PAGE TWO © BROADWAY AND MAIN STREET It Takes a Youngster to Tell Rose All About Show Business By BILLY ROSE One of the actors 1 recently interviewed for my television show . was a young fellow named Bill Ferguson. “Haven’t 1 seen you in something?” 1 asked. “If you didn’t blink,” said the youngster, "you might have noticed me in the chorus of ‘South Pacific. b.2» - “Still with the show?” “No, 1 left it a few months ‘ago to try my luck at television.” “Show business is a tough racket,” 1. oracled. *] haven't found it so,” said Bill; "Matter of fact, éver since 1 got to iown it’s been one good break after another. Incidentally, your fiend; Dick Rodgers, was : “What "did - -Rieh- ard do for you?” 1 asked. “Well,” said. the youngster, ‘it started when Mr. Rodgers and Mr. Hammerstein were. holding auditions .Billy Rose . for the chorus ‘and bit parts in “South. Pacific.’ My wife—her stage name iis" Evelyn’ Colby also * does some singing and dancing, so we tried out for the show together. Only ‘one of’ vs, however, ‘got picked— Evelyn.” ® “DOESN'T SOUND like too good 8 beginning.” : “It. wasn’t,” said Bill; *‘but we figured there wasn’t “any pont moping about it—the important thing was not to be separated. So when ibe show went up to New Haven to break in, 1 went along with it and, as luck would have it, 1 landed a job as waiter in Casey s Chop House —the place on College Street across from the Shubert Theatre. “13 was the bess thing thas could bave happened,” the young. ster wens om, "because a couple ©! days bejore the opening who should come. in and plunk bim- sel] down as one of my tables Bd Mc, Rodgers. . “He. recognized me, ‘and when be quizzed me about what 1 was doing in a waiter’s get-up, 1 told him 1 had taken the iob so as to be near .my wife. The story seemed to tickle ‘nim. and when he went back to the theatre 1 understand he held up a rehearsal to repeat it to Oscar Ham merstein and Josh Logan, the direc- tor. An hour later the three of them came ‘into the chop house looking | for’ me, and the next morning 1 was on the stage of the Shubert learning the lyrics of ‘There Is Nothing Like A Dame.” ” ¥ a ® ® +, “CUTE STORY,” 1 said. “There's more to it,”’ said Bill. “A columnist heard about what hap- . pened and wrote it up, and as a re- sult I got a couple 0s television nib- bles. Then the nicest thing of all "| happened. One night Margaret Tru- ‘man came backstage, and after con- | gratulating Pinza and Mary Martin ‘she asked for the Bill Ferguson she had read’ about. You see, we went to the same high school in Independ- .ence, Missouri, and broke into the ‘singing business together in the choir of the Baptist Church.” "Did your wife get to meet the President’s daughter?’ “Nos. that evening,” said the youngster, "but she did s few . days later when Miss Truman ‘came around 10 our apartment 10 see the new baby.” “It's been nice talking to you,” 3 ny “but I'm afraid I can’t use you on next week's show—I'm look- {ing for someone to play ® sad, mis- ‘erable lite man.” Back Mountain Basketball League Tacoday, aus. v0 Dallas at Plymouth, Lake at ih t man, Dallas: Twp. at: Ringed. Friday, January 12. las. Tuesday, January 16 - Dallas Boro. at Dallas, Lehman at Plymouth, Lake at Kingston. Friday, January 19 Lehman - at. Dallas, Bore ‘mouth at. Kingston, Lake. Fr day, January 26 Dallas Boro: at! Lake, Dallas at] 4 i Ringston: at Lehman. Ply-. ; Dallas :at. ; Tuesday, Februray 6 Plymouth at Dallas Boro, Leh- ‘man at Lake, Kingston at Dallas, ‘ { Friday, February 9 Kingston. .at Dallas Boro, Ply- mouth at Laks, A at. Pal. Dallas Boro at Kingston, Lake at Plymouth, Dallas at Lehman. Tuesday, February 13 . Dallas at Dallas Boro; Plymouth . at. Lehman, Kingston at Lake. Friday, February 16 Dallas Boro at Lehman, Kings- ton at Plymouth, Lake at Dallas. Friday, February 23 Lake at Dallas Boro, Plymouth . :at ‘Dallas, Lehman at Kingston. Lester B. Squier, President Frank Trimble, Vice-President George Taylor, Secretary Ent SUNSET HARVEY'S ‘LAKE at the sion of the flashing pig | DeLnicious BARBECUES FisH and CHiPs The home of the Ranchburger Telephone H. L. 3756. Modern And Square Dance * SPONSORED BY HARRY M. SMITH ‘VOLUNTEER FIRE CO. Kunkle: Community Hall New Year's Eve FROM : 10P.M. TO 2 A.M. Open All Year "Round Your choice of 8 delicious solid Vovors, including Old Fashioned Fruit Pudding lee o Cream. Your Breyer Dealer also has 2 popeler Half * n’ Holf flavor ONT, . Clogged pipes mean dan: + ‘Play : safe by... let- ting our licensed plumb- ger! ers clear up trouble © : Aig safely, - rapidly, “cleanily. ‘give us a presenc. Harold Ash Plumbing—Heating =Shavertowr, Pas ; Phone -409-R-7 THE POST, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1950 ~ a 5» YOU KNOW ME HE DALLAS CHURCH NEWS BY More than + newsppwr, a al, Himself \ community mstitution’ Re We believe all of us are senti-, but some of us show it -aore than others, «Ls, the season. \e don’t