QE r———— Sat “Neighborhood Notes And News Of Local Church Do y Purely Personal Myrtle Martin, Beaumont, who has been a patient at General Hos- pital for five weeks returned to her ~ home in Nulton’s Ambulance on Saturday. She is slowly improv- ing but still confined to her bed. Dr. and Mrs. John Doane Jr. have announced the birth of a daughter at Temple University Hosital December 26. Mrs. Doane is the former Hilda Hogg. Dr. Doane is one of the three doctor sons of Doctor John Doane Sr., Wilkes-Barre, former Trucksville resident. Bradley Updyke is ill with the mumps at the home of his parents, Church street. "Mr. and Mrs, L. P, Taylor left Friday for their home in Atlanta, ,after spending the week with the latter's mother, Mrs. F, M. Gordon of Norton avenue. Mrs. Gordon returned ‘with them to spend the winter months. Mr. and Mrs, J.‘ Stanley Rine- himer, Lehman avenue, will leave shortly to spend a month in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Miss Emily Hedden, teacher in Carlisle, spent the New Year week end with her brother and sister- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hedden of Machell avenue. Mrs. Lloyd Kear, Lake road, has been taking care of her mother, Mrs, George Ball who is ill at her home at Minersville. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ross, Ma- chell avenue, entertained a num- ber of friends at their home on New Year's Day. Mr. and Mrs, Abram Nesbitt entertained at their home at Lake Catalpa Saturday evening. Mrs. Raymon #Hedden was ill at her home on Machell avenue over the New Year weekend. Henry Blank returned last week to the Cresson State Sanitarium after sepnding a week with his family at Hillside. He is much improved. Mr, and Mrs. R. A. Williams, Shavertown, had as Christmas _ guests the latter's brother and sis- ter-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. John L. McEvoy of Plainfield, N. J. Fred Welsh, Center Hill road, is a patient at Sayre Hospital where he submitted tc an opera- thion last Friday. Mrs. Clara Shook of Tunkhan- nock has been the guest of her daughter and’ sen-in-law, Mr. and vos Mis. Fred Welsh during’ the holi- 4 1 : eh and Mrs. Alden Wagner, days. Carol Wagner, daughter of Mr, Hunts- ville, spent the holidays from State Teachers’ College in Mansfield with her parents. Milford and David Shaver, sons of Mr, and Mrs. Milford Shaver, Center Hill road, have returned radio, "Center," study’ng ceramic chemistry; David to school from their Christmas vacation, Milford to Penn State Harrisburg, where he is to DeForest, Chicago, a school of television, and electronics. Mr. with their three children, Milford, David and Marilyn, spent Sunday before New - Years with their father, D. H. Crocker, Wilkes- Barre. Other guests were Mrs. Shaver's brother, F. W. Crocker and his wife, and Arleen Shep- herd, all of Wilkes-Barre, Mr. and Mrs. A, J. Pruett and Mildred Mary have given up their home at Goss Manor and returned to Greenfield, Mass, Mr. and Mrs. James Langdon, Elmerest, had as holiday guests their son and daughter-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. George Langdon of Bos- ton. Sunday the Langdons talked with theif daughter, Betty who is in England. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Myers, Elmecrest, had as New Year's eve- ‘n'ng dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Keith Walker and Judy of Ber- wick, Felix Weber and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barnes. Mr, Weber re- turned from Chicago on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barnes, Blm- crest, had as Christmas dinner guests Mr. and Mrs, Hardan Coon of Kingston and Mr. and Mrs. James Langdon. Major and Mrs. Lester Ferriss and their daughter Kathy spent the holidays with Mrs. Ferriss’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ward, Harveys Lake. SHAVER THEATRE SHAVERTOWN FRIDAY and SATURDAY “My Blue Heaven” (technicolor) Betty Grable, Dan Dailey * Cartoon—News MONDAY and TUESDAY “Abbot and Costello in the Foreign Legion” 2ud Abbot, Lou Costello Comedy—Cartoon WEDNENAY ' and THURSDAY “Good Yymor Man” Jachagrson a and Mrs. Milford Shaver, | Sgt. Paul Kostenbauder who is! stationed = at Camp Atterbury, Ind., called on his friends at the Post Tuesday. Paul is former lino- type operator at the Post. Carl Ward, Youngstown, Ohio, spent Christmas with his parents, Mr .and Mrs. Stephen Ward, Har- veys Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Phipps Sr., Main road, had as Christmas week- end guests their daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Shewan and Linda Lee and Larry of Lancaster and for the New Year's weekend their son and dau- ghter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Phipps Jr. and Kathy of Hazleton. Burgess Herbert A. Smith, Ma- chell avenue, spent the holidays with his daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Roe and family of Lancaster. Pfc. Alan - Wood left the early part of the week for Kelly Field, San Antonio, Texas, after spend- ing a furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wood of Rice street. / Myr, and Mrs, Joseph Elicker, and Eddie and Carol, Drexel Hill, spent the weekend at their home on Pioneer avenue. R.. H. Giering and daughter, Marion of Easton spent the Christ- mas weekend with the former's daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs: H. M, Strub Jr. of Machell avenue. Pvt. S. D. Wroblewski who is stationed at Fort Dix spent the holiday weekend with his parents, Mr. ad Mrs. Stanley Wroblewski of Center Hill road. Mrs. Merl Bigelow, Main road, Shavertown, is much improved after being seriously ill at her home. Her ‘sister, Mrs. Nettie Myers ‘has returned to her home at Tunkhannock after spending sometime with her. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Beahm of Noxen had as visitors over the holidays Mr. and Mrs. Ray Deitz of Detroit, Mich., Mr. ‘and Mrs. Thomas Pearn and Edward Der- hammer of Athens, Pa., Mr. and Mrs, Albert Derhammer of Lu- zerne, Mr. and Mrs, George Boice and Elaine of Harveys Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Kunkle, Kunkle, entertained at dinner dur- ing the holidays Mr. and Mrs. Johnson Coolbaugh of Trucksville and Mr, and Mrs. Alan Kunkle and son, Wayne of New Bruns- wick, N. J. Cpl. Marcia Gross has returned to Kelly Air Base, San Antonio, Texas, after spending the hol: days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gross, Huntsville. Sgt. Harry Swepston returned this week to Camp Atterbury, Ind., after spending the New Year week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Swepston Sr. at Elmcrest. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ohlman en- tertained a number of friends at their home on Machell avenue Saturday evening honoring their daughter, Marilyn, who announced her engagement to Harry Swep- ston Jr. over the holidays, Marilyn has returned to Temple University where she is completing her Sen- ‘or year. Ann Peterson, Norton avenue, and Jim Huston, Harveys Lake re- turned to Providence, R. I, Mon- day where Ann is a sophomore at Pembroke College and Jim a jun- ‘or at Brown University, Mrs. Emory Lozier has returned to her home at Harveys Lake after submitting to a serious operation at General Hospital. She is being doctored by Dr. Lester Saidman of Noxen. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Eggleston. Vernon, are vacationing at Miami Seach, Fla. They will also visit Havanna, Cuba. Cards have been received from "ois Heitsman London saying the frost is on the pumpkin at Home- stead, Fla., though the crops seem to be 0. K. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dixon, Elm- ‘rest, had as New Year weekend tuests the latter's sister and yrother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James Mitchell of Brooklyn, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Boyes, former Trucksville residents, have announced the birth of a baby Soy, William Robert on December T. ' Dianne Bowman returned to her Yome on Church street Sunday \fter submitting to an appendec- tomy at Mercy Hospital HIMMLER THEATRE Dallas, Pa. TODAY and TOMORROW “Pll Get By” In technicolor June Haver and William Lundigan Also Cartoon and News MONDAY and TUESDAY DOUBLE FEATURE “Texas Dynamo” Charles Sterrit “Artic Fury” All Star Cast WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye” With James Cagney Also Cartoon Comedy 1a rtoon ; { Boarding and Dixons, Hosts New Year's Eve Mr, and Mrs. William Reardin entertained a number of friends at a buffet supper at their home at Goss Manor on New Year's Eve. Later in the evening the crowd gathered at the Ralph Dix- on home, Elmcrest, to see the new year in. Present were Mr. and Mrs: Walter Elston, Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Char- les Stuhlmuller, Mr. and Mrs. James Mitchell, Herbert A. Smith, the Dixons and the Reardins. Entertains At Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Welsh en- tertained at a family dinner at their home at Idetown last Sun- day. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hawke and Charlotte of Bear Creek, Jack Benny, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Neely, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Neely and Ray and Ralph, Wilkes-Barre; Mrs. A. A. Neely, Shirley Welsh, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Welsh and Robert, the host and hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hinkle, Hosts Saturday Night Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hinkle enter- tained at a New Year's Party Sat- urday evening at their home on Lincoln drive, Shavertown. An attractive party table together with confetti, hats, horns and what-not made for a joyous eve- ning. Present were Mr. and Mrs, Herman Kersteen, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Gom- er Jones, Mr. and Mrs. James Myerly, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wen- tzel, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Henwood Sr. George O. Hinkle and the host and hostess. Patsy Steel Is Guest Et Holiday Luncheon Mr. and Mrs. Robert Steele of Carverton entertained at a holi- day luncheon and sleighrid'ng party honoring their daughter, Patsy last Wednesday. Favors were red baskets filled with holi- day goodies and hats. Present were Lorain Harrison, Charlotte Dymond, Jean Croom, Elaine Shot- well, Shirley Rasmus, Sandy Grav- es, Joan Sickler, Irene Pepperling, Jacqueline Hinkle and Patsy. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stookey, Parrish street, had as Christmas day guests all their children, Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Rogers of Beau- mont, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brobst and Bonnie of Ridge street and ‘Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ide of Par- rish street. Mr, and Mrs. Hanford Eckman, Overbrook road, entertained Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gross, Mr. and Mrs, Paul Mulcey and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Patton at a Swed'sh party over the New Year weekend. Mrs. Leighton R. Scott, Easton, will spend the weekend with her mother, Mrs. H. H, Zeiser, Hunts- ville road. Mrs, John A. Reedy, summer Dallas resident, entertained her sircle of First Presbyterian Church 1t her home in Wilkes-Barre Wed- nesday. Mrs. Ray Henney, Kunkle, is in Langhorne where she was called by the sudden death of her mother, Mrs. Otto Stompler. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson Cool- baugh, Trucksville, entertained the'r daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Kunkle at dinner on Sunday. Mr. Kunkle recently retired from . the Wilkes-Barre Transit Company. Mr, and Mrs. Edward Heck, Me- weekend with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Kunkle of New Brunswick, N. J. Robert Mitchell, son of Mrs. Georgia Mitchell of Kunkle left for service with the Air Corps in Texas yesterday. Anne Mae Shaffer is a patient at Mercy Hospital where she is under observation. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Shaffer of Mill street had as holiday dinner guests the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Spencer and Ro- land of Idetown. morial highway, spent the holiday | Mrs Brace Bible Class Members Enjoy Holiday Supper Party The Brace Bible Class of Dallas Methodist Church enjoyed a de- lightful Christmas party and cov- ered dish: supper last Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kuhnert were in charge of entertainment. Program consisted of solo-vox se- lections by Dick Oliver, organ and vocal numbers by Mrs. Ruth Turn Reynolds, “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer” by Zel QGaringer, and ““Mary—Mother of God” depicted by Mrs. Raymond Kuhnert ‘with Mrs. Howard Bailey reading. ' Committee in charge: Niles White, H, C. Smith, Henry Welch, Richard Owens and Harvey Meade. Attending were: Rev. and Mrs. Frederick Reinfurt, Mr, and Mrs. H. L. Smith and Sandy and Peter, Mr. and Mrs. N. M. White, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Owens and James, Mr and Mrs. Howard Bailey, Arthur Dungey, Sterling Meade, Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Mosier, Mr. and Mrs. Sev New- berry, Richard Oliver, Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Fleming, Mr. and Mrs. Zel Garinger, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Welch, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Flem- ‘ng, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur James, Mr, and Mrs. Ord Trumbower, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kuhnert. Albert Stitzers Wed Thirty Five Years Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stitzer, Orchard street, Shavertown, cele- brated their thirty-fifth wedding anniversary ‘Monday, January 1. Mrs. Stitzer is the former Sylvia Ellsworth of West Dallas, daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs. Fred Ellsworth. - Mr. Stitzer is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Stitzer. The couple was married in the Dorranceton Methodist Church by the Rev. David MacDonald. Mr. Stitzer, one-time baseball star, is engaged in the building business. There are no children. Mrs. Raymond Garinger Entertains Art Club Mrs. Raymond Garinger, Har- veys Lake, entertained members of her art club at a Christmas party recently. Games were played and carols enjoyed. Present were: Rose Yatsko, assistant adviser, Ar- line Pimm, Joseph Marton, Joanne Leach, Phyllis Williams, Jane Dougal, Janet Grey, Eleanor Mar- tin, Roseadell Grey, Nancy Lerch, Shirley Sult, Carol Deets, Arthur Pimm, Arnold Garinger and the hostess. Beaumont Young Folks Hold Christmas Party Young people of the Beaumont Union Church held their Christ- mas party at the church Decem- ber 18 when Donald Nulton was guest speaker. Gifts were exchang- ed and games enjoyed. Commit- tee members were Romayne Smith, Gladys Jones and Norma Smith. Present were: Rev, Carl Bran- don, Donald Nulton, Romayne Smith, Gladys Jones, Janet Traver, Henry Sheffler, Carol Millard, Mar- jorie Lamoreaux, Harry Newberry, Clara - Cook, Clayton Cook, Bob Condon, George Sheffler, Russell Sheffler, Howard Smith, William Smith and Norma Smith. Wilson College Club Holds Christmas Tea The annual Christmas tea of the Wilkes-Barre Wilson College Club was held December 26 in the par- lors of the Forty Fort Presbyterian Church. Club members, present students, and guests were enter- tained by Miss Jane Pyne, a sen- ior at Wilson College, who showed pictures of her Junior year at the Sorbonne. Mrs. George Turrell and Mrs. R. O. Klotz presided at the tea table. Dr. Agnes Flack, a former club member, now residing at Oak Ridge, Tenn., was especially wel- comed. Tea was served to the following: . Harold Flack, Mrs. Robert Currie, Mrs, Ray Heddon, Mrs. Robert Jones, Mrs. Ralph Hughes, Mrs. Herbert Lloyd; Mrs. John E. Morris, Jr., Mrs. James W. Jones, Mrs. Henry Pool, Misses Henrietta Flack, Ruth Merrel, Ruth Hughes, Mary Ann Pool, Alice Clark, Nan- cy Hughes, Lydia Jones, Eleanor Pearce, Alice Super, Cynthia Park- er, Nancy Royer, Joan Carlucci, Jean Rearden, Mildred McCleary, Pat Black, Ethel Schmitt, Cynthia Williams, Carol Flanagan, Ann Hnehes, Barbara Clark, Mary Lee Wilcox. Earl Beahm Jr. Spends Furlough With Parents Earl Beahm Jr. has returned to Fort Bragg, N. C., after spending a ten day furlough with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Earl Beahm, Noxen road, Harveys Lake. Earl enlisted November 23, re- porting to Fort Meade, Md. . from where he was sent to Fort Bragg for six weeks basic training. He was assigned to the medical corps. When he has completed his basic training he will have twenty-four weeks of medical training at an- other camp. His address: Earl Beahm R.C.T. 13367795, 2nd Field Hospital, Fort Bragg, N. C. Executive Board Meets At Hutchison Home Executive Board of Dallas Sen- ior Woman's Club met Tuesday at the home of Mrs. D. M. Hutchison and reviewed activities of the last month. President Mrs. Charles W. Lee reported that twenty-six baskets had been distributed to needy families of the area. Next meeting will be held at the Prince of Peace parish house January 10 when Mrs. John Girvan will talk on ceramics. Hostesses will be Mrs. Floyd Chamberlain, Mrs. Philip Cheney, Mrs. Don Clark, Mrs. H. H. Clewell, Mrs. James Coates, Mrs. Gus Condoras, Mrs. Louis Cottle, Mrs. Bryon Creasy, Mrs. James Culp, Mrs, Lettie Cul- ver, Mrs. W. H. Derolf, Mrs. A. C. Dick, Mrs. R. G. Dickinson and Miss Mildred Devens. Next Board meeting will ‘be held at the Herman Thomas home, West Dallas, : Present at Tuesday's meeting were Mrs. Charles Lee, Mrs. Har- old Payne, Mrs. H. M. Staub, Mrs, Milford Shaver, Mrs. Daniel Rich- ards, Mrs. Jack Richardson, Mrs. Ross Lewin, - Mrs. D, M. Hutchison, Mrs. Donald Clark and Miss Mary Weir. Here For Holidays Pfc. John W. Dobson spent the Christmas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Dobson at Sweet Valley. John has been at Biloxi, Miss., for the past six months where he is at- tending Radar- Mechanics School at Keesler Field. Kunkle Ladies Enjoy Holiday Supper Party Members of the Silver Leaf Chub, Kunkle, held a holiday party at Mogan’s Restaurant, Tunkhannock recently. Holiday decorations by Arline Kunkle and an excellent program by Dorothy Henney were enjoyed. Carol singing was ac- companied by Dorothy Dodson. Gifts were presented to all of- ficers. Attending were: Mesdames Anna Weaver, Florence Klimeck, Virgie Elston, Nell Ellsworth, Eleanor Frederick, Emma Miller, Arline Up- dyke, Marie Rydd, Dorothy Dodson, Agnes Elston, Naomi Ashburner, Mildred Lutes, Vera Wertman, Jennie Miers, Lillina Kunkle, Grace Ide, Myrtle Hess, Dorothy Dodson, Dorothy Henney, Arline Kunkle and Erma Ellsworth. BABY TALK . I'm a mighty hungry cowboy! FOR REGULAR DELIVERY Think I'll go rope me a cow! IN THE BACK MT. AREA, CALL W.-B. 2-8151—COLLECT . by PURVIN A PURVIN DAIRY cow, ‘that is! RB Trim Maternity You can still look your best while waiting for that blessed event in this trim rayon-crepe two-piece print. Available in green, brown, or navy, with tie, it's featured in the January issue of Good Housekeeping magazine, A Jess Sharaf maternity classic, the dress retails for about $11. Mrs. Donald Evans Is ° Hostess For Mrs. Pruett Mrs. Donald Evans entertained at a party last Wednesday night for Mrs, A. J. Pruett who left Wednesday to make her home in Greenfield, Mass. She was pre- sented with a steam iron by her friends. Present were Mrs, C. J. Hill, Mrs. Richard Sowden, Mrs. Robert Dickinson, Mrs. J.G. Maza, Mrs, Jay Llewellyn, Mrs. Philip Cheney, Mrs. Floyd Chamberlain, Mrs. Edwin Roth, Mrs. Oscar Roth, Mrs. Andre Thevenon, Mrs, Arn- old Williams, Mrs. William Lancio, Mrs. Milford Shaver, Mrs, Paul Goddard, Mrs. Carl Landmesser, the guest of honor and the hostess. Oscar Roths Entertain For Mr. and Mrs. Pruett Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Roth, Church street, entertained at a neigh- borhood farewell party honoring Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Pruett last Thursday evening. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Evans, Mr. and Mrs Robert Dickinson, Mr. and Mrs.. Joseph Maza, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Roth, the guests of honor and the host and hostess, Margaret Lillian Hines Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hines of Baltimore, Md., have announced the birth of a daughter, Margaret Lillian Wednesday, December 20. Mrs, Hines is the former Helen Roberts of Dallas. He's In The Navy Now Alden F. Wagner, Jr., seaman first class, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alden Wagner, Huntsville, has reached Treasure Island, San Francisco, enroute to service in the Pacific. He left Wilkes-Barre December 11. Chilstias Cantata ir Presented At Idetown tata presented by. members of ‘the Idetown Church choir a Anne Spencer, Nancy Williams, Loraine Keller and Ruth Ann Wil- liams. Mrs. David Ide, Betty Jane Nal Mrs. Bruce Williams, Mrs, i Garinger, Barbara Williams, Eve- lyn Keller, Roxie Hoover, Eleanor | Mckenna, Mrs. Paul Parrish, Dorothy Meade and Kathryn Smith. Mrs. Loren Keller was irsotor= and Rev. Frank Abbett read the Christmas story. Ide ‘was organist. . Flies To See Parents road, had as holiday guest their daughter, Miss Elva Clemow who came by American Airlines from California. She with _seventy- seven other passengers made the hours. After visiting with old she arrived at the Avoca Airport Christmas eve. She left by: aie for home on Monday. = Entertains Class Mrs, Harry Lee Smith entertain. ed members of her ceramics ah at a party at her home on Mill street last night. Present were ;Miss- Marian Schneider, teacher, Mrs, Cora James, Mrs. Ted Hinkle, Wills, Mrs. Mame Frederick, Mrs. Ray Flanagan and the hostess, Durbin Class Holds Christmas Party eS Durbin Class, Dallas Church at the homes of Mrs. Dan Robinhold Friday night, and Santa Claus, in brand new white whisk- comb, distributed presents. Mem- bers joined in group singing led by Mrs. Harold Payne, Mrs. James | Huston accompanying. During the brief Testis. méet. ing preceding the program, re- ports from Mrs, Robert Van Horn, calendar project, were received WA the newly installed ® nimi Ames Campbell. hl led by Mrs, Ver as Race. — visitors, Mrs. Russell Edmunds and Mrs, Fassett Crosby, were intro- duced as prospective members. A thank-you note from Ronald in Binghamton, was received in acknowledgment of a cash Christ- mas gift, also a note from the ma- tron of the home. It was announced that the lights for the Sanctuary Annex, ordered some time ago, had arrived, and would be installed shortly. sample was shown. Refreshments were served to Ames Campbell, pouring. from members were presented to Mrs. Race. Serving as hostesses son Maury, Raymond Elston, Law- rence Updyke, James A. Oliver, and Dan Robinhold. a of Mrs. James A. Olivet street. browns, blacks. SAVE on COATS Sport coats and plain coals: fitted and loose-back models: plain colors and tweeds . greens, grays and Sunday were Ethel Ide, ow Chorus work was done by : CEE Mr. and Mrs, Fred Clemow, Lake" trip to New York City in twelve Mrs. Lu Ribotsky, Mrs a Io Secret pals were revealed at the annual’ Christmas’ Party of the Methodist secretary; Mrs. James B. Huston, - treasurer; and Mrs. H. M, Btrub, > Reese, Methodist Children's’ Home i A sixty guests from buffet tables dec- orated in the Christmas tradition, with Mrs. LaVerne Race and Mrs, Gifts": were Mesdames Robert Lewis, Wil- The next meeting was announ- ced for January 26 at the home Soloists in the Christmas. Can whi Mrs. Kenneth Calkins, - * Ti friends in New York for a week, ers, played by Mrs. Robert Body- 7 ~