PAGE FOUR Neighborhood — A Ui EE ET LEN GE EXERC fz / THE POST, FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1950 : Notes And News Of Loca | Church Doings Purely Personal Shirley Booth, Harrisburg, wvisit- ed her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Booth, Loyalville, over this past weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Elsworth, Washington, D.C., have been spend- ing the week with Mr. and Mrs. Addison Woolbert, Trucksville. Mr. and Mrs. J. Archibald Brooks and family of West Dallas are spending their vacation at Cape Cod. Joe Peterson was guest of his friend, Jack Pauling, Norton ave- nue, a few days this week. Mrs. Walter Shaver returned to her home on Pioneer avenue over the weekend after submitting to an operation at Nesbitt Hospital. She is getting along nicely and is ablef "1:0 home on Norton avenue to be downstairs now. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Nentzel arrived at their home in Lehman| 4 Mrs Jack Richardson, Mr. and Sunday evening after a trip tong David Jenkins, Mr. and Mrs. Fort Lewis, Wash. Their daugh- ter, Mrs. Peter Hospodar returned with them after her husband, Sgt. 1 Cl. Peter left for overseas duty. Mrs. Arlean Bowman and daugh- ter of Church street recently spent a week at Split Rock Lodge, Blakes- lee. Cards have been received from Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kingston and family from Grand Rapids, Mich. They are enjoying lovely weather and fine fishing all along the line. Mr. an Mrs. Henry Peterson of Ralph Breisch and daughter, Janet Norton avenue spent several days this week at Scarsdale, N.Y. where they were called by the death of a friend. Miss Miriam Lathrop, Main road, spent the weekend at Williams- town, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eck and fam- ily have returned to their home at Shavertown after spending several weeks at Perrin Marsh. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Risley, Huntsville road, spent the weekend at Hanover, N.H. and Northamp- ton, Mass. Mrs. D. T. Scott and children of Huntsville road returned from High- land Lake, N. J., over the weekend. Durelle drove down and brought ‘them back. Miss Lois Kiefer has returned to her home at Shrineview after spending several weeks in New York City with her father. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis of Pioneer avenue are enjoying a trip through the Thousand Islands and other parts of Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur and daughter, Strayer spent several days this week at Cape Cod. Miss Norma Smith R: N. of Dan- | mother and Jolly are spending the ville is spending the week with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Robert Smith at Alexandria, Va., where she is tak- ing care of the new baby, Robin General and Mrs. Norman Smith will drive down over the Lynn. weekend and bring her home. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Heffernan of Lehman will spend the weekend at Tanglewood, Mass., where their daughter, Nancy is a member of the Tanglewood Chorus. Mr. and Mrs. David Jones of Hughestown and Mr. and Mrs. George Landon of Kunkle spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sweezy at Canfield, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Steiger of Brooklyn recently visited Mr. and Mrs. George Landon. The Steigers and the Landons were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Eggleston of Vernon. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Clark, Bar- bara and Pete of Baldwin street, Jim Huston, Billy Atherton, John McCole and Sally McCole are on a week’s trip through Canada. Dr. and Mrs. John Doane, Or- chard street, Trucksville, had as weekend guests Dr. Wilton Doane, Dr. and Mrs. John Doane Jr., Phila- delphia and Lee Allen of New York City. Lewis Jones who recently injured his arm has returned to his home at Harveys Lake after being a pa- tient at General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trethaway of Forty Fort have purchased the house formerly occupied by the Bednar family on the old Wash- burn Farm, West Dallas, and will move Back of the Mountain shortly. Sally Moyer of Lehman avenue has returned from Conyngham where she visited her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Benjam- in for several weeks. Bobbie is down there now. SHAVER THEATRE SHAVERTOWN FRI.-SAT. “Captain Carey, u. S. AY Alan Ladd, Wanda Hendrix Cartoon—Comedy—News MON.-TUES. “Young Man With a Horn” Kirk Douglas, Lauren Bacall Cartoon RH UR. an of Her Own” anwyck, John Lund Sally of Idetown, |On Machell avenue this week after Another Grandson For The Lewis LeGrands Born at the Nesbitt Hospital Wednesday morning, husky son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. LeGrand will join his brother and sister Richard Jr. and Mary Ruth within the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis LeGrand, Baldwin street. Richard is finishing his senior studies at Tri-State Engineering School, Angola, Indiana, will join his family later in the summer. Mrs. Logan E. Teeler, Richmond In- diana, Mrs. LeGrand’s mother ar- rived on Sunday, to be with her daughter for a week or ten days. Mrs. Richard LeGrand has been in Dallas since early May. James Besecker Is Surprised On Birthday James: Besecker was guest of honor at a surprise birthday party Saturday evening. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Dan Robinhold, Mr: Harry Ohlman and the Beseckers. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ely, Hosts At Outdoor Party Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ely of Lehman entertained a number of friends at a lawn party Sunday. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. J. Owen Ely. and children, Annette, Janet, Alan, Richard and Raymond of Newark, Del, Mrs. Peter Hospo- dar of Fort Lewis, Wash. Mrs. of Bloomsburg, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Yank of Berwick, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Souder of Demunds, Mrs. Ellen Souder and Harold, Vir- ginia Wilson of Dallas, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Nentzel, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Shupp, Ruth and Francis Nentzel and the Elys of Lehman. Hostess At Supper Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Garing- er of Harveys Lake entertained at an outdoor dinner and supper on Friday. Guests were: Mrs. Bertha Arnold, Miss Bertha Arnold, Thom- as Park, of Wilkes-Barre, Karen and Nancy Zeiss of Clarks Summit, Mrs. James Worth and Jimmie, Lina Garinger and Arnold Garinger of Harveys Lake. Herman Garinger has returned to his home at Harveys Lake after submitting to an operation at Gen- eral Hospital. / ; Zena Strub returned to her home spending a month at Brownie Scout Camp, Harveys Lake. She and her rest of the week at her grand- mother’s in Easton. Mike will drive down for them over the weekend. Mr. 'and Mrs. Kenneth Oliver and children of Huntsville are spending the week in Canada. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas E. Varker, Pioneer avenue, moved to 22 Mey-: ers street, Forty Fort. The Fred Howells of Shavertown have pur- chased the Varker home and will move in shortly. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson Coolbaugh and Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Kunkle recently visited Crystal Cave -and Miniature Village. Mrs. Lee Sheppardson and daugh- ter Peggy and Miss Fay Sheppard- son have returned to Danville, after spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Higgins of Harveys Lake. Miss Mary Kuchta and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Garinger, Harveys Lake, visited Mrs. Elizabeth York and family in Kingston Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Alan Kistler of Harveys Lake will have as weekend guests for the Kistler-Adams wed- ding Mrs. John West of Brooklyn, Mrs. Rita Wood of Red Bank, N.J., Mr. and Mrs. John Lees and Al- bert Adams of Douglaston, L.I. Mrs. James Kistler and Glenna of Sheeps Head Bay. Mrs. J. Machell Hildebrant of Bethlehem wlil spend the weekend visiting friends and relatives in Dal- las. "HIMMLER THEATRE Dallas, Pa. FRIDAY and SATURDAY “The Reformer and the Red Head” starring June Allyson and Dick Powell Cartoon and News MONDAY and TUESDAY “Gee Men” starring James Cagney Cartoon WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY “Tell It To The Judge” WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY with Rosiland Russell Mrs. Ruby Scouten Is Honored At Shower Mrs. Ruby Scouten was guest of honor at a shower given by Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Wyant of Noxen recently. Games were played and refreshments enjoyed. She received lovely gifts. Present were: Mrs. Shirley Moy- er, Mary Javers, Mrs. Lewis Jones, Mrs. Ricky Scouten, Mrs. Henrietta Deater, Mrs. Ruth Dymond, Mrs. Arlene Dymond, Mrs. Anna Patton, Mrs. Frank Scouten, Mrs. Nellie Scouten, Mrs. Helen Jackson, Mrs. Jean Dobbs, Mrs. Marion Wyant, Mrs, Audrey Patton, Mrs. Marion L. Wyant, Mrs. Charlotte Boston, Mrs. Sophie Hackline, Mrs. Joseph- ine Letters and the guest of honor. Earl Lozier Is Guest At Birthday Party Mr. and Mrs. Emery Lozier of Harveys Lake entertained at a wiener roast honoring their son, Earl who celebrated his birthday an- niversary last Saturday. Present were Robert, Ruth and Alice Wil- liams, Shirley Mae Sult, Junior Winters, Fred Oney, John Llewel- lyn, James Hunsinger, Arthur Scott, Marion Lozier, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Miller and Robert Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Austin Wertman, Mr. and Mrs. David Williams and David Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Williams, Arnold Garinger, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lozier, the Emery Loziers and Earl. Hoover Family Enjoys Annual Reunion at Lake The thirty-ninth annual reunion of the Hoover family was held at Harveys Lake picnic grounds Sat- urday, July 29. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Post Sr., Miss Lois Post, Miss Barbara Miers, Mrs. Helen J. Miers, Miss Janet Miers, Mrs. Joseph Ells- worth, Kingston; Mr, and Mrs. I R. Elston, Mrs. Henrietta Miller, Mrs. John Stevenson, George Stevenson, Bernard Hughes, Shav- ertown; Mrs.. Harold Payne,Gail and Sandra, Mr. and Mrs. Grover C. Anderson, Grover and Gary, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Grey, Mrs. Emma Hoover, Dorothy Hummell, Gladys Hummell, Mrs. Raymond Grey, Linda, Howard and Donald, Har- veys Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hoover, .Mrs. Harry Jones, Amos Hoover Edgar Hoover, Daniel Traver, Mrs. Robert Traver, Char- lotte Traver, Noxen; Elizabeth Mil- brodt, Esther Weaver, Erna Sor- ber, Robert Sorber, Mrs. Chris Mil- brodt, Emmett Milbrodt. Mrs. Roland Keithline and Ro- land Jr., Richard, Robert and Dorothy, Donald and Marilyn, Mrs. Bruce Crispell, Erma Crispell, Mrs. Willard Crispell, Beverly Crispell, Mr.: and Mrs. Robert Hoover, Iva Hoover, Kenneth Hoover, Dewey Hoover, Dan Hoover, Jesse Hoover and Phyllis, Mrs. Burton Wilcox, Outlet; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hoover, Roxie Hoover, Lester Hoover, Mrs. Floyd Hoover and Patsy, Mrs. Bruce Spencer, Nancy and Bruce Jr., Idetown; Mrs. Russell B. Wil- cox and son, Karl of S. Bound Brook, N. J.; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Crispell, Newark Valley, N. Y.; Nancy Jackson, Painted Post, N.Y.; James H. Montross, Endicott, N.Y. W.C.T.U. Meeting W.C.T.U. will meet Tuesday at 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs, Zel Gar- inger. Serving committee members: Mrs. Ray Shiber, Mrs: Edgar Brace, Mrs. Stanley Davies and Mrs. Wes- ley Himmler. Miss Daris Sadie Rossman Will Marry Arnold L. Swan Invitations have been issued for the marriage of Miss Daris Sadie Rossman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rossman, Outlet, and Arnold L. Swan, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Swan of Idetown. Rev. Frank K. Abbot, assisted by Rev. James Payne will perform the double ring ceremony in Idetown Methodist Church Friday, September 1 at 6 o'clock in the evening. Miss Irma Calkins will play the wedding march and Miss Sue Thomas will be vocalist. Miss Margaret Williams of Wilkes Barre, a former classmate of Miss Rossman’s at General Hospital School of Nursing, will be maid of honor and Miss Joan Reese of Hazleton, Mrs. Faith Doran, Ashley, also classmates, and Miss Ethel Ide of Idetown, will be brides- maids. Best man will be .Earl - Swan, brother of the . bridegroom, and Preston Swan, Joseph Yablonski, Willard Hoover and Philip Pascoe, ushers. Following the ceremony, a recep- tion for about two hundred guests will be held -at the home of the bride. Miss Rossman is a graduate of Lake Township High School. Mr. Swan was graduated from Leh- man High School and is employed at the Hudson Coal Company. The couple will reside in an apartment at Sweet Valley. Miss Shirley Alexander Becomes Bride of George Smith Saturday Mr. ‘and Mrs. Elmer Alexander of Reedsville, Pa., announce the mar- riage of their daughter, Shirley to George Smith Jr., son of George and the late Carrie Michaels Smith of Harveys Lake. Rev. David Morgan, former pas- tor of Alderson Methodist Church, performed the double ring cere- mony in Courtdale Methodist Church Saturday, August 5 at 7:30 p.m. At- tendants were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rauch of Alderson. The bride wore beige suit with matching accessories. Mrs. Rauch selected dusty rose suit. Following “the ceremony the couple left for a trip through the New England States and Block Is- land. Mrs. Smith is ‘a graduate of Lewistown High School and Lewis- town Hospital School of Nursing. She has been employed in the X- Ray room of the Hospital. Mr. Smith was graduated from Lake Township High School and Wilkes- Barre Business College. He has been connected with the Game Commission at Lewistown for the past fourteen years. The couple will reside at 625 West Fourth street, Lewistown. Betty Kepner Joins Staff At Hamilton Betty Kepner, R.N., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kepner, Goss Manor, is joining the surgical staff at the newly opened Hamilton Vet- eran’s Hospital in Brooklyn after spending a week with her parents in Dallas. Miss Kepner, a graduate of Provi- dence Hospital, Washington, D.C., '| has been for the past two years assistant in the operating room at Caledonian Hospital, Brooklyn. Kunkle Church Service Kunkle Methodist day at 7:30, with Madeline Tran- sue as soloist. Continuation of sum- mer services for the remainder of August will depend upon congre- gational response. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rauch of Harveys Lake entertained at sup- per on Wednesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Davis and Herbert Jr. of Chester, Pa. Church wil hold a regular church service Sun-? (ith || 80 sq. percales, values Mrs. Weaver Is Hostess ‘To Township Classmates Mrs. Charlotte Goldsmith Weaver of Star Route, Dallas recently enter- tained the class of ’'35 of Dallas Township at her home for a picnic luncheon. ‘Guests were: Mrs. Ann Mahler Bush and son Carl of Forty- Fort, Mrs. Alma Parrish Woolbert of Mt. Zion, Mrs. Martha Russ Smith, andison Willard Jr. of Fern- brook, Mrs, Elsie Garinger Rauch, and son Bradley and Mrs. Elsie Hig- gins Jones, both of Harveys Lake, Mrs. Liva Spencer Harris, sons Er- nest and Gary, of Dallas, and Miss Betty Jane Cooke of Philadelphia. “3 BROOK STREET” Trucksville Final Clearance OF Summer Cottons Wonderful values now mean big savings in the spring. —just back from New York ‘with 101 ideas for your fall wardrobe. Come in and select some- thing wonderful to start the season. Junior, misses and half sizes J. PHILLIPS Star-Lite DRIVE-IN THEATRE TUNKHANNOCK Next to Airport—Route 309 FRIDAY and SATURDAY August 11-12 “Susanna Pass” with Roy Rogers and Dale Evans News, Cartoon, Comedy and . Novelty SUNDAY and MONDAY August 13-14 “Red Stallion in the, Rockies” with Jean Heather and Jim Davis Added Comedy and 2 Cartoons TUESDAY August 15 DOUBLE FEATURE “Her Hushand’s Affairs” with Lucille Ball and Franchot Tone . “Dangerous Money” with Sidney Toler Also News WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY August 16-17 § “Whiplash” with Dane Clark and Alexis Smith Plus News and 2 Cartoons toon—Sport Also Sports Scope and Cartoon Sandy Beach Theatre FIRDAY and SATURDAY Dana Andrews Jean Peters In “Deep Waters” starring Caesar Ronero and Dean Stockwell Cartoon and News SUNDAY and MONDAY “Too Late For Tears” with Lizabeth Scott, Don Defore and Dan Duryea The screens toughest couple TUESDAY ONLY DOUBLE FEATURE “Here Gomes Trouble” starring William Tracy and Joe Soyer and Al Roach presents “Who Kill Doc Robins” in cinecolor “This will kill you with laughter.” WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY “Song of India” starring Turbin Dey and Gay Russell Also” Cartoon—“So You Want To Be a Baby Sitter” Two Shows Nightly Starting at 8:30 and 10:30 Children under Twelve - Admitted Free Bridge-Luncheon Mrs. Jack Barnes entertained a number of friends at a bridge luncheon at her home on Elmcrest Wednesday. Present were Mrs. William Hodgson, Mrs. James Huston, Mrs. Warren Meyers, Mrs. Ralph Dixon, Mrs. Ames Campbell, Mrs. Kern and the hostess. SALE ENDS SATURDAY, AUGUST (9TH Dan River Fabrics Vat Dyed, Sanforized Regular 79¢ yard—Now 49c¢ yard Bates Fabrics Vat Dyed, Sanforized Regular 98c yard—Now 69¢ yard 45-in. gaberdine—regular $1.89—Now 98c yard Dotted Swiss, values to 98c yard—Now 49c yard Dimity all colors, values to 79¢ yard, 49c yard HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL EDUCATIONAL TOYS GREAT REDUCTIONS ON ALL Juvenile furniture, carriages, cribs, strollers “Where a Dollar Does the Work of Two” GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES IN THE VALLEY Simon’s Mill End and Baby Shop MAIN STREET on i to 59¢ yard—39c yard LUZERNE, PA. Earl’s Drug Store Main Highway, Trucksviile Telephone 110 oi tow se @® Of course this is nota “high-priced’’ phar- macy. Sometimes pa- trons, impressed by our high ethical standards and professional atmos- phere, conclude that our prices, too, must be “in the stratosphere.” Ac- tually, you will find that it costs no more to have a prescription com- & pounded by our experts. : RELIABLE® - | “Woy Eom EA ARO ANTIQUE of DALLAS, PA., walnut what-not, tables, kitchen utensils. to mention. M. L. BUNNELL, Auctioneer Springville, Pa. Susq. Co. Having decided to move, I will offer a quantity of my personal property at Public Auction, located on the FERNBROOK ROAD, FERNBROOK, PA; also located across from the COLONIAL INN, 2 miles south AUGUST 19, 1950 At 1:00 P.M. Chest of cherry drawers, melodion, corner cupboard cherry wall mirrors, clocks, marble top dresser and wash stand, Cathedral bed, rush bottom chairs, platform rockers, sterling silver cake plate, many odd dishes of various colors and sets, two Boston rockers, cord bed, picture frames Hitchcock chairs, towel racks, dressers, book-case, 5-shelf E eight cane bottom chairs, four splint seated chairs, camphor bottles, studio couch, two drop leaf Many other items too numerous LENA McNEAL, Owner, R. D. 2, Trucksville, Pa. AUCTION DALLAS OUTDOOR THEATRE ROUTE 309 — ABOVE DALLAS SATURDAY “Buffalo Bill” in technicolor starring Joel McCrea, Maureen O’Hara and Thomas Mitchell A great show of thrill swept, reckless adventures of the plains. Two Shows, Starting at Dusk * SUNDAY and MONDAY | “Come To The Stahle” starring Loretta Young, Celeste Holm, Hugh Marlowe TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY “The Gallant Blade” in cinecolor with Victor Jory, Larry Parks and Marguerite Chapman THURSDAY and FRIDAY ‘Green Grass of Wyoming” starring Burl Ives, Peggy Cummins, Charles Coburn and Robert Arthur Two Shows Nightly Starting at Dusk Refreshments Playground—XKiddie Area Children under twelve admitted free. SHORTIE PAJAMAS Air Conditioned MID-SUMMER CLEARANCE SPECIAL VALUES ‘IN EVERY DEPARTMENT DRESSES—Values to $12.99—Reduced to $4.00 to $5.99 HALTERS—$1.00 to $1.29—Reduced 59c¢ to 89c¢ BLOUSES—SPECIAL PRICE $1.00, sizes 32 to 38 Asst. Colors 100 MAIN STREET, LUZERNE — PHONE 7-6318 LOT