The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, December 15, 1950, Image 4

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BS aaron Notes And News Of Local Church Doings
Mir. And Ms. I. T Boston Celebrate
Golden Wedding Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Asa Day and family
have moved from Charles street,
Kingston, to the Jack Loucks
house on Terrace street, Dallas,
which they recently purchased.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter King and
Mrs, Fronie Wilcox spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs, Walter Meeker
at Muhlenburg. °°
Mrs. Fronie Wilcox will leave
Dallas on Sunday to spend the
Christmas holidays with her daugh-
ter, Mrs. W. H. Lynch, in. Harris-
Don Shaffer, Mill street, the boy
who used to deliver your groceries
from Dixon's Market, has joined
the Air Force: and is stationed in
Texas. Al Knecht is with him.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Day of
Huntsville road have pulled up
stakes and taken their trailer to
Sarasota, Fla. for the winter. -
Miss Shirley Coon, member of the
freshman class at Wellesley, will
arrive December ‘16 to spend the
holidays with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Coon of Overbrook road:
Mrs. Frank® Morrison of = Davis
street, Trucksville, left Wednesday
to spend the holiday season with
her mother and sister at Plymouth,
Mass. Mr. Morrison will join hen
for the Christmas weekend.
Miss Lois Kiefer, member of the
sophomore class at Wellesley will
arrive this week to’ spend the ‘holi-
days with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Kiefer of Shrineview.
Miss Marilyn Ohlman,
of the Senior Class at’ Temple Uni=
versity, spent the weekend with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Ohlman of Machell avenue.
Fred Templin, son. .of Mr, and
Mrs. R. J. W. Templin of Wood-
lawn road left this week for ser-
vice fith the U. S. Army.
David Schmerer, member of the
Senior Class at Syracuse Univers
siey, will arrive Sunday to ‘spend
the holidays with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Schmerer of Par-
rish street.
Bob Jewel, student ‘at Blooms:
burg State Teachers" College, will
arrive next Friday to spend Christ-
‘ mas vacation with his parents, Mr,
and Mrs.
rish street,
Jim Waters, sagober of the sop-
homore class at Penn State, will
spend the holidays with his pa-
rents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Waters
of Huntsville road. i:
Mrs. Margaret Hildebrant, Nor
ton avenue, . spent the weekend
with Mrs, John Titus at’ Wilkés-
Shaver, Norton avenue; and Cpl,
Robert Shaver, son of Mr. and: Mrs,
Claude Shaver Woodlawn drive, ar-
rived from Fort Bragg, N. C. this
week to spend ten day furloughs
with their parents. On their re-
turn they will be moved to Vir-
Paul Shaver Sr. spent the weel-
end hunting in Pikes County.
Mrs, Wesley Himmler, Lake road,
will be hostess to members of the
Jessie Brickel Sunday School Class
at their holiday party December
Members of Dallas Rotary and
ther wives and guests enjoyed
Joseph Jewell of Par-
Club last night.
Mr. and Mrs. . Fred Howell, Pio-
neer avenue, - Shavertown; were
among the teachers who attended
the twenty fifth anniversary din-
ner of G.A.R. High Schoo! held
at Fox Hill Country Club last. Sa-
turday evening.
General Norman Smith, teacher
at Wyoming Semi nary and former I
member |
{ Mrs.
Robert David Joseph
Mr. and Mrs. John Joseph, Chic-
ago, Ill, announce the birth of a
six and a half pound baby boy at
Garfield Park Community Hospital
Tuesday, December 12. Mrs. Jos-
eph is the former June Wilson of
first child and the Dave. Joseph's
first grandchild. All are walking
on clouds. The precious bundle is
named Robert David for both
Cards have been received from
Mr. and Mrs. John A, Reedy, Cen-
ter Hill summer residents from At-
lanta, Ga., where they are visiting
their daughter, Mary.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Kunkle and
son, Wayne of New Brunswick,
N. J., spent the weekend with Mr.
and , Mrs. Forrest Kunkle at
Mr, and Mrs. Forrest Kunkle at-
tended the Tunkhannock Joint
School Faculty Christmas dinner
at :the Eatonville Methodist Church.
Mrs.: Charles Vose of Detroit,
Mich., former Kingston resident, is
spending - the holiday season with
her daughter and son-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas J, Bozak of Har-
She spent last week at
and Mrs.
veys. Lake.
Trucksville visiting Mr,
Dale Zimmerman.
Mrs. Alonzo. Prutzman, Shaver-
town, is a patient in General Hos-
iptal; Her son Darrell, Providence,
R. IL, has been here for several
Dan Robinhold has the roof on
the ‘attractive : ranch type house
he’ is building on Luzerne street,
Mrs. Dan Waters, Huntsville
road, spent the weekend with her
son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and
James Waters of Dover, Pa.
John Stevenson, Terrace Drive,
Shavertown, more familiarly known
as “Pop” to hundreds of school
children, is ill at his home.
Mrs. .Gertrude Ritter and son,
Teddy Morgan, returned to Mid-
and Texas, on Sunday after pay-
ing a visit to Mrs, Ritter's mother
Mrs. © Elizabeth : Andrew, and her
brother Tommy, both of Terrace
Drive, Shavertown,
The new Henry Pool home at
Huntsville is ‘taking shape and
looks as though it might be ready
for occupancy by spring.
The framework has been com-
pleted for the new Huntsville
Christian Church parsonage and
the roof is on. While it won't be
finished by the first of the year,
as was hoped, it won’t be long now.
Sgt. and Mrs, Paul Helfrich, for-
mer Back Mountain res.dents, have
moved to 1100 E. Howard avenue,
‘Biloxi, ‘Miss. Mrs, Helfrich is the
former Lois MacAvoy of Shaver-
Paul Shaver, son of . Paul
Huntsville resident will spend the
holidays with his family at East
Woodstock, Conn. Wayde Smith
will occupy his dad's ® apartment
during the holi days and visit old
friends in the valley.
Stanley Wroblewski who ‘is sta-:
tioned at Fort Dix spent the week-
end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Stanley Wroblewski Sr. .of Center
Hill road.
M'ss Lyda Smith, Garden City,
L. I, will spend the holidays with
her brother and sister-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs.
Ruth Haycox, student at South-
ern Seminary, Buena Vista, Va.,
wil arrive tomorrow to spend the
holidays with her parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Harris Haycox, Main road.
HE inches an 3%
starring James Stewart and
Shelly Winters
“Kill The Umpire”
starehis William Bendix
“Hational Velvel”
starring Elizabeth Taylor. and
Mickey Rooney :
H. W. Smith of Lake,
Mrs: Fred Kiefer spent the week-
end, in New York with Fred at his
Betsy Reynolds a member of
the Junior Class at Penn State Col-
ilege, will arrive Tuesday’ to spend
the holidays with her mother, Mrs.
Ruth Turn Reynolds, Johnson
street, Trucksville,
Gerald Frantz has been confined
to his’ home on Spring street,
Shavertown with the grippe.
Miss Elma! Major, teacher at Al-
lentown ‘and Miss Patricia: Clark,
teacher at Muncy will spend the
weekend with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Herbert Major of Hunts-
their holiday dance at the Country}: 2
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Culp, Hunts
ville, spent the weekend with their
daughter: and son-in-law, "Mr,' and
Mrs, ‘Charles Bettinson of New
York City.
Clark Unger and Donald ‘Frantz,
students at Penn : State College,
spent the weekend: with the lat-
ters parents, Mr. and Mrs, ‘Ben
Frantz Jr. of Terrace street. Don
expects to arrive December 19 for
the "holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Williams of
New Cumberland will spend the
weekend at the Herbert Major
home and help Mr, and Mrs. Major
celebrate their golden wedding an-
Miss Mildred Major, Huntsville
and Mr, and Mrs. Ellis Sw'ngle of
Harveys Lake returned Thursday
after spending ten days in. Miami
Beach as ‘guests of Mr. and Mrs.
A. J. Sordoni and in Cuba.
This is the John Joseph's:
Dallas, Pa.
“The Happy Years”
in tec Heid] or
starring Dean Stockwell
Cartoon and News
“They Live By
Nis oh 39
starring Foty Granger
“Belles of Old
i in trucolor
‘ starring Robert Rockwell ;
Comedy and Cartoon =~ °
Miss Virginia Wilson
Marries Harold Souder
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Wilson of
3. Charleston, W. Va, have an-
aounced the marriage of their dau-
ghter, Virginia, to Harold O. Sou-
der, “son of Mrs. Ellen Souder,
Huntsville road, : Dallas. In the
presence of the immediate families
Rev. Frederick Reinfurt performed
the double ring ceremony in Dallas
Methodist Church’ October 25.
Attendants were Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Souder, brother and sister-
in-law of the bridegroom.
The bride is well known locally
having lived with her grandpar-
ents, Mr.-and Mrs. William Wilson
for the past year. She attended
Dallas Borough High School; Char-
leston High School and Sullins Col-
lege, Bristol, Va. ‘She is a charter
member of the Order of Rainbow
for girls in Charleston, is Past
Worthy Adviser of the organiza-
Mr. Souder attended: Dallas
Borough High School. He is em-
ployed by Lester Pontiac Company
in Kingston.
The couple reside on Huntsville
road. :
Theatre Pariy | For
Carol Deets” Twelfth
Mr, and Mrs, William Deets en-
tertained at a theatre party in
honor of their daughter Carol on
her twelfth birthday anniversary
Tuesday evening. Guests were Jes-
sie Armitage, Joan Cowan, Gail
Payne, Barbara Kearn, Jean Ide,
Louise Merrill, Phyliss Williams,
Jane Dougal, Carlene Kocher, Son-
ja Kulcavage, Judy Searfoss, Ca-
rol Deets, Mrs. Wilfred Ide and Mrs,
Joan Cowan.
Mrs. Jack Roberts Is
Surprised On Birthday
Mrs. Jack Roberts was pleasantly
surprised last Wednesday when a
number of friends dropped ‘in at
her home on Main road to help her
celebrate her birthday anniversary.
Present were Mr. and Mrs. Milton
Culp, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Elston,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Covert, _Rev.
and Mrs. C. H. Frick, Mrs. Ralph
Frantz, Mrs. Fannie Culp, Mr. and
Mrs, Carl Roberts of Kingston,: Mr.
and Mrs. Carlo LaCorte of Wilkes-
Barre, Mr. and Mrs. Roberts.
Dallas Choirs To Give
Contata Sunday Night
“The Christmas Story”, contata
by H, Alexander Methews, will be
presented . in Dallas Methodist
Church Sunday evening at 7:30 o!-
clock. Soprano soloist will be Mrs.
John: Roberts, tenor soloist, Dick
Oliver and guest contralto, Mary |
Bittenbender Nelson.
Members of the! chorus are: So-
pranos, Mrs. Georgia Welch, Mrs.
Laverne Race, Mrs. William Hanus,
Mrs. Frederick Reinfurt, Miss Rita
Cummings and Miss Della LaBar;
altos; Mrs. Mae Ide, Mrs. Ethel
Oliver and Mrs, Ray Kuhnert; ten-
ors, John Roberts; Dick Oliver;
basses, Zel Garinger, Floyd Ide, Ray
Kuhnert, William Baker, Lewis Le-
Ruth Turn Reynolds is director
and Louie W. Ayre, organist.
Kindergarten Parties
Mrs. Ruth Turn Reynolds will
entertain at a Christmas party for
her afternoon music kindergarten {o
pupils Tuesday and for the morn-
‘ng pupils next Friday at her home
on Johnson road, Trucksville.
With your hair a wreath
of graceful waves made _
‘even more exciting by
an overtone of high-
lighting color. Per-
manent and tinting ideal
he most baby fine
begins at
Ec’s Beauty Shoppe
Carverton Road, Trucksville |
195-R-15 or 493-R-2
! and Mr. Boston earned only $1.25
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Boston of
Ricketts Glen celebrated their gol-
den wedding anniversary Novem-
ber 21 with open house for rela-
tives and friends. . ; ;
Mr. Boston was son of the late
Mr. and Mrs. Ezra P. Boston. Mrs,
Boston is the former Jennie Rob-
erts of Unityville, The couple was
married at Harveysville by the
late Squire Nicholson (one eye wit-
ness of the ceremony, Mrs, Carrie
Nicholson Rittenhouse, is still liv-
ing) and went to housekeeping in
the house they now occupy ad-
joining the Ricketts Glen State
Park. R '
Their land is part of the origi-
nal 160 acre homestead granted
for settlement to the great grand-
father of Mr. Boston by the govern-
ment, It was later. divided be-
tween two brothers, Dennis, a Civ-
il War Veteran and Ezra, father of
J. E. Boston, each son receiving’
eighty acres. The part owned by |
Dennis, covered with virigin tim-
ber, was sold for $90' about. the
time the J. E. Bostons were mar-
ried but since they were taking
over the other half of the estate
a day working on the Ricketts
Glen Dam projects, the young
couple felt they could not afford
to ‘buy .it. It has since been sold
over and over again for real
The Bostons have two children,
Mrs. James Culp, a member of the
Lake Township faculty and War-
ren, owner of Boston Chevrolet
at. Pikes Creek; also two grand-
children, Mrs. Sheldon Hoover and
Patty Cornel Culp.
Those who helped the couple
celebrate were Mr. and Mrs, Rus-
sell Wandel and Donna Jean and
Leroy of Broadway; Mr. and Mrs.
E. J. Waterstripe, Edna Roberts,
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Wandel,
Lora Lee Wandell, Mr, and Mrs.
J. L. Williams, Mrs. Effie Saxe,
Mrs. Mae McCern,: Mrs. Merritt
Saxe and Marion and Arthur, Mr
and Mrs. Sheron Brandon, Mr. and
Gift Giving
At only a pittance
is for
and Sia
Gauntlels Bly
or Mittens Yj!
Easy A
Mrs. Junior LeValley, Mr. and Mrs.
Alfred Roman and Helen, Tony,
Jeanny, Mr. and Mrs. James Culp
and daughter Patty of Sweet Val-
ley; Mr. and Mrs. Reber Trum-
bower, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Trum-
bower and Tommy and Carl Jr. of
Nanticoke; Mr. and Mrs. Jesse
Yocum, Irene, Mrs. Maggie Boston,
loomsburg; Mr, and Mrs. Carl
Wall and Jimmy of Pittston; Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Krum, Mr. and
Mrs, Frank Boston, June, Mr, and
Mrs. Donald Boston, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Boston and Charlotte of Dal-
las; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Keller,
Shavertown; Mr, and Mrs. Gilbert
Boston, Frederick and Earl, Mr.
and Mrs, Cecil Boston and Lois of
Noxen; Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon
Hoover, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bos-
ton, Pike’s Creek.
Have Baby Boy
Mr, and Mrs. Edward Cundiff,
Huntsville road, have announced
the birth of a:son in Nesbitt Hos-
pital Tuesday, : December 12.
Board Meets Tuesday
Executive Board, Dallas Jun’or
Woman’s Club, will meet Tuesday
n'ght at 8 at the home of Mrs. Ho-
ward Jackson, Shavertown.
Harveys Lake Women
List Patrons For Dance
Harveys Lake Woman's Club
will hold its holiday dance at Beau-
mont Inn this evening. Dancing
from 9 until 1 o'clock to Bob
Scott’s music..
Among the patrons of the affair
are: Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gar-
inger, Mr. and Mrs, Eldridge Shav-
er, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Kistler, Mr.
and Mrs. William Deeter, Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Swanson, Mr. and Mrs.
Lee Zimmerman, Mr. and Mrs.
John Schappert, Mr. and Mrs. Har-
old Fiske, Mr. and Mrs. George
Bray, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood White-
sell; Mrs. Albert Armitage, Mrs.
Ben Rood, Mrs. Herbert Payne,
Mrs. Clyde Hoyt, Mrs. Carrie Rood,
Richard Williams, Mrs. Del-
Winterstein; Miss Louella Gos-
sart and Miss Pauline Davis; sta-
tion WBX.
Mr. and Mrs. Arley Harron, Mr.
and Mrs. Elwood Davis, Mr. and
Mrs, Clarence Moledor, Mrs. Grace
Martin, Mrs. Fred Merrill, Mrs. Har-
vey Kitchen and Mrs. Clarence
Have Baby Girl
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dewees,
Shrineview, have announced the
birth of a baby girl at Nesbitt Hos-
pital Wednesday, Deceriber 13.
Judge Harold Flannery: will
speak before Dallas Kiwanis Club
on January 24,
Ben Frantzes, fosig 3
At Dinner On Sunday
Mr. and Mrs, Ben Frantz ¥en
tertained at a deer dinner at wT
home on Terrace street Sunday
evening. Present were: Mr. . and
Mrs. ne
David Thompson, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Schmoll, Paul Smith, Jerry
Wasserott, Mr, and Mrs. French
Jones, Clark Unger, Don. Frantz,
Tootie Frantz and the
Married Fifty Yours:
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Jes Major,
Fernbrook road, Huntsville, will
Robert Hale, Mr. and Mrs, i
Miss Claire Foley, Paul
Er [
host ==4 : ] 5
celebrate their Golden Wedding
anniversary with a
members of their fomily and rela- TR
tives at Huntsville Christian Church
Saturday at 6:30 followed by open 4
house for
their friends. The Ma-
jors will be married: fifty years on
December 19.
William Robert Boye :
Mr. and Mrs, William E. Boyes
of Hightstown, N. J., announce
the birth of a son, William Robert,
December 7. Mrs. Boyes is the
former Arline Shultz of Fernbrook.
Mr. Boyes is from Centermoreland.
and Mrs. Robert Guyette
of Trucksville will move into the
house formerly occupied by Arthur
Parrish on Huntsville road, Dallas.
Beautiful, Beautiful gifts
that flatter the feminine
heart . . . lovely things . . .
modestly priced!
Shop at Artley for Robes,
Lounging Pajamas, Wallets,
Scarfs, Sweaters, Skirts,
Blouses, Negligees . . . hun~-
dreds of dainties for your
easy selection.
Lighters, 1847
Nationally Advertised
Bulova, Elgin, Hamilton watches.
Appliances, Clocks, Toasters, Dresser Sets.
B y
Remember Henry's
The Store of the
Blue-White Diamonds
Rogers Silver, Sun Beam
Pen and Pencil sets, Soo =
Grace T. Cave x from {
SHOP x $1.99 & |
Main Street, Dallas plus tax AS
oe on days left! ® VELVET or
*38 5 ;
Co Qs
a oF mony Store
DALLAS 1 =. 4