Harvey’s Lake : Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rogers are visiting their son, Bernard sta- tioned at Fort Knox, Kentucky. ~~ Mrs. Malcolmn Nelson, Mrs. ~~ David Price, Mrs. Fred Dodson and Mrs. William Eckert attended the . Colonial Tea at Irem Temple on Monday. ~~ Mrs. Lee Shepperson and dau- ~ ghter, Peggy of Danville spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. How- . ard Higgins. « ; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith of ~~ Beach Haven entertained at a party for their son Forrest, who left for service on Monday. Guests ~ were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Smith and daughter, Donna, Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Kitchen, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Dendler, Mr. and Mrs. Lorrie ~ Miller, and Mrs. Forrest Smith. -— ; = SAFETY VALVE a (Continued from Page Two) a man could hide in one. We think of them as oil jars, actually they were cupboards, submerged in the ground and used for food storage. I found a battle axe for Nelson's present, I am sure it dates back to the crusades, also a double barreled pistol. It will take me weeks to get the rust off both and eventually they will find a place in the living room, which already has the ap- pearance of a museum. Sincerely Helen Booth Ankara, Turkey @® Mr. and Mrs. Booth, their daugh- ter, Ann, and his mother, Mrs. C. N. Booth, formerly lived on Lehman Avenue, before departing for Tur- key where Mr. Booth is an engineer supervising airport construction. Editor ~~ Official Board of the Alderson Methodist Church met at the par- sonage on Monday evening. Rev. Ruth Underwood had charge. The lL budget for the year was presented and accepted. Those attending were Mrs. John Cowan, Mr. and| ~ Mrs. Gilbert Carpenter, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Garinger, Mr. and ~~ Mrs. Warren Dennis, Mr. and Mrs. ~ Alan Kistler, Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ‘bridge Leinthall, Mrs. Kate Shultz, Mrs. Morrison Witter, Mrs. Harry Allen, Mrs. Fred Swanson and ~~ Mrs. Albert Armitage. Quarterly Conference Quarterly Conference will be held at the Maple Grove Church this Sunday. Chicatine—Tioga’s Chick Starter—Tioga Grower— Broiler — Super Broiler — Turkatine — Tioga’s Turkey Starter and Tioga Turkey Grower. Field Tested Feeds. Now more completely fortified with Vitamin B12 and Antibiotic Feed Supplement. BUY TIOGA’S FEEDS—FOLLOW OUR PROGRAMS— COMPARE RESULTS DEVENS MILLING COMPANY A. C. DEVENS, Owner PHONE 200—DALLAS, PA. EX "Form 988 Commonwealth Auditors’ Report c,. Luzerne Pennsylvania 1950 Twp. Kingston From First Monday in January 1950 to First Monday in January 1951 CASH BALANCE AT BEGINNING OF YEAR . Cash in Bank, Securities and Reserves ...... $ 2,271.72 Sinking Fund No. 1, 1938 ...-.... 0 iui veaa. 1,976.20 Selita ea 2,760.54 Sinking Fund No..2, 1948 ...........o... A. 2,349.68 ~ Other Funds, State A/C $505.93—Police Pen- aie Slen3SBB903 oak ans 1,075.36 Ea Boal: ...n EE Ts $10,433.50 -—~ RECEIPTS Taxes Collected in Cash During Year ....... $22,067.92 Taxes Collected on Old Duplicates During Year 3,159.38 Amount Received from County on Unpaid Taxes or Liens Filed ......... 5... Rants vo 2116.54 Amount Received from other Sources (a) 5 BB) Form "905 .......coinia vila 4,651.80 Metal. ae $31,995.64 Amount Received from Loans or Certificates . of Indebtedness .............50 0s 9,000.00 > Amount Received Non-Revenue ............. 6,507.03 CR DS GE NER FR a SE $47,502.67 EXPENDITURES General Government ............ co. vuoi $ 2,176.05 Protection to Persons and Property ........ 3,662.75 Highways ss. 000 oa vin snare a 19,937.43 NESeallamMeoUS:. cen Nh ARR 1,923.01 Heb Serie: oe se de eR a 9,347.50 "Unpaid Bills of Prior Years ................ 2,281.16 Sinking Fund No. 1, 1938 ......... Keown 4,226.93 Sieht Band... es ees a 4,041.69 Sinking Fund No.2, 1948 ..........n500 0 0, 1,906.15 Other Funds, Police Pension ............... 838.55 Mala) ci. a TSE a $50,341.22 SSCASH BALANCE AT END OF YEAR ........ $ 7,594.95 RESOURCES : Cash, Securities and Reserves. .............. $ 932.90 Sinking Fund No. 2, 1948 ........... cc... 3,190.67 Te Due from Tax Collectors 1950 Duplicate ..... 5,152.01 Due from County on Taxes Returned and Bidens Filed ©... 0... en ea a, 7,874.06 Due from Solicitor 1945-'49 Returned Light tax 2,080.31 State A/C ..... RT Va ETT 78.05 Value of Township Machinery an ownship Buildings. - rns sn a 12,842.12 Other Resources (Accts Rec. $450.00) (Light A/C $1,674.93) (Pol. Pension $1,789.48) 3,914.41 Mekal =. a Ts eas $36,064.53 LIABILITIES Outstanding Township Bonds .............. $10,500.00 Unpaid Bills and Pay Rolls ................ 1,614.88 Outstanding Vouchers .................;-.> 71.08 Rota) te NEE La an $12,185.96 ASSESSED VALUATION OF THE TOWNSHIP $1,935,208.00 DATE OF LAST MATURITY OF RESPECTIVE ie FORMS OF FUNDED DEBT 1938 Bond Issue Paid in 1950—1948 Bond Issue 3 Matures in 1958 PUBLISHED OR POSTED IN AC- ~~ CORDANCE WITH SECTION 547, ACT 567, Approved July 10, 1947, - P. 1. 1431 Signed Herman Sands David Schooley Fred W. Malkemes Auditors , THE POST, FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1951 Beaumont The Susque-Wyo League basket- ball season for 1951 passed into history with Beaumont chalking up eight wins and four losses. Now training for volley ball, track meets, and baseball - gets under way. Bill Haase has purchased Ellis Meeker property. Best wishes for a complete re- covery are being sent to Mrs. Dan Meeker who has been a hospital patient. the M/Sgt. Goodwin and family of| Washington, D. C., were weekend guests of the Charles Goodwins who entertained the William Downses of Budd Lake too. The Seniors are still taking or- ders for yearbooks. Carl MacDougall, who is work- ing at Greensburg, Va., spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward MacDougall. George and Irvin Williams, brothers of Mrs. William A. Aus- tin, were here from Youngstown, Ohio, for the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. Annie Avery of Dallas. Robert Clark has been trans- ferred from Fort Dix, N. J. to an Arkansas camp. Charles Pilger, U.S.N,, is enroute to Cuba. The L. B. Hilberts have pur- chased the Newberry property next to the Cannery. The “Casey” Denmons were pleasantly surprised with a recent long distance call from their son, Kenneth, stationed at San Diego, Calif, with the Navy. The Arden Lancasters of Sun- bury were Saturday dinner guests of Mrs. Louisa Nieman. The first grade with the help of some girls of the Free Metho- dist Sunday School surprised Mrs. Ernest Brown with a party at school Monday afternoon. Ice cream and cake were a fitting climax to an enjoyable hour of fun and games. You will enjoy the special ser- vices at the Beaumont Union Church Sunday, March 3, when a group from Berwick will present the message. ldetown Mr. and Mrs. William Williams and children Donna Mae, Russell, Jean of Honesdale, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rogers. Mrs. Walter Smith and Kathryn visited Mrs. Mildred Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Weber of Out- let on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. John Austin of Roaring Brook and Mrs. Fred Wintermute of Wilkes Barre, were callers at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Harold Titus on Sunday. Carol Malkemes of Shavertown spent the weekend with Nancy Casterline. Mrs, Albert London of Rahway, N. J. is recovering at her home after being a patient at the Rah- way Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Lon- don is the former Mary Casterline daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Casterline. Warren Boston of Sweet Valley vill show slides at the church- iouse on Friday evening March 9, it 8:00 o'clock, sponsored by the Serving and Waiting Class. Mrs. ‘obert Clayton and Mrs. Fred Sut- on are chairmen. Refreshments vill be sold. Miss Ruth Hart, Maryclaire and oanne McKenna of Syracuse, N.Y., sent the weekend with Mrs. Claire IcKenna. Others who spent Sun- lay at the McKenna home were Ir. and Mrs, Phillip Leyshon and hildren, Anna and Robert and Tiss Grace Leyshon of Scranton nd Marie Wright of Kingston. Ernest Fritz spent the weekend vith Mr. and Mrs. James Fritz of Jaltimore. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Montross of loxen were callers at the home f Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Montross n Saturday. The W.S.C.S. will have a ham nd egg supper on Tuesday, Marct 6 at 6 o'clock. Mrs. Dean Shaver nd Mrs. Robert Claytons are chair- nen. Mrs, Chloe Spencer was called to arrisbell, Mich., by the death of er brother, Stanley Pinber, Miss Lulu Williams of Larks- lle spent Sunday with Mr. and Ars. William Casterline. Loyalville Ladies Aid, Loyalville Methodist Church, meeting at the home of Mrs. Minnie Wesley on Tuesday, discussed plans for a bazaar and church supper to be held in the Church Hall in May. $31.75 was contributed by the members to take the place of proceeds or- dinarily realized from the February church supper. The door prize was won by Mrs. Virgie Wolfe. Refreshments were served Mesdames Florence Wesley, to Dora birthday | Ide, Dorothy Steltz, Edith Steltz, Mary Nienius, Martha Lewis, Addie Payne, Bessie Ide, Esther Baer, Virgie Wolfe, Esther Owen, Josie Hummell, Pearl Ide, Minnie Wesley and her mother. Fourth Quarterly Conference will be held at Maple Grove Methodist Church March 4, with District Sup- ertintendent preaching at the wor- ship service at 7:30, and conference following. Finance Committee of Maple Grove Charge will meet at 7 PM. T. E. Ruggles is chairman; Members are M. L. Ruggles, Miss Letha Wolfe, Mrs. Arthur Hoover, Gil- bert Ide, Mrs. Henry Wolfe, George Seymour and Mrs. Earl Kittle. Pastoral Relations Committee, al- so meeting at 7 P.M. Maple Grove Church, has as its chairman Dana Davenport; members, T. E. Ruggles, William LaBarr, Mrs. Marton Con- nelly, Russell Steele, Mrs. John Hildebrant, Mrs. Audrey Booth, Aubrey Williams, George Seymour and Joseph Yahara. Sweet Valley Mr, and Mrs. Harry Fiske enter- tained their son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fiske and family, Millville, and Murray Fiske, Coudersport, recently. Mur- ray is County Agent for Potter County. Martin Foss, Luzerne, visited his a A x brother and sister-in-law, and Mrs, Frank Foss, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George Bronson and Luther Hunter attended the dinner in honor of Charles Reese, retired postal employee after 54 years of service, at Hotel Sterling. Back Mountain Lions Club held a Lover's Night party Tuesday at Hunlocks Creek Methodist Church. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Freeman, Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Bronson, Mr. and Mrs. George Bronson, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fiske. Sherman Kunkle attended the Father and Son Banquet at Metho- dist Church, Trucksville, Monday night. Mrs, Charles Long and Wilma June, Mrs. Russell Kitchen and Mrs. Stanley Post visited friends in Wyoming last week. Mrs. Richard McHenry, Town Hill, gave birth to a daughter last week in the Nanticoke Hospital. Mrs. McHenry is a native of Ger- many, and her husband is in Korea. : John Paul was admitted to Nan- ticoke Hospital Friday night. Rev. and Mrs. E. M. Wood spent a few days with Mrs. Woods’ mother, Mrs. Etta Owens, in Combs, Kentucky, before leaving for New York en route for South America. Safety Drive for school children is about completed. Lewis Davenport and daughter LIVABILITY PULLORUM TESTED Fourteen Years in the Hatchery Business Healtheier, heftier chicks mean healthier, heftier prices when you go to market. All our chicks are U. S. Pullorum tested for your safety. Insure profits. Order from us. HILBERT’S BEAUMONT HATCHERY PHONE H. L. 3422 Listen to the latest farm news every day at 12:55 over Station WHWL Front-mounted No. 895 QD Cultivator on Model "HG" 68. Rear, semi-mounted No. 22-A Mower on Model "HG" 42. designed for diversified farm work Here’s a crawler tractor—the Oliver “Cletrac’’ Model “HG” ~—built specifically for diversified farming, and in four center- to-center track widths: 68, 60, 42 and 31 inches to suit your cropping practices. What’s more, Oliver builds a variety of mounted tools to fit the wide tread models. When you buy some mounted tool —the No. 895 QD (Quick-Detachable) Cultivator, for in- stance—basic parts such as support pipes, levers and rocker shafts become component parts of several other attachments. For full information on the broad line of front-mounted and pull-behind farm implements for Model “HG” tractors, see us. And, once you see how an Oliver “Cletrac’ can pull, and find out how easily it handles, we believe you’ll want one for your farm. Charles H. Long SWEET VALLEY, PENNA—Phones 8421 - 8431 Mary Bell, Fullerton, spent Sun- day with Mrs. May Davenport and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Lewis Atwood. Mr. and Mrs. John Lukavitch and Mrs. Paul Sgroi and daughter Joan and Mrs. Thomas Jones, spent the weekend in Syracuse. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Updyke celebrated their 51st wedding an- niversary last week as guests of their son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Updyke, at Gennetti’s Restaurant in Hazleton. Rev. Willian Low, Kingsley, in company with Clifford Lathrop, spent Monday evening with Rev. and Mrs. E. M. Wood helping make preparations for the move to Brazil. Rev. Ira Button attended minis- terial meeting at Montrose on Monday. Callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Bronson Monday night were Mr. and Mrs, Earl White and James Hutchison. Second Session Of Adult Classes Draws Big Crowd Eighty-seven adults attended the second session of the ten-week adult educational program being sponsored by Wyoming Valley playground Association at Kingston Township High School Thursday evening. Ruth Swezey, head of the asso- ciation, visited the classes and ex- pressed herself as pleased with the number of students and the cross section of the community repre- sented in the four classes, ceramics, { sewing, handcraft, and shop. USED TRACTORS Here are some good buys Farmall H International 10-20 International 20—International 12 Ford, John Deere and Case SPECIAL | Massey-Harris Pony with plow and cultivator GEORGE BULFORD The big International Store at Hillside WANTED Used Farm and Sawmill Equipment BY MARCH (OTH, i95 We are having our 5th annual Public Auction Sale on March 31st and are in need of good used tractors, farm equipment, sawmill equipment and chain saws. Get an estimate on your used equipment then come to us and we will guar- antee to allow you the top dollar for it, or come to us first and be sure of a good deal. Don’t delay, come in today while we have a market for your used equipment and will pay the top dollar for it. Be sure to come to the sale March 31st the one day when Your Price is Our Price. Tune in to “United Press News, On the Farm Front”, everyday at 12:55—730 on your dial. Charles H- Long SWEET VALLEY, PENNA. PHONE DALLAS 8421 OR 8431 Try our easy payment plan Eri. |, CHECKERBOARD CHUCKLES - From Your Purina Dealer | ing BOY, THE BOSS REALLY GOT [ALMOST 72 ON THESE } PURINA, TOO! | HEAR HE SAVED SWELL FEEDERS. AND WE GET FAMOUS $2.60 PURINA FEEDER FOR ONLY $1.35 NOW . Get a coupon worth 25¢ on purchase of an all-metal Purina hanging feeder each time you buy 100 lbs. Purina Laying Chow. 5 coupons and $1.35 cash gives you a $2.60 feeder. You save almost half! e JIM HUSTON'S Old Toll Gate Feed Service Luzerne-Dallas Highway-Phone 520-R-2 OT ESSN