LS . le A Wr, Selected to Speak i en — Fev. Reinfurt Revised Standard Bible Publication Date 1952 Rev. Frederick W. Reinfurt, has ccepted @ place on the speaker's bureau for the Revised Standard Version Bible Observance in the fall of 1952 from September 20 to October 5, when the entire Re- vised Standard Version of the Bi- ble will be published. Mr. Reinfurt, will be available on ‘the special day of the celebra- tion, Tuesday, September 30, 1952, for speaking engagements within a radius of 500 miles, according to the announcement made by Dr. Harold E. Stassen, president of the University of Pennsylvania, who has been president of the Inter- national Council of Religious Edu- cation since 1942. The Council is making exten- sive plans for the observance. Th's vill include mass meetings . in 3,000 communities in the United States and Canada, Completion of he Revised Standard Version of the Bible will mark an epoch in the religious life of the English- speaking peoples comparable to that marked by the issuance of the King James Version in 1611. Want AR Nice Dog? A little black and tan female dog has wandered to the home of Verna Sheehan, Huntsville Road, where she has fed and cared for it for two weeks: The owner or any one who will give it a good home may have it. It is housebroken, happy and affectionate, but Mrs. Sheehan would like to have a wirehaired terrier like her own terrier that was killed some months ago. Due to the increasing clear to every one: merchandise. promotional, rebuilt, or Credit Jew advertisement, we’d like the following made Every article we advertise and sell will, as in the past 43 years, be brand new, first quality We never did and never will sell repossessed, Remember, because it looks shiny and is ad- vertised cheap, it doesn’t mean a thing. FINKELSTEIN’S 72 Main Street, Luzerne “Over 40 Years on Main Street” \ amount of misleading refinished merchandise. elry Store Pore Fer These! obs 5 1H WHITESELL DALLAS 416-R-7 ust A kitchen is more than just ap- pliances. and center of your home. place where you, Madame House- wife, spend most of your time. And so that your kitchen will be a place of pleasant hours, let us remodel your kitchen to give you the utmost economy and pleasure. Gift Mother with a New Kitchen for Christmas! Contractors and Builders FERNBROOK ROAD TRUCKSVILLE R.F.D. & prs A kitchen is the core The in efficiency, BROTHERS DIAL DALLAS 8583 THE E POST, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1950 eee a ——— ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN St. Paul's Church services for Sunday, are: 9:45 A. M.—Sunday School. The lesson for the Intermediate, Sen- ior, and Adult Departments is “Christian Worship.” 11:00 A. M.—The Service. We have chosen a subject for our preaching meditation that will be of interest to everyone. The pas- tor, Rev. Frederick W. Moock, Jr. will in his sermon preach on “The Day of Judgment.” Th's dis- course is not based on a man con- ceived notion nor traditional but rather on the Word of God-—the Holy Bible. Our doors are open to Christians and likewise open to non Christians. You will not want to miss the truths of God's Word on this all important theme “The Day of Judgement.” 7:00 P, M.—Luther League. We welcome all teen agers to share in our devotions and Christian fellowship, THANKSGIVING DAY St. Paul's Lutheran Church will hold its Thanksgiving Day Service on Thanksgiving morning at 8:30 o'clock. The pastor will preach a brief sermon in keeping with the thought of the day and will be ‘augmented with a Thanksgiving anthem by the Senior Choir. The entire service will last less than one hour. Ample time will be provided to attend the various football games and for the house- wife to prepare the Thanksgiving dinner. DALLAS METHODIST CHURCH The Methodist Church enters the third phase of the teaching en- deavor of the Advance of Christ and His Church. Follow'ng a study of the Early Church and the Reformed Church, the plan calls for a study of the World Church. The minister will speak on the theme, “The World Church In A Worldly Community”, at the Morning Service at 11. Church School meets at 10. Adult Classes will study, ‘How Does Worshiping Enrich Perscnal Christian Living?” The Durb'n Class will continue the special Bi- ble Study. Methodist Youth Fellowship will meet at 6:30 for a brief worship service, Carl Bailey is in charge. Sunday Motion Picture Sunday Evening Fellowship Ser- vice at 7 will feature the sound motion picture, ‘Again P'oneers”, latest release of Protestant Film Commission. Colleen Townsend, who recently dedicated her life to FRESHEN Your Home For CHRISTMAS Add new sparkle to your home by recover- ing one cr two furni- ture pieces. CENTRAL Upholstering Co. Rear of Gregory Barber Shop Dallas, Pa. PHONE 551-R-8 STEADY ‘Diu Coal HEAT IS "WEALTH INSURANCE FOR FAMILIES \ * that waste fue! dollars. The ‘blue coal’ TEMP-MASTER Automatic Heat Regulator ends the overheating and underheating ~ FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION Saves steps. Saves time. Fewer Colds for Young and Old When Home Heat is Uniform ® The even, slow-burning flame that ‘blue coal’ makes is its big secret as a healthful fuel. No up-and-down temperatures from off-and-on operation. Just a steady level of warmth that’s nice to live in and eco- nomical to pay for. Millions prefer it—you’ll like it. Phone us today for ‘blue coal’—the finest hard coal money can buy. COME IN OR PHONE TODAY BACK MT. LUMBER AND COAL CO. {Main Highway, Shavertown, Pa. ‘blue coal’s’ COLOR GUARANTEES YOU GET THE BEST! Phone: Dallas 710 News of the Churches Christian Service, is the star of this film, The picture has a great message and will be a memorable experience. A free will oflering will be received. An informal, old-fashioned song service for those interested will follow the movie. This feature, which is purely optional, had a fine re- sponse last Sunday evening. The public is invited. Bring the chil- dren. Announcements Committee on Evangelism will meet Monday evening at the par- sonage at 8. Woman’s Christian Temperance Union will meet Tuesday after- noon. Place and hour to be an- nounced. Brace Bible Class will meet Tues- day evening at 8. Following the business meeting a motion picture will be shown, Intermediate Girl Scouts and Brownies meet Tuesday afternoon at 4. Two, identical, Thanksgiving Services will be held Wednesday evening at 7:30 and on Thursday morning at 10. A special offering for war relief through the agency of the Metho- dist Church will be received at both Services. Booth Festival At the Annual Booth Festival held in Shavertown Methodist Church Monday evening, our Meth- odist Youth Fellowship won first prize for the amount of goods and money collected and second prize for the display. This activity was entirely a youth project, under the direction of David Kunkle, presi- dent of the M.Y.F. Goods and money collected are presented to the Wyoming Conference Chil- dren’s Home, Binghamton, N. Y. HUNTSVILLE CHRISTIAN Monday evening men of the Church laid the sub-floor of thz parsonage. The building is to be ‘n the rear of the church and will front the dam and the district view toward the valley. Tuesday evening she Christian Woman's Fellowship met under the presidency of Mrs, Walter Co- vert and outlined plans for activi- ties of the next two months. Tues- day, December 12 a Christmas party will be held to which all women of the church and their friends are cordially invited. Wednesday night the Christian Friendly Society met, Miss Mildred Major in charge. Sunday will be obsérved as the Thanksgiving Sunday. ALDERSON-NOXEN CHARGE Services at churches of the Al- derson-Noxen Charge of the Meth- odist Church on Sunday, will be held as follows: | Ruggles Church morning worship with sermon by the pastor and special music—8:45 A.M., Church School—10:00 o'clock, Noxen Church worship service with sermon by the pastor—10:00 AM. Church School—11 o'clock, M.Y.F.—6 P.M. Alderson Church School—10:15, morning worship service with ser- mon by the pastor and special music under the direction of Mrs. Fred Swanson—11:15 A.M., M.Y.F. —T7:.00 P.M. Kunkle Church School—10:30 A. M., evening worship service with sermon by the pastor—7:30 P.M, Members of Youth Fellowship groups of the Charge will meet for rehearsal of the Christmas Can- tata, Sunday afternoon, at 2:30 o'clock in Alderson Church. On Thursday the Youth Fellow- ship groups of the Charge will have a Thanksgiving worship ser- vice at 7 AM. in the Ruggles Church. Breakfast will be served immediately following the service in the Church Hall, Noxen Church Board of Educa- tion will meet on Tuesday evening, November 21st. FREE METHODIST Church Services: Sunday School 7:30 AM.; preaching 11 AM.; Y.P. M.;6:30 P.M.; prayer meeting Tues- day evening 7:30. To Be Inducted Calvin H. Strohl of Noxen is among the boys who were in- lucted at Tunkhannock on Tues- 1ay. Do you suffer distress from - oi FEMALE WEAKNESS which makes you NERVOUS several days ‘before’? Do female func- tional monthly ailments make # yousuffer pain, feel sO pein restless, weak—at such times, or just before your period? Then start taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- pound about ten days before relieve such symptoms. ’s Compound works through the sympathetic ner- vous system. Regular use of ydia Pinkham’s Compound helps build upresistance agains’ this annoying distress. Truly the woman's friend! Note: Or you may prefer, dia E. s TABLETS Ly with added iron. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S ~VYEGETABLE COMPOUND Prince Of Peace Vestry Meets At the monthly meeting of the vestry of Prince of Peace Episcopal Church on Wednesday night, Rev. William R. Williams, rector, ant nounced a special Thanksgiving service at the church on Wednes- day evening, November 22nd, at 7:30. Rev. Williams said that a Wed- nesday evening service will enable more parishioners to attend and will not conflict with their other Holiday arrangements. Other business before the vestry included treasurer’s report by J. Sheldon Cave. Charles W. Lee reported purchase and installation of Kitchen cupboards, and pur- chase of a booster water pump which will be installed this week. Alfred S. James and James O. Lacy will head a committee arrang- ing for financing and purchase of church pews. William Wright will assist them. On Tuesday evening, December 12th, the vestry will serve a saus- age and pancake supper in the | Mem- parish hall for the public, bers of the vestry will comprise the committee on arrangements, with Donald J. Evans as chair- man. Serving will be from 5 until 8:30 P.M. Vestrymen present were: Shel- don T. Evans, Charles W. Lee, J. Sheldon Cave, Elwood C. Hudson, John F. Sheehan, Paul Goddard, James O. Lacy, Alfred S. James and Donald J, Evans, Rev. Wil- liams presided. SAFETY VALVE (Continued from Page Two) —R pensive than handling and sawing timber like this. Landowners and business men of Northeastern Pennsylvania should earnestly encourage this k'nd of ~onservation throughout the area. Far too little of it is being done. Everybody would gain if all tim- ber were properly handled. D. T. Dinsmore District Conservationist Tunkhannock, Pa. Burke's Bar-B-Cue SUNSET HARVEY'S LAKE at the sion of the flashing pig DEeLncious BARBECUES FisH and CHips “The home of the Ranchburger Telephone H. L. 3756 Open All Year 'Round Ruxiliary To Canvass PAGE FIVE Read the Post Classifieds For Noxen Fire Company The Ladies Auxiliary of the Nox- en Volunteer Fire Company have been asked to canvass Noxen and other nearby communities to raise funds for the town's new fire truck. The dates set aside for this drive are; November 22, 23, 24 and 25. Will you kindly have your contribution ready when these solicitors call. This project is a worthy one and warrants the support of every citi- zen of the community. Let’s all take an active interest in this and make this drive a real success. Broad Breasted Bronze TURKEYS FOR SALE WILLIAM F. PURCELL Phone Dallas 26-R-11 All Birds Oven Dressed Both big ones and small, Also Pajamas , for short gals or tall. AT THE Grace T. Cave SHOP Main Street, Dallas 6 weeks ’til Christmas 3 is for Purses & #47 a £4 DINN SEA FOODS AND $1.59 Try Our Special #1.59 ERS SERVED COUNTRY STYLE CHOICE OF—Chicken with Waffles; Roast Turkey, Dressing; Delicious Roast Beef; Home Baked Ham. DINNERS INCLUDE—Appetizer, soup, salad, sherbet, rolls, butter, variety of fresh vegetables, dessert, coffee, tea, or milk. ALSO AN A LA CARTE MENU—STEAKS, CHOPS, SANDWICHES BROKENSHIRE'’S HARVEYS LAKE HOTEL SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN PARTIES, ETC. TELEVISION, GAME ROOM, MUSIC, ETC. FOR YOUR PLEASURE—HARVEYS LAKE 8731 Hens 10 to 13 Ibs. CHASE, PA. Place Your Order Early Fancy White Holland Turkeys Toms {8 to 22 Ibs. HAROLD T. BERTRAM DALLAS 485-R-11 (Thank radition.! “Brewed to the Taste of the Nation” STEGMAIER BREWING COMPANY «+ WILKES-BARRE, PENNSYLVANIA Distributed in this Area by HARVEY'S LAKE BOTTLING WORKS Harvey's Lake, Penna. Phone 3092