aT a daca Re © ay the latter's mother, ~ Klinetob at Berwick. PAGE FOUR Purely Personal Mr. and Mrs. Homer Middleton of Idetown spent the weekend with Mrs. H. L. Mrs. John Clause, Pioneer Ave- nue, Shavertown, is a patient at Nesbitt Hospital. ~ Mr. and Mrs. William Baker and children moved this week from Lehman avenue to the Floyd Ide house on Rice street. Mrs. Florence ' Foote and daughter, Carrie, of West Dallas will move into the Lehman avenue house the middle of the ~ month. Mr. and Mrs. William Jeff of Hackensack, N. J. have rented the Foote house and will move in June 14 Mr. and Mrs. Merle Williams, West Dallas, will move to Washing- ton D. C. next week. Mrs. Floyd Bogart has returned to her home on Church street after being a hospital patient. Mr. and Mrs. Francis McDonald and son, Jackie and Warren Ro- gers of Trenton, N. J. spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Rogers of Idetown. Jackie Barnes has been ill at his ‘home at Elmecrest this week. Lt. Col. Melvyn Elstey, Elmcrest, "is spending ten weeks in Washing- ton, D. C., where he is serving on the Promotion Board of U. S. Marines. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Culp, Huntsville, recently received cards from Corp. Robert Culp from Chicago. He had been designated as part of the firing squad to salute General Douglas MacArthur, along with several other members of the 109th stationed at Camp Atterbury, Indiana. Mrs. Ella Martin, Elizabethtown, Pa., spent the weekend visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Frantz of ‘Huntsville. Jimmie Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Davis of Lehman ave- nue returned Saturday after being an influenza patient at Nesbitt Hos- pital & for several days. Mrs. C. A. Frick, Sweet Valley, is at Doylestown, Pa., where she is taking care of her grandchildren. Her son and daughter- -in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Earl Frick have been called to Valparaiso, Ind., by the death of the latter's other, Mrs. Oakley Lutes. er Forty Fort residents. The Lutes are form- Mrs. C. A. Frick has received Cs ‘word that her brother, Earl Jack- son of Avon Park, Fla. died. She had spent the month of January with him in Florida. Capt. Peter Skopic who is sta- tioned at Westover Field, Mass., is spending a thirty day leave with his family at Lehman Heights. Harry Forrester Still of Fort Belvoir, Va., is spending sometime with his mother, Mrs. Harry Still of Shavertown. He was called here by the death of his father. Mrs. Leighton R. Scott of Easton’ spent several days this week with her mother, Mrs. H. H. Zeiser of Huntsville road. Joe Peterson and Bob Moyer who have been confined to their homes with mumps are able to be back at school. The Post had a nice visit with Mrs. Sherman Schooley Saturday when she and Serm stopped out- side and we all piled out to say “hello”. It was her first day out after many weeks of illness and she looked fine. Mrs. Walter Shaver, Pioneer avenue, Shavertown, left Thurs- day morning for Sarasota, Florida to wisit her son, Pvt. Robert Koons. Pvt. Koons has been recently at- tached to the Air Force Base for a training course. While in the South, Mrs. Shaver will also visit her friend, Miss Elsie Roushey, Plant City, Florida. John Rice, Trucksville, is a pa- tient at the University of Penn- sylvania Hospital. Ernest Streader, Trucksville, is critically ill at General Hospital. Archie Woolbert has been ill at his home in Trucksville. Warren Cease dropped in the Post during a brief furlough be- tween camps. He has been sta- tioned in Fort Knox, Ky. Bob Gardner of Trucksville left _ this week for Japan. Weekend In New York Bill Hart, Dallas, Betty Reben- nack, Lehman and Earl Crispell, Noxen, spent the weekend in New York City with the Wilkes College Pre-Medical Society as guests of the New York Medical College Flower Hospital. The weekend in- cluded a trip through the New York Medical College and associated hos- pitals. A visit to Clay Adams Bio- logical House, a New York firm specializing in biological equipment was taken Saturday afternoon. The trip was sponsored by the Pre- medical Society with the coopera- tion of the hospital. Married In Alabama Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Virginia Berryhill to Charles Morris, son of Mrs. Allie Morris of Franklin street, Dallas. Charlie is adminis- trative assistant in the Resident Engineer's Office at Huntsville, Ala. The couple resides at 712 E. Home Street, Huntsville, Ala. Entertains At Cards Mrs. Stephen Johnson, Ferguson avenue, Shavertown, entertained members of her bridge club at her home Tuesday evening. Present were Mrs. James Martin, Mrs. Fred Malkemes, Mrs. Paul Eckert, Mrs. Allen Johnson, Mrs. Ted Poad, Mrs. Howard Appleton, Mrs. Bud Hirle- man and the hostess. Mrs. Stanley Culp Visits Daughter Mrs. Stanley Culp, Huntsville, spent last week with her daughter, Mrs, Anthony Marrow in Mine Hill, N. J., caring for the baby while the older child entered the hospital for a rountine tonsillectomy. Asked if she had had a nice vacation, Mrs. Culp said that it didn’t classi- fy as such, but that it was interest- ing. Kunkle Plans For Vacation School Kunkle Methodist Church will make plans for its second annual Vacation Bible School at the home of Mrs. Gertrude Eckert tonight at 8. School will open at the con- clusion of regular school, will con- tinue for two weeks in the church and Community Hall. Mr. and Mrs. David Hall and family have moved from Church street to the William Powell home at Shrineview. They expect to build at Huntsville. The William Donachis have moved into the Church street house. Richard King who is stationed at Indiantown Gap expects to spend the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne King, Outlet- Meeker road. Mrs. Gertrude Ford, Machell ave- nue, spent the weekend in Para- mus, N. J., visiting her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Harrison. Roy Meeker, son of Mr. and Mrs, Dan Meeker of Kunkle, has been ill at his home with an infected ear. Mrs. William Evans entertained members of her Circle of First Presbyterian Church at her Har- veys Lake home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Reedy have moved from their home on Carey avenue to the Wyckoff home, Center Hill road. Raymond Kuhnert, supervising principal of Dallas Township High School, was called to Lebanon last week by the death of his father, F. J. Kuhnert. The funeral was held on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Machell Hilde- brant of Bethlehem were recent visitors of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hildebrant of Machell avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Kunkle at- tended the testimonial dinner honoring Mrs. Wiley Phelps at Hotel Prince, Tunkhannock, recent- ly. Mrs. Kunkle, first grade teacher in Tunkhannock, is retiring after forty years service. HIMMLER THEATRE SHAVER THEATRE SHAVERTOWN FRIDAY and SATURDAY ER m” in technicolor Errol Flynn, Dean Stockwell News MONDAY and TUESDAY “The Breaking Point” John Garfield, Patricia Neal , Cartoon WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY Mrs. 0’Malley and Mr. Malone” 1 Marjorie Main, James Whitmore Cartoon and News Dallas, Pa. Fr. and Sat., May 4-5 “Pd Climb the Highest Mountain” In Technicolor with Susan Hayward and William Lundigan Also Cartoon and News Mon. and Tues., May 7-8 “The Mudlark” with Irene Dunn Also Comedy Wed. and Thur., May 9-10 ° “The Flying Missile” with Glen Ford Also Cartoon and Travel Talk Fred Boote Is Honored At 95th Birthday Party Mr. and Mrs. Harry Post, Cliff- side, Trucksville, entertained at supper a week ago Sunday several members of the family following the dinner given Fred Boote by his youngest son and daughter- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Boote, Forty Fort, at Hotel Ster- ling. Mr. Boote and the late Mrs. Boote who died twenty-three years ago came to America from Eng- land with their seven children in 1907. He was in charge of the Conyngham gardens, Hillside Farm, until he retired at the age of eighty. He is in fair health and gets out for walks occasionally, but is handicapped by poor hear- ing. All seven children are living and attended the dinner. Having sup- per at the Post home were Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Campbell, Claudia and Clifford, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Powell, Ricky, Susan Booth and Freddie of Wilkes-Barre; Mrs. Alice Houghwout, Richard and Douglas, Mrs. Walter Nolan of Trucksville; Roland Booth, David of West Pitts- ton; Harry Post Jr., the guest of honor and the host and hostess. Attending the dinner at the Sterling at noon were: Mr, and Mrs. George Boote, Goram, Maine; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Boote, West Pittston; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Boote, Wilkes-Barre; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Post, Trucksville; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Boote, Corning, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Houghwout, Trucksville; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Boote, their three children, jorie, Jean and Tommy, Forty Fort; Mr. and Mrs. William Crundon, a nephew, Scranton; Mrs. Nellie and Mrs, Thomas Ewen, brother- Wickisser, a niece, Scranton; Mr. in-law, Jenkintown; Rev. Robert Webster, pastor of Trucksville Methodist Church. Mrs. BA. N. Garinger Is Hostess To Committee Mrs. A. N. Garinger was hostess to members of the Mother-Daugh- ter Banquet Committee of Hunts- ville Christian Church Tuesday evening. Mrs. Rhuea Williams Culp will be guest soloist accompanied by Mrs. William Baker. Mrs. Louise Colwell will lead group singing. Present were: Mrs. Gordon Wool- berton, Mrs. Edward Hopa, Mrs. Reginald Saunders, Mrs. Jack Ro- berts, Mrs. Ralph Frantz and the hostess. . First Baby Boy Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snyder an- nounce the birth of a nine pound, three ounce baby boy at Syracuse General Hospital April 27. This is their first child. Mrs. Snyder is the former Alice Culp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Culp of Huntsville. This is the Culps first grandchild and second grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snyder in three months, the other being Thomas Paul Shaver, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Shaver of Fern- brook. Robert Charles is very for- tunate, having six grandmothers and four grandfathers. Charles Philip Baker Mr. and Mrs. William Baker Jr. have announced the birth of an eight pound baby boy, Charles Philip ‘at General Hospital Thurs- day, April 26. The Bakers have two other children, Billy 3rd and Pa- mela Sue. Mrs. Baker is the former Margaret Dinges of Lincoln, Neb. Stan- Lite DRIVE-IN ROUTE 309 TUNKHANNOCK, PA. FRIDAY and SATURDAY “Red Pony” ; with Robert Mitchum Plus Comedy and Cartoon SUNDAY and MONDAY “Bagdad” (Technicolor) with Maureen O'Hara Also Musical Novelty and Cartoons TUESDAY ONLY DOUBLE FEATURE “Gunmen of Abilene” with Alan “Rocky” Lane ‘Sing Neighbor, Sing” with Roy Acuff Added Cartoon WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY “Francis” with Donald O’Connor, Patricia Medina and Zazu Pitts Plus Comedy and Novelty (Adults, 60c; Children 12 to 16, 25c; Children under 12 admit- ted free). __THE POST, FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1 Mar- ; Rn | Neighborhood Notes And News Of 3 Robert Shoemaker Is Guest At "Going Away Party” Friday Robert Shoemaker of Trucks- ville was guest of honor at a “going away party’ given by Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rice, Orchard Farm, Friday evening. Bob has been recalled to active duty with the U. S. Navy and left for his Philadelphia base on Sunday. He received a furlough bag and toilet kit. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Ro- bert Shoemaker, Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Cease, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stookey, Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Poad, Mr. and Mrs. William Long, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gregory Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ide, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Brown, Mr. and Mrs. George L. Rice, Bobby Rice, Ray Kuhnert, the guest of honor and the host and hostess. Local Churc Mis. Ella Martin Is Surprised On Birthday Mrs, Ella Martin was guest of honor at a surprise birthday party given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Frantz on Sunday. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Major, Mildred Major, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Culp, Rev. and Mrs. C. H. Frick, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Covert Jr., Miss Addie Elston, Mrs. Ralph Frantz, the guest of honor and the host and hostess. William Donachis Given Housewarming Sunday Mr. and Mrs, William Donachi were given a housewarming in their new home on Church street on Sunday. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Woolbert, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hislop Jr., Mrs. Robert Hislop Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cowley, Mrs. Edna McCarty, Mr. and Mrs. Willard John Jr., and the Donachis. Y. T. C. Birthday Tea A number of local young people attended the Luzerne County Youth Temperance Council birth- day tea at the Forty Fort Metho- dist Church on Friday. Loraine Keller of Idetown led the meeting. On the program were: Miss Aud- rey Cragle, vocal solos; Z. E. Gar- inger, dancing dolls; Professor Davis, piano solos; Sonny Dymond, readings; Frank S. Prutzman, vocal solo; David Whitney, group sing- ing; Evelyn Keller, piano; Janet Macelwee, reading; Lois Wood, piano solo; Jimmy Evans, vocal solos, Proceeds will be used to pay for the Northeastern Regional Y. T. C. Rally to be held in the Dorrance- ton Methodist Church May 26 and 27th. Tri-Hi-Y Elects New Officers Election of officers was held at a recent meeting at Lehman-Jack- son Tri-Hi-Y Club. Eleanor Mec- Kenna is president; Shirley Elston vice-president; Carol Williams, sec- retary; Geraldine Casper, treasurer. New members will be inducted shortly. SANDY BEACH DRIVE-IN THEATRE 2—Shows nightly—2 Starting at 7:30 and 9:30 Children under 12 admitted free Friday and Saturday “God Is My Co-Pilot” Dennis Morgan, Dana Clark Raymond Massey It’s the story of the Flying Tigers. Cartoon and News Sunday and Monday “Montana” in technicolor Errol Flynn, Alexis Smith Cartoon and News TUESDAY “Operation Haylif{” Bill Williams, Ann Rutherford Tom Brown The dramatic story of the Berlin Airlift Cartoon Wednesday and Thursday ‘Champagne for Caesar” Ronald ‘Coleman, Celeste Holms Cartoon—“Little Hiawatha” Two Shows Nightly Starting At Dusk Kiddie Playground NOW OPEN « Wesley Hilberts, Wed Fifty Six Years . Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hilbert were guests of honor at open-house held at their home at Idetown Sun- day when they celebrated their fifty-sixth wedding anniversary. Spring flowers were effectively used throughout the house. Moving pictures taken on the couple’s golden’ wedding anniversary were enjoyed. Present were Rev. Frank K. Abbott, Lehman; Rev. and Mrs. George Roberts and Nancy, Donald, Carl of Wyoming; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Achuff of Shavertown; Mrs. James Brace of Idetown; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lane, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stacy of Dallas; Mr. and Mrs. Grover An- derson, Harveys Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pritchard of West Pittston; Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hilbert Jr., and son, Frederick of Easton; Mrs. Rose Williams, Wyoming; Mrs. Della Parrish, Miss Elizabeth Cooke, Mrs. Harry Ide, Elsie Jean Ide, Mrs. Corey Meade, Mrs. Walter Meade and the guests of honor of Idetown. and Mrs. | DALLAS OUTDOOR THEATRE Children under 12—free FRIDAY ““Buccaneer’s Girl” in technicolor Yvonne DeCarlo, Philip Friend Robert Douglas Cartoon and News SATURDAY “Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein” Cartoon and News SUNDAY and MONDAY “Sundowners” in technicolor John Barrymore Jr., Chill Williams | Cartoon and News TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY “Kid From Cleveland” George Brent, Lynn Bari Cartoon and News THURSDAY “Singing Guns” in Trucolor Vaughn Monroe, Ella Raines Cartoon and News Two shows 7:30 & 9:30 Friendly Society Sponsors Dance Christian Huntsville Friendly Society, Christian Church, will sponsor a round and square dance in Kunkle Community Hall, Wed- nesday, May 9, with Abe Bellas as caller. Roast Pork Supper The “I Wanta Church Club” will serve a roast pork supper at the Ruggles Church May 4 starting at chairman. have you THE SHERIFF FRIDAYS - 9:30 P. M. \ RUZ ei = Doings Read The Classified Column 5:30 P.M. Mrs. Beulah Bronson is Personally @® Yes, we are person- ally interested in your health and welfare. Our business has been built by giving this extra in- terest and attention to each individual patron. You’ll see what we mean when you bring in your prescriptions! EARL’S DRUG STORE Main Highway Trucksville—Phone 110 REE | | | ; | | | ois ome SEA were ; som SHE : | Yi (i he s20 SUITS DRASTICALLY REDUCED | DRESS SMARTLY) SER | BUY ] 100 Main St., Luzerne Phone 7-6318 BABY TALK . One sure way to get me to play peekaboo . . . AND REMEMBER . by PURVIN .is to bribe me with PURVIN’S MILK. FOR REGULAR DELIVERY IN THE BACK MT. AREA, CALL W. B. 2-8151—COLLECT THE PURVIN DAIRY COMPANY IS WILKES-BARRE'S EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTOR OF PASTEURIZED GOAT'S MILK KIEFER’S HEALTH DAIRY. 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