dr; baby girl, August 17. ‘Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Frank Phelps, Mr. PAGE FOUR up POST, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1951 NN ES omond Notes ad News Of 3 Loo Church Doings Purely Personal Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Richards and daughter Suzanne, Cranford, N. J. have just returned home after a two weeks’ visit to Mrs. Richards’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Addison Woolbert, Trucksville. Mr. and Mrs. Addison Woolbert, have left their home in Trucks- ville for a new location in Nichol- son. Woolbert is with the Purina Feeds Company, and has had an expanded territory given him. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Belles, Elm Terrace, Trucksville, had as Sun- day guests Mr. and Mrs, Floyd Montross of Noxen, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Belles and son of New Jersey, Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Belles and daughter and son of Forty Fort, William Belles of Trucksville, Mr, and Mrs. Lincoln Hoover and Jackie, Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Had- sall and Louise and Joan. Mrs. Frank D. Kurfess and dau- ghters, Ethel, Karla and Gwynedd have returned to’ their home at Monongahela, Pa., after spending the summer with grandma, Mrs. Ethel M. Olver of Mt. Greenwood. Mr. and Mrs. Andre Thevenon and Marie and Mrs, Marie Buchet of Center Hill road spent the Labor Day weekend at Pawtucket, R. IL Mr. and Mrs. Allan Biggs and son, Allan have returned to Oil City after visiting Mrs. Biggs’ mother, Mrs. John Hopple, and family of Davenport Street and Mr. Bigg's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Biggs of Shavertown. ‘William Cairl Sr. who has been critically ill is slowly improving at his home on Woodlawn drive. Mrs. Jack Gildea and son, Jackie of Plains spent last week with' the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gregory of Mill street. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tredinnick of Harveys Lake entertained over the holiday weekend the latter’s brother and daughter, Charles Tot- ten and Ann of Kingston. Mrs. Frances Sutliff of Wilkes- Barre spent the holiday weekend with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Lee Smith of Mill Street. Mr. and Mrs, Charles R. Flana- gan and son, Donald of Church street spent the Labor Day week with their daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Barrett Cox of Detroit. Mrs. Cox, the former Pa- tricia Flanagan gave birth to a This is the Flanagan’s first grandchild. Miss Joan Benson of Trenton, N. J., spent the Labor Day week with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. James Morris of Harveys Lake. Mrs. Martt Harding and children of Herndon, Va., spent the holiday ~ weekend with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, T. M. B. Hicks, Pion- . eer avenue. Cpl. Paul Sedler of Camp Kilmer, Mr. and Mrs. William Dorn and Cathy and Billy of Dunellin, N. J, Mrs. Gaston Lamieux and Miss Therese Kuehn of New York City were holiday weekend guests of Stephen Sedler of Mill street. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Werner, Pi- oneer avenue, had as holiday week end guests the former’s sisters and husbands, Mr. and Mrs. John Todd and Mr. and Mrs. George Jennings of Toledo, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Morton Connelly spent last weekend in Philadelphia where Mr. Connelly visited all of his boyhood haunts. They also vi- sited DuPont’s Longwood Gardens. The following were recent visi- tors at the home of Myrtle Mar- tin: Mrs. Anna Brown, Mrs. Harry Eveland, Mrs. May LaBarr, Mrs. Fred Amacher of Lemon; Mr. and and Mrs. Ray Stem and Howard Neely of Dover, N. J. Mrs. Leona Brace, Mrs. Hope Smith, Myrtle Martin and Hazel Derby attended the funeral of John C. Neely at Clarks Summit last Monday. Cards have been received from the Robert Scotts, Mt. Greenwood road from Medford, Oregon, saying that they had covered 8,000 miles to date and were leaving that day for Crater Lake. Mr. and Mrs. James Trebilcox, Main road, Trucksville, drove their son, Harry to Rochester, N. Y., this week where he enters his sopho- more year at Eastman School of Music. Florence Blackmore spent the weekend visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Cairl of Wood- lawn drive. Mr. Cairl who has been critically ill is able to take short walks now. Fred Shouldice and daughter, Melvina of Jackson Township, spent several days last week vacationing in Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Alling of Wy- oming, Grace Ferry, E. L. Truitt of Philadelphia and Mrs, Francis Lewis of Lehman have returned to their homes after spending two weeks’ vacation in Hollywood and Miami, Fla. They were overnight guests of the former’s son and dau- ghter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ken- -neth Alling of Westminster, Md., enroute down and back. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Haymaker, Newark, spent last Sunday with " Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Culp. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Linger have returned to their home at Hanover, N. H., after spending sev- eral days the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Francis Lewis of Lehman. While here the Lingers visited classmates in Philadelphia and Mr. Linger acted as best man in Jenkin- town for his former room-mate at Dartmouth. Petty Officer Second Class Wil- liam Hanna and son, David William have returned to their Naval Base at Natches, Miss., after spending a month with Mr. Hanna's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Hanna of Summit street, Shavertown. Mrs. Ziba Howell, E. Center street, Shavertown, spent several days last week visiting her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Boston of Nicholson. Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Davis, Pi- oneer Avenue, have returned from a three weeks stay in Florida. They report that though mosquitoes have been the worst for many years, and the weather hotter than usual, they loved Florida. Mrs, George Howe, Shaver ave- nue, Shavertown, entered the Graduate Hospital in Philadelphia on Sunday. Andrew Landmesser, Allentown, spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Mary V. Landmesser, Pikes Creek. Mrs. Daisy Prynn of Carverton and grandson, Jerry Long have returned after visiting relatives in Rochester, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Lutsey, Summit street, Shavertown, spent several days recently in Peru, Ind., visiting old friends. George Hinkle of Lincoln drive, Shavertown has left for Watertown, N. Y., where he is visiting his son, Arlo. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Elston and Jay and Nancy Lou of Kunkle spent a few days last week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Carlin at Snowshoe, Pa: Mrs. Machell Hildebrant of Beth- lehem called on Back Mountain friends over the holiday weekend. Frank Pavlick of Pinecrest ave- nue has started his freshman year at Millersville State Teachers’ Col- lege and Joe LeGrand, Baldwin street, his junior. Carol Wagner, Huntsville, and John Milus have resumed their studies at Mansfield State Teachers’ College. Carol is a Sophomore and Johnnie a Senior. Darrel - Harding of Centermore- land and Warren Chamberlain of Goss Manor will study at University of Miami this winter. Buz attend- ed summer school there. William Waters of Huntsville road will resume his studies at Penn State College shortly. Robert Oney of Fernbrook and Russell Hons of Shavertown are enrolled at Bloomsburg State Teachers’ College. Priscilla Cooper, Pioneer avenue, is studying art at the Philadelphia Museum Art School. Richard Harris, Woodlawn street, has returned to his studies at Temple University. Clinton Brobst of Dallas and Jack Youngblood of Shavertown have returned to East Stroudsburg State Teachers’ College for the school year. : Jack Pesavento, Davis street, Trucksville, is attending Eastern Military Academy at Long Island. Enrolled at Wilkes College are: David Kunkle, George Trimble, Dale Warmouth, Walter Elston, David Whitney, Bill Hart, Charlotte Gregory, and Elizabeth McQuilkin. Kings College students include: Tom McGarry, Ned McGarry, Joe Tondora and Jack Comer, LaRue Swazzey Jr. is a patient at General Hospital. HARRY — | GO TO MY DOCTOR BECAUSE | HAVE ABSOLUTE FAITH IN HIM . + TAKE HIS PRE SCRIPTION TO, EARLS BECAUSE § HAVE ABSOLUTE Phillip’s M. of M. 39¢ 65¢ Alka-Seltzer Sec 54c Bayer’s Aspirin 59c¢ Former Harveys Lake Resident To Marry Frederick Shouldice 2nd Miss Kathryn Malta, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Malta of 11 Timpson street, Ashley, former Harveys Lake residents will become the bride of Frederick Shouldice 2nd, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Shouldice of Jackson Township Saturday, September 15. Rev. Her- bert W. Sugden will perform the ceremony in Westminster Presby- terian Church, Hanover street, Wilkes-Barre. The bride, given in marriage by her father, will wear floor length white satin gown styled with off the shoulder neckline, tight bodice and full skirt, and long tight sleeves pointed at wrists. Chantilly lace is effectively used in the peek-a- boo skirt. Her full length veil of illusion falls from half hat of satin and she will carry a shower bou- quet of white roses and pompons. Miss June Ann Duffy of Ashley will act as maid of honor. She has selected full length gown of ice blue satin made with tight bodice, full skirt and short jacket. She will wear matching hat and mitts and carry a bouquet of mix- ed flowers. Bridesmaids will be Miss Char- lotte Wilcox, former Harveys Lake resident, Mrs, James Perkins of Hunlock Creek and Mrs. Earl Hart- man of Trucksville, sisters of the bridegroom. All will wear floor length yellow taffeta gowns made with net yokes, tight bodices and full skirts. Their flowers will be of variegated colors. Flower girls will be Colleen Per- kins, niece of the bridegroom, and Judy Heckman and Marian Swart- wood, cousins of the bride. They will wear yellow and blue frocks, ribbons in their hair and carry baskets of rose petals. Mrs. Malta has chosen blue street length dress with pink accessories and Mrs. Shouldice, mother of the bridegroom gray, with blue acces- sories. Both will wear shoulder bouquets of pink roses. Best man will be Walter Shoul- dice, brother of the bridegroom, and ushers, Ziba Smith of Jack- son, cousin of the bridegroom, Jack Griffith of Askam, cousin of the bride, and Earl Hartman, brother- in-law of the bridegroom. Billy Heckman, cousin of the bride, will be ring bearer. Following the ceremony, a re- ception for about two hundred guests will be held at the home of the bride. Miss Malta is a graduate of Lake Township High School. Mr. Shoul- dilce was graduated from Lehman High School. He is engaged in farming at Jackson where the couple will live. Recently Mrs. Malta entertained at a variety shower honoring her daughter and Miss Duffy at a per- sonal shower. Bill Hoffman, Lake road, left yesterday to enter Cornell Univer- sity in the freshman class. He was graduated from Perkiomen in June. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph MacVeigh have returned to their home on Center Hill road after spending sometime visiting relatives at Prin- cess Ann, Md. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Earl, formerly of Carverton, now of Washington, D. C., spent Labor Day weekend with Mrs, Earl's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Hontz, Shavertown. Mr. and Mrs. J. Stanley Rine- himer, Lehman road, are spending several days in Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Booth who have been in Turkey for the past few years expect to return to the states in March. Mrs. Captain Booth will spend the winter in Hotel Sterling. HIMMLER THEATRE Dallas, Pa. FRIDAY and SATURDAY “Show Boat” in technicolor with Kathryn Grayson and Howard Keel Also News MONDAY and TUESDAY “Never a Dull Moment” with Irene Dunn and Fred MacMurray WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY “Al Jennings of Oklahoma” in technicolor with Dan Duryea and Gale Storm Also Three Stooges Comedy > Stan-Lile DRIVE-IN ROUTE 309 TUNKHANNOCK, PA. FRIDAY and SATURDAY “Frenchie” (Technicolor) with Joel McCrea and Shelly Winters Also News, Novelty and Cartoon SUNDAY and MONDAY “Rogues of Sherwood Forest” (Technicolor) with John Derek and Diana Lynn Plus Comedy and Cartoon TUSEDAY ONLY DOUBLE FEATURE “Werewolf of London” ’ with Henry Hull “Phantom of Paris” with Maria Montez WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY “Kill The Umpire” with William Bendix and Rosemary De Camp Added Cartoon and Novelty (Adults, 60c; Children 12 to 16, 25¢c; Children under 12. padnis ted free): Mrs. Andrew Kozemchak Entertains At Supper Mrs. Andrew Kozemchak, Over- brook road, entertained a number of guests at an outdoor ‘supper re- cently. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wood, Wilkes-Barre; Mrs. Mary Petrelak, Mrs. Anna Sisko, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Sisko, Barbara, Steven, Peter and Dorothy, Askam; Miss Dorothy Stash, Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Major, Mrs. Rose Kozem-' chak, Dallas; Sgt. Peter Sisko, Fort Riley, Kansas; Evan Kozemchak and the hostess. / Mrs. Ray Shiber, Center Hill road, is serving as assistant treas- urer and contingent treasurer of Shavertown Branch Nesbitt Hos- pital Auxiliary. SHAVER THEATRE SHAVERTOWN FRIDAY and SATURDAY “Father’s Little Dividend” Spencer Tracy, Elizabeth Taylor Cartoon and News MONDAY and TUESDAY “The Great Missouri Raid” technicolor MacDonald Cavey Wendell Corey Cartoon and Short / WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY “The Big Carnival” (Formerly Ace in the Hole) Kirk Douglas, Jan Sterling Cartoon SANDY BEACH DRIVE-IN THEATRE FRIDAY and SATURDAY Hellfire” in Trucolor William Elliott= Marie Wendsor, Forest Tucker Some men live by making rules—Some women live by breaking them. Cartoon and News SUNDAY and MONDAY “Rogues of Sherwood Forest” in technicolor John Derek, Deana Lynn The Son of Robin Hood meets out Justice with the aid of the Rogues of Sherwood Forest. . Cartoon and News TUESDAY ONLY “House by the River” Louis Hayward Lee Bowman, Jane Wyatt Enticing blonde beauty lures a lover's straying eyes. Also Cartoon WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY “Johnny One-Eye” Pat O’Brien, Wayne Morris All the heartbeats of a great city. A Damon Runyon story Also Cartoon Children under 12 admitted free 2 shows nightly starting at dusk. George Casterlines Are Surprised At Reunion Mr. and Mrs, George Casterline of Harveys Lake were guests of honor at a surprise party given Sunday by their nine children and families at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Casterline, Idetown. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Sher- wood McKenna, Dick and Joan Mc- Kenna, of Washington, D. C.; Mr. and Mrs. Claude Lapp and Claude Jdr., Ann, Katherine, Johnny, Tom- my and Teresa of Bethesda,” Md.; Mr. and Mrs. Albert London and Janice and Judy’ of Rahway, N. J; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Chesko and children, Buddy, Jimmy and Kath- erine of Binghamton, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Emil Skusa and son, Rich- ard, Mr, and Mrs. William Schoch and Katherine, Mr. and Mrs. Char- les Stober and Sylvia Wagner of Reading; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Malkemes and Barbara, Carol, Bud- dy, Chucky, Jimmy of Shavertown; Mr. and Mrs. George Casterline, Mr. and Mrs. William Casterline and William Jr., Jeanne, Mr. and Mrs. James Casterline and Jake, Nancy, Doris and Bobby, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Casterline and George 2nd and Mary Lou, Thomas Col- burn, Mrs. James Morton, Mrs. Wil- lard Crispell, Thomas Colburn and son, Tommy. Miss Charlotte Hoyt Is Bride Of John Engler Jr. Miss Charlotte Hoyt, daughter of Mrs. Alice Gordon Hoyt of Main road, Trucksville, became the bride of John Engler, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. John Engler Sr., of Carverton road, Trucksville, Saturday, Sep- tember 8. Rev. Robert Webster performed the double ring ceremony in the Little White Church on the Hill, Trucksville. Mr. Blackman played the wedding march. = Attendants were Gordon, aunt of the Donald Case. The bride, given in marriage by her uncle, James Gordon, wore navy blue suit with matching ac- cessories and shoulder bouquet of white roses. Mrs. Gordon chose navy blue street length dress with matching accessories. Following the ceremony a recep- Mrs, James bride, and tion was held at the home of the bridegroom. Mrs. Engler attended Kingston Township High School. Mr. Engler was graduated from Kingston Township High School and is em- ployed at Natona Mills. The couple resides on Carverton Miss Irene Theresa Stofila, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Stofila, Poplar street, Fernbrook, will be- come the bride of Thomas’ Francis Krivak, son of Mrs, Anna Krivak of Plains in St. Therese’s Church, Shavertown, Saturday, September 15 at ten o'clock. Father J. J. O'Leary will perform the nuptial mass and double ring ceremony. Attendants will be Miss Eliza- beth Stofila, sister of the bride, of Fernbrook, and Michael Krivak, brother of the bridegroom of York, Pa. The bride will wear ballerino length dress of white chantilly lace fashioned with tight bodice, very full skirt, elbow length sleeves and V neckline with small stand up collar. Her cocktail length veil will fall from a satin juliet cap edged with seed pearls -and she will carry a prayer book and rosary, gift of the bridegroom, marked with white pompons. Miss Stofila has selected cham- pagne colored ballerino length dress of brocaded satin, made with tight bodice, full skirt, short sleeves and round neckline trim- med with seed pearls and rhine- stones. She will wear flowers in her hair and carry a spray bouquet of wvari-colored pompons. Mrs. Stofila: has chosen avy Thomas-Hill Wedding Scheduled for Sept. 29 Miss Nancy Hill, daughter of Mrs. Lucy Roche Hill of Pioneer avenue will marry Warren Tho- mas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas of Swoyerville September 29 at 3 p. m. Rev. Robert: D. Yost will perform the double ring ceremony. Attendants will be Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lewis, cousins of the bride, of - Shavertown. Following the ceremony, a re- ception will be held at the home of the bride and the couple will leave for a month’s stay in California. Miss Hill is a graduate of King- ston Township High School and is employed in Woolworth’s Store, Wilkes-Barre, Mr. Thomas was graduated from Swoyerville High School and served during World War II in the Pacific War Area. He is employesl by Shulman Painting Contractors in Edwardsville. R. J. Miss Irene T. Stofilo To Marry Thomas Francis Krivak Tomorrow a street length dress with navy ac- cessories and shoulder bouquet of orchids. Mrs. Krivak will also wear navy and orchids. Following the ceremony, a re- ception will be held at the home of the bride and the couple will leave for Canada. Miss Stofila is a graduate of Dal- las Township High School and Col- lege Misericordia. She is registered Medical Technician having interned at Wilkes-Barre General Hospital. She is currently employed in the Research Laboratories of Merck Chemical Co., Rahway, N. J. Mr. Krivak is a graduate of Sacred Heart High School, Plains and Wilkes-Barre Business College. During World War II he served in the Pacific Theatre with the U. S. Army as chemical engineer. He is currently employed by the U. S. Government in the U. S. Navy Department, Washington, D.C. He was previously employed in the office of James R. Oliver, Dallas. The couple will reside in Wash- ington. Ted Hinkles Are Hosts Mr. and Mrs, Theodore Hinkle, Lincoln drive, Shavertown, had as recent guests, Dr. and Mrs. Leslie J. Boone and Carol Faye of Wash- ington, Pa. While they were here the Hinkles entertained some of Mrs. Boone’s former classmates and colleagues as teacher at Kings- ton High School. Mrs. Boone is the former Bronwin Reese. Present at the party were: Mrs, Phoebe Lewis Leboe, Miss Leona Marley, Miss Margaret Faye, Miss Mildred Griffith, Mrs. Margaret Bennett, Mrs. Catherine Griffith Nichols, the guest of honor and the hostess. Triple Celebration Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Shallan- berger Jr. of Dunellen, N. J., an- nounce the birth of a daughter, Deborah Lee at Muhlenburg Hos- pital, N, Plainfield, September 8 on the very day that the Shallan- bergers were celebrating their wedding anniversary and Mr. Shallanberger his birthday. They have two other daughters, Linda and Pamela Jean. ~ Mrs. Shallanberger is the former Doris Ide of Idetown. SHOP Pometoy’s F IRST It's easy to get to! DALLAS OUTDOOR THEATRE Children Under 12—Free : FRIDAY “Jolson Sings Again” (Technicolor) with Larry Parks and Barbara Hale Plus Cartoon SATURDAY “When The Daltons Rode” Randolph Scott, Kay Francis Broderick Crawford “They're wanted dead or alive” CARTOON and NEWS SUNDAY and MONDAY “Frenchie” technicolor Joel McCrea, Shelley Winters Paul Kelly CARTOON and NEWS TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY “Mystery Submarine” MacDonald Carey, Marta Toren Robert Douglas “Undersea terror strikes” i CARTOON and NEWS THURSDAY “Meet The Killer” Bud Abbott, Lou Costello Boris Karloff “The king of killers is out to get those killer-dillers!” CARTOON and NEWS Dollar Look” \ . . in a typical Short Coats 18 Long Coats Handsome, rich-looking fabrics, magnifi- cently tailored to give them that “Fifty- Artley se- lection of materials and color-tones. 93 $21 99 ATR L DRESS e, adhe r= - 100 MAIN STREET, LUZERNE SMARTLY, BUY. = : Go-everywhere Suits, with . the Two shows starting at dusk Suits Lined and Unlined 5-Pc. Ensembles 1 82 3 Skirts, Jacket and £8 ® = © . =X Reversible Weskit expensively tailored appearance that makes you right at home in any company. Hurry while stocks are complete—and use our Lay-Away Plan, i i BIE ol Ww.