EE a. Mary Lou $Lasterline and Carol Malkemes are} spending some time with their aunk and uncle, Mr. and Mrs Albert i don of Rahway, N. Mr. and ul Albert Kanon and sons John and Joseph of Nanti- coke spent Suhday with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Fritz, Miss Faythe Hackett, student at Bloomsburg State Teachers Col- lege spent the {weekend with Lor- raine Keller. Mrs. Albert London and daugh- ters Judy and / Janice have re- turned to their home in Rahway, N. J. after spending two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Casterline, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Barnes of Johnson City, N. Y. and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Randell of Huntsville spent Sunday with Mrs. Della Par- rish. Mrs. Mary Cochut and daughter Ruth of Philadelphia, Thomas Pat-! terson of Arizona spent sometime | last week with Mr. and Mrs. Os- car Swan. Robert Matthew of Chenango Bridge, N.Y., and Donald Robert of Wyoming are spending this week with \ their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hilbert. Mrs. Raymond Malkemes and children, Carol, Charles and James of Shavertown and Mrs. George Casterline spent several days with relatives and friends in Reading recently. The C.B.C. Class of the Idetown Church spent Sunday afternoon and evening at Red Rock. John Race is teacher. Mrs. Willard Griffiths and sons Daniel and Richard of Syracuse, N. Y. are spending two weeks with her sister, Mrs. Claire McKenna and her mother, Mrs. Frank Wright. Beaumont Both baseball teams won last week when the Town Team took East Dallas and the Little League took Mehoopany. Both teams upped their standings too! The Fresh Air Kids hated to leave the Lewises and Hadsalls to go back to New York. They won- dered if local youngsters appreci- ated living here. Louise VanCampen, daughter of the “Tiny” VanCampens, had .the misfortune of being run over by a car. Louise is progressing nicely at home after a stay at the Gen- eral Hospital where Susan Traver, daughter of the Lambert Travers, was admitted Monday night after falling from the Traver’s car while it was in motion. We do hope both these kiddoes get well soon and suffer no after affects. Recent guests around town in- clude Miss Audrey Eddington of Scranton at the Albert VanCamp- ens; Mr .and Mrs. Frank Bitten- bender with daughter, Margaret and nephew, Billy Pachick of Newark, N.J. at the Charles Hilberts after attending the Appel-Andrews wed- ding at the Shavertown Methodist Church; Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wil- liams of Scranton, Mr. and Mrs. Dell Jones of Clark’s Summit, Mrs. Clara Smith, and Mrs. Adam Bill of Kingston, also at the Charles Hilberts plus the “Welcome Back” mat to former residents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dietz and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Huey of Uleta, Fla. Rev. Carl Brandon of the Union Church baptized Mrs. Blake Millard and daughter Carol, Romayne Smith, Clara Cook, Shirley Loney, Alice Clark, and Mildred Clark at the Tunkhannock Baptist Church Sunday, August 13. Mrs. Gene Hilbert has returned from a convention at Doylestown, Pa. PEt ee Arig 311 9 Quick IRL J STE Service! WYOMING NATIONAL Bxnk OF WILKES-BARRE MEET - INCOME TAXES INSURANCE PREMIUMS EDUCATIONAL MEDICAL-DENTAL BILLS .HOSPITAL- CPERATION CHARGES | LOANS TUITION i FS 8 ’ Quality Dry Cleaning and Dyeing on all your SPRING; COATS, SUITS and DRESSES MASTER GARMENT CLEANERS DRIVE-IN STORE On Luzerne-Dallas Highway Across from Luzerne Lumber Company Office and Plant 880-886 Wyoming Avenue, Kingston The best dry cleaning ever! * FREE TELEVISION SURVEY PHONE W.B. LARGE SCREEN TELEVISION COMPLETELY INSTALLED CHOICE OF 4 LEADING BRANDS * Williams Radio and Television 477 MARKET STREET, KINGSTON # “Test Before You Invest” 71-9159 FOR MOST LOCATIONS * THE POST, FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 1950 The Wiliam Arch Austins have: come back to a healthy growth of garden weeds and lawns after a ten day's stay in the Adirondacks, wegatchie River, Black River, West Canada Creek, Sagandaga Lake, Piseco Lake, Oxbow Lake, Otter, Lake, and Pleasant Lake only to have Arch debunk the bass fishing with “the bass in the Susquehanna put up a better fight” while the | Mrs. wished the sports magazines | would stop lauding such places so she might choose a vacation spot just once! Judges Are Selected For Alderson Show The W. S. C. S. spamsoring the Flower Show of the Alderson Meth- odist Church, held at the Lake Township High School Wednesday afternoon and evening of August 23 have announced that the fol- lowing judges have been appointed by Mrs. George W. Carey and Frank Jackson: Loren G. Keller, Idetown; Miss Edelia Stevens, Mountain Top; Mrs. | Al Marlot, Carverton; Mr. and Mrs. ! Roy Webb, Scranton; Howell James, Kingston and Mrs. J. Franklin Rob- inson, Trucksville. An added feature to the exhibit will be a selection of overtures and marches by the Back Mountain Community Band starting at 8:30. This band, formed forty years ago, now consists of fifty members. It is directed by 20-year-old Johnny Milus Idetown. Milus studied music at Lehman High School and Mans- field State Teachers College. While at the former he was given the State Forensic of Music Prize in Oil City in 1948. This honor is of- fered by Pittsburgh University in competitive examinations of high schools throughout the entire state. Former Dallas Man Dies At Hatfield Word has been received here of the death on Thursday, August 10, of Dr. James Elwood Garrahan, formerly of Dallas. Dr. Garrahan was born in Dallas and received his early education here. For a number of years he was a practicing dentist in the Lewis- town area before taking up his resi- dence in Hatfield. He had been in ill health for several months. Funeral services were held Mon- day afternoon from the late home at 6 West Broad Street with in- terment in Arlington Cemetery, Hatfield. Beside his wife he leaves two children, Mrs. William Pruitt, Phil- where they fished Black Lake, Os-, adelphia, and James Garrahan, Hat- | field, also his mother, Mrs. Frank Garrahan, Hatfield, and a sister, Harvey’s Lake Mrs. Kate Schultz is home after spending a week in Wilkes-Barre. Miss Betty Cooke of Philadelphia and Fernbrook spent Thursday with Mrs. Joseph Rauch. Mrs. Raymond Garinger and Mrs. James Worth spent the first 3 days of this week at Girl Scout Camp at Wildwood. Mrs. Frank Kuddy of Philadelphia | spent the weekend with her father, | Amos Kitchen. Mrs. Peter Kuchta and daughter Judy, of Hazleton are spending their vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Garinger. William Whipp Made York Dairy Tester William H. Whipp has been named tester for York County Dairy Herd Improvement Association, George G. Weber, farm agent, an- nounced. Whipp, who fills a vacancy in the association recently etd a course in DHIA - supervisory work at Pennsylvania State College and assumed his duties August 1 as tester for the eastern group in the county. He is a graduate of Dallas Township High School. Appointment was made by the Entertainment will include music, board of directors of the York County Agricultural Extension As- sociation. Other testers serving the association: ert Scott, Delta; central, Robert Hess, Delta; south-central, Fred Mec- Ghee, York and northeast, Melvin Fulmer, York. Weber said the association serves about 155 dairy farmers who own a total of 3,000 cows. Wiliam Whipp is the son of Er- nest Whipp, Shavertown, but makes his home with his grandparents, Mr. nad Mrs. Nelson Whipp, Church street, Dallas. Jackson Ladies Plan laws Festival August 30 | W. S. C. S. of Jackson Methodist Church will hold a lawn festival on ihe Ziba Smith Meadow Lake Farm Wednesday, August 30, starting at 5 p.m. Supper and refreshments will be served. mountain style, around a huge camp fire, quoits, games and spot entertainment by local folks. Committees: Mrs. Ziba Smith, chairlady; Mrs. Emma Smith and Mrs. David Youlls, entertainment and advertising; Mrs. Mary Ashton, finance; Mrs. John Roshos, burgs, hot dogs, ham- sandwiches; Mrs. 80 sq. percales, values MAIN STREET Simon’s Mill End and Baby Shop Dan River Fabrics Vat Dyed, Sanforized Regular 79¢ yard—Now 49c¢ yard Bates Fabrics Vat Dyed, Sanforized Regular 98c yard—Now 69¢ yard 45-in. gaberdine—regular $1.89—Now 98c¢ yard Dotted Swiss, values to 98c yard—Now 49c¢ yard Dimity all colors, values to 79¢ yard, 49c yard HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL EDUCATIONAL TOYS GREAT REDUCTIONS Juvenile furniture, carriages, cribs, strollers “Where a Dollar Does the Work of Two” GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES IN THE VALLEY SIEMON"°S MILL END AND BABY SHOP to 59¢ yard—39c yard ALL LUZERNE, PA. Mrs. S. C. Ross, Brooklyn, N.Y. southern group, Rob-|corn on the cob direct from Smith’s PAGE SEVEN Paul Shouldice, drinks, Bome-zands | pies, cakes, cookies, candies; Mrs. | Ruth Scally, French fries, pizza, LEIDINGER’S +117 S. Washington St. Wilkes-Barre, Pa.—Phone 3-9459 Don’t sell your antiques be- fore calling LEIDINGER’S. Rifles, Revolvers, Guns, Fur- niture, Glass, Silver, and Coins. Entire Estates Bought. farm; Mrs. Alfred Swelgin, ice, cream, sundaes, pie a-la-mode. Entertainment will be furnished by Fred West's Back Mountain | Band and the Redmond Band. Yod- | ling Sally and her guitar will be on | hand. There will be plenty of room to’ park and visit with old friends. Proceeds will be used for building fund of Jackson Church. Miss Lucille Disque, Honored At Shower Miss Lucille Disque, bride-elect, was guest of honor at a variety | shower given by Mrs. Jack Mallin, | Trucksville, Saturday. Present were | Mrs. Richard Simonton of Harris- | BLACKTOP DRIVEWAYS—SIDEWALKS PARKING LOTS TENNIS COURTS, ETC. ROAD GRADING : | burg, Mrs. Raymond Titus, Mrs. Paul Clemow, Mrs. Andrew Den. | DALE PARRY mon, Mrs. Earl Monk, Mrs. Sarah | Dallas 167 Disque, Mrs, Fred Stevens, Miss | Madeline Baur, Miss Ruth Drake, Read The Classified Column the guest of honor and the hostess. THE E EASY WAY! Jather the family’s clothes reeding BE and to- sorrow morning telephone 7-1645 -— OR — Dallas 597-R-2 Dry Cleaning is a smart investment — clothes last longer when cleaned often! 24-Hour Service Same Day Service . Jor your convenience Cleaning and Dyeing Company 1231 Wyoming Avenue, Foriy Fort “Routes Throughout Wyoming Valley” ‘Main Street Cream. COME IN AND SEE US AT OUR NEW RESTAURANT OPEN FOR BUSINESS “Cuerybody Welcome id DONAHUE'S RESTAURANT and FOUNTAIN You will enjoy the friendly service and pleasant atmos- phere. We have installed®the finest and most modern coun- ter and fountain for your convenience and entertainment. All our sundaes and sodas are made with Breyer’s Ice Dallas