"PAGE FOUR __ “The Bookivor. (Continued from Page Two) are considered ‘a desirable gift. Silk scarves are exchanged when meeting important strangers. Fishing, hunting, and mining are forbidden for religious reasons. The killing of any living thing is not allowed except that necessity has forced the raising of sheep and yak for food. The cold mountain en- vironment requires meat. Religion, a modified form of Buddism, is the outstanding charac- teristic of the people. The prayer OM MANI PADME HUM meaning “Hail to the Jewel in the Lotus” is heard everywhere.. It is written on slips of paper and stirred in by water wheels, written on flags fluttering in the breeze, and on cylindrical wheels rotated by hand and wind in immense numbers. At one point the prayer wheels set in greased spindles rumbled like a roller coaster. Every home has its shrine. About a quarter of all males be- come priests, There are hundreds of thousands of monks and some nuns, and perhaps a thousand in- carnate Lamas. The big monas- teries own about a third of the land and receive gifts in addition to their own income. For every im- portant government job two men are assigned, a civilian and a Lama and the latter is the boss. Rosaries with 108 beads, one for each book of their scriptures, are used for devotions, also for count- ing and for adornment. Demons and oracles and a few other carry overs from ancient beliefs are considered of equal importance with the more spiritual Buddist teachings. The good Buddist everywhere be- lieves in the “Noble Eightfold Pathright views, right aspirations, right speech, right conduct, right livlihood, right effort, right mind- fulness and right rapture, They also accept wholly the four Noble Truths: suffering, the cause of suffering, the cessation of suffer- ing, and the Eightfold Path leading to the end of suffering. In all events the Tibetan realizes in ad- dition to all the good practices and ceremonies he himself must lead a good and generous life, one of brotherly love, in order to be re- incarnated on a higher level at death”. Thomas really gets enthusiastic in. describing the Potala built in 1641 with 1000 rooms, the resi- dence of the Dalai Lama, and the monasteries. This is a good book. Have Baby Boy Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kanon of Nanticoke announce the birth of a son, Wednesday night March 7 at Nanticoke Hospital. Mrs. Kanon is the former Hildreth Fritz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Alfred Rogowski Now Recovered from Accident Alfred Rogowski, Pike's Creek, who received a deep cut on his ankle when he stepped through a glass window in his garage March 2 is home from the hospital but not yet able to be back at work. Mr. Rogowski, a mason contrac- tor, was standing on a board on top of his truck when his foot slipped and he incurred the three inch deep wound. Treated immedi- ately by Dr. Luther Thomas of Lake Silkworth, infection from concealed glass and torn sock did not set in until several days later. [=2V/ \ He was then taken to Nesbitt Hos- minor surgery performed. Back From Korea Pfc. George A. Rogers, Harveys Lake, First Division Marines, re- turned from Korea to the United States on Monday. POTENGI Vaults Preteats valuables ot less than Ic o day Birt Moor — Street Level —Ne Stain @ TR MING TY NL ESE TCL HYACINTHS at BROODYS r "THE POST, FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 1951 pital where X-Rays were taken and Franklin Sugar (5 Ib. CIHTHH nme: Sack)... 48c Chicken of Sea White Label Tuna 33¢ Sardines in Oil Ya lb. tins ~~. 6 for 35¢ Mueller's Elbow & Spaghetti 16 oz. pkg. 15¢ Dulany Frozen Foods Fordhook Limas iis LAr pkg. 3lc Baby imag =... oc Dy pkg. 29c Butter Beans... i... 2 pkg. 45c Croenn Beans... 0 2 1b. 35¢ Fresh Cocommis 0... 2 for 29¢ Sunkist Oranges (200 size) = doz. 45¢ Onlons +. oof liana La Ib. 5c SUPER- DALLAS — Fritz of Idetown. Wilson's Hams (whole or shank end) lb. 63¢ Stewing Chickens... ..... lb. 35¢ Beef Liver ... a LA lb. 69c Fresh Hams (whole) fel lb. 67¢ DIXON'S Owned and Operated by RALPH DIXON ie MARKET PHONE (35 Jack Says Grab It! . and he means a plate brimming over with our freezer fresh, wholesome, delicious ice cream. Every flavor you favor. FORTY FORT ICE CREAM CO. MAIN HIGHWAY, FERNBROOK, PA. SEE THE TELEVISION SHOW | CROSLEY sets the puce FULL ROOM: VISION DESIGNED ANP BUILT FOR CLEAR, SH/.RP BIG PICTURES...WITH THE WIDEST VIEWING ANGLE? Full Room Visien is the new look in television. FULL ROOM VISION means exacily what it says. With Crosley Family Theatre Television you see undistort- ed, clear TV pictures from any viewing angle. Here is Big Picture Television at its best—big inside as well as out. Crosle ’s big picture tubes have You'll see clear big pictures from the widest viewing angle on Crosley’s exclusive Family Theatre Screen*. Contoured like the proscenium arch of a stage, this exclusive screen is also tilted slightly forward to prevent glare and reflection from stray light, thus contributing further to FULL ROOM VISION. You'll see clear big pictures with maximum sharpness of detail thanks to Crosley’s Super-Powered Circuit that delivers the power you need for clear Big Picture Performance. From transformers and power tubes to antenna and screen, the *51 Crosley is designed to meet the power demands of big 16-inch, 17-inch, and 19-inch picture tubes. You'll see clear big pictures with striking three-dimensional effect brought to you in the exact degree of blackness or whiteness you prefer—with Crosley’s new Precision Contrast Control. You'll enjoy sharp, accurate tuning with Crosley’s Unituner. This most efficient tuning device ends inter-channel interference. ; These sets embody other electronic marvels that contribute a new high in viewing and listening pleasure. Twenty-four models in gorgeous mahogany, walnut, and blond wood veneers in traditional and modern designs . . . now at your Crosley Dealer’s! *®Pat, Pending 1951 CROSLEY ~ TELEVISION WITH THE EXCLUSIVE FAMILY THEATRE SCREEN Crosley Division Cincinnati 25, Ohio BETTER PRODUCTS FOR HAPPIER LIVING Shelvador® Refrigerators . . . Freezers . . . Sinks . . . Garbage Disposers... . Electric Ranges. . . Electric Water Heaters . . . Steel Kitchen Cabinets. . . Radios... Television THE PACE-SETTING DESIGN| ES —— i with plus-power behind them to deliver Big Picture Per- formance. There are no held-over circuits in the new Crosley TV line, no under-powered chassis equipped with big picture tubes. Everything in the *51 Crosley is new and big to give you the delights of FULL ROOM VISION! When you see the new Crosley— « 16 INCH Console Model 11- 446 MU (Round Tube). Honduras mahogany or blond wood ve- neers. The '51 Crosley has a sim- ple manual setting for greatest set sensitivity in weak signal areas. SEE LIVE PROGRAMS THROUGH CHANNEL 12 NC New Shipment Just | We will match and out{ SEE THE NEW CROSLEY NOW IN OPERATION AT BOWMAN'S RESTAURANT RUCKSVILLE MAIN HIGHWAY