‘ A r— ny rl d Ere Sherman Schooley. y He among those stationed at Camp ‘ Atterbury, Ind. to enjoy a fur- ‘ lough this weekend. He will visit THE POST, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, 50. oc y ! { | ! PAGE T. Doings Neighborhood Notes And News Of Local Church Purely Personal Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Space spent the Christmas holidays with Mr and Mrs. Dan Davis at Hopewell, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs, James C. Lurba sho were here with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Space for Thanksgiving, have pur- chased a new home in McLean, Va. Mrs. H. H. Zeiser, Huntsville toad, and Mrs. W. J. Smith, Mill street, will leave for Florida the middle of the month. Mr. and: Mrs. Harry Ohlman, Wachell avenue, spent Christmas with ~ their mothers in Wilkes- Barre, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peterson, Norton avenue had as Christmas suests the latter's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Veron Barbot of Scarsdale, N. Y. Mr. Barbot was called home early Mon- day by the death of his step- mother. : Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson, Walnut street, Kingston, entertain- od at dinner Saturday evenng Mr. and Mrs, Clinton Ide, Mr, and Mrs. Paul Gross, and Dr, and Mrs. Mrs. Wesley Oliver, Binghamton, N. Y., is spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rood of Lehman avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Swepston, Elmcrest, and Miss Marilyn Ohl- man, Machell avenue, spent the holiday weekend at Camp Atter- *- bury, Ind., as guests of Sgt. Harry D. Swepston Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James Kistler, Park street, entertained at Christ- mas dinner their parents, Mr. and rs. Alan Kistler, Harveys Lake, and sister and brother-in-law, Mr. ind Mrs. Albert Adams of Bloom- ingdale, N. J. Sgt. Harry D. Swepston Jr. will his parents on Elmcrest drive, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Underwood, W. Center street, Shavertown, have 3s guest during the holidays their son, Robert, member of the Senior sss of Dickinson College. Mary Crosby of Noxen is an the winter months with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fassett Crosby of Goss Manor, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Lutsey, Summit street, Shavertown, had as Christmas guests the former's mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Lutsey of Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Hughes, Lehman avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. H. 8. Hughes were Christmas din- Ber guests of Mr snd Mrs. J. 8. Hughes, Ki Mrs, Loren Williams, Miss Eliza- beth Hawke, Forty Fort, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Oliver, Binghamton, N. -Y., sent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Rood and Mrs. Harold Rood of Lehman avenue, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dailey, Lawn street, Shavertown, entertained at a family dinner on Christmas day. William Evans, Lawn street, Shavertown, is spending several days in Sandusky, Ohio, visiting his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William Evans. To Hold Open House The Reverend and Mrs. Freder- ‘ck W. Moock; Jr., invite the mem- Jers of St. Paul's Lutheran Church J. visit them on New Year's Day from 3 to 5 P.M. This will be che third annual Open House held at the parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Souder, Juntsville road, left Friday to spend ten days with the latter's sarents, Mr. and Mrs, J. P. Wil- Jon, Charleston, W. Va. Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson nd daughter Gertrude of Frank- n ‘street were Caristmas guests »f Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McTague, icademy street, Wilkes-Barre, Mr. and Mrs, Olin DeWolf of \rlington, Va. are spending the olidays visiting local friends. Mr. JeWouf is a former Dallas resident. Ralph Harrison who is stationed t Camp Atterbury, Ind., spent the hristmas weekend at his home on Parrish’ street. Mrs. George Turn and Penny nd the former's mother, Mrs. Vi- bla Atwater, E, Center street, Shavertown, are spending the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Atwater and family .n Toledo, Ohio. Miss Joan Gay, who is employed in Washington, D. C., will spend the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Paul Shaver, Huntsville road. Mrs. Z. R. Howell, E. Center street, Shavertown, entertained over the Christmas weekend her daughter, Marjorie and Dr. D. S. Muir of Mineola, L. L Mrs. John Evans, E. Center street, entertained over the week- and her children including Mr. and Mrs. Powell, Bo Evans of Elmira, N. Y., and Emerson Evans and family of Trucksville. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Sedler, Mill street, had as wcekend guests their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William Dorn and Kathy | of Shelton, N. J. Bill who has been ill is able to be back at work and is feeling much better. Gaston LeMieux, Mrs. Sedler’s sis- ter, and her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Evans of Plainfield, N. J., were also guests at the Sedler home, Mr. and Mrs. Howell Rees, New York City, spent the holiday week- end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Henry at Shick- shinny. Howell is former editor of The Dallas Post. Fred Kiefer, New York City, spent the holiday weekend with ais family at Shrineview, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nelms, De- munds road, entertained a number >f friends at their home Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. Stanley Rine- aimer, Lehman road, spent Sun- day and Christmas day with their ‘wo sons and families, Dr. and Mrs. John Rinehimer of Tunkhan- rock and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rinehimer, Warren avenue, Kings- Jon. Mr. and Mrs. James Hutchison Jr., Abbington, Pa. are spending she holiday vacation with their arents, Mr. and Mrs, James Jutchison Sr., Trucksville. Jim 3r. who had been a patient at Jeneral Hospital is back at work now. HIMMLER Mickey Hazeltine who is em- ployed in Washington, D. C., spent the weekend with his mother on | Main street. Dick Harrie, student at Temple University, is spending the holi- days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Harris, Woodlawn drive. Jim Waters, student at Penn State College, is spending the boli- days with his parents, Mr. and road. Pfc. Alan Wood who is stationed at Kelley Field, Texas, is spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and ‘Mrs. Ernest Wood, Rice street. The Woods had as Christmas guests Mrs. Wood's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Saxe of Hillside, N. J., and Mr. and Mrs. Royal Culp and Joan Phillips of Kingston. John Monka who is employed ' in, Washington, D. C., spent the Christmas weekend with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Monka, Orchard Farm road. Pvt. 1st Class Paul Sedler who is stationed at Fort Dix spent the Christmas weekend with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Sed- ler, Mill street. He expects to be home for New Year's too. SHAVER THEATRE SHAVERTOWN FRIDAY .and SATURDAY ~ “Copper Canyon” in technicolor Ray Milland, Hedy Lamarr Cartoon MONDAY and TUESDAY “Broken Arrow” (technicolor) James Stewart, Debra Paget Cartoon WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY “Bright Leaf” Gary Cooper, Lauren Bacall, Jack Carson Cartoon. THEATRE Dallas, Pa. TODAY and TOMORROW “Treasure Island” In technicolor starring Bobby Driscoll Cartoon and News MONDAY and TUESDAY “Mr. Eight Eighty” starring Burt Lancaster Short and Cartoon WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY DOUBLE FEATURE “Savage Splendor” In Trucolor and “Tattooed Stranger” Miss Lillian Nartowicz Marries Morris Harris Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Lillian Nartowicz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Nartowicz of Hartford street, Ashley, and Morris B. Har- ris of Woodlawn drive. eph T. Hammond performed the double ring ceremony in St. Leo's Church, Ashley, November 25 at 9 am. Attendants were Miss Mildred Mishkin and Thomas Ansilio. The bride wore copper colored gaberdine suit with white acces- sories and shoulder bouquet of or- chids, Miss Mishkin chose cocoa suit with gold accessories and yel- .OW roses. Mrs. Nartowicz, mother of the oride, selected wine street length dress with black accessories and Mrs. Harris, mother of the bride- groom, navy with matching acces- sories. Their shoulder bouquets were orchids. Mrs. Harris is a graduate of St Leo's Parochial School, Ashley. She s emloyed by Hessler Laundry Mr. Harris was graduated fron. Dallas Borough High School. H s employed by Hessler Laundiy The couple resides temporaril, with the bridegroom's parents, Sandra Jean Sedler Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Sedle: Jr., have announced the birth o. a six pound, six ounce, baby gi Sandra Jean, at Nesbitt Hospita December 23. This is their firs child. Mrs. Sedler is-the formd Stella Ide, daughter of Mr. an. Mrs. Floyd Ide of Rice street. Mrs. Virgie Wolfe Heads Mrs. Loyalville Aid Society Mrs, Virgie Wolfe was reelected | president and Mrs. Minnie Wesley, vice president, at the business meeting and Christmas party of thc Loyalville Ladies Aid Society held at the home of Mrs. Wilfred Ide last Tuesday. Mrs. Bessie Ide is new secretary and Mrs. Pearl Ide, reelected treasurer. Plans were made not to have a regular supper in January be- cause of unsettled weather. Next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Martha Swire the third Tuesday in January. Members will bring one dollar instead of con- tributing to the supper. Present were: Mesdames Dorothy Steltz, Emily Lord, Vergie Wolfe, Audrey Booth, Addie Payne, Esther Baer, ‘Minnie Wesley, Dorothy Steltz, Mary Bowman, Edith Steltz Josie Hummel, Bessie Ide, Martha Swire, Pearl Ide and Mary Nienius Entertains Circle Mrs. John Cartright, Shaver- town, entertained members of the Henry Circle, Shavertown Metho- dist Church last Tuesday. Present were Mrs. Lewis Evans, Mrs. Char- les Howe, Mrs. Herbert Ray, Mrs. Walter Cook, Mrs, George Swan, Mrs. Stark and Mrs. Chapple. Rev. Jos-' Pireathad Half Price Sale Junior Mss and Half Sizes Better Dresses At Less Than Cost 3 Brook Street Dress Shop Open Evenings 6-9 Saturdays 1-5 Closed December 30 lyn Claire Ohlman, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ohlman of Machell avenue, to Sgt. Harry D. Harry D. Swepston of Elmcrest. Marilyn is a graduate of Wyom- ing Seminary and a member of a very pretty candlelight service, Miss June Bubble, Titian haired daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Bubble, Oak street, Forty Fort, became the bride of George H. Cleasby, son of Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Cleasby, Davis street, Trucksville, Christmas afternoon at 4 pm. Rev. Robert Webster per- formed the double ring ceremony before an altar banked with holi- day greens. Alfred Milliner Camp played the wedding music. Attendants © were. Miss Mary Carey of Plymouth and Bruce Cleasby, brother of the bridegroom. Henry Hill, Shavertown, and George Keiper, Forty Fort, cousin of ‘the bride, were ushers, The bride was attractive in bal- lerino white lace dress with tight bodice of caantilly lace, high neck- line buttoned to the waist and long tight sleeves ending in .ponts at the wrist. Her chapel length veil fell from a tierra of seed pearls and she carried white pompons. made with lace. bertha. She wore a garland of yellow pompons and carried a matching bouquet. Mrs. Bubble, mother of the bride, chose mauve wool dress with “black = accessories and pink rose buds, and Mrs. Cleasby, mother of the bride groom navy blue with powder blue accessories and pink roses. Following. the ceremony, a re- ception was held at the home of the bride; and the couple left for New York City. Announcement has been made the senior. class at Temple Uni- of the engagement of Miss Mari- | versity. Swepston Jr., son of Mr, and Mrs. | ed Penn State College. Miss June Bubble Becomes Bride of George Cleasby On Christmas the service worked for Harter's Dairy. He has just completed his basic training at Wichita Falls and will report for five months train- ing at Cheyenne, Wyoming. \ “7 “Where Quality Prevails” SLOP’, 12 Main Street, Dallas, Pa. FOR THAT NE YEAR'S PARTY MEATS h MEATS Armour’s Skinless Franks Ib —55¢ Armour’s Sliced Bacon ib.—55¢ Armouy’s Minced—Ring : = Ass’s Loaves , |h~=59¢C Armour’s Hams Whole or Shank Half |h,~—67¢ Girard P.xies 5 1b. Average __ Ib—53¢ CUT UP CHICKEN Legs or Breasis— '° Yoahg—Tender 1b. PRODUCE ‘PRODUCE Florida Oranges Dozen; : 35¢ Macintosh Apples 4 th 29¢c Limestone Potatoes sos $1.23 Sweet Potatoes 4 lbs. 25¢ Iceberg Lettuce 2 Heads 2%¢c FROZEN FADS FPN7EN FONNS Bird’s Eye Green Peas 2 pkes. 49¢ Donald Duck Orange Juice 2 cans 39¢ Cnban Lobster Tails pound 99¢c mute Steaks 10 fr $1.29 "RANK KR i ° FRANKRIES ; FROKERIFS | Swift's Prem . 1Zounce; . ° 48¢ lm rt vows” She maeing in hei | WearPs Delight Peach Halves 2 tor, Ble S; Swe i d . } Ei Erin tee || Planters GocklallP-Nul =°= ee: 7 356 oi Pom Sate College He is with Shnriine Coffee Pound T19¢ e t 1 a Rierbury, 1a. | | Shuriine Catsup 2 for 39c Shurfine Mayonnaise pint 3T¢c Swanee Kitchen Towels each i5¢ Swannn Panar Nankirs 2 for 2230 Come In Today And Take Advantage Of The Goods Listed Above Mrs. Cleasby is a. graduate of End The Year Right And You'll Be Sure To Start The Forty Fort High School and is em- Year—Right—in The Store— ployed at the Okonite Company, | “Where Quality Prevails”. a FROM ALL OF US - - - TO ALL OF YOU High School and before he entered HAPPY. NEW. YEAR : em —CALL 450 FOR FREE DELIVERY— Mss Carey selected 'Nile green | BABY. TALK oe wis ium by PURVIN . .-and. all the :PURVIN'S" MILK I can drink.’ No worries, --NOiCares . Ahhh! This is the life! FOR REGULAR DELIVERY IN THE BACK MT. AREA, CALL W.B. 2-8151—COLLECT A DRESS SMARTLY « BUY all right in a few days. But forget that any departure Main Hig AY te 3 plane oo Ve @® You're not really sick, you say. Just a litle under the weather. Be y—Trucksville . se* don't from normal health deserves prompt * and careful attention. There's no such thing ns % an swimpertant illness. Better let a doctor look ° you over. Aad when you have his prescrip- s toe. brine it io far nue ocmnoes ance conde * Y EARL’S DRUG STORE Phone 110 JEWELRY . .. occasions. rings. loveliest costume. Start the New Year Right ® 00 BLOUSES . — fussy blouses for dressy skirts, or the tailored models for tweeds and tailored wool- ens; $1.99 Lovely Pearls —s0 pretty with your sweat- ers and blouses. in 1, 2, 3. or 4-strand necklaces: matcning earrings. too. For the formal Peart and Rhine- stone combinations bracelets and neck- laces to compiement ycur $1.29 up in ear- (plus tax) A year ‘round favorite with everyone... . .in' cardigans and slip-overs—wool or ny- lon; from $2.99 . ‘jersey or silk: SKIRTS . :..1 .of Wool, rayon: *! or faille—plain colors, tweeds, stripes or plaids, smart sgirts ; to take you anywhere! $2.99 LUZERNE 1100 MAIN ST. 7-6318