CRC, - AEN CORRE Seeks RN 5 3 i oF Beaumont The school Christmas vacation starts Friday, December 22, and ends Wednesday, January 3, at 9 PM The Evans Fallas Methodist Sun- day School will have its Christ- mas program Friday, December 15, at 7:30 to which everyone is in- vited. The stork brought a boy to the William Belles family Monday, De- cember, 11, and had previously stopped with a boy for the Har- vey Pattons on Saturday, Decem- ber, 9. Charles Pilger of the Norfolk Naval Air Base was home for the weekend with his folks, the Wal- cer Pilgers. Telegrams have revealed that San Diego, California is the des- tination for Kenneth Denmon and Charles Micklo of the U. 8. Navy lor the time being. Mrs. Myrtle Martin is progress- ing slowly after a set-back at the General Hospital. Keep fighting Mertie! EGATINE—CONDITIONTINE PELLETS TIOGA SCRATCH GRAINS 3—JImportant parts of our sound feeding program for Top egg production DEVENS MILLING COMPANY A. C. DEVENS, Owner Phone 337-R-49 Phone 200 KUNKLE, PA. DALLAS, PA. MORE SPREADER than youve ever seen FOR THE MONEY New [nex loading easier. Itise Wodol 1 RUBBER TIRES ALL AROUND IV's a quality-built spreader for the small to medium size form. It will satisfy you as to price, construction and performance. It spreads manure better, wider and more evenly in shorter time with less effort from you and the team. Its low-down constructioit makes specially recommended for hilly farms where light draft is absolutely necessary. You can save still further by buying it without tires and equipping it with used economical standard truck and auto tires. Stop in today and ask about this remarkable spreader bargain. Charles H. Long Tune in to United Press News “On the Farm Front” everyday at 12:55-—730 on your dial SWEET VALLEY, PENNA—Phones 8421 - 8431 a There's an idea for you. Give “him” a Delta Gift Check. Let him choose the ex- act Delta Homecraft tools he wants from our wide selection. He can save money and have fun making things for all the family, fixing things around the house. 50 LAKE STREET L. L. RICHARDSON BN SR p No wonder : 2) POWER TOOL it Delta Homeeraft Jointer, $34.95 (Pius other Homecraft Tools). All prices without motor and switch. - PHONE 420 D. Of A. Committees Plan Painless Party Mount Vale Council 224, D. of A. have worked out a unique plan for serving refreshments at their Christmas party next Friday even- ng at the I.O0.0O.F. Hall. Each member will bring a gaily wrapped box containing enough food for one person. Boxes will be placed on chairs, the music will play, and when the music stops, members will take both box and chair near- est them. The committee will serve coffee, and 50 cent gifts will be exchanged. Joyce Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Donald Jones, is minus her appendix at the Nesbitt Me- morial Hospital where we are pleased to learn she is feeling much relieved. Good riddance, eh Joyce? Add the following to the town’s roster for deerslaying: Alden Dietz, Paul Coolbaugh, Charley Charles, George Crispell, Seldon Traver, Lef- ty Netzel and William Arch Austin. Township Grades To Give Operetta Children of the elementary grad- es of Dallas Township High School will present an operetta, “The Lost Doll” in the High School this evening at 8 o'clock. Alfred Mili- ner Camp is director assisted by elementary teachers; Mrs. John Yaple. Miss Hilda Bredbenner, publicity; property, Elementary teachers, Mr. Wagner; accompanist, Rose Ann Patner; decorations, Mrs. Whitby and Miss Feeney; costumes, elementary teachers; stage hands, Stephen Davis and David Emman- uel. Characters taking part will be: Virginia Swayze, Marian Shupp, James Finn, Mae Kingsbury, Lo- retta Shonk, Irene Vanderbrook, Patricia Rood, Charles Dewees, Inez Ryman and Sandra Laidler. Musical selections will be pre- sented by pupils of all six grades and by the Junior Band. THE POST, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1950 a atacil. ——————as Local Women Complete Ceramics Lessons Local women who studying ceramics with Mrs, John Girvan, Lake street, finished the last lesson of their eight weeks course on Monday night with a lesson in making red clay Pennsyl- vania Dutch Pottery, with design carved through two coatings of white slip. Mrs, Girvan plans to start an- other class after the Christmas holidays. The present class plans to continue work one night a week, but on a more informal basis. Pic. Amold Price Pfc Arnold C. Price, son of Mr. and Mrs. William C, of Demunds road, Fernbrook, graduated from radio school at Keesler Field, Miss. on December 6. Arnold enlisted in the Air Corps in August and was sent to San An- tonio for his basic training. He expects to be home for Christmas, have been | For plumbing by trained . ; men call us. No matter on : the job to be done, you'll find us thorough. rapid, neat and I D EA Harold Ash Plumbing—Heating #i Shavertown; Pa. Phone 409-R-7 Z I =) a WHAT MAKES THEM J \ WALK 50 FUNNY ¢ Dodge gives you all these extra-value features Cross-type steering —easier handling; you can turn in a 38-ft. circle. Big 96-h.p. Dodge truck engine— “Job-Rated” for life —with chrome-plated fon piston ring, extra-capacity cooling system, pressure lubrica- tion and other outstanding features. system —more dependable * economy and long Moistureproof electricel bad-weather starting. Cyclebond brake linings —smoother, safer braking action, longer lining life. Independent parking brake —operates on the propeller shaft for greater safety. uhatiod le J) (INGE #2 TRUCKS = pa L. L. RICHARDSO big SINCE THEY STARTED FEEDING us NEW, 1950, HIGH— _ EFFICIENCY PURINA LAYING CHOWS! T BUY in a BIG WAY! Dodge gives you more load space! You get the gest body of any of the three leading 4-ton pick-ups. And you get the biggest windshield and the widest seat. You get more room for payload and more room for driving comfort. More visi-- bility, too! In every way, you get more truck for your money. 50 Lake Street | SEE WHAT YOU MEAN ’ 414. AND 33.18 MONTHLY Feed for Lots of Eggs = The Purina Way New Purina Layena and Purina Lay Chow are stepped up to produce more eggs on less Purina feed. Put your Laying flock on these new rations. Come in today. JIM HUSTON'S, Old Toll Gate Feed Service Luzerne-Dallas Highway-Phone 520-R-2 %-4on PICKUP FOR ONLY DOWN Yes, indeed, you can still get a big Dodge “Job-Rated” 14-ton pick-up on mighty’ easy terms. With a small down payment you can get a dependable Dodge pick-up, “Job-Rated” for years of economical service on your job. Come in and let us show you how easy it is to. own this Phone 420 low-priced pick-up! Only 00 * * EQUALLY EASY TERMS AVAILABLE on all Dodge “Job. Rated” Trucks—from 14-ton to 4 tons capacity. i + t 2 t 06E offers You FLUID DRIVE —an exclusive feature available onall Yo, Y4- and 1-ton Dodge "Job-Rated” trucks. Dallas. Penna. Pari CHECKERBOARD CHUCKLES © From Your Purina Dealer jie “251 { THEYVE BEEN DOING THAT i