PAGE SIX grand champions of the show. During their stay in Easton, Mr. Fowler Birds Sweep Easton P oultry Show and Mrs. Fowler were guests of At- torney and Mrs. Douglas Thacken- Mr. and Mrs. John Fowler of |fel. They were accompanied by Orange, attended the Easton Poultry Show, August 13. They exhibited 11 birds and won the Kienzel Memorial Award; two rosettes for champions; 4 first prize blue ribbons; 4 second prizes and 3 thirds. © The Kienzel Memorial was given for having the Grand Champion of the show. Mrs. Fowler also was awarded two: beautiful table bas- kets and a silver tray, silver salt and pepper shakers for having the their grandchildren, Hazel, Frankie Smith and Jackie Fowler of Orange. Mr. and Mrs. Fowler are attending the Morris County Fair, held at Troy Hills, New Jersey where they are exhibiting 4 birds. Gets Big Bass Albert Buckingham, Meshoppen fisherman, landed a five pound, twenty-inch bass at Morrison's Landing, Jenningsville, on Friday. _ Quality Dry Cleaning and Dyeing on all your SPRING;COATS, SUITS and DRESSES MASTER GARMENT CLEANERS DRIVE-IN STORE On Luzerne-Dallas Highway Across from Luzerne Lumber Company Office and Plant 880-886 Wyoming Avenue, Kingston The best dry cleaning ever! KEEP WARM SAVE FUEL BUY NOW! Combination Self-Storing Storm Windows. Zinc Interlocking Weather Stripping These efficient Chamberlin products can pay for them- selves through savings obtained on present-day fuel prices. Why Live In “Cold Storage” When You Can Be ‘Snug as a Bug in a Rug’ Cracks around windows and doors—Use weather strip insulation Window and Door Glass—Use Combination. Storm Sash Cracks Around Window Frames—Use Caulking Insulation Walls, Attic and Roof—Use Rock Wool Insulation Under-Door Cracks—Use In-Dor-Seal Insulation Chamberlin’s 56 year experience in quality: weatherproofing leads the way with more than 3,000,000 satisfied customers. Chamberlin has served Wyoming Valley and this area for 37 years. Our jobs are the best that money can buy. ? Free Estimates Furnished Sensible Prices Easy Terms (Pay as you save) Chamberlin Co. of America 214 So. Washington Street, Wilkes-Barre Phone 2-2212 _ Local Representative— P. M. WINTER Shavertown—Phone: Dallas 49-R-7 Fuel Saving Products Installed. Also Stokers and Boilers ALMOST LIKE NEW! WASHERS $ 3930 and up FAMOUS MAKES made almost new again. Com- pletely overhauled. New parts put in where needed. Our 90 Day Guarantee tells you they're right. Years of good service in all of them. Come in early and take your pick. STOP IN TODAY! REBENNACK & COVERT Open Friday Evenings ‘PHONE 17-4514 267 WYOMING AVENUE—KINGSTON GUARANTEED RECONDITIONED We've had quite a few persons ask us why we haven’t written any- thing about our daughter's wed- ding. \ “Why,” we said, “we didn’t realize that you were so interested in our family.” “It’s not your family,” they re- plied, thereby depressing our ego, “it’s weddings that we like to hear about.” Well, we were glad to know that, for we always like to write about something we consider ourselves an expert on. This column is for men only, be- cause we realize that no matter show much we know about wed- dings, we can’t tell women anything as they know all about that sort of thing before they sprout their eye teeth. Little girls talk matri- mony over with their mamas while nestling on their breast, while their bottle is being heated, while their diapers are being changed, while a finger is being rubbed gently on their gums seeking the first tooth. While mama is dressing them in the morning and undressing them at night they'll gurgle and coo replies about their future that man can never understand. The father and husband goes through these years in more of a daze than usual. He wonders what the baby and mama are talking about. He will not know until his first daughter gets mar- ried and all at once he realizes that this training for a woman to be- come a good wife has been going on since the nurse anounced, “It's a girl”. Now, here's some expert advice to fathers with marriageable daugh- ters: The first thing to do is to pur- chase a gross of pencils and a ream of paper. Sharpen the pen- cils and keep sheets of paper around the house in convenient places for mama to write down things for you to do. Don’t worry if this list reaches gigantic pro- portions. Ninety per cent of the orders will be changed the day of the wedding anyway. We failed to supply the paper and pencils so our orders were given to us verb- ally, and of course we forgot every one of them. The next thing to do is to plan your wardrobe, The women will be too busy with the bride's and bridesmaids’ dresses, plus their own, to wonder if you have a clean shirt for your daughter’s wedding day. Don’t make the mistake we did. We arose the day before the nuptials and discovered we had eighteen shirts in our drawer, four- THE POST, FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 1950 You Know Me Al Hise! teen of them of the sport variety, and only four dress shirts, which had frayed collars; so we had to tie a string around our finger to be sure to buy a dress shirt. We tried to get by with a short sleeve sport shirt, but no soap. Now, don’t you fathers feel too badly about walking down the aisle with your daughter. We know that you think it silly to start off with the left foot and bring the right one up even with it, and then the right as if you didn’t know where the other foot was coming from, but the women like it that way; so. nothing can be done about it. You will find that your daughter is an expert in this sort of thing even though she never did it be- fore, and as you stumble down the altar trying to keep in step with her no one will be looking at you anyway. - Above all, keep cool. Two hours before the wedding we had to take a neighbor of ours down to the Country Club where the reception for the bride's and bridegroom’s families was to be held, so she could decorate the wedding table. We were delayed there and didn’t ar- rive home until 11:55, just thirty- five minutes prior tc the cere- mony. We went swimming. “When I saw you go to the lake in a bathing suit so late,” said one of the bridesmaids, “I just gave up.” But heck, we and our daughter were ready and waiting in the car ten minutes before the rest of the party put on their hats. The last important piece of ad- vice to you fathers is to be sure to lock your bedroom door the day of your daughter's wedding so that when you want to crawl in be- tween the sheets about 2 a.m., four- teen hours after the ceremony, you won't have to remove three dozen wraps and hats of female relatives who are still out in the living room telling mama, “How beautiful the bride looked.” Dallas Reservists Train at Fort Lee Special to the Post Fort Lee, Va. Aug. 19— Two Army reservists, Sgt. Robert Field- ing and 1st Lieut. Grant E. Lore- many from Dallas RFD 2 are among the sixteen from Luzerne County who are participating in two weeks’ military active duty with Quarter- master Corps units undergoing on- termaster Center under the com- mand of Major General R.C.L. Gra- ham. They are training with the 486th QM Group and the 937th QM Service Company. Among the subjects in the cur- riculum are rail movements, weap- ons training, traffic control, ware- house operations, textile and shoe repair, staff organization and pro- cedures. An overnight bivouac. prob- lem has been scheduled for the last two days of camp at the A. P. Hill Military Reservation. Purpose of the summer training camp is to provide an opportunity for all reservists to receive practi- cal training in their Army specialty. Intensive’ technical instruction and administrative training as well as inspection of new equipment and visits to nearby depots have been included in the program. Call GAY For INSURANCE ® Farm Bureau Mutual Auto Ins, Co. ® Farm Bureau Mutual Fire Ins. Co. ® Farm Bureau Life Ins. Co. CENTERMORELAND 62-R-12 or 62-R-3 ARTHUR GAY ° ERNEST GAY Home Office: Columbus, Ohio TTT TTT TT FOR YOUR ADDED CONVENIENCE... BAUER & BLACK We announce a complete new department, for easy selection of your needs in elastic supports. @ Actual merchandise on display. @ Easy-to-choose-from shelves. @ Clearly-marked prices. @ An abundant, fresh stock of famous Bauer & Black - Elastic Supports. We invite you to come in at your convenience and inspect this new Elastic Supports Department, designed to serve you better. i HALL'S PHARMACY the-job field training at the Quar- Memorial Highway and Center St. Shavertown THANK YOU Friends and Neighbors of Dallas and Back Mountain Area, for the won- derful acceptance given during the opening of our restaurant. DONAHUE'S RESTAURANT Main Street SERVING BUSINESS MEN’S LUNCHES and FULL COURSE DINNERS Including a Complete Sea Food Menu AHUE'S RESTAURAN BREYER'S Quality Ice Cream Buy it in the hand-dipped pints, quarts, or the money saving bulk half-gallon. RS —— i i ae a 7 4