fons Other liabilities PAGE SIX SAFETY VALVE (Continued from Page Two) NN a2 cies and Coordinate Activities will partly fall under both. 4 Joint School Board This shall be organized and con- ducted as provided by law except- ing that to protect each district from undue influence by the other the President of Kingston Township District shall be exofficio President of the Joint Board in odd number- ed years and the President of the Dallas Borough District shall be Vice President; in even numbered ~ years the reverse shall be effected. The secretary shall not be a mem- ber of either board. The solicitors of the participating districts shall serve concurrently as solicitors for the Joint Board without additional compensation. Property and Equipment Each District shall continue to own all land, buildings, and equip- | ment chargeable to capital outlay. Inventory shall be made as of May 1 preceding the organization of the joint school. The owning district shall be responsible for all repairs to buildings and fire insur- ance. The Joint school shall be responsible for the replacement of equipment destroyed or worn out. A rental charge “per pupil’ shall be estimated to cover the use of this equipment and .all buildings. This shall be included in the tui- tion charge, and the owning dis- trict shall be credited on its tuition bill for the share of the tofal rental covered by buildings and equip- ment owned by it. Equipment may be transferred from one building to another without changing the ownership. Any minor improvement or al- teration costing less than $10,000 Charter No. 8164 Reserve District No. 3 REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DALLAS In the State of Pennsylvania, at:the close of business on December 30, 1950. Published in response to call made by Comptroller of the cur- rency, under section 5211, U. S. Revised Statutes. ASSETS Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve balance, and cash items in the process of collection ............_._.. $ 533,032.19 United States Govt. obligations, direct and guaranteed .. 1,070,735.42 Obligations of States and political subdivisions ..._.._ ._ 191,480.00 Other bonds, notes, and debentures SH 33,840.50 Corporate stocks (including $9,000 stock of Federal Reserve Bank) Loans and discounts (including $1.50 overdrafts) 9,000.00 1,722,765.06 Bank premises owned $22,000.00, furniture and fixtures $13,000.00 Real Estate owned other than bank premises Gtherliassets «oi toil nee re TOTAL ASSETS 35,000.00 1.00 1,200.00 $3,597.054.17 ; S LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, & corporations $1,220,409.29 Time deposits of individuals, partnerships & corporations 1,606,691.85 Deposits of United States Govt. (including postal savings) Deposits of States and political subdivisions Other Deposits (certified and cashier’s checks, etc.) TOTAL DEPOSITS TOTAL LIABILITIES 60,536.48 322,641.98 36,452.05 $3,246,731.65 29,632.02 $3,276,363.67 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Common stock, total par $100,000.08 Burplus Undivided Profits TOTAL CAPITAL J 'ACCO CO UN \ TS 5 100,000.00 200,000.00 20,690.50 $ 320,690.50 $3,597.054.17 MEMORANDA Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes Loans as shown above are after deduction of reserves of _. Sia amiauenel yarn) Jed id *--- Sl ll $ 405,000.00 3,062.80 State of Pennsylvania, County of Luzerne, ss: I, Frederick J. Eck, cashier of the above-named bank do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 5th day of January, 1951. GRACE P. RICHARDSON, Notary Public January (Notarial Seal) My Commission Expires @;. 1951. Frederick J, Eck, Cashier Correct—Attest: A. C. DEVENS H. L. TITMAN W. B. JETER Directors i "THE POST jo STRICTLY BUSINESS by McFeatters c= AN ND Zz, S24 Eo = Ms / NG «3 NN => ( N wa, \\ >> PN & Nn SS ! Wg NH = NN NS | y Ik SS > REN Vo ak 4 | / ( Boia i i WH» 7 oN Dalle Me Fon, “I’m wishing all my customers were bringing their own delivery boys!” per year (or any agreed upon figure) shall be made by the own- ing district. Any major improve- ment or alteration, building addi- tions, or new buildings shall be covered by a new agreement. Transportation Tansportation shall be the re- sponsibility of the district in which the pupils reside. It ‘shall be or- ganized on. a pool basis to secure maximum efficiency and each dis- trict shall contribute to the total cost its proportion of the total cost based on the number of pupils actually transported. Pupils resid- ing within legal walking distance of any appropriate school shall not be counted. Miscellaneous There should be provisions for a joint roster of teachers and other employes, location and organiza- tion of schools, etc. I do not believe the present school directors who are elected or a comparatively short time should make such "a radical change in operation of the schools without a public hearing, Personally T regard some of the people who are setting themselves up as school experts as very or- dinary people away from home. As a third generation taxpayer in the town, one who expects to stay here, I feel it is only fair that the whole proposition be , carefully studied. In the past, new residents have stirred up movements and Fast Games Are On League Card Borough-Katie Game Holds Limelight Back Mountain High School League after playing a rousing opening day schedule offers an equally fine program tonight. With Harter pulling a surprise victory over Dallas Borough and Dallas Township causing a scare before bowing to Kingston Tuesday's games showed the league to be quite a bit stronger than expected. Lehman defeated Laketon handily. Tonight’s Games Choicest bit tonight is the Dallas Borough-Kingston Township con- test at Dallas. Both teams are strong contenders for the league crown and both are on the re- bound. Dallas Borough more so because of the shock received at Harter. Another top encounter finds Lehman Scotties visiting Dal- las Township Redskins, Both teams are considerably stronger than ex- pected after last year’s graduation losses. Dallas Township is the biggest surprise of all. The final game of the evening sees Harter travelling to Laketon in a contest ! Township,” , FRIDAY, JANUARY 12,1951 = Upsets Feature Season Openers Harter Humbles Dallas Borough One decided upset and two sur- prising shows of strength marked the opening night of the Back Mountain High School League. Harter, led by its sterling pivot- man, Stan Pincofski, humbled an amazed Dallas Borough five by a 66-57 - count. Lehman Scotties, just to show that they must be figured on, turned in a lopsided 50-30 victory over Laketon. Kings- ton Township defeated Dallas Township as was expected but it took a big spurt in the closing minutes to widen its narrow eight- point margin to the: 57-41 winning score. : Girls’ Games Laketon took a narrow 35-33 victory over Lehman in the top girl's game of the night. Dallas Township took an easy victory over Kingston Township 32-17 while Harter held Dallas Borough to two points in the last period in scoring an 22-13 victory. Six-foot Stan Pincofski proved too much for the Dallas Borough sharpshooters as he bucketed 26 points in leading Harter to its first triumph.: Dalla§ played a fine game connecting on an amazing percent- age of its shots but the height of the Plymouth Township quintet featuring the scoring and ball handling of Pincofski proved the difference. Frankie Pavlick led the Borough with 17 points. It took Kingston Township four quarters to find the range and finally ‘move away from the chal- lenging Dallas Township five. While they led during the entire contest, the Katies were never safe until the middle of the final period. ‘Pooch’ Kozich shared honors with Jack Pesavento and Jack Richards as he kept the Redskin hopes alive. ship resume their old rivalry Tues- day on the Redskin’s floor. Dallas Borough will be out to preserve its record of eight straight tri- umphs over the Redskins. It will be the first game in the series for Bob Thomas, Dallas Township's new coach, but will mark the third year for Bernard Rockovich, men- tor of the Borough five. Lehman travels to Harter and Laketon to Kingston Township for what ap- pears to be clean-cut’ victories for the home teams. Lady Rebekah Banquet Lady Dallas Rebekah Lodge No. 513 will hold its banquet in the Dallas Methodist Church Monday night at 6:30 P. M. Reservations Kingston Township finds itself in the odd position of being fav- ored to capture its first league crown with an almost totally green squad. However the basis for this choice is sound for although the Katies have only three lettermen returning, two of these were un- amimous All-Star selections for last year’s first team. Jack Pesa- vento, six foot senior, and Jack Richards, five foot eleven junior, will form the nucleus for coach Bob Becker's championship seek- ing team. Richards, who was chosen for the All-Star five in both his fresh- man and sophomore years, is a tricky passer and top floor man beside having fine scoring ability and a dead eye on a one-handed push shot effective all over the floor. Pesavento topped the voting list for the All-Stars as he led the league in scoring last year with an 18.1 scoring average. He also broke the individual scoring record for one game when he poured in 38 points against Dallas Township. B. Sherin, only other returning letterman, will share varsity duty with Davis and Carey. The Katies have been successful in pre-season encounters with «their finest game coming against St. Michaels, last year’s Catholic League champs. It took an over- time period to gain a 59-56 tri- umph for the Orange and Black. Pesavento with 30 points was the top man for either team and. Rich- ards with 15 tied the Mike's lead- ing scorer. Hart Thinks Katies’ Green Squad May Lead The League Name J. Richards S. Davis ha J. Pesavento Wickham Hontz Edwards Spare Purvin Parry Greener Inman Hinkle Vrhel MORPRUEREP gH! Eo in. Dallas Methodist St. Prince of Peace St. Therese’s RC Mt. Zion St. Methodist vs. dist; St. Methodist. Township Gym. 5 Lettermen from last year are: Pesavento, J. Richards, B, Sher- Orange Methodist Paul’s Lutheran Shavertown Methodist Trucksville Methodist Lda Stes ha 0 SCHEDULE Kingston Township Roster 0”: 5” Jin 5 112 . Big Mn . 5107 is” 5’ oo” 5 i 2 5 112 o iY ag 5 832 5 5 5 8” Zion; Trucksville Metho- Therese’s vs. 5 Ww "160-11 143 12 141 12 153 11 147 11 155 ‘11 137.11 130: 10 114 10 134 10 145 10 120 10 145 10 135 10 109. 9 138 9 BACK MOUNTAIN CHURCH LEAGUE STANDINGS Saturday, January 13 Paul’s vas Ut. Dallas Orange First game at 7:15 “at Kingston Post Classified Ads Get Results FOR THE BEST IN BATHROOM FIXTURES, AUTOMATIC HEATING PLANTS, BOTTLED GAS and APPLIANCES See ‘Harold Ash PLUMBING—HEATING—BOTTLED GAS DUWWWN NH have promptly moved away, leav- [which should turn out very much |gshould be in today, Friday. Della ‘ng permanent residents holding (to Plymouth Township’s liking. Bellas is acting chairman, Mrs. Telephone 409-R-7 Shavertown, Pa. the bag. Tuesday’s Games Delores © Trumbower and Miss D. A. Waters Dallas Borough and Dallas Town- | Myrtle Major assisting. Where There's A Will There's A Way By Gene Byrnes Listen to the latest farm news every day at 12:55 over Station WHWL OLIVER Here’s the power leader of Oliver’s new, modern tractor fleet. It’s the husky 3-4 plow “88” with a 6-cylinder engine ‘and six forward speeds to provide you with a practical work- ing pace for every farm operation. The “88” is an ideal unit for concentrated farming . . . for all the heavy “rush” jobs season after season. To suit your fuel situation, Oliver offers three great engines: (1) for gasoline, (2) for tractor fuels, (3) diesel . . . designed specifically for a farm tractor and available later. Look at these new features: direct drive power take-off, Qil Miser transmission ‘case, floating oil pump screen inlet, 20-gallon fuel tank, battery ignition and automatic spark advance, basic interchangeability of Oliver’s full line of cen- trally mounted and rear suspended tools and a choice of interchangeable cast iron or stamped steel wheels with all other new Row Crop models. Let us give you the details on all the valuable farm-utility features found on Oliver’s new farm-engineered tractor fleet, built in Row Crop, Standard, Row Crop with Adjustable OLi NC. AW CUCUMBERS THAT DONT WHAT ARE You DOIN PUDDINHEAD? A 1 BETCHA THAT... AW SHOOT! TI} BETCHA I DO mT veYY 2 cuckoo NUTHING ON |T BEFORE I SHORTY COOK WANTS YO 8ET ME A NICKEL I COULDN MAKE TWO MILLS WITHOUT SPACE BETWEEN EM AN I WANNA PRACTICE UP MR.CANFIELD!++I WON'T MINCE WORDS! I'VE CHECKED WITH WASHINGTON AND LEARNED THAT YOU'RE NOT A RETIRED COLONEL AND NOT A GOYERN- MENT REPRESENTATIVE! BUSINESS IN BOOMVILLE GET YOUR HANDS ON MRS.WORTH’S HARD EARNED MONEY! 1 DON'T KNOW WHAT YOLIR 15, BUT L SUSPECT IT's TO LET'S NOT ARGUE! ° IF YOU DON'T LEAVE TOWN LA TONIGHT, I'LL PRINT YOUR OF MEANS. « WHOLE SLEAZY RECORD IN TOMORROW'S PAPER! c L CAN'T STOP YOU +++ BUT IT WILL CAUSE. MRS.WORTH LINTOLD PAIN, AND WHAT DO YOu MEAN? Ny MRS. WORTH HAS DONE ME THE HONOR OF ACCEPTING MY PROPOSAL OF MARRIAGE! «<1 WAS JUST SELECTING THE RING! ; ITS PANSY PULLET -SHE'S 2 LOST HER APPETITE , HAS NO PEP. WHAT SHALL WE DO 7 HEART ! §{ LUNGS! STA (CHECK ER) PULSE! \ CHECK ‘ER CHECK ‘ER, Ei. [| CHECKERBOARD CHUCKLES - From Your Purina Dealer HERCAEn 4 7 Ofte \¥ CHEK-R-TON | 7 A N TE = ® JIM HUSTON'S 01d Toll Gate Feed Service | Luzerne-Dallas Highway-Phone 520-R-2 ; $ & 1% a BIRDS OFF FEED? PEP EM UP | WITH CHEK-R-TON : To pep up lazy appetites and help get birds back in condition—use Pur- ° ina Chek-R-Ton. It's nationally fa- mous as an appetizer and flock wormer. Just mix itin the mash. Come in today for Chek-R-Ton. 3 5