ge gt | | 57 SOUTH MAIN ST. Model 17K22 Mahogany TAX INCLUDED $199.93 warranty extra Be Sure To Ask About Lazarus’ Easy Payment Plan It’s another ‘exclusive’ from Admiral . . . Color TV Optional! Yes, you can add color whenever you want it . . . today, tomorrow, anytime. Enjoy now television’ s clearest, brightest sharpest picture on Admiral’s big 17” Dyna-Ray picture tube. Revolutionary Triple-X long distance chassis gives outstanding performance even in outer fringe areas where other sets fail. Equipped with famous Admiral Turret Tuner to receive all present as well as new Ultra High Frequency channels. Many more sensational features . . . see, hear, compare! LAZARUS THE POST, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1951 - DALLAS METHODIST CHURCH Sunday, Church School 10 AM; Lesson topic: “How Does God Help Us?” Scripture—Exodus 14: 10-31. Classes for all ages above three years. Morning worship, 11; sermon— “The Kind of Revival We Need.” Special music by the choirs. Pre- school children are cared for in the Church Nursery during the Service. Junior Church begins at 11:30. 6:30 Methodist Youth Fellowship. Worship service and speaker. All young people (ages 12-25) are in- vited. Monday, 7:00 Scout Troop 281 meets in the Scout Rooms. Sacrament of Holy Baptism will be administered on Christmas Sun- day, December 23rd. Classes in Church membership will begin shortly. Those interested are asked to contact the minister. Two identical Thanksgiving Ser- vices will be held on Wednesday, November 21st and Thursday, No- vember 22nd. FREE METHODIST CHURCH Rev. David King of Bethlehem, a minister for over fifty years, will | hold revival meetings in the Dallas Free Methodist Church starting Sunday and continuing throughout the week and next Sunday, No- vember 18. Schedule! Sunday School, Sun- day at 10 a. m., Preaching 11 a.m, special service 2:30 p. m., evening worship, 7:30 p. m. Weekdays every night at 7:30 p. m. TRUCKSVILLE METHODIST Sunday, November 11th, 9:30 A. M. Sunday School Classes for all ages. 10:45 A. M. Regular morning worship service. Any one having babies to be baptized at this ser- vice should contact Rev. Webster. A nursery is maintained during the morning worship service for children of pre-school age. Monday, November 12th, Official Board meets at the Parsonage at 7:30-P. M. Wednesday, November 14th, Reg- ular bi-monthly meeting of the Reynolds Bible Class. 8 P. M. The women of our Church are invited to attend the W. S. C. S. meeting at Shavertown. Field Worker, Mrs. W. B. Lamdrum, will speak. Friday, November 16th, 6:30 P. M. The Friendship. Class will serve supper at the Church for all canvassers and workers for the Annual Every Member Canvass of our Church. Every Canvasser and Worker should be present for this supper, which is to be followed by an instruction meeting, with the Rev. Edgar Singer of the Forty Fort Methodist Church as speaker. If you are willing to help with the canvass, will you please con- tact Chairman Clyde Birth or Rev. Webster immediately. Sunday, Nov. 18th, Annual Every Member Canvass. ST. PAUL’S CHURCH “Give To Us Peace In our Time, O Lord” is the sermon theme for this Armistice Day Sunday at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Shaver- town. The pastor of the Church, the Reverend Frederick W. Moock, Jr., will bring this message of peace to the congregation at the 11:00 A. M. Service. New members will also be re- ceived at this time. A nursery for small children is provided during the church service. Sunday School, 9:45 A. M. There is a class for you and your children. Luther League, 7:00 P. M. Please Any home—new or old—yes, YOUR HOME — can become a Light-Conditioned Home . a place where the sun never sets . . . a home where no dark shadows lurk . . . if you know the facts about Light-Con- : ditioning for your home. Experts have prepared a set of lighting recipes which ‘you may have FREE, to show you how simple it is for you to have such a home . the home of your dreams. Wouldnt You Like To Live In A House Where The Sun Never Sets? 1. DESK WORK is easier when the light is right. The recipe shown—one of several ways to light a desk — uses two wall lamps with 100-watt bulbs. =) SP 2. ONE GOOD WAY to get proper light for reading is shown in this recipe. The booklet shown at right con- tains recipes for other reading situations, too. LITT 3 LL uy | aL Te 22 Light-Conditioning recipes which show you how to get the best lighting for work, play, sewing, reading and cooking. FREE BOOKLET This Booklet has It’s yours for the asking. Luzerne County Gas And Electric Corp. News of the Churches note. The Luther League will not meet this evening. Instead, the en- tire League will meet with the other Leagues of the Valley to- morrow night at St. John’s Lu- theran Church at 7:30 P. M. Dorcas Society, Tuesday at 8:00 P. M. New officers for the coming year will be elected. Senior Choir, Luther League Choir, Wednesday at their regular hours. Brotherhood Bowlers, Friday at 9:00 P. M. at Forty Fort, Former Alderson Pastor Injured In Collision Friends of Rev. James Hilbert, a former pastor of Alderson Metho- dist Church, recently transferred from Chenango Forks to Green, N. Y., will be sorry to hear that he and Mrs, Hilbert figured in a ser- ious collision on Saturday. One of the other two passengers in the car, Rev. Horace Weavers, was cri- tically injured and died at the Sus- quehannan Hospital from injury and shock Sunday morning at 3. At the height of Saturday's storm, Rev. Hilbert’s car, enroute to Trenton, N. J., was struck by a truck four miles below New Mil- ford, with injury to all passengers. Rev. Hilbert sustained severe brifises and rib injuries. Mrs. Hil- bert, thrown against the wind- shield and then out of the car, was badly bruised and shaken, and has a head injury as well as cuts and abrasions. Rev. David Dawson, Lanesboro, the least injured, suffered from bruises and shock. Rev. Hilbert and his passengers were on their way to join the evangelistic campaign in Trenton. All three pastors had been sche- duled to speak in various churches during the week of Nov. 3 to 11. Meeker Meeker Methodist Church will serve a home style turkey supper with all the trimmings and home made pie. All you can eat. Serving starts at 5:30 p. m. Thursday eve- ning, November 15. Come and bring your friends. Mrs. Letitia M. Frear Buried At Sunnyside Mrs. Letitia Miller Frear, 72, died Sunday morning after a lingering illness, at her home in Eatonville. Funeral services were conducted Wednesday afternoon from the Eaton Road Baptist Church by Rev. Carl Brandon, assisted by Rev. E. W. Osmun, a former pastor. Burial was in Sunnyside Ceme- tery, with neighbors and friends of the family as pallbearers: Charles Adams, Lee Phillips, Stanley Bren- nan, Allen Giberson, Byron Miner, and Elmer Shaffer. A member of Centermoreland Methodist Church, Mrs. Frear at- tended the Baptist church in Eaton- ville with her husband, and brought up her children according to its tenets. Mrs. Frear was born in Center- moreland, ' daughter of the late Henry and Sarah Smith Miller. Be- fore marriage to S. Arthur Frear, who survives her, she taught school in Wyoming and Luzerne counties, Had she lived until April she would have celebrated her 47th. wedding anniversary. Upon marriage and establish- ment in the Frear family home= stead, now in the hands of her son Lee, she pioneered in the raising of turkeys, a bird seldom raised profitably in the earlier days, and was highly successful. Her son Lee, inheriting her way with poultry, operates a hatchery as well as doing general farming. Mrs. Frear has another son, Dr. Donald Frear, a research chemist at Pennsylvania State College. Her daughter Margaret teaches physi- cal education in Junior High School in Binghamton. There are two sisters, Mrs. Lorenzo Fitch, Kingston; and Miss Josephine Mil- ler, Luzerne, formerly of Dallas; a brother Gideon, Harveys Lake; four grandchildren, and several nieces and nephews. Evening Grosbeaks Seen George Dean, Shrine View, re- ports a pair of evening grosbeaks at his the earliest ones he has ever seen here. feeder on Monday, PAGE THREE Junior Choir Will Entertain Lehman PTA At Lake Silkworth Since the building program at Lehman-Jackson school is still in progress, the next general meeting of Lehman-Jackson P., T. A. will be held at Lake Silkworth Fire House on Monday evening, Novem- ber 12, at 8. Entertainment will be provided by the Junior Chorus under the direction of Mr. Gerrity. Members of the chorus are: Janice Anstett, Janice Bronson, Alice Mae Britt, Marie Bombick, Gladys Baird, Janice Bertram, Janet Cornell, Margo Davenport, Edna Moore, Carol Dodson, Mary Evarts, Claire Fullerton, Margaret Gardecki, Alice Gardecki, Esther Ide, Mary Ann Kupstas, Marie Kachmar, Bev- erly Major, Grace Major, Joyce Major, Janice Miniski, Betty Doran, Sylvia Nicholas, Shirley Park, Bon- nie Piper, Dorothy Price, Dorothy | Polisky, Barbara Radginski. Following the program refresh- ments will be served. The Publicity and Membership chairman wishes to announce that the membership drive will end on November 9. To date, total mem- bership is 607. holidays. ant and profitable. got any extra time on your hands? how about helping me in “a great store” and make extra money? “Helping Santa Claus” you who have extra time to spare during the Fowler, Dick and Walker has open- ings in various Gift Departments throughout the store where you will find the work pleas- If you're available, apply Fourth Floor Personnel Office. Fowler, Dick And Walker THE BOSTON STORE Wilkes-Barre, Penna. can be interesting for NE of the “Show Down” book. On display November 10th. Where others give you sell.".we give you PROOF! We believe our customers like to judge car values for themselves. The Dodge “Show Down’ Plan compares Dodge with other cars — allows you to see how you could pay hundreds of dollars more and still not get all Dodge gives you. Be sure to get your FREE copy a De DODG PHONE . Oxe of the grandest things about the new ’52 Dodge is this: could STILL pay hundreds of dol- lars more for a car and not get everything this great new Dodge gives you! For here in this new 52 beauty are all the comfort, style and con- venience features youll be looking for in your new car. The smart, modern inside © ing new fabrics — the all-around- you roominess that lets you relax and take things easy. ON DISPLAY AT LL. RICHARDSON In style, beauty, roominess, siding ease and dependability Yoti Naturally, youre invited to drive this new Dodge. For that’s the only way you can feel how, the Oriflow Ride really takes the bounce out of bumps—the only way. to appreciate what a smooth handling car it is. ‘dress”—the flatter- Your eyes will open wide, too, at the visibility you have — front, back and all around. That's why every mile you drive in a Dodge is safer, more pleasant. We'll be looking for you.: Come in. and see this new ’°52 Dodge. You're in for a happy surprise. 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