2 ! 3 | ' i Redskins Lose To W. Wyoming Harris Hurt Early In First Quarter Dallas Township, in what was probably its worst game of the season, bowed to a weak West Wyoming team 13-7 Saturday on the Dallas Township field. The Red- skins, picked to win by better than two touchdowns, outplayed West Wyoming in every department but the scoring, After a scoreless first half, West Wyoming unleashed a third period passing attack which caught the Redskin defense napping. This sur- prise flurry netted West Wyoming thirteen points which was enough for the victory. The last quarter saw Dallas Township roll up tre- mendous yardage but the Redskins could tally but once and so went down to defeat. The loss of Bob Harris, sturdy essential quarterback in the Red- skin attack, early in the first half hurt the Redskins. Harris suffered a bruised chest and may be out for the remainder of the season. Bob Bellas took up the slack and. tore the West Wyoming line to shreds with his slashing runs but he could not account for enough yardage to score more than one touchdown. Roy Tryon also turned in some nice runs but the Redskins lacked the steam to reach paydirt. The Redskins fresh from a 26-0 victory over Tunkhannock looked nothing like the same team Satur- day afternoon. The Redskins were rudely jolted in what was supposed to be a tune-up for the big Thanks- giving Day contest. Tuberculosis Seals Tuberculosis Christmas seals will be mailed to folks in the Back . Mountain Area next week. Keep yours, mail your check to the Wy- oming Valley Tuberculosis Society, and above all use the stamps so | that the fine work of the society is kept before the public for the next month. At Holiday Time Or Anytime = - = An | ELECTRIC RANGE : Does It BEST? 4 things that go with the feast . . much easier with an electric range. your dealer at once. $ Your Thanksgiving turkey, ham or roast .... not to mention pies and other good . .will taste so much better and be prepared so If you don’t believe it, ask any housewife who has switched from old-fashioned cooking methods to electric cooking. There's no doubt about it—electric cooking is faster, more efficient, more econ- omical, and lots less work. And there’s less waste from shrinkage, too. There's still time for YOU to have an Electric Range for Thanksgiving if you see And you’ll be so thankful that you did! Luzerne County Gas And Electric Corp. ITI ye - ——_ % THE POST, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1951 Lehman Loses Another Game Ends Season Tomorrow Against Seminary J Vs Lehman traveled to Wilkes-Barre Township Saturday afternoon and bowed to the stronger Georgetown eleven 24-13. Even though de- feated the Scotties have every reason to be proud of the game. Lehman was strictly an under- dog, conceded a slim chance to even score against the five times triumphant Wilkes-Barre Town- ship. Coach Tony Marchakitus’ eleven fought a game battle and gave the favored Maroon and Grey a bit of a scare. The Scotties will finish their worst season in years tomorrow against the Wyoming Seminary J V's, Havoc wrought by graduation turned last (year’s championship eleven to a valiant but wunder- manned team this season. Lehman has turned in but one victory this season, a 12-0 win over Factory- ville. However, the Scotties played some pretty close games in which the opponents considered them- selves lucky to come off the field on the long end of the score. Leh- man’s 7-6 loss to Avoca comes under the heading of the Scotties’ best played contest. A 19-14 loss to Dallas Township and a 13-7 loss to Moosic were two games in which the Scotties almost made the grade. Six Teams Entered In Church Circuit Back Mountain Church Basket- ball League held its first pre- season meeting Monday night at the Dallas Post. Preliminary plans were discussed by the team repre- sentatives. This year’s league will consist of six teams, St. Paul's, Orange, Shavertown Methodist, Huntsville Christian, St. Therese’s and Trucksville Methodist. The representatives voted to play all the games in one gym opening the league schedule on Saturday, December 1 and playing on each successive Saturday until the end of the season. The next full league meeting will take place at the Dallas Post on Thursday, November 29 at which time the rosters will be presented along with the entrance fee. A fifteen-game season was pro- posed and agreed upon wherein each team in the league will meet every other team in the league three times. The regular season starts December 1 and finishes March 8. It was also agreed to ob- tain two referees for each game. Incumbent president Don Clark presided at the meeting. Noxen By Mrs. Earl Beahm Phone H. L. 4495 Class-Mates of Noxen Methodist Church will meet at the home of Mrs. Mary Montross Friday night at 8. The G. I. Bus, chartered for wor- kers from Noxen, Beaumont, and surrounding towns, leaves Noxen at 6:10 AM for Meshoppen. A num- ber of workers work for Salem Corporation, Meshoppen. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Beahm had as weekend guests Mrs. William Kropp, Edward Derhammer of Athens; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Der- hammer, Luzerne; Mr. and Mrs. Lester Derhammer and children, Wilkes-Barre; and Mr. and Mrs. George Boice and daughter Ailene, Harveys Lake. IT’S A FACT! The balance wheel in your watch travels many more miles a year than the aver- age car. To prevent excessive wear and prolong its life have it serviced regularly by a competent watchmaker. SHIPMENT OF LATEST MODELS OF BULOVA WATCHES HAS ARRIVED. | Use our lay-a-way plan for Christmas R. L. EYET JEWELRY STORE ‘Main Highway - Shavertown msi - Noxen Raising Funds For Salvation Army Mrs. Letha Byrne, Chairman of The Salvation Army Service Unit in Noxen Township conferred with Treasurer, Mrs. Helen Dendler re- garding the 1951 appeal. Mrs. Byrne stated, “returns have been coming in and our committee hope PAGE THREE to meet our quota. We have ar- ranged to send out a reminder let- ter to our many friends who have not responded and whom we know are very much interested in help- ing the Army continue its work in this area.” A percentage of every dollar col- lected in Noxen Township will re- main with the Service Unit com- mittee to be used for welfare pur- rece poses throughout this community. This includes the following: shoes, clothing, food, medical help, sum- mer camps, etc. The Service Unit committee urges all citizens to contribute to this worthy organization. If you did not receive a letter or have mislaid it, send your contribution direct to the treasurer, Mrs, Helen Dendler, Noxen. BABY TALK . Only one more touch- down to win! For Regular Delivery in the Back Mountain Area—Call I don’t think I can make it! . by PURVIN I'm disgusted! From now on I'm training on PURVIN’S MILK! Wilkes-Barre 2-8151—Collect 32 1) STR) €17.1 Keep you going through No more slipping, sliding and skidding with these rugged General Winter-Cleat tires on your rear wheels. Drive in now! Enjoy the extra protection and extra traction General, Winter-Cleat snow, slush and mud tires provide. Save time and money too! SEE YOUR DEALER OR 20 SCOTT ST., WILKES-BARRE : FROM YOUR HOUSE TO MAIN STREET... DAILY “ON SCHEDULE" WITH GENERAL Winton-Cloals- McCARTHY TIRE SERVICE PHONE 2-3151 wi HAR Ls la VEYS LAKE | FLANNIGAN'S CUT-RATE S. UN SET jr