The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, June 01, 1951, Image 6

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Noxen Eighth Grade
= 1
Manages Stamp Drive
First and second graders in Mrs.
Eva Rundell’s room at Noxen school
won first place in the savings
stamp drive inaugurated and car-
ried out during the year by the
eighth grade. They bought $176.40
worth of ten cent stamps, $35.75
of 25 cent stamps, a total of
Total collections reached
Tally by home rooms shows Mrs.
Letha Byrne's third ‘grade leading
in purchase of bonds with nine,
Mobil Gas Station
Luzerne-Dallas Highway
PHONE 9067-R-7
bonds $150.40; Mrs. May Van Cam-
pen’s, 4th and 5th, eight bonds,
total $171.65; Mrs. Marjorie Hughes,
6th, three bonds, receipts $118.30;
Mrs. Violet Ruff, 7th and 9th, one
bond, $25; Jessica Thomas, 8th and
10th, two bonds, $83.90; Mrs.
Martha Smith, 11th and 12th, six
bonds, $42.75. :
The collection was a project of
the mathematics class under the
instruction of Mrs. Martha Smith,
who suggested it as designed to
furnish practical application of the
subject. Eighth grade students,
with Eunice Traver as cashier, of-
fered incentives for competition
among the grades, awarded the
weekly banner handled collections,
and kept all records, with a dis-
crepancy of only 54 cents at the
end of the year.
Mrs. Rundell’s class was given a
party as award, with these prize
winners: Percy MacMillan, peanut
scramble; Nick Benjamin, 25-yard
dash and ball thorwing; Eileen
Cummings, 25-yard dash and ball
throwing for girls; Joy Blizzard,
balloon burst; Betty Kowvalick, bal-
loon blowing race.
Members of the Fire Company
Auxiliary wish to thank all those
who took part in the Memorial Day
parade and celebration, also those
who loaned cars and entered floats.
They hope they can have a larger
affair another year.
The new fire engine was pur-
chased September 1950 and has
been used many times. Firemen
urge folks to have chimneys check-
ed often and to be careful about
overheated stoves, as fires are
Mrs. John Dimmock visited her
daughter at Meshoppen last week-
Warren Johnson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Johnson, has been given
the Star Route by the Harveys
Lake Postoffice.
Francis Thompson has been
named fire chief and Kenneth
Cuddy reelected president of the
Fire Company.
The Fire Company has pur-
chased the property occupied by
Noxen bank from Earl Crispell.
Remodelling will start shortly.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pearn
called on Mr. and Mrs. Earl Beahm
on Memorial Day and attended
the funeral of Mrs. David Edwards.
Mr. and Mrs. John Garringer had
as Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Steele, Joan and Alison
Steele, Mr. and Mrs. George Gar-
ringer and sons Tommy, Mark,
Paul, Ronald Garringer all of John-
son City, N. Y., Mrs. Mae New-
berry and Beatrice Newberry of
Fernbrook. po
Mrs, Maude Marcy LaCasse of
Milwaukee, Wis., Mr. and Mrs, Will
Thomas of Luzerne, Mr. and Mrs.
R. B. Knapp, Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Parrish and son Billie, Mrs. Bea-
trice Maloney all of Kingston were
callers on Sunday at the home of
Mrs, Della Parrish.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Malkemes
and family Barbara, Carl, Raymond
Jr., Charles and David of Shaver-
town spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. William Casterline, !
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Davis of
Rochester, N. Y., spent sometime
with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Spencer.
Mrs. Lila Felt of Washington,
D. C.,, is spending this‘week with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley
Mrs. Boyd Meade of DeMunds
spent Thursday with Mrs. Ernest
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. MacDonald
of Mt. Vernon, N. Y. spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Carlton
Mr. and Mrs. William John Jen-
nings announce birth of a son,
William John Jr., on Thursday,
May 24 at the General Hospital.
They also have two daughters.
W.S.C.S. of Meeker Methodist
Y, JUNE 1, 1951
Church was entertained at a
covered dish supper at the home
of Mrs. Grover Anderson last Wed-
nesday evening when Mrs. Morion
Connelly was chosen president and
Mrs. William Drabick, vice presi-
dent. Other officers: Promotion
secretary, Mrs. James Davenport,
Recording Secretary, Mrs. Lloyd
Rogers and Treasurer, Mrs. John
| Rebennack.
These committees were ap-
pointed: Spiritual Life, Miss Letha
Wolfe, Missionary Secretary, Mrs.
Chester Lamoreaux, Supply Work,
Mrs, Bruce Varner, Youth Work,
Mrs. Gordon James, Literature and
Publications, Mrs. Lloyd Rogers,
Children’s Work, Mrs. Bruce Var-
ner, Fellowship, Mrs. John Hilde-
brant, Membership, Mrs. Minnie
Hoover, Christian Social Relations,
Local Church Activities, Printing
and Publicity, Mrs. Morton Con-
Present at the supper were:
and Mrs. Grover Anderson
Grover, Gary and Bruce, Mr.
Mrs. W. H. Post and Lois, Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Payne and Gail and
Sandra, Mrs. Grover W. Anderson,
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wolfe and
Janice and Irene, Mr. and Mrs.
James Davenport and Margo, Mr.
and Mrs. William Drabick, Mrs.
James Huston, Mrs. Lloyd Rogers,
Mr. and Mrs. Morton Connelly, Mrs.
Arthur Hoover and Dale, Jerry
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Dallas, Pa.
Shilanski, Mr. and Mrs. Chester
Lamoreaux and Carol Ann, Mr.
and Mrs. John Hildebrant, Mrs, He-
lene Van Buskirk, Mrs. Elmira
Wolfe, Mrs. Addie Kyttle, Miss Le-
tha Wolfe, Edna L. W. Karschner,
Mrs. Helen J. Miers and Mrs.
George Weintz.
The high school team won its
first game in District 12 P.LLA.A.
play-offs when it took Tunkhan-
nock High on Factoryville’s dia-
mond by a 4-2 score.
Check your dates for Commence-
ment Activities—Thursday, May 31,
Class night; Saturday, June 2,
Alumni Banquet; Sunday, June 3,
Baccalaureate Services; Monday,
June 4 Commencement, and Tues-
day, June 5, picnics and Hast day!
Floyd Dymond damaged his car
enroute from Harveys Lake to
Beaumont when he connected with
Sordoni’s fence at Sterling Farms.
Jeanette Traver and Nancy
Gunton are home for the summer
vacation after completing their
Freshman year at Bloomsburg State
Teachers’ College.
Mrs, John Smith of Binghamton
is caring for her mother, Mrs. Char-
les W. Smith, who has returned
from the General Hospital feeling
much improved.
The Herbert Denningtons of
Ilion, .N. Y., spent last weekend
with the William Arch Austins.
The Shavertown Nine bowed to
the Town Team in a ten inning
game with a 5-4 score. At the
beginning of the game a bench
was accidently dropped causing W.
Arch Austin to have a compound
fracture toe.
Mrs. Frances Cook is home from
the hospital where she had a series
of diagnostic tests.
The Kunkle Silver Leaf Club
will be guests of the Lend-A-Hand
Club Thursday, June 14, at the
High School. Committees are
working to make the evening most
Miss Priscilla Abbot, daughter
of Rev. and Mrs. F. K. Abbott has
recently been named co-editor of
the “Maroon and Gold”, weekly
school paper of the Bloomsburg
State Teachers’ College. She has
also been named vice president of
the B. Club and vice president of
the Kappa Delta Pi Sorority.
Mrs. Frank K. Abbott recently
visited Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Abbott
and family in Chatham, N. J., Mr.
and Mrs. Freeland Abbott and fam-
ily of Medford, Conn., and Mr. and
Mrs. Clay Dawson of Boston. She
also spent several days with her
father and brothers in Eastford,
Conn. She was accompanied by
Robert Abbott.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Whipp of
Dallas spent Sunday with Mrs.
William Major and son, Burton.
Arthur Nuss of Stroudsburg spent
Sunday with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Nuss.
Lehman Girl Scout Troop 156
marched in the parade at Sweet
Valley on Memorial Day.
Lehman-Jackson High School
Alumni Banquet will be held in the
school auditorium tomorrow night,
the job.
your specifications.
Dallas 416-R-7
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