PAGE SIX THE POST, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1950 Sweet Valley Mr. and Mrs. George Learn, Chase, and Mr. and Mrs. John Hildebrant, Meeker, spent the weekend in Lynnbrook, Long Is- land. Miss Bess Klinetob was enter- tained on Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Freeman. That same evening Mrs. Freeman and Miss Klinetob called on Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Batterson, who have recently moved into their newly constructed ranch house. Dr. and Mrs. Ryder, Virginia, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. George Beirleigh, Dr. Ryder’s sister and brother-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Cope and daughter, Lois, of Allentown, spent the weekend with Mrs. Cope’s mother, Mrs. Elsie Wesley. Miss Elizabeth Parks, Wilkes- Barre, spent the weekend with her cousin Miss Bess Klinetob. On Sunday Miss Parks and Miss Kline- tob, with Mrs. Leitha Mitchell and Mrs. Fay Brown, attended camp meeting at Patterson Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Holcomb and daughter Iona entertained on Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Richard Culver and family of Carverton, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Cryder and family of Berwick, and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lewis and Kenneth Jr. of Wilmington, Delaware. Donald Case and son, Pearl River, N. Y.,, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Alva Case. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jones and son Clifford called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alva Case Satur- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fiske, and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Stroud, are spending a week in Canada. Mr. and Mrs. William Taylor and their daughter left yesterday for Chicago where they plan to make their future home. Mrs. George Bronson, Mrs. Carl Brown, and Mrs. Herman Kersteen attended a party given for commit- tee members of Irem Auxiliary on August 22 at Mrs. George Perkins’ cottage at Nuangola. Rev. and Mrs. Walsh and their two daughters, of Lebanon, were AUTO GLASS INSTALLED PURVIN’S AMOCO Shavertown Phone 192-R-13 ’ *x COMFORT x CONVENIENCE x EASE OF HANDLING saliaslundd| | of pesmi MASSEY-HARRIS 1-Plow Pony @® With the Pony you handle your work in just a fraction of the time it takes with horses or hand-oper- ated tools. You're up on a comfort- able seat where you can see what you're doing all of the time. The Pony handles easily—turns in an guests of Rev. and Mrs. Ira Button over the weekend. Members of Lehman Grange en- joyed a picnic and covered dish supper on the lawn of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bronson’s home Mon- day night. Roy Ferrey and Arvilla Wesley, Vestal, N. Y. returned home on Thursday after spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. George Wesley. Mrs. Ray MaLard and children Jean and Harry, Chester, Pa., spent the weekend with Mrs. MacLard’s sister and brother-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. George Wesley. Mrs. Viola Schmoll, East Dallas, spent Monday night and Tuesday with Miss Bess Klinetob. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bronson and family left: today for Stamford, Conn., to attend the wedding of Mrs. Bronson’s niece, Betty Jane Pregler, to Robert Kent, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Long had as Saturday night dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Smith and their daughter Jinny Ree, Newark Val- ley, N. Y.,, and Mr. and Mrs. Day- ton Long. On Sunday they en- tertained Mr. and Mrs. Norman Iverson at dinner. Miss Bess Klinetob entertained at a belated birthda,; party Thurs- day night, the Misses Olwyn and Ida Rosser, Mrs. Richard Rosser, and William Morgan of Kingston; Mrs. Fay Brown of Lehman, Mrs. John Hildebrant, Loyalville, and Miss Iona Holcomb. Idetown Mrs. Lucy Honeywell is recover- ing from an illness. Mrs. Walter Rood of Berwick, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shotwell and son Olin and Craig of : Detroit, Mich., spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Claude Agnew. Mrs. W. H. Nevel has returned to her home after spending two weeks with relatives and friends in Brooklyn, N. Y. Mrs. Elmer Hoover spent some- time last week with Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Swinehart of Kirkwood and with Miss Phebe Krewson of Phila- delphia. Miss Krewson returned Saturday with Mrs. Hoover for a visit here. v The W.S.C.S., The Confidence Class and the Serving and Wait- ing Class will hold a bake sale Saturday, September 2 at two o'clock along the new highway near Idetown Corners. Rev. and Mrs. Melvin J. Dodd of Binghamton, N. Y.,, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Homer Middleton recently. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Davies of Forty Fort were Sunday callers |at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Har- vey Bottoms. The C. B. C. Class, John Race teacher, of the Idetown Church spent Sunday at Pine Brook. Marie Spencer of Forty Fort and Crystal Lynn, Mildred Spencer of New York, and Ethel Spencer spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Montross. M/Sgt. and Mrs. Lawrence F. Fritz and daughter Madeleine of and Mrs: Ernest He left for Cali- er’s parents, Mr. Fritz last week. MILL & 0 i FIRST FE ML RELY Brooklyn, N. Y., visited the form- | fornia where he will report for overseas duty. Nevel last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, several days in New York City. Mr. and Mrs. and son Wesley Neal of Kensington, Wesley Hilbert Jr. of Easton, Mrs. Irene Marcks and of Nazareth, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvanus of Wilkes-Barre, Al Wolfe and Miss Dorothy Easton, Mr. and Mrs. of North Carolina, Mrs. Campbell and daughters Betty Marion and Roberta of Chenango Bridge, N. Y., Mrs. Lila Felt of Washington, D. C., also Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hilbert of Forty Fort, Rev. and Mrs. George Roberts and family of Wyoming. Mrs. Walter Smith and Kathryn, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Davis and daughters Glenda, Gloria, Mr, and Mrs. Corey Meade were entertained at a lawn supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Brown on Sunday. Harvey’s Lake Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Kitchen and daughter of Weatherly, Pa. spent a week with Amos Kitchen. Mr. Kitchen is ill at his home. Marvin Kitchen of Washington, D. C., and Mrs, Frank Kuddy of Philadelphia, also visited their father, recently. Miss Margaret Dunn, Mrs. Ray- mond Garinger, and Mrs. James Worth motored to Lewisburg on Monday, to visit Mrs. Carrie Rood. They enjoyed. a trip through Penn’s Cave while there. Mr. and Mrs. and family have moved to Slocum. Four young people of the Alder- son Methodist + Church enjoyed their week's ‘stay at Sky Lake, last week. Entertains At Cards Mrs. C. S. Hemenway enter- tained members of her card club at her home "at Hillside Farms Thursday evening. Mrs. Levi Crews was high scorer. Others pres- ent were Mrs. Albert Williams, Mrs. Samuel Dilcer, Mrs. Dorman Schooley, Mrs. Albert Blase and the hostess. Roy Tryon and daughter, Mary Jane are spending Wesley Hilbert have been entertaining the follow- ing Mr. and Mrs. Wyman Connor son Frederick Joe Anderson of Dick Koen Robert Sheldon Strunk Pillar To Post Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas and family of Hazleton, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jackson of Roslyn, : Philadelphia, Mr. and Mrs. Albert- (Continued from Page One) son Hoover of Brooklyn, N. Y., ~) Mrs. Walter Kitchen all were callers at the home of Mrs. W. H. | list, maybe down to the celery and coffee, and bing, there'd go the phone, dead as a mackeral, and you with the grocery list in your hand and still no bread and lettuce. The only thing that is going to make me feel good about going back to Afton is that up there they don’t have this kind of a phone. Well, as I was saying, Weekend guests were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. The transportation wigwagged from the doorway “Leave it ring,” he advised. “It’s after hours, isn’t i?” The phone exploded in my hand. “LAND SAKES”, said Miss Kline- tob, “I'm about crazy. I'll be using language unbefitting a lady if this keeps up”. “Go right ahead”, I encouraged her, “and if you run out of words I'll supply some you've never even heard of. Ever hear about that farmer who was well known for his vocabulary? Well, one day | he was driving up a steep hill with | a load of apples and the tailboard of his wagon fell out. The on- lookers clapped their hands over | their ears and shrank back, but | they might have saved themselves | the trouble. After the last apple | was bouncing down the hill Mr. | Whozit remarked that the ladies need have no fear, his vocabulary was unequal to the occasion.” “Mr. and Mrs. John Hildebrant, Loyalville, or maybe you better say Meeker”, began Bess firmly, “were guests 2 The transportation gave up and sat in the car, his head dropped | over the window ledge. | Four phone calls later, the Sweet [ Valley items were in the bag. William G. Lloyd Town and Couniry Electrician House-Wiring and Appliance Repairs Shop at 120 N. Main St., Shavertown, Phone Dallas10 TIT WAYNE CO HONESDALE, PA, JACK KOCHMAN, HELL 25¢ plus Tax CTT TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12—Exhibitors’ Day Wednesday, Thursday, And Friday— HARNESS HORSE RACING Tuesday and Wednesday Evening— NATIONAL HILL BILLY JAMBREE OF WHEELING, WEST VIRGINIA Thursday—Amateur Talent Show Friday and Saturday Evening— Saturday— HORSE PULLING CONTEST - AMATEUR RUNNING RACES and HORSE SHOW Stage Attractions Every Afternoon and Evening LARGE MIDWAY, RIDES AND CONCESSIONS Children under 12 years of age admitted free, Wednesday and Saturday Admission 50c plus tax—Children under 12 ie UNTY FAIR SEPTEMBER 12-16 DRIVERS THRILL SHOW Parking 50c HIRT ‘blue FUEL WORRIES DONT BOTHER ME IVE FILLED MY BIN TO THE BRIM WITH STEADY-BURNING! coal SAFE! HEALTHFUL! «= |Evans Family Holds Thirty-Eighth Reunion Topping last year’s attendance by five, 205 members of the Evans family held their thirty-eighth re- union at the Harvey's Lake Picnic Ground on August 13. Following the family picnic, quartet composed of Glenn a and Art Dunges, Bud and Don James, sang several selections. Officers elected were: Elmer Evans, president; Milton Moyer, vice president; Louise James, secre- tary; Edna Updyke, treasurer; Hazel Evans, and Ollie Daubert, histor- ians; Harry Evans, Bert Moyer, and Lillian Bevan, reception committee; Doris Berlew, Marjorie Fiske, and Lem Troster, entertainment com- mittee. Oldest member present was Val- entine Derby; youngest, Charles Lee Pyatt; Byron and Fayette Evans, latest married; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dymond, the largest family; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hillard, travel- ling the greatest distance. The family had representatives from Dallas, Tunkhannock, Wilkes- | Barre, Centermoreland, Kingston, Shavertown, Forty Fort, Luzerne, Nicholson, Wyalusing, Noxen, Par- sons, Media, Pittston; Syracuse, | Newburg, N. Y., and Newark, N. J. BLACKTOP DRIVEWAYS—SIDEWALKS PARKING LOTS TENNIS COURTS, ETC. ROAD GRADING BALE PARRY Dallas 167 Burke's Bar-B-Cue SUNSET HARVEY'S LAKE at the sign of the flashing pig DeLncious BARBECUES FisH and CHIPs The home of the Ranchburger Telephone H. L. 3756 Open All Year 'Round Ree Xe TLR R= 0 BL [01183 YOUMAYWINA = og DISHWASHER 7 THAT COMPLETELY MODERNIZES =x - 8 i ; DISHWASHING! ps Our Guests RET \ COME 70 i . FREE 5 ie | OUR '600D NEWS OPEN HOUSE i SEE the JET-TOWER wash 2s vo 1 sis dishes spotlessly clean in just a few minutes. SEE how automatic dishwashing will become as much a matter- of-course as using a vacuum cleaner or washing machine! See a dishwashing demonstra- tion youll never forget! You . may win a wonderful Jet- : Tower Dishwasher — FREE! 3 “T : —or a “Jet-Tower Junior” for the children! CHILDREN LOVE THIS WORKING MODEL OF THE JET-TOWER DISHWASHER Preliminary Drawing October 14 in our store. Grand Prize Drawing October 21 in REBENNACK & COVERT . NOTE: You need not be present to win. Open Friday Evenings PHONE 7-4514 267 WYOMING AVENUE—KINGSTON ERNIE Rey i i Package For | LABOR DAY YB Cans of that Wonderful ORG Rl Just A Case of Good Taste for the Holiday 8-foot radius. Convenience is built into Pony — handy controls and automotive type dash make driv- ing simplicity itself. Yes, winter will be a lot more carefree when you've got a supply of ‘blue coal’ in your basement. ‘blue coal’ is extra-rich in heat units to keep you snug on zero days. And because steady heat helps cut down on colds, no wonder ‘blue coal’ is the choice of so many families with children. Try ‘blue coal’ and feel the difference. ‘blue coal’ TEMP-MASTER Au- tomatic Heat Regulator pre- COME IN OR PHONE TODAY BACK MT. LUMBER AND COAL CO. STEGMAIER BREWING COMPANY Main Highway, Shavertown, Pa. Phone: Dallas 710 WILKES-BARRE, PENNSYLVANIA’ : Distributed in this Area by ‘blue coal’s’ COLOR GUARANTEES YOU GET THE BEST! HARVEY'S LAKE BOTTLING WORKS Harvey's Lake, Penna. Phone 3092 J Stop in for complete details . . . be one of the first on our demonstra- tion schedule. Charles H. LONG SWEET VALLEY, PA, PHONE 363-R-7 ASK FOR A DEMONSTRATION Saves up to 30% on fuel bills By automatically controlling dampers from upstairs, the vents the over and underheat- ing that waste fuel dollars. Pays for itself. Ask for FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION. -