THE POST, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1951 PAGE NINE More than a Meal... its o FEAST Distributed By OLD TOLL GATE Feed Service You Can Get It Parker's Service Station Vv You Can Get It Miller's Auto Electric YY. You Can Get It Snyder's Garage V You Can Get It Pen Fern Oil Go. and WHAT IS IT? IT'S THAT SWELL NEW “Expect More, Get More” Beaumont By Mrs. William A. Austin Phone H. L. 3424 finally get underway Sunday with Bi-County Baseball Series will| Canton, Mr. and Mrs. Deater and daughters Eillen and Susan of Binghamton, Miss Dolores and Mr. East Dallas playing here. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Saxe of | Keiper of Niagara Falls, Says DANIEL F. HOWARD, JR. of New York City. “The Blindfold Test convinced me! The new Dodge Oriflow Ride really levels out the worst kind of bumps and ruts,’ continues Mr. Howard. “No ride has ever been so smooth.” Come in! Try it! FEEL HOW NEW ORIFLOW RIDE MAKES ROUGHEST ROADS BOULEVARD-SMOOTH! Here's something new and won- derful in riding smoothness you wotice from the very start! Blindfolded you ride over a bumpy road. Youre told the ruts are there — but you don’t feel them! Gone is the pitch, bounce and jar you experience in other cars as the new Dodge Oriflow Ride levels out the rough spots. And with The big, dependable DODGE Drive it 5 minutes...and you'll drive it for years ! blindfold off you'll be amazed you traveled over such bumps and chuckholes. Words alone can’t tell it alll That's why we invite you to take this daring “Blindfold Test” today. You could pay up to $1,000 more for a car and still not get all the extra roominess, ease of handling, famous Dodge dependability! Specifications and equipment subject to change without notice L. L. RICHARDSON 50 Lake Street, Dallas, Pa. WRADEMARK **CALSO"" REG. U. 8. PAT. OFF. Parker’s Service Station Body and Fender Repairs Auto Refinishing Official Auto Inspection : AAA Member—Towing Service Open 7:30 a. m. to 11:00 p. m. MAIN HGWY, SHAVERTOWN PHONE 111-R-0 Miller's Auto Electric Specialists In Ignition Carburetion and Motor Tune-up Official Auto inspec’ ion AAA Member EAST DALLAS PHONE 394-R-7 Snyder's Garage Specialized Lubrication ORANGE PHONE 58-R-11 PeniFern Oil Co. Complete Axitomotive Service Fern prook Corners PHONE DALLAS 79 7 sans #6 > ray Pots The FINEST BEER Weve Brewed in HARVEYS Alderson Pole 126 94 Years! SpE Its growing popularity is based on better taste... TRY IT AND SEE FOR YOURSELF! The big boom is on! Stegmaier’s sales are going up and UP—and UP! Why? Because BETTER TASTE is causing thousands to switch to Stegmaier’s Gold Medal Beer. And no wonder! It’s the finest beer ever to carry the famous Stegmaier label —the best we've brewed and bottled in 94 years. Just one glass —and you, too, will switch to Stegmaier’s . . . so light, so clear, so refreshing! STEGMAIER BREWING CO., WILKES-BARRE, PENNA, | Stegmaiers ‘GOLD MEDAL BEER Distributed in this Area by LAKE BOTTLING WORKS Phone HL-3092 Russell | and Mrs. Samuel Mansfield of Nox- en were recent callers of the Earl Johnsons. We are happy to add that Mrs. Johnson continues to improve since her trip to the Gen- eral Hospital. The school cafeteria is in opera- tion now with a variety of lunches aiming to suit everyone's tastes. Please cooperate by sending the money with Friday’s order for the next week, for then the bookkeep- ing will be simplified. Did you know the school en- rollment proved to be the same as last year’s? Soon. the local drive for Salva- tion Army funds will be opened with the local committee sending letters to you. What happens to the money? Local school children are supplied with vitamin pills, some less fortunates are given a token of remembrance when the going gets tough, and local “Shut- Ins” are remembered at Christmas. | The fellows from Korea can vouch for some of it too. I am sure you want to help when so little will do so much to show others some-one cares! It was with tear dimmed eyes, neighbors waving, flags flying, and grateful hearts we welcomed Bud Bachman home from Korea Fri- day. Baseball fellows know Bud as Arch’s protege’, who played pro- fessional ball. Three weeks ago Bud was on patrol duty, but under 1949 Dodge $1350 2 Door Sedan—Fully Equipped 2 Down—18 Months To Pay OLIVER'S Used Car Location Junc. Dallas, Tunkhannock Hgwy. Phone 171R0 Dallas, Pa. PURCELL OIL SERVICE FUEL OIL Dallas 9001-R-16 ' BONNER’ Banner Bargains! Banner Selections! in “OK” USED CARS! 1950 CHEVROLET ___ Town Sedan id ET $1145 er .o.31295 1949 FORD _ Town Sedan 1948 CHEVROLET Town Sedan 1947 PLYMOUTH Town Sedan.......... EASY G. M. A. C. TERMS As Long As 18 Months to Pay BONNER CHEVROLET COMPANY * USED CAR LOT 666 Wyoming Ave. 1941 Plymouth $445 Special Deluxe 2 Door Sedan Radio and Heater 12 Down—18 Months To Pay OLIVER'S Used Car Location Junc. Dallas, Tunkhannock Hgwy. Phone 171R0 Dallas, Pa. Beauliful Buys in “OK” USED CARS AND TRUCKS At City Chevrolet Go. 8275 $325 $1225 $1345 $1425 $1595 $1795 $1795 1940 BUICK 4 Door Sedan 1941 CHEVROLET 2 Door Sedan 1949 CHEVROLET 4 Door Sedan 1949 CHEVROLET 2 Door Sedan 1950 CHEVROLET 2 Door Sedan 1950 CHEVROLET 4 Door Sedan 1950 CHEVROLET Power Glide Cab. 1950 CHEVROLET Power Gl. BelAir TRUCKS wn a 9208 ue me $345 whe Sa2 EASY GMAC TERMS MANY OTHERS City Chevrolet Co. the rotation plan he has served his time and was flown to the States. He claims that fighting the Korean winter was worse than fighting the Chinks and that the for a visit recently. Herbert Goodwin is ill at his home, The John Smiths of Philadelphia were with Mrs. Smith’s parents, the C. W. Smiths, for last week-end. “going” has been mighty tough since the “phoney” peace talks started. Beverly Crispell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Crispell, has enrolled at Roberts Wesleyan Col- lege, Chili, N. Y. The L. B. Hilberts had the Swartwood youngsters of Hatfield 1949 Hudson $1495 2 Down—18 Months To Pay Super 6—Fully Equipped OLIVER’S Used Car Location dune. Dallas, Tunkhannock Hgwy. Phone 17830 Dallas, Pa. 1950 Dodge 2-dr, 1948 Chev. Club Cpe. 1% Down . . . YOU WILL FIND THE BEST Used Car Values At L. I. RICHARDSON'’S USED CAR LOT Your Back Mt. Dodge-Plymouth Dealer 1948 Hudson 4-dr. 1948 Chev. Conv. Cpe. 1947 Dodge 4-dr. 1939 Ford 2-dr. 18 Months On Balance 1947 FORD '/> TON PICK-UP A-1 Cond TRUCK PAYMENTS UP TO 24 MONTHS Phone 420 Main Highway Phone 551-R-13 Ask for Phone W-B 2-2144 If You ‘Want To Buy Or Sell New or Used CARS or TRUCKS Lad Ray At Motor Twins Dallas 151-R-7 Market St., Gates to Thomas Streets Kingston Phone 7-1171 690 HAZLE ST., NEWTOWN PHONE 83-6736 : As Yr. Make, Model | Low As y NASH Clb. Cy 46 __ Equipped Pe $50F $595 FORD Clb. Cpe. __ 7% Fully Equipped SAR CHEVY.F.Mstr. @=4§ 4-Door Equipped DODGE Coach @== Radio, Heater HUDSON Sedan Fully Equipped FORD Coach $785 — ' Heater omy $798 BT hoc, emer $195 AT LL feppes $845 $245 $855 ’4 "46 "46 41 "47 a 41 "48 4 ~ $695 $715 $715 CROSLEY 2.-Dr. @® AR i Fwy Equipped NASH a- Dr. Fully Equipped 5 FOR 48 ong a $865 5 CH 48 AD $8715 PLYM’TH 4-Dr. —— Radio, Heater = WOJW NASH Cb. Cp. @ MOE $895 __*% Radio, Heater $ 1025 49 CHEVY cong rOTE Heater ater Only 'A8 "49 "49 FOR THE RIGHT ANSWER To Your Transportation Problems See MOTOR TWINS ‘NOBODY BUT NOBODY’ UNDERSELLS US! When it comes to BARGAINS we’re right at the head of the class, Yr. Make, Model y FORD—Custom 49 4-Door Equipped PLY. Coach NN Fuy Equipped CHEVY 4. Dr. '49 49 on '49 19 49 ’50 ’50 ’50 '50 '50 ’50 Radio, | Heater FORD Convt. Cl. Cpe., Eqpd. DODGE cI. cp. Fully E Equipped BUICK Sec Sed'tte DOE Fully Equipped © 1 999 CHEVY Coach eh 8 A Heater Only FORD Cin. cp. Fully Equipped PLY. 4-Dr, Fully Equipped FORD Custom @» 4 4-Door Equipped FORD Convt. Fully Equipped BUICK 4-Dr, —— = _Dynafilo, full eq. VD IUIN ’ MERCURY cus. @ {LOE 50 4-dr. fully eqd. VEU OLDS 66 Convt. ( § =e —_ CLCp.Eqppa. WH B&W PONTIAC 4dr. QiTAE 50 50 ro Hydramatic eq. 3 FORD Coach _ @ IDOE 49 49 Je ony, $1095 | 751 Toowe $1785 HON ais "49 ru; cquonea $1145 | 'B1 [O70 gig As Low As $1165 $1195 $1245 $1295 $1345 $1395 $1395 $1395 $1595 $1595 $1695 $1695 $1695 $1725 $1745 NOTE Balance. We will pay off the balance on your car. trade-in allowance. Plus 18 Long Months to Pay Give you top Remember—OQur Guarantee Is Good for 1 Year In Wilkes-Barre i¥’s 240 South Main St. LOTS TWO BIG €Z2> PLACES Our Only TWO BIG PHONE BOTH 1.0TS OPEN NITES 2-2144 AND SUNDAYS in Kingston it’s Rutter Ave. Corner Market St. PHONE