Wh 4 ~ Sunday Evening Fellowship. 2% News of the Churches li +2 . Dallas Methodist Today (Friday) Jessie A. Brickel Class. will hold its monthly meet- ing in the Social Rooms at 8. De- Sunday—10:00 Sunday School © with classes for all ages above three. 11:00 Morning Worship. ~ Sermon—*“In the Beginning God”. "This is the second in a series of © sermons on, “The Great Texts of | the Bible”. Special music will be presented by the church choirs. A cordial welcome is extended to all. Pre-school children are cared for in the Church Nursery during the Service. 6:30 Methodist Youth Fels lowship. Devotions will be con- ducted by Carl Bailey. Charlyn Reinfurt will lead the discussion period. Recreation will follow. Ts e | first in a series of four motion pic- tures will be shown. These pictures | of the very best reds ® Spirea ® Buddelia Forsythia e Beauty Bush ® Japanese eo Hydrangea 3% Quince LOUIS F RAVE ; | Harveys Lake Highway - Dallas are of high quality reproduction with sound. This week we shall present the film, “Second Chance”. "This is considered the outstanding inspirational film of the Protestant ~ Film Commission, and is based on Faith Baldwin's story. Louella Parsons comments “Second Chance is exceptionally worth seeing”. Other comments: Jimmy Fidler— RAEN SEE OUR BIG SELECTION OF NURSERY STOCK It Just Awvived! * Hybrid Rhododendron Dr. Dresselhuys—one grown. * Colorado Blue Spruce $3.95 up * Pzalea Carmen - Rosepink _... $3.95 Orange Beauty ......... 2.95 Mme Butterfly (Lavender) ...... 3.95 ~ Hinodegire-Red. 2.95 Lilacina - Lilac _........ 4.50 * Japanese Yews $2.50 up Native Rhododendrons Mugho Pine Arbor Vitae Juniper Retinospova Holly, Hemlock Magnolia Norway Spruce * Roses From the best growers in the country. Peace, Pinocchio, Blaze, ‘New Dawn and others. ® American Bittersweet eo Rosa Multiflora (living fence) Peat surzo Bates Moss $4.95 Our shrubs are all very excellent specimens and guaranteed good growers YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD NURSERYMAN OPEN EVENINGS F Visit our Sales yard or Phone | Dallas 342-R-11 for landscaping ~. 'votions, followed by business and. Lh social hour. : “Inspirational as it is entertaining’; Dorothy Manners—‘a strictly pro- fessional production”. A brief wor- ship service will precede the pic- ture. No admission charge, but an offering will. be: received. Bring the children and your friends. ? Monday—7:00 Boy Scouts meet in the Social Rooms. Tuesday—8:00 Meeting of Board of Education. Thursday—4:00 Junior Choir; 6:30 Youth Choir; 8:00 Adult Choir. Members of the Book Club are requested to exchange books. St. Paul’s Church Two services, 8:30 A. M. and 11:00 A. M., have greatly in- creased the number of worshippers at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Shavertown. Both services are si- milar, the hymns are the same, the liturgy is the same, and the pastor preaches the same powerful Word of God. This Sunday, the Fourth Sunday after Easter, the pastor of the Church, the Reverend Frederick W. Moock, Jr., will use as his sermon theme “The Truth Must Be Told.” 9:45 A. M.—Sunday School. Great Old Testament lessons are now be- ing taught in the light of New Tes- tament revelation. 7:00 P. M.—Lu-~ ther League. The young people of our congregation and their friends are cordially invited to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heidere. Monday, April 23, at 8:00 P. M.- The Brotherhood. Movies will be shown. TRUCKSVILLE CHURCH The Rev, Mr. Webster has been returned to the White Church on the Hill for his fourth year. The appointment was made by Bishop Corsen at the recent conference held in Central Church of Wilkes- Barre. Due to the renovation of the Church basement, there was no Sunday School last Sunday, and the worship service was held in Kingston Township High School. Appreciation is expressed to the School Board for their willing ap- THE POST, FRIDAY , APRIL 20,1951 = proval of the usage of the build- ing for our service. Sunday School classes will be resumed as usual at 9:30 next Sun- day morning, April 22nd, with classes for all ages. : Worship service will be held: in the Church as usual next Sunday at 10:45 A. M. A nursery is con- ducted during the service for. pre- school age children, and is under the - direction of Mrs. Hemenway. Sunday ‘evening, April 22nd, at 7:30 o'clock, at St. John’s Lutheran Church, Academy and River streets, Wilkes-Barre, the Rev, F. Andrew Sommese, Pastor of St. Peter's Lutheran Church. in Philadelphia will speak on the subject “Truth and Error.” On Tuesdays, from April 24th to May 29th, at Wyoming Seminary, there will be a Leadership Training School, sponsored by the Wyom- ing Valley Council of Churches. An excellent group of courses will be offered, taught by Rabbi Newton J. Friedman, Dr. Norman Clemens, Dr. Ralph Decker, and Rev. Jule Ayres. Sunday School teachers and officers of our Church are urged to take advantage of these courses, which are very worth while. Wednesday, April 25, at 8 P.M, the Mission Study Group will meet at the home of Mrs. Levi Crews at Hillside. Mrs. Earl Hons of Shavertown will review the Study Book. Thursday, April 26, the W.S.C.S. will meet at 1:45 P. M. Friday, April 27, the Queen Esthers will sponsor a tea at the Church, the proceeds of which will be used toward expenses for the girls who will attend the mission- ary camp at Sky Lake this sum- mer. The W. S. C. S. women are especially urged to support the girls in this undertaking, and any one willing to help in any way should contact Mrs. Harold Croom. SHAVERTOWN CHURCH Rev. Roswell W. Lyon, District Superintendent of the Methodist Church in the Wilkes-Barre Dis- trict will occupy the pulpit of The Shavertown Methodist Church on Sunday, April 22 at 11 o'clock. OPEN FRIDAY and SATURDAY NIGHTS THIS WEEK BON 3 vt SMASHING BIG SPECIALS AT THE —LUZERNE— That Sold up to ~~ $49.50 5D €)30 TON 84 Hi-Grade MEN'S SUITS SHARKSKINS GABARDINES HERRINGBONES * Double and Single Breasted | Sizes 7 to 18— BROWNS and BLUES They sold up to $16.95 BOYS’ ALL-WOOL SUITS NOW 5 93 Sizes 14 to 17 VERY SPECIAL MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS EVERY NEW SPRING COLOR » | hiss | appointment. 1000 BARGAINS AT THE BON-TON Franklin , | 1 detown Mr. and Mrs. James Hummel of Dallas, Mr. and Mrs. John Gar- ringer and son Jackie spent Sun- day with Merle Hummel of Phila- delphia. | The Seek and Find Class of the Jackson Methodist Church is hold- | ing a Public show presented by Z. | E. Garringer of Dallas and the Gil- bury trio of Nanticoke on Friday night, April 20, in the church base- ment. Refreshments will be sold. Mr. and Mrs. William Pattieger of Shillington and P. H. Parks were | callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hayden Williams and family on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Al Hoover of Brooklyn, N. Y. spent the weekend with Mrs. W. H. Nevel. Mrs. John Richards is a patient at the Nesbitt Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hilbert Jr. of Easton spent the weekend with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hilbert. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Swan re- ceived a telephone call .on Sunday from their son, Pvt. Arnold Swan, who is stationed at Camp Breck- enridge, Kentucky. The W.S.C.S. will have a fam- ily night on Thursday night, May Rev. Robert Yost, regular pastor of this Church is a patient at the Wilkes-Barre General Hospital. msn 3, at six o'clock. Each family is to bring a covered dish and dessert will be served by the Committee. The program will be announced at a later. date. : Mrs, Ellen Lindenmuth “of Wilkes-Barre, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- lard. Roberts and ‘daughter Mar- garet Jane of Plymouth were cal- lers at the home of Mrs. William Weaver and Mrs. Margaret Jen- nings recently. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hilbert Sr. and Mrs, Lila Felt spent Wednes- day and Thursday with relatives in Chenango Bridge, New York. Mrs: Felt has returned to her home after spending the last week with her parents, the Hilberts. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Welsh, Mr. and Mrs. daughter Shirley, Robert Welsh, Mrs. Harold Dy- mond and daughter Linda at- tended the wedding of Charlotte Hawke to Jack Benning on Sat- urday at the Bear Creek Chapel. Harvey’s Lake Mrs. Howard Higgins is well again, after being ill at her home for over a week. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Dennis, Mrs. Ruth Deets, Treva Traver, Carol Deets and Jessie Armitage attended the “Pink Tea”, sponsored by the Young People’s Group of the Bethesda Congregational church of Edwardsville on Wednesday eve- CENTER ST. For Tots ® Pepperell Baby Blankets ® Koroseal Baby Pants eo Chix Diapers e E-Z Undies GRAND OPENING TODAY! CROMPTON’S ror~.rexn SHOP Also A Full Line Of Women’s Lingerie In All Sizes SHAVERTOWN For Teens Ship-n-Shore Blouses Fashionable Hosiery ® Corsage Slips Bobby Sox e FREE FOR ALL THE FAMILY Many Valuable Door Prizes OPEN 9 AM TO 9 PM — EVERYONE WELCOME GIKTS ning. Mrs. Deets read “The Pink House”, and Treva, Carol and Jessie furnished the music. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Conden and family of Kunkle were Sunday din- ner guests of Mrs. Florence Conden. William Haddle of Pittsburgh spent the weekend with his family. Mrs. Gilbert Carpenter has been ill for several weeks, but is better now, and able to go out. Mr. and Mrs, Peter Kuchta and daughter Judy of Hazleton spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rauch, and Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Garinger. Miss Mildred Schoonover of Cen- termoreland, now stationed with the WAVES at Jacksonville, Flor- ida, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Smith and daughter, and Mrs. Forrest Smith of Berwick, visited Forrest Smith at Fort Dix, N. J. on Sunday. Lehman Pvt. William Simms of Fort Dix, N. J., spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Simms. He expects to be moved shortly. Mr. and Mrs. Robert: Linger: of Hanover, N. H., after touring the West and visiting friends and rela- tives in Denver, Col. stopped: off on their way home to: visit the latter's parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Fran= cis Lewis. Mrs. William Major entertained members of the Louella Neely Bible Class Wednesday afternoon. Entertains At Cards Mrs. H. R. Gallagher, Lake road, recently entertained members of her card club. Present were Mrs. Fred Eck, Mrs. W. Charles Max- well, Mrs. Ruth Hall Daily, Mrs. Ord Trumbower, Mrs. Kenneth Rice, Mrs. Alvah Eggleston, Mrs. Betty Dettmore and the hostess. WIN MAIN ST., DALLAS THIS BEAUTIFUL SET OF Lu-Ray DINNERWARE A complete 20-piece set will be given to a lucky winner in our store EVERY WEEK! There's nothing to it. Stop in at Henry's anytime and with every purchase made over $1.00 you will receive a coupon which gives you the chance to win. See e ney your friendly Dallas jeweler PHONE 274-R-16 The perfect party dessert! Eye appealing! Taste appealing! Made of Breyers Vanilla Ice Cream streamlined with rich chocolate fudge or luscious fresh strawberry puree. Don't miss this truly sensational ice cream treat. Your Breyer Dealer has it ready for you. | 3 ICE CREAM Only $1.69 Serves 8 Choice of 2 delicious, streamlined flavors: VANILLA FUDGE STRAWBERRY VANILLA Shavertown, Pennsylvania & ~ Evans Drug Store + ee i