rd SRR "\, Rede ANS \ ITY vs NAY v NN RE N \ oN \ ve’ A Ww 2,222, or QUT WN i \ Frozen Foods Braft’s Ideal, Finest Florida Valencia Borden's nu 2-1b. Orange Juice Chateau Cheese Food ne 2ING6G GRUYERE CHEESE or. 2 So. 3 h BABY GOUDA CHEESE ea. cans G KRAFT SWISS SLICES sor. Rich in Healthful Vitamins Velveeta Cheese Food _—— From all over the world they come—Switzerland, Holland, Denmark, France, Aus- tralia, America, etc..—and Acme Las them all. See our big variety. Glendale Club, Rich, Tangy PLR. qv" \ Ll. rl : 8-o0z. pkg. qv 23c il : Melts Quickly and Easily—Delightful For Making Tasty Cheese Sauces. 2-ib. pkg. IDEAL FROSTED PEAS 2 ™= 43¢ IDEAL FORDHOOK LIMAS = 29¢ IDEAL STRAWBERRIES 1 39¢ DULANY BROCCOLI is. 29¢ DULANY CAULIFLOWER »- 29¢ Treat the Family fo | (ENS B22 Fg Bars 36: Short Cut, Suva ding 94c 08¢ 45¢ 4c 33c 2-1b. pkg. 80° 1b. 6%¢ Finest Quality Domestic Swiss Cheese Rich, Tasty Sharp Chedder Cheese » dlc TASTY MUENSTER CHEESE Bb. §5¢ STELLA GORGONZOLA CHEESE ™ 69c DANISH BLUE CHEESE b- §3¢ Famous Acme Quality Meats, Poultry and Sea F oods Medium Size, Smoked, Skinned HAMS=99 —Tender, Flavorful— Whole Ham [b. 63¢ Local, Home-Dressed SALTINES by Keebler 7%-0z. pkg. 1b. pkg. 16c 2c ARMOUR’S CORNED BEEF HASH PLANTERS COCKTAIL PEANUTS an 390 PLANTERS PEANUT BUTTER so gba i 98p UNDERWOGD’S DEVILED HAM 9? “ax Je Nedick’s Concentrate for ORANGE DRINK er 1Ge Enjoy kom breck- fast to bedtime. Guaranteed pure. A 6-0x can makes ¥ more than one quart. SWIFT'S PEANUT BUTTER 330 SWIFT'S PREM LUNCHEON MEAT an 40 ul oL:0 a. Prime Rib Roast w. [96 F . Chi k OL:UMARGARINE SE ee ryin g [ ens EVAPORATED MILK 6 Tle Broad Veal Ghops §9% : Gold PANCAKE MIX 220 276 wun cut o 80 Ib. 45 Gorton’s ] 3 1b. y BRICK CODFISH 49 Loin Veal Ghops moke Tender Z KIPPER SNACKS 3=21c Roof Kidneys » 396 CUT-UP CHICKENS Home-De-Lite SALAD DRESSING 2.980. ornie & Giri o arn SANDWICH SPREAD a0. Beef Short Ribs n53 sreasts | 196 paces |» 19 ps nor 31c Finest SKINLESS FRANKS ™ 63¢ or Frosted Haddock Fillets ™ 49¢ PIESPPLE Julio =" ew SGRAPPLE 2" 4%¢| [Frosted Cod Filles »- 39¢ suns Country ROAST BEEF Can 8c Ch Liver PUDDING ™ 49 Frosted Pollock Fillets ~~ 33¢ BEEF STEW oo ade ooo ioen BACON 0 59c| OYSTERS | Frosted perch Fitets ~~ » ac PEANUT BUTTER oi. 28¢ SMOKED SAUSAGE “6% | upg. [Fancy Lobster Tals 9% i , : san ¥ 1 1b. TOMATO CATSUP u-oz. 90¢ Sliced PORK LIVER ®- 39¢ Large Size Shrimp 89¢c winner Qo J 7 : 0, in nationwide taste tests Kis! BETH EAN THI TE le 33 == STAR-KIST SOLID PACK TUNA No. % 38 STAR-KIST WHITE MEAT TINA No. % 43g Ideal Gelatine Desserts Ideal Pancake Syrup we 990 doe 2c HORMEL Chili Con Garne 5 3c Large KIRKMAN \ is FLAKES 39, Hl BRICS- THRIFTY FOR:IISHES RETR ba a KiRKMAK Conplenion 3 for 20¢ K : R K M A H Laie ete i des Phe 33¢ |KIRKMAN ~~ &5 2e1Tc Borax Soap For Laundry 3 250 | KIRKMAN Finest Fresh Fruits Large Fla. Oranges Seedless Grapefruit Fancy Rome Apples Jersey Sweet Potatoes 4™ 29¢ No. | New Potatoes ' Fancy, Solid Slicing TOMATOES Tender, Young, Calif. Fresh Carrels 2 “49g 3" 3 a and Vegetables 29. 925. SERVE POTATOES OFTEN! Your Table’s Biggest Food Value cello pkg: Ige. bchs. Farmdale—Finest Penna. POTATOES ~35 ur $1.09 Ibs. 25¢ Ibs. 29¢ Brills Spaghetti Sauce Accent—M. C. G. Lummis Krispy Krunch Phila. Sand Tarts V.: 14-02. {9¢ | Nabisco Premium Saltines > 28¢ "or 2T¢ | Nabisco Cracker Meal ps. {Gg oo. 3{¢ | Princess Facial Tissues ~~ 2:5, 25¢ vks- 33¢ | Hershey Toilet Soap 4 tr 30¢ Save Time and Money With Virginia Lee Bakery Treats Buy Mm Danish Jelly Buns Marble Pound Cakes Virginia Lee Donuts New! “plain, 29¢ Crusty Hard Rolls Delicious! Brown-n-Serve gue! | HOT CROSS BUNS i 39: Cream Filled Coffee Cake Devil's Food Decorette Bar Cakes Streussel Topping « 31¢ ea. 300 pke- 43¢ | Supreme Sandwich Bread loat {6c each 28¢ | Pumpernickie Bread loaf {8p pe. {8c "3 LitHe Kittens sg ALL-FISH &5 CAT FOOD XTUTETZX 8oz. Single Feeding ¢ Family Size 6 3 for.. 45¢ } for. 32 BEECHNUT STRAINED BABY FOODS 10 =~ 9c | BEECHNUT JUNIOR BABY FOODS 6 ~~ 83c BEECHNUT CEREAL or OATMEAL 15¢ ~ For Polishing Floors, etc. AEROWAX Dries to a 8-0z. pkg. lustering luster 25¢ 43¢ At a price that will enable you to keep your floors, etc. bright and cheerfui. \ / pint can quart can > Connecticut Saga (Continued from Page Two) blast but he still had the fourth one to toss. “Things are getting so tough down there that next year we'll be under the trucks draining man cheer.” Suddenly he became the man of the house. He sprang to his feet demanding his dinner and a look at his new son both in the same breath. He tripped over the electric train the playful little cousins had spread out all over the dining room floor and fell flat on his, face. Charlie Chaplin comedy any day. Mother had long since given up trying to keep things on a high intellectual plane. In falling Ken had disconnected the A. C. wires from the control box. Punchy tried vainly to repair the damage but couldn’t so asked the last man in the world whom he should have asked what A. C. meant and where the wires went. Ken said he didn’t know and didn’t care but Punchy kept asking anyway. Sud- denly a ray of knowledge found its way into Ken's brain and he said quietly: to Punchy, means After Christ and it doesn’t have anything to do with a train,” and after imparting that great bit of information made for the kit- chen and his dinner. When' the cousins started to bang each other on the head with the trains instead of letting them run on the tracks we decided it was time to go. Time to go home? Well, not directly. trip to Roger Williams Park was in order. Seems like everybody: else in that large city had the same idea so we just followed the crowd. The park does have a beautiful display every year and I consoled Wade, who was driving, by telling him that we used to taka | him to see the display:there when he was a little boy like Punchy. “Like Punchy?” ‘he asked in a scared voice and we ‘had ‘to laugh. In fact we had come across an old snap shot of Wade and one of the donkeys in* the manger scene and Punchy was: quite intrigued by it. He about it and Wade asked Punchy Punchy, who fortunately has in- herited Norm's wit said, were the one with the hat on.” Evidently having the engine of the electric train banged on his head once or twice earlier-in the eve- ning hadn’t slowed him down any. Soon we were back at Mother's thirty bus. them down with him to meet their Dad. look them over while they stand at attention. . He says the only thing he doesn’t like is the long time between sons but he can’t blame that on me. The living alarm clocks went off a little before six and routed Wade out of his bed and the three sons were off to meet their father. Dallas Boy Scouts, 281 Have Overnight Camp Twenty-two boys from Dallas Boy Scout Troop 281 spent Friday night at a cabin owned by Forty Fort Troop 123, near Farmers Inn. Boys were transported in cars loaned by Harold Harleman, Fran- cis Dunham, Fred Price, Zel Garin- ger and Leslie Barstow. A planned menu was served by committee members, and scout games were played. Scott Brooks and Jackie Berti passed their tenderfoot tests. Boys attending the overnight en- campment were: Danny Robinhold, Wayne Bolton, Tommy and Bobby Richardson, Donald Reinfurt, Harry White, Scott Brooks, Robert Van Horn, William Reeves, Danny Richards, Robert McQuilkin, Leslie Barstow, Richard Harris, Donald Roeske, Thomas Evans, Jack Yaple, Buddy Butler, Lee Ohlman, Jack Berti, Alan Root, and Russell DeRemer. Committeemen present were Fred Price, John Reeves, and Leslie Barstow, with Scoutmaster Clarence Butler. Buys Registered Bull Elmer J. Miller, Dallas, Pennsyl- vania,recently acquired a registered Holstein-Friesian bull from the herd of Shoemaker Brothers, Wyoming. Change of ownership for this animal, “Alcartra Gerben Ormsby Piebe” has been officially recorded by The Holstein-Friesian Asso- ciation of America. STITH 0 FIRST | FRET I GET TO! three of the four roses in that the anti-freeze for a little Christ- . It was as good as a. "A NC A little side hastened to tell Wade how. he knew it was him and = "Your i cozy little red house and after having some cocoa and cookies put. the boys to bed “temporarily” to ar: = quote Mother who knew darn well"! they would be racing around by six in the morning. We all felt it = was too ‘bad they couldn't drive .as they would be the ideal ‘ones .. .~ to meet their father onthe six« = Wade said he would - get up with’ the boys and take Norm is a little dike: the == father in “Cheaper by ithe Dozen.” He likes to line his boys. up and: *